Dealing with rejection is no easy feat and being told that you are not good enough is hardly cause for celebration. Yet over the years I have come to realize that rejection is all part of what I like to call the ‘Game of Life’. We can be rejected by our peers, by the ones we love and by people we haven’t even met, who dismiss our profile with one quick click. We are rebuffed by former lovers or told by employees that we are not what they are looking for and as a result can feel hurt, angry and sad. It is perfectly normal to feel ‘rejected’ and whether that is through being turned down for your dream job or finding out that the one you love is with someone else, life does get better I promise. I have lost count of the amount of times that I have been told I am not the perfect match for a job or watch someone I really like get with a good friend instead. Rather than brushing it off and pretending I am ok like I used to, I have other more healthy ways of dealing with rejection that have made me stronger as a result.
I used to take every rejection as a personal insult against my character but when I found out that even JK Rowling has been rejected on numerous occasions it made me certain that rejection is a natural part of growing up. Only last week I was told that despite my strong interview skills, winning personality and relevant experience, I didn’t quite make the cut. Yet unlike my former self who would have raged at the world and given up hope, I took it as a positive experience. At the end of the day every rejection offers you a blessing in disguise. Did it ever occur to you that maybe some relationships are not meant to be or a job that seemed perfect at the time would be a nightmare to handle a few months down the line? As cheesy as it sounds I am a big believer in destiny and believe that ‘everything happens for a reason’.
Types Of Rejection
- Unrequited Love
- Online Dating/ Dating
- Interviews/ Work Related
- Casting/ Auditions
- Relationships
- Financial Bursaries
& many many more …..
How To Deal With Rejection…
The big ‘R ‘ word is a bitter pill to swallow but it is rejection that helps us truly appreciate the successes that we capitalize on. After all if you were given every opportunity that you went after, wouldn’t that give you less of an incentive to work hard and be grateful for how successful you have become? Remember success is personal not materialistic and despite us being rejected for a well paid job it does not mean that you are not good enough. For me success is defined on a personal level and its about how you feel in yourself. On a financial basis I barely have enough money to pay my rent each month but on a personal level I have won awards, have a loyal community of followers and still work a full time job. Thus posing the question, rejection might be often connected to love and finances but does it mean that if the two are absent from our lives that we are not seen as ‘successful enough’? Well no of course not, as long as you make peace with your circumstances but still have the courage to fight for your dreams, optimism will win in the face of rejection.
… If you have a crush but its unrequited
I used to live life in fear and was often afraid to tell guys how I felt about them because I was scared of being ridiculed. I would openly shun dating apps and think that those who found love online did not know what true love felt like. But I was completely wrong and it was immature of me to think that people were losers if they didn’t date in the traditional sense. Of course now I am far more open and believe that online dating-while not an option for some-should never be counted out just because someone tells you so. You have your own mind so go for it. Which leads me onto my next point- and yes I promise there is a point- if you like someone you should tell them, because otherwise you waste so much time wondering about the what if’s and feeling bitter about what could have been. Don’t be a bitter betty, I wish I had been more open about my emotions growing up but I am thankful that I have learnt to accept rejection as a natural progression of lives little milestones.
My advice would be to do what I do now and make it clear if you like someone. If they don’t like you back then that is fine, move onto someone else haha. All jokes aside and I speak from personal experience, I used to think I was in love with a good male friend of mine who dated another good friend of mine for about a year. It turned out he had liked me the whole time and was just with this girl to A. make me jealous and B. to get closer to me. If we had both been honest about our feelings at the beginning then maybe it would have been me he had dated and not my (ex friend). In a way though I am glad that nothing happened because I have no feelings for him any more and haven’t in a while yet we are still good friends and talk on a daily basis. We have both realized now that we should be more open with each other and not be scared to tell the truth. Still you live and you learn…
If You Got Turned Down For Your Dream Job
As I spoke about quite passionately in Why New Year’s Resolutions Are Overrated‘, I believe in setting continuous goals that focus on taking ‘action’ rather than ‘passive’ resolutions that will be broken straight away. Thus one of my ongoing goals is to find a better day job that can help me grow as a blogger and improve my skills and confidence in digital media. After applying for what seemed like 500 jobs, a few got back to me requesting interviews and one particular role had my heart a flutter. It was for a digital media agency and the role was a Digital Media and Blogger Outreach Executive, which was a job I knew I could be good at. Despite the strong interview I knew that deep down they had already got someone else lined up and when I received the email to say I did not get through to the next stage I simply said to myself ‘its ok, its ok’.
