From a young age my relationship with money has been 'complicated'; from being in my overdraft 95% of the time to having been on the verge of homeliness, me and 'finances' haven't always got along. I grew up having to work for my money and not much has changed over the years. While I had disposable income as a teen and even at university at times, graduating from university and moving to London, truly opened my eyes to what it really meant to be 'poor'. I lived in squalid accommodation that was infested with bed bugs and mice, until I had clocked enough hours in a job that had made me unhappy to be able to afford to move to a nicer home and when I eventually found it, and quit my full time ... read more
Faded Spring’s Financial Targets For 2018 With Squirrel
Stand Up For Animals With International Animal Rights Day
International Animal Rights Day 2017: 10th December Picture the scene. Babies taken from their mothers and slaughtered, covered in blood, another victim of human tyranny. Wailing animals crying out in pain, animals abused and silenced, animals taken for granted and their free will taken away. You hear their cries but your tears mingle with the crowd, already you are turning away, running from what you don't understand. You have pets at home, a dog and cat that you love and cherish,that you shower with love. If anything happened to your babies you would feel broken, a former shell of yourself, they are your children. But then something does happen, a burglar breaks into your home and ... read more
Faded Spring’s Christmas Gift Guide For Him
Whether you are happily married or have found a random stranger in the bush, finding that man in your life a special gift is near impossible. Brothers turn up their nose at the video games you have given them, sons cry when you dare to give them something other than £100 million pounds and husbands/partners/lovers are the trickiest male bunch of all. Not to mention the struggles of buying a new partner a gift, especially when you barely know what his middle name is, let alone what he would like for Christmas. Well fear not, I aka the ultimate source of all things man- translation, I know f**k all- am here to give you the helping hand that you desperately crave. Whether that be gifting beer ... read more
Warming Up My Winter Adventures With Summit To Eat
I used to dream of adventuring around the world, dipping into unknown terrains and exploring the environment around me with the eyes of newborn child. There would be hikes round hilly mountains, shrouded in vibrant green moss, there would be dives in clear blue crystal waters and there would be slip and slides among the worlds most beautiful glaciers, slowly dissipating into water. But then those travel dreams got locked away in a small wooden box and pushed to the back of my mind, while life came and took a big dump on all hopes and dreams. But who says all adventures have to be 'abroad anyway'? After all you can have plenty of adventures during winter at home too! I remember when I was ... read more
The Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide For Mermaid Lovers
When I was younger, I envisioned myself to be at one with the sea, swimming in and out of the waves, like a mermaid. On land I was just as an ordinary girl, fading into the monotonous background of office drones, desensitized to themselves and the people around them but in the water I would come alive. The sea would form foamy waves around me and I would wriggle around the sea shore, plunging into the icy depths of the unknown, to explore a world best kept underground. Would I find the Lost City of Atlantis, or would I find the ultimate Christmas Gift Guide For Mermaid Lovers that would help transform me into the magical mermaid that I had always dreamed of becoming? I would channel my inner ... read more
A Taste Of South East Asia At Nusa Kitchen
Nusa Kitchen is a rare breed of culinary delight; founded by a mother and son partnership (Patou and Mark) in 2004, Patou and Mark sought to bring a taste of South East Asia to ravenous 'city workers in London'. What started as a 'mere soup kitchen', inspired by Patou's lunch time school treats at the tuck shop, transformed into a popular chain franchise, which includes treats like laska's, coconut rice and noodle broths, all made fresh on a daily basis. While there is a variety of meat options available at Nusa Kitchen like Thai Style Crushed Chilli Chicken, unsurprisingly Nusa Kitchen is also popular with vegans and vegetarians who are able to try Singaporean/Malaysian vegetarian options ... read more
Would Faded Spring Ever Move Abroad?
As the rain drizzles down my window pane I sigh and moan, yet another dreary day, permeated by dusty grey clouds, with no sunshine to be found. The leaves begin to fade away and the damp of winter threatens ever closer, as the trees are stripped bare from all decoration. The wind is laced with ice and biting cold, nibbling at me with vindictive vengeance, reminding me that summer is nothing but a distant memory. I pack away the floral swimsuits and the inflatable swans and drag out the sturdy wellington boots and the thick faux fur coats, summer is well and truly over. 2017 was meant to be my year of travel, but that dream dissipated into murky mush, within mere weeks. As I flick through ... read more
The Truth About Male Infertility:Are You Fertility Aware?
When it comes to male infertility, chances are you would have been kept in the dark. Contrary to public perception and media appropriated stereotypes, men are just as likely as females to be 'infertile', with 50 % of 'UK couples' needing IVF treatment due to the male being 'infertile'. Yet in a study conducted by DR Liberty Barnes who was researching 'male infertility' for her book ' Conceiving Masculinity: Male Infertility, Medicine, and Identity' the acclaimed sociologist found that 'men are rendered invisible in our collective imagination when it comes to reproduction' which makes sense considering considering the lack of resources that are geared towards men who are infertile. But why ... read more
My First Vegetarian Poké Bowl Experience At Ahi Poké
My First Vegetarian Poké Bowl Experience As someone who lives, breathes and dreams about food 100 % of the time, when it comes to being the first to sign up for restaurant, cafe and food subscription box reviews, you can guarantee that I am there, at the front of the queue. From being nicknamed the 'human hoover' who can fashion an entire meal out of somebody else's scraps, to creating shrines to food in my dreams, when it comes to 'vegetarian cuisine' it seems like I am a dab hand. I was always told off for being such a greedy little pig when I was younger so it almost seems ironic that I am getting rewarded for my 'greedy ways', but then again I'm not complaining. You see I'm that ... read more
What To Wear On A First Date In Winter
Knowing What To Wear On A First Date In Winter, can be a tricky feat to master. After all, is it just me who has a strong urge to shut out the world and pretend that the outside just doesn't exist? Or maybe its just me who wishes she didn't have to shave her legs every 5 seconds and would rather come dressed as a giant blanket instead. Nope just me. When it comes to 'getting past the first or second date club' i'm under no illusions that I have the advice to take you from single to married in 10 minutes, so I would rather share some tips with you that I can actually talk good shit about and that is fashion. While turning up in a breathtaking £1,000 Ellie Saab dress might not be the best ... read more
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