From guys turning dates into ‘baby mommas’ to just being plain ass rude, your responses to ‘My Worst First Date‘ were hilair! You had me weeping with laughter and many of you reached out to me with stories of your own, from the girl who was demanding as f**k to the guy who cheated on his date… in front of her, your worst date stories have shown me how we are all in this merry band club together. So the next time that you fantasize about sticking your dates head down the toilet, just get your ass calmly out of there and keep on walking with your head held high. Besides us bloggers know, that every tragic date makes a stellar blog post, even if its not so funny at the time.
Meet Yvonne; self- described as a crazy Texan ‘Chica’, Yvonne set up her blog ‘Tejanamaluca‘ as an authentic space where she could be free to explore her many passions including fashion & writing, and add ‘her own strokes of lovely to this cosmic landscape’. While her topics tend to lean towards fashion and philosophical or social issues, Yvonne wanted to branch outside of her comfort zone and share her worst ‘not first date, date’ with us here at Faded Spring, as she thought it might make us laugh. Without further ado, let the ‘Dating Games’ begin…

Yvonne Cruz
Hi my name is Yvonne and this is the story not of a ‘first date’, but of a ‘last date’.I had gone on a couple of dates with this guy and in retrospect, they were a couple of dates too many. To put it succinctly this guy was an asshole. He was condescending in every interaction, leaving me feeling small. After every hang out I would ask myself “Did I enjoy myself? I don’t think he did. I’m not sure he even likes me.”(Side note, if you are asking yourself those questions after any date you should first immediately kick them to the curb and second check in with yourself to make sure you have enough self-love to NEVER entertain that type of behavior again.)For whatever crazy reason I decided to go on yet one more date with a guy that was rude and only reached out to me when he was bored. Charming.
We had arranged for him to pick me up from my place for a trip to the museum. Well, when I stepped into his car to my surprise there was a small child around 4 years old or so in the backseat! Turns out it was his son. A SON HE NEVER MENTIONED even though we had already gone on several dates! Call me crazy but I think having a kid is a pretty important detail worth mentioning off the bat. I only knew it was his son because the little boy called him “daddy” as my date failed to even introduce me to the boy during the whole car ride.
After getting lost, we made it to the museum. (Which he blamed me for even though he was the one driving.) We stopped by the museum café to grab a bite since the little boy was hungry. As his son ate, my date made no attempt to talk to me and was curt with my attempts at starting up conversation. He seemed in a bad mood from the moment I stepped into his car and it wasn’t getting any better. When it was time to enter the exhibit the little boy became fussy; the boy dropped to the floor and wouldn’t move. Instead of addressing the fit his son was having in the middle of the museum, my date ignored it and proceed to walk into the exhibit. I wasn’t going to leave this 4 year old alone or make an already embarrassing situation worse so I picked up the little boy and we proceeded into the exhibit together.
I ended up carrying him through the entire exhibit, doing my best to enjoy the artwork while looking after this kid. Meanwhile, my date went off by himself to enjoy the exhibit unencumbered by the responsibility of looking after his son. He spent the whole time in different rooms than us (seeing as I was carry a child I wasn’t moving as fast) and never once bothered to come check on us. We ended the museum trip with a visit to the gift shop during which I spent the whole time making sure the little boy didn’t break anything as his father was of course paying no attention.
The little boy and I bonded more that day than his father and I did. When they dropped me off at my house the boy said he wanted to go back sometime to the museum with me! There were no such kind words from his dad, in fact there weren’t many words from him period that day. He said goodbye to me with no hug and unceremonious “later.” But no sir! There would not be a later. I remember walking into my house and laughing my butt off at how ridiculously bad that date was.
I legit babysat this kid, a kid I didn’t even know existed until that very day, so this man could enjoy the museum on his own! My arms hurt from carrying the boy around all afternoon but they didn’t hurt as much as my ego. Essentially, my whole experience of dating him was pretty awful but it was the last time I ever wasted time on someone who treated me so poorly. I learned to value myself so much more than that. And hey, I got this pretty hilariously bad dating story out it!