I wasn’t reassuring myself but instead verifying that the rejection did not make me a failure nor should I take it personally. Instead I looked at the positives where the interviewer had listed all my redeeming qualities and used it as a mantra that would remind me of my strengths in time of need. Thus being able to see the ‘good’ in a bad situation will allow you to develop a thicker skin and help you go forward for more opportunities. In the past when receiving countless rejection emails I let it get the best of me and it would take me a great deal of time to get back on the horse. Yet this time round I jumped back in the saddle and applied for more roles, even ones that I might not have been the most qualified for because it allows me to build my confidence back up.
… If someone swipes left on your Tinder profile
So you matched to your perfect guy and he doesn’t like you back? So what?! I spoke strongly about my dislike of online dating in ‘Would You Date Offline’ in the past but I admit that in recent months my attitudes to dating online has changed and I respect it as a facilitator of many successful relationships. But I digress, just like not everyone wants to be your friend it is the same with dating apps. Imagine dating apps like Tinder as a kind of ‘free for all buffet’; with so much choice the one you yearn for might not message you back but that is ok. In fact there are many people who I would never message on dating apps because they don’t seem like my type on paper but after getting to know them I can feel attracted to their ‘winning personality’. There is a perfect match for you, just don’t get too down on yourself, simply because you are not getting much attention ‘online’.
Think of online dating as a crash course in do’s and dont’s of interacting with a ‘potential match’. After all the bonuses of dating online is that you never have to meet them or even go for a second date if you don’t feel like there is a spark. Just take rejection with a pinch of salt, which is exactly what I will be doing when I go speed dating with my friend next week (eek).
If Someone Doesn’t Like You ( Platonically)
Growing up I wanted to be everyone’s friend and when someone made it quite clear that they didn’t like me I would feel offended and often feel hurt and upset. Today its a different story and I have learnt the value of a true friend. I used to think that the more people I had around me, the more I could look like I was popular and it be verification that everyone was my ‘friend’. Of course now I know that is not true and realize that popularity is just an urban myth because in reality cliques are made up of people who pretend to be friends with the so called ‘populars’ just to ‘look cool’. In reality for many of us we will have very few friends and the older I get the more I cherish the true friendships I have. Its like telling the difference between a ‘travel buddy’ and your bestie, there is really no comparison. I don’t take it personally when someone doesn’t like me anymore because quite frankly we are all attracted to different kinds of people even on a platonic basis. So you may think that someone being indifferent is being rude but just like love matches it is all curated on a ‘attraction basis’. Think about it, why else are introverts naturally attracted to extroverts and extroverts clash with extroverts? Because there always has to be balance even in friendship.
How Do You Deal With Rejection?
Shop The Look
Rejection is so hard to deal with and I used to let it really get me down (still do to some extent) but when ever it happens I just tell myself that it wasn’t meant to be x
I take rejection hard; so reading this post really hit home for me. I know I shouldn’t be so hard on myself but I always am. However reading this made me re-think how I deal with it. Thanks for such a wonderfully written post.
Rejection is so hard to deal with. In my late teens I was a model and I learnt to live with rejection very quickly. I thought that I was quite resilient until my marriage ended in my twenties, I felt so utterly rejected and it destroyed my self esteem completely.
