I am blessed to have biological heritage that originates from the 'paradise on earth' that they call 'Madeira'. Despite growing up in an English family aged ten, I was also aware of my Portuguese roots and throughout my childhood years had traveled to Madeira until my passport was destroyed by my stepmother, but that's a half a decade battle for 'citizen status' that I wont go into right now.Still I digress; it might not be a 'ravers haven' and you're more likely to go 'hiking' than partying but for someone like myself who prefers swimming in the sea or long mountain hikes to getting rat arse drunk, it's little wonder that I have so much love for my parents homeland. One of the best places ... read more
10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Madeira This Summer
Spa Seekers Event At The Mayfair Hotel
After quitting my job to blog full time I was scared but strangely exhilarated. Despite the large dent in my bank account and impending rent and bills looming over my head, I relished the challenges that each day brought. No longer were my days confined by routine and instead I could be free to make each moment different to the next; in short full time blogging meant that no two days were the same. We often question, when it comes to making large decisions whether we made the right choice but the truth is we are scared of the unknown and that's ok. Leaving the security of a full time job can be frightening but it is something I would recommend to anyone who is in a job that does not ... read more
How Childhood Abuse Turned Me Into A Warrior
I was a young girl, torn apart from her parents and plunged into the realm of the unknown. Born into a broken home, I found myself constantly searching for a home to call my own, afraid to mark somewhere as mine, when so many things had been taken from me. I was raised by a single dad aged 2 (and a half), childminded until I was 4, abused by my dads wife E until I was 10 and raised in care until I was 18. Is it little wonder then that in the space of 5 years I have moved 8 times, in search of my forever home, only to find my dream had never existed in the first place. You see I saw my life through numbers; my age was not a milestone but a memory of what life once was. But do I regret the ... read more
Why Dining Rooms Could Save Us From Technology
It seems ironic that a 23 year old woman who lives in a house share should talk to her readers about interior design and planning her future home but the truth is I have always been interested in 'interiors'. Growing up my foster mum made sure that I was 'hands on' and taught me how to paint, garden and do basic housing renovations. After all she believed that there was more to chores than just 'washing up' and I couldn't have agreed more. Naturally moving to London means that it has been a while since I have seen a 'dining room' but as someone who lives half of her life in a fantasy world, I don't see any harm in some good ol' fashioned make believe. When I went into care aged 10 I settled ... read more
Faded Spring’s Love Affair With Rose Gold
Up until I was 18 I was disinterested in jewellery and while I saw 'it as pretty' I never made the effort to accessorize my outfits with earrings, rings and bangles as I do now. I was never much of a silver or gold fan and while my birth stone 'sapphire' was beautiful, it still lacked the appeal that drew me to fashion in the first place. But then out of nowhere I discovered rose gold, glistening like copper, reddish-pink in tone. It held mystical properties and stood out from the crowd of gold and silver that my peers seemed to favour. It was delicate, feminine yet unisex too and brought into the 90's minimalism that was popular at the time. Suddenly I began lavishing myself with simple ... read more
Dating Disasters With Tiffany: He Cheated On Our First Date!
I think we have well and truly established that there are some total 'fuckboys' and 'fuckgirls' out in the dating world that give us 'Good un's' a bad rep. From men who force you to babysit his kid, to being stood up, through to worst first dates and cringey chat up lines, it is clear that the dating pool is a tricky sea to navigate. Lets face it, the majority of us have had some form of harassment, unwanted attention or dates that have gone wrong but have you ever been cheated on... right in front of you? I have been cheated on several times in relationships and have met many a fuckboy in my time but unlike poor Tiffany I have never had my date make out with someone else in front of me! ... read more
Getting Ready For Summer With OD Clothing
Ah summer, the season of love, sun, sea and vitamin D. Where else but summer can you find a holiday romance or leave the rainy confines of England for a more 'sunnier clime'? What I love about summer is how it changes the people around you; suddenly those banker wankers are all loosened up and that constant grimace they seem to have on their faces like they have just farted seem to relax into Cheshire cat grins. But no wonder tourists call us 'miserable and reserved', when an absence of sunshine correlates with lack of sleep and gruelling work hours should we cut this city boys a little bit of slack? After all 12 hour days are never fun. Luckily I have quite the passion for 'imaginary ... read more
10 Ways To Make Money From Home
How To Make Money From Home Let's face it, in our current economic climate, a steady pay packet seems to be a thing of the past. In fact 4.8 million of the UK's population have listed themselves as 'self-employed' or freelancers in ONS ( Office For National Statistics) 2017 'employment survey' meaning that there are more of us trying to stand out from the crowd. We all dare to dream but for many of us the road to success is a long and fractured road. While some 'give up' the freelance lifestyle because of its lack of 'steady income' for many being self-employed is a way of retaining creative and administrative control over our own business ventures. As my readers know I quit my full ... read more
Dating Disasters With Faded Spring: Worst Chat Up Lines
Let's face it, since the dawn of time where the caveman grunted out his affection for the cavewoman, us women have been inundated with catcalls, cheesy pick up lines and offhand comments that have made us question said catcaller's sanity. I can't be the only one who cringes every time someone tries to act 'all suave' and comes out with a chat up line that is cheesier than the good ol' Stilton I am currently scoffing. It makes my toes curl and my heart shrivel, in short I am not a massive fan of chat up lines. I might be what you call a 'realist pessimist' but for others they adore chat up lines and no matter how cheesy they are, their hearts burst with joy. Regardless, we are all different ... read more
DMK Bespoke Skin Nutrition Facial
Since moving to London last summer, my skin has suffered from constant exposure to pollution, dust mites and harsh chemicals with have created an imbalance in skin tone and appearance. Prior to moving to London I was still prone to break outs but I have noticed that the city climate has not only enlarged my pores but has also made it more susceptible to 'redness' and 'inflammation'. Naturally, specialists would determine that I need 'daily facials' to protect against pollution, but being on a budget means that spa's and clinic visits are a rarity. While I use cruelty free products, my skincare routine is simple for fear of irritating my sensitive and oily combination skin. So when Skin ... read more
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