Here I am, hastily dipping my toes into the uncertain world of makeup, not quite a beauty blogger but ready to take her first steps into a new blogging adventure. You see when I was typecast as a 'fashion blogger' I felt pigeonholed, after all while I speak about fashion my posts are mostly lifestyle orientated with the odd 'food and drink' post. Thus it should come as no surprise for me to state that I don't believe in blogging labels. I am able to talk about topics and review products that exist outside of the labels that the blogging world has given me. Now, those who know me might laugh, after all I am no make-up artist and under close inspection you might note that my foundation is not ... read more
Say No To Animal Testing With Limecrime
What It Was Like To Go Into Care Aged Ten
Ten, the age where 'tweens' are made, but you don't feel like a kid at all. In fact you feel old before your time, aware that while everyone around you are the 'kids' they deserve to be, you're trapped in the body of someone much older. Too young to handle responsibility but you have seen more of life than people twice your age have ever experienced and yet society still treats you like a kid. You feel damaged and broken from years of physical and emotional abuse, groomed by the woman who your father chose to call his wife. Soon you will forget to be honest with the ones that you love and care about and start telling lies, to protect yourself from the reality that you know you are living. ... read more
How To Create A Capsule Wardrobe With Aquascutum
I have never been one to follow trends or plea to 'buy' every designer bag going because ultimately I am a high street girl at heart. I live in Primark, Topshop and Miss Selfridge with the occasional 'Zara' buy but that dosen't mean that I don't like designer clothing, because I do. I have never been in a position where I would be able to 'afford' a designer bag because every penny, every pound that I work for is spent on rent, bills and travel. It would not be an exaggeration to say that I struggle with finances most months because my income fluctuates but I have always dreamt of having enough money to afford labels like Ellie Saab (haute couture gown realness) , Valentino (floral mania) ... read more
Why It’s Important To Find Your Own Style
I have never been one to follow trends dictated to me by 'stuffy fashion types' and have always been a firm believer in 'dressing for yourself' rather than others. And those sentiments still ring true today; in this day and age we have become homogeneous in our 'fashion creativity', merging into one, rather than being unique in the way that we present our personal style. Everywhere you go you see 'Instagram beauties' with the same makeup, wearing the same tight fitting clothing and the collectiveness of such a 'fashion type' is really quite eerie. When did we stop distinguishing ourselves from the crowd, when did we think it would be ok to copy the style of others and pass it off as our own? ... read more
An Open Letter To My Readers
Dear Readers, I will never forget the moment that I started blogging, a moment that would change my life forever . After graduating from university the month before, I felt empty and lost, like my life had no real purpose. It was nothing to do with 'finding a career' type hopelessness but the feeling of being alone. Despite living with friends, uni had come to an end and I knew that sooner or later we would love on with our lives and be connected only by a slim link, while being pulled into alternate worlds where education ceases to exist. We had officially become adults and for many it was a time of 'excitement' but for me I felt different, in fact I felt miserable. I was suffering from ... read more
What You Should Wear For A Casino Night Out
Like the famous saying goes ' I'm an all or nothing girl' and when it comes to 'nights out' I am dressed up to the nines. Its ironic to say the least that I will probably be the 'most overdressed' person for any occasion, especially when I am at home I am a massive slob. When people tell me its hard to believe I laugh because really the only time I wear makeup or 'dress up' is either for shoots or nights out at clubs, casinos, bars and events. The rest of the time I will be make-up free, in comfy mismatching clothes and warm fluffy socks and do you know what I don't care because who is going to see me when I am at home anyway? Apart from my poor housemates, god bless their souls; but I ... read more
10 Types Of Fuckboys You Will Find In The Dating World
We have all been there, met a guy we liked-whether that be online or in person- and realized that they are not as 'nice' as they make themselves out to be. Whether it be because they are hiding an extra girlfriend (or two) or just using you for sex, these fuckboys know how to trick you into being their side chick and trust me its not an easy situation to get yourself out of. I have been on enough dates to be able to spot a f***boy from a mile away and hit the ground running but sometimes I let my heart do the talking and the consequences are not pretty. Luckily after a string of disastrous dates, I decided enough was enough, my heart was no longer on loan and these f***boys were about to get ... read more
The Truth About The Second Date Club
Why does it always come to this? I finally meet a guy I like, who seems to like me back and then poof, as if by magic they disappear. Suddenly all the flashbacks from the nights past turn sour and I think to myself was it just me or was I on a different date? I shouldn’t do it but I always blame myself, thinking that I am unworthy of a second date, thinking why me. It depresses me and suddenly I am aware of being caught in the chasm of time. All around me friends are getting married, having children and here I am, unable to get past the second date club. I think to myself that I have finally found someone who likes me for who I am, but I guess I am always wrong. They laugh at my jokes, ... read more
How The 1960’s Fashion Revolution Inspired Modern Fashion
Not since the 1920's had an era so drastically altered its perception of style and attempted to separate itself entirely from the decades before. Prior to the 1960's, 50's fashion was characterized as prim, elegant but proper, with midi dresses and skirts, tea dresses and clothing that denoted what they called 'proper forms' of masculinity and femininity in terms of clothing choices. In the sixties it was like the world had woken up from its style slumber, colours became brighter or monochrome, geometric shapes inspired by various art movements like 'Op Art' became popular and a convergence of musical and digital media inspired tastes led to social and aesthetic led change, transforming the ... read more
Basic Bitches Not Wanted
I felt like my whole world had come crashing down, my baby that I had watched over for a year, snatched from me before my very eyes. I worked so god damn hard, only for it to disappear without warning or notice. You see the story began a year ago, I noticed that a group I had joined had so many members but the only posts that were visible in the feed were spam and porn. I had an idea to put up posts that members could join in and the response was phenomenal; a few days later I was contacted by the original founder and creator of the group, Bloggers United who asked me to assist her, by creating threads. I did more than that, as soon as I was made admin I cleared at least four months worth of ... read more
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