I certainly agree with having ‘true friends’ I don’t have many people around me but I came to learn that it’s better to have a good few than many who really don’t bring much joy into my life. I do sometimes take it personally if I experience rejection but I think it’s normal for us as human beings to want to be liked. I try and dust myself down and move on 🙂
Some rejections are harder than others. I find work-placed harder. I grew up knowing no matter how nice or funny you are, there will always be someone who doesn’t like you and that’s ok. Just be yourself and stay true to you – as cheesy as that sounds! I’m starting to believe things do happen for a reason. Just as much as another candidate might seem better, that particular employer might not be best for me either x
Rejection is a horrible feeling, it’s one I fear! I’m not particularly good at dealing with it and it can make me become quite paranoid depending on the situation. I’m definitely going to take your advice onboard, such a lovely post.
Emily x
Rejection is not easy. The worst form of rejection which hurts the most is ghosting. Where someone you have been seeing just cuts you off completely without even a word
I used to be like you and take rejection very personally and let it make me feel like I wasn’t good enough. It took me a long time to learn that it didn’t mean that I wasn’t good enough, that many times it simply meant that the person, the job or the situation wasn’t right for me and there was a better one waiting for me in the near future. I
I think you are choosing a really healthy way to deal with rejection. It’s not an easy thing to deal with but sometimes it just means that better things are in store for you and it also means that you appreciate the accomplishments in your life that much more x
Rejection is hard to deal with it, but it’s something we all have to go through at some stage. And as they say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger x
I feel people have run out of good things to say to each other, even when it comes to comforting. Anyways, with rejection, there comes a point where we grow out of it and become indifferent. That’s how I have been able to deal with some of such scenarios in my life at least.
Like how you’ve paired that dress and that purse! Your headband is cute too! 🙂 x
Jadirah Sarmad at Jasmine Catches Butterflies ʚϊɞ
You are so right that rejection is a part of life for everyone. If we don’t do things because were afraid of it, we are losing out. And yes online dating … has it’s ups and downs. I do, though, know of a couple who got married and met on Tinder. So … love is possible there.
Such an interesting read. this is a great helpful post when you are unsure how to handle it as I find it beneficial to read somebody elses viewpoints and experiences.
Rejection is one of life’s low points but I firmly believe that whatever doesn’t break you makes you!
Rejection is such a horrible experience to deal with, especially if there is a lot of trust involved. I think everyone experienced some kind of rejection in their lives and although it hurts, I always look at is as a valuable lesson learned and that there is always something way better down the road.
The anticipation. The hope. The optimism. The wait. The loooong wait. And then the bad news.
I’ve had a couple of moments like this recently (job interviews), but, like you say, it’s part of life.
The crush is rotten but I try not to let the sting hurt for too long. Life is too short and I am worthy of better things!
Rejection is never easy. I always believe that if I get rejected it is because something better is meant to be. Great post.
This is a tough subject to tackle but you have done it so well. As a writer, I am having to learn to deal with rejection all the time and it is so hard! Every time it happens it knocks my self-esteem but your words were very useful. Thank you.
Rejection hurts so badly because often it feels like failure. When I began to realise that rejection wasn’t always personal it allowed me to cope with it better.
I really liked the part about J.K.Rowling. She is such an inspiration in showing what she could do.
That dress is drop dead gorgeous on you! I love it. You look totally rock it, looks beautiful.
Great post. Rejection is hard. Everyone wants to feel wanted.
rejection of any kind is never easy. I have been out of work for a while and interviewing like crazy, but still nothing has happened. I have a Master’s Degree and I am still getting rejected for jobs that I would easily be able to do within my field. We need to use rejection to make ourselves stronger and improve upon ourselves.
Rejection is hard to deal because it hurt physically and mentally, but you’re gifted and tangled and beautiful stay strong and Thank you for sharing this God bless
Rejection is so hard to deal with and it is something I take personally. I do think though that as I’ve got older and have more life experiences it becomes easier to deal with.
Rejection isn’t always easy and I like to take it with a pinch of salt. Talking really helps, my mum has helped me lots of times
I agree all forms of rejection just plain stink in life. Time heals the hurt as long as you are able to not let it effect your outlook on life. Don’t dwell on it for too long.