Poor Yvonne, I might have had a guy who had a ridiculously inflated ego but at least he didn’t make me babysit his kid! Ladies, get yourself a man that is honest and upfront and respects you enough to share their ‘story’ with you and above all asks for your permission before dumping their unwanted baggage on you. In all fairness Yvonne, you should have just kidnapped his kid and seen whether he would ‘notice’ his missing child then. Poor kid. Give it up to the endearingly fabulous Yvonne, who has entertained us with her dating woes. Here’s hoping that her message of loving ourselves enough to know our own self-worth sticks with us all so that we can all learn from our past mistakes!
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Read Yvonne’s Blog Tejana Maluca
What Are Your Thoughts On Yvonne’s Dating Disaster? Have You Ever Babysat Someone’s Kid During Your First Date?
Wow that’s such a crazy dating experience. At least you learned how to make yourself a priority.
Right? Some life lessons you have to learn the hard way!
This has bought back awful memories of one of my own terrible dating experiences (of which there has been hundreds, I have to admit) with a guy with a kid. He was the sole parent, and he was very upfront with me about the child – but our “dates” were always daytime dates with the child in tow, so I didn’t feel like I really got to know him properly at all, if you know what I mean… 😉 plus it was like I was forced into being a mummy replacement straightaway – the child was asking me if we could hang out the next day or the next weekend, and he always wanted to hold my hand or sit next to me in the restaurant (Pizza Hut/McDonalds, family friendly places!)… It freaked me out big time!! x
Oh Crikey. Yvonnes date takes the biscuit. I can’t imagine what a date like that must have been like……….Actually that wasn’t a date that was a cheeky pest of a Fu..boy having the nerve to get a babysitter without actually asking her.
I later learned from a mutual friend that that guy has done that to other women he’s dated in the past- treated them like defacto babysitters!
Yvonne needs a good pat on the back for not losing her cool despite a very weird date experience. Guys like that should not be given any more chances for another date. Thanks for sharing her story. Another lesson learned that we should love ourselves more.
Holy wow! As a parent, Yvonne, I can say that guy didn’t seem to care much for anything but himself. How rude!
Yeah. As a guy, I felt embarrassed and ashamed at how my gender performed here. But it definitely made for a great story, right? And a good life is one made for the story… #justification
I didn’t exactly babysit a child on a date. I have been on a second date where the date did bring the child with her, although she didn’t expect me to babysit. She did want me to bond with the child right away. It was very uncomfortable as I was thinking I was meeting her and her family would be taking her child while I spent some time with her. Instead, it was an attempt to make me bond with her child. That was difficult.
wow well thats a first! Im surprised she didnt lose it!
Gasp!!! Warning! Warning! This kind of men is generally convinced to be at the center of the universe and that taking charge of his problems/business must be a privilege for any woman.
Better to be a friend of the kid than having an affair with the dad!
I love this chica by the way, and I’m already in love with her blog! Thank you, Ana, for introducing her.
Yup, he was pretty conceited.
And thank you so much for checking out my blog! I’m glad you liked it!
Oh my, what a story! Poor Yvonne, and, most of all, poor kid for having such a guy as his father!
Totally. I left that dating feeling sorry for his kid! 🙁
Oh wow, now that is a bad date story! I’ve had a fair few dating disasters too! x
I would love to hear them! 🙂 xx
Wow! Free childcare, what a great girl you are Yvonne! 😉 I’m glad you got yourself out of that! xxx
Noooooo!! Oh god this is awful!! What a thing to happen on a first date!! I saw in the comments he had done it to other women too? How about he pays a baby sitter in future!!
My goodness!! It makes me cringe that people like that exist, who wouldn’t think of any other person except for themselves.
I often question people’s sanity, I mean really. Who behaves like that! All I can say is that Yvonne is a saint for sticking around as long as she did – at least the poor little boy got to enjoy his day as it doesn’t seem like he gets to have much fun with his dad normally.
Thats very very weird. Shocking not letting your date knlw about a son before even bringing him. But what I thought was funny that is how she manage to stay calm the whole time. Haha I would just leave…