Rejection happens quite often, especially in blogging and you really do need to learn to brush it off
I’m newly dating and last time I tried there weren’t nearly so many ways to get rejected! Thanks for the advice
rejection is never nice or easy, love your dress
Rejection is very hard for most people. I’ve had experienced quite a lot of rejections in my past and I remember not being able to handle it properly when I was younger. Now, I just tell myself that it wasn’t meant to be and something greater is about to come my way.
Belle | One Awesome Momma
So true we all go through just not many people talk about it openly!
This is a fantastic post. Such helpful tips & points. Plus, that dress is AMAZING.
It’s been ages since I’ve heard the term bitter betty. I have not dealt with a lot of rejection in my time, but I do feel it’s partial because I am holding myself back to afraid to make the move. Definitely need to get over that. Rejection is part of the process.
Very thoughtful post, it reminded me of a time when I was particularly low in self confidence and was finding it hard to keep up with all the negativity going on in my life, which made it harder to deal with rejection.
I haven’t always been the best at rejection. It always stings to be turned down, no matter the reason/situation. I am learning to have a thicker skin, however, and that if someone turns me away, it’s their loss!
Hmm dealing with rejection, I just pretend they never existed
Dealing with rejection is very challenging especially when you’re young. I’m glad you know how to handle it beautifully.
I think your personal level of maturity also has a lot to do with how you personally deal with rejection. I’ve always been pretty lucky to have an amazing outlook on life and things just really don’t bother me. A blessing or curse??
These are great tips for dealing with rejection!! I have found as I get older that I don’t take rejection as hard as I used to. I have finally learned that not everyone will like me and am ok with that. Took many many years to get to this point though.
I like that– Don’t be a bitter betty!
I feel like we have so much in common Ana!
I am inspired by your openness! It’s such a beautiful thing.
No one likes being rejected, it’s how we react to that rejection that can either make us better or bitter! I have a hard time with rejection as well. I constantly question whether I could’ve done something different but truthfully, I’d rather be myself.
What a beautiful post .. I couldn’t help but identify. For the longest time I felt bummed when I was rejected .. until I realized that in every case .. the thing I wanted so badly in the moment wouldn’t have been best for me in the long run. Thanks so much for the reminder!
This is a great post and something we don’t often talk about! We all will face rejection at some point but remaining positivity and not letting it define your worth will get you through it!
Isn’t the saying what doesn’t kill you makes your stronger? But sometimes that can be hard to swallow even if it is the truth.
Rejection is a part of life. Every rejection makes me a better and motivated person. It gives me spark to aim higher and succeed!
Rejection can really push you a step back. It’s important that you never lose your confidence after you get rejected otherwise, it’s going to hit you harder. I’m not exactly sure how I got over being rejected, I guess you just learn to live with it, or accept that it’s part of life. There really will be people that won’t like you.
I don’t know if rejection ever gets easier, but I think we grow and mature which allows us to handle it better. Rejection is hard, and sadly, it really is part of life.
Last year I’ve been rejected by a good friend of mine, or at least it used to be a good friend. His jealousy was the reason. But of course he couldn’t say that so it became something personal to me. I tried several times to fix things and he was very stubborn. Now I’ve let go and i lost a friend but actually it’s good that he opened my eyes and showed me his real character; no backbone whatsoever. It’s a shame because I would’ve done anything for him, yet he didn’t deserve my love apparently so it’s better that he’s out of my life in that case. 🙂 it was a hard time for me letting go since I’m very loyal.
Rejection can be hard but at some point you do have to learn how to deal with it. My thoughts on rejection now are that its just a bump in the road. It is something that has to happen to get me to the place I really need to go or the place I really need to be.
I think no one likes to be rejected but, as you say, we need to move on and we shouldn’t be scared of it 🙂 this is a great post and you are stunning x
Dealing with rejection is part of life, unfortunately, we all have to deal with it. It’s important not to let it get to you.
Rejection is hard and it definitely knocks the ego and the confidence. I think we all just have to find a way of dealing with it x
As you said, rejection is a part of life and it is wonderful when you can deal with it in healthy ways. Many times one has to remind oneself that it is not personal, but most of the time it really isn’t. x
Rejection is hard to take. I have always been good in love (married for over 20 years) but last year I went for a job, it wasn’t even a good job and when I got a phone call to say I had not got it, I cried. I think looking back, someone had been given the job too. I think now, it’s there loss not mine…
I like to look at rejection as just part of the process. Doesn’t get any easier but just got to plow on I guess.
I could have written this post myself! 🙂 I had the same problems as a child…
It is hard to get over some rejection but as time goes by you realize that other people’s opinion does not define you. It’s only a feedback to consider. 🙂 You can never live up to EVERYONE’s expectations and nor should you!
Its a tricky one isnt it? I still let things get to me!
Amazing post and I truly believe everything happens (or doesn’t happen) for a reason!
The Lady Fairer
Rejection can be really tough, but I always think that there is something to learn from it.
You’d make an awesome blogger outreach exec, but don’t worry about not getting a job in an agency. There are so many out there!
I really struggle with job rejection in particular, mainly because I have a habit of low balling jobs that I’m over qualified for. I get really offended if a company ever overlooks my application!
I have always believed that everything happens for a reason. As cheesy as it sounds, it is true. Life has other plans for us while we are busy making our own plans.And the rejection comes and we just have to embrace it. Love the metallic RI dress on you xoxo
I’m the worst with rejection. I recently had a guy who kept telling me how much he cared about, how much he liked me, etc. but when I asked if he wanted to take things to the next level, told me no…he wasn’t in a place for a relationship. Yet he kept acting as if he was. Like a normal girl, I didn’t walk away then. I let it continue and it only got worse. Needless to say, it was not a good situation.
Is it bad that half the time I don’t realise is someone swipes left on me on Tinder because I can’t always remember exactly who I’ve swiped right on until we actually match? I think that’s the reason I’ve never really had any rejection problems when it comes to Tinder. I recently got rejected by my now ex-boyfriend as he realised he’s still in love with his other ex, and that was honestly the worst thing to ever feel. But I eventually got over it. Currently I’m so scared of rejection from universities after interviews, so far I haven’t been rejected and actually have 2 unconditional offers, so if it isn’t meant to be with the rest then it’s not meant to be
Rejection is never fun to feel or deal with. On the plus side, your coat looks amazing!
Rejection is the hardest, but you’ve given some great tips to deal with it. Love that dress! So beautiful!
Rejection can definitely be one of the hardest things. I tend to look at things as they come. Could I have done something differently? If not, then I just move on.
I love how you incorporate fashion with talks about valuable things in life. 🙂 The points you’ve given out are sure helpful! Stay fabulous!
Rejection is horrible and I have experienced it more since being a blogger. Sometimes you have to take things on the chin and move on
Fantastic post! Rejection is a major part of life in a way. You’re so right that if we got everything, would it really mean as much? It’s hard to deal with sometimes but it’s necessary.
Jordanne ||
Good luck with the speed dating I have heard it’s great fun. Sorry to hear that you didn’t get the job you wanted keep at it you will get a great one in the end.
Your posts are so inspirational – I don’t deal with rejection very well. I always take everything way too personally. Kaz x
Rejection is part of life as you said and it could be a hard thing to deal with. You said some good tips there and I like that. We receive rejection even when looking for a job and we need to accept it and keep going. Being depressed will not help at all and that could be part of a future rejection.
I really needed to read this. Dealing with rejection big time in two areas of my life. And I feel time is running out and I should have figured this out a long time ago. Thanks for the positive words!
I love this post so much! I’ve had some rejection over the last few months, but have dealt with it differently to normal. I’ve not let it beat me down and I’ve grown from it
Thanks for such a beautiful advice , ana. Every sentence made me nod my head in approval. This could be a great write up to share it with my friends and cousins who are growing up and need some real advice on how to overcome rejections . thanks again <3
Rejection can be so tough! But what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger 🙂 Fab outfits xx
I like your positive character these days especially around applying and interviewing for jobs. You’re right, look at the positives and it’s not necessarily that you’re not good at something but it could have been a tonne of other factors, including personality fit with the team already (which might make YOU not enjoy your job) so it’s better to look somewhere that is the perfect fit than needing to look for another job a few months down the line once again… Also i like to get feedback from the interviewer, this way you know how you can improve (if at all) for your next one 🙂
Personally, I think acceptance is the best way to deal with rejection. Acceptance makes it easy to have peace within ourselves, and move on with our life despite being rejected. Brilliant post as always, Ana.
I think rejection will always be a hard pill to swallow!
My mummy gets a little bit down when people reject her ideas at work, but then thats what she’s employed to do, to be an ideas generator and content creator, so not every idea can make the cut. She just doesn’t take it personally.
Rejection is such a difficult thing to deal with for anyone. It really breaks down your self-esteem and can make you question yourself. I am so glad that you have empowered yourself and not let these experiences define you.
These are some great tips on helping people not to take it personally when it comes to re-jection – which is very hard to do. I think with time, we all learn and get stronger and its a little easier to deal with
Laura x
Rejection is horrible. Sometimes when you are doing something you have to think “Whats the worst that’s going to happen, they say no?!” but sometimes that still hurts. Rejection is part of life though, we can only overcome it and be stronger as a person from it! xo
Rejection is a part of life in one’s personal and professional life. I’ve learned how to deal with it. I just take my blow and dust myself off and try again.
When I get rejected, i feel upset for a while and then just make myself believe whatever happens, happens for good. Rejection sometimes have nothing to do with you, it is about the context and whether you fit that context. When you realize it, you can overcome rejection.
Blerghhh just hate that word rejection. Makes me feel a bit iffy thinking about it. Its how we deal with it, whether we take on the chin and move on or dwell I guess. Even when I’ve moved on I sometimes reflect on rejection and I know that is unhealthy.
Rejection is hard, but it also helps to shape us. I feel like it is important to learn early on how to overcome rejection.
JK Rowling – Lately I’ve been watching her speech … I know and I am still looking for the answers…
I am loving your advise for each eventuality that people go through. Rejection has never been easy any in form but it is also a character builder and shouldn’t feel worthless just because of it
aw! loved reading this post! I am also a person who firmly believes in “everything happens in life for a reason” cause everything bad that happened or the rejections I faced has turned to be good and made me a better person! I don’t deal with rejections anymore, I walk on taking them as an experience!
This is such a good post. I don’t handle rejection that well, it really upsets me when people don’t like me, but as I’ve got older I have learnt to deal with it a little bit more. Love your outfit!
I’m surprisingly ok with rejection. I am not “rejected” often, but when I am I am really good at brushing it off and not taking it so personally, a few years back though — a whole other story!
I’m with you, look at it as destiny, rejection means it was not meant to be.
Great post on rejection. I think it is harder to get over rejection from someone you care about. That just seems to cut so much deeper. Others you can just chalk up to ignorance.
i used to be like that too but i now know we can’t control anyones thoughts or mindset so i have to just take it in my stride!
Rejection really is one of the thuffest things we have to deal with in life. Whenever I go threw rejection I try to focus on the good things in life.
Rejection is such a good topic to talk about. Nobody likes rejection but sometimes it happens, and when it does, what matter is how we react to it. 😉
Rejection can be so hard to deal with, but I think it makes us stronger.
Such a great post, rejection is hard but I do believe it is something you have to experience in life as it makes you who you are. Rejection is tough and sometimes you can brush it off and other times it hurts and really gets to you. I think as you get older you deal with rejection easier, because you become more confident in yourself and get the ‘it’s their loss’ attitude x
Very good post! I think that the huge city of London has taught me a lot about dealing with rejection.
Rejection is hard how I deal with it depends on the type of rejection. I’ve had job rejections alot for example and i use it to try and better myself.
Dealing or handling rejection is something thats hard imgotta say but all in all, its a good thing when we bottle up and feel strong knowin that at the end of the day, we are who we are… btw I love your metallic dress.
I truly believe that things always work out for the best. Rejection often leads to something better in the end, even if like you said, it’s very difficult to accept.
I think you’re doing amazing with how you’re dealing with it – you’re such a strong and beautiful women x
Rejection is the hardest thing to deal with, I take it way too personally. I break down and have bad emotional responses. This article was really inspiring and had me at tears.
I’m trying to find a day job to go along-side blogging, anything really, and all I get is rejections. It hurts and it sucks. I’ve been turned down so many times.
Thanks for the inspiration, really needed it.
As someone trying to make it in the blogging world rejection is just part of the package. I used to take it personally as well but eventually I realized that it’s usually just business.
No one likes rejection! But I always try and think “this happened for a reason, something better will happen”. It doesn’t always stop me feeling bad, but it helps!
I love this, such a great read. Rejection was such a huge deal for me when I was younger. I was absolutely terrified of someone not liking me. It didn’t even matter who it was. The thought of anyone thinking something bad about me was horrifying. Nowadays it’s much easier. I’ve learnt to take on a similar attitude to yours. Everything is absolutely a learning experience. I love the idea of mantras 🙂 I hope your speed dating went well! Oh my gosh as a major introvert that sounds exhausting haha.
Rejection is definitely hard whether it’s having a door close on a career or unrequited love. But I’ve definitely learned to see the light at the end of the tunnel and balance it with knowing it’s ok to feel the emotions that come with the rejection but not allow it to destroy us.
I know all about rejection. Mostly from the auditions that I go on. Thick skin is essential!
I love the way you have taking rejection and turned it from something negative into something positive and used it to move onwards and upwards. It’s such a wonderful way to think!
As a blogger I get rejected a lot especially when I pitch and with trying get work bu I keep at it and it pays off eventually.
I actually see rejection as a good thing as to me it makes me stronger and more prone to prove them wrong so I go in with a new sense of reason to actually make them feel they definitely made the wrong choice in rejecting me
Rejection is a cruel way of making you feel you’re not worth it.
But you cannot expect to be accepted from anyone… It just hurts anyways.
I adore your look btw!
Yes rejection is so hard to deal with. I deal with rejection by talking to my husband and sister. It’s great to have people who love you and think the world about you. I also remind myself that maybe it was not ment to be and that there are other opportunities. You look stunning girl.
Rejection is not an easy thing to handle yet it’s something we all face in our lives – at least I think there’re others out there who have experienced it. I know it should make you stronger and give that extra boost to prove them wrong but Ifor me it doesn’t work that way.
I would have love to read this article when I was younger! At that time the fear of rejection was a big part of me ! Hopefully I grew up and it’s over now 😉 Thanks for this I’m sure it’s gonna help a lot of people 😘
I can imagine it can be super hard. I was left redunant last year and it had a massive impact on me.
I spent most of my life being rejected, until finally my wife didn’t! It seems really bad when it first happens, but it subsides eventually.
Fab post! You look gorgeous!
Dealing with rejection may seem brutal when you’re younger. You either get crushed by it or you take it for what it is and move on. You realize it’s an inevitable part of life for most (normal) people. More people should learn how to deal with it in a healthy way as you mentioned on this post. I know, it’s not always easy though.
What a lovely and motivational post! Rejection for whatever is a hard pill to swallow but I truly believe your mindset is key in how you process the rejection. One must know their worth, like you said to receive a rejection doesn’t make you a failure and we shouldn’t attach materialistic things to success but celebrate the small victories in our life! Sad this truth only sunk in at 21 but it is a truth i live my life by. Beautiful photos, thank you.
I have gotten a lot better at rejection. But it’s a slow process really. I know that it’s difficult to take and we often tend to personalize it. I think I feel it more keenly because as a child I had the difficulty of not having any friends to a new school I was moved to when I was young. Not having friends made it so that I did whatever I could to keep friendships, even if it would have been better to move on.