As much as I love London, living in the big city wreaks havoc with my skin. The high levels of pollution and hectic lifestyle means that I often look haggard. I often have 3-5 hours of sleep each night and the result is puffy eyes, fine lines and temperamental skin. All I wanted was a soothing facial and Book Your Lifestyle had just the treatment I needed. Le Grand Classique Deep Pore Cleansing Facial promised to cleanse and invigorate my skin through five stages of progressive cleaning and considering my last facial was in September I was well overdue. Because I have to wear make up most days and commute to work on tubes and trains, my skin needed serious attention, thus the ‘deep pore cleansing facial’ sounded perfect. It was so simple to book thanks to Book your Lifestyle; by splitting treatments into categories accessing treatments couldn’t be easier.
Book Your Lifestyle was simple to use and easy on the eye; in short Book Your Lifestyle was the ‘perfect service’. Perhaps its best feature was its payment options which offered ‘payment upfront’ or availability to ‘pay at the venue’. I decided to ‘pay at the venue’ using the credit provided by Book your Lifestyle as my card was seriously ‘broke’. Smooth You Town Spa was a 5 minute walk from the station, conveniently located in Dalston Square, Hackney. The location was the perfect mix of ‘cosmopolitan’ and ‘rustic’ energy and I couldn’t be happier. Within seconds I was called into the treatment room by my therapist ‘P’, who welcomed me with a warm smile. Once undressed I slipped under the towels and waited for my deep pore cleansing facial to begin.
‘P’ began with a gentle toner to cleanse the remnants of last nights makeup, as I had been working until early morning and was too tired to remove my makeup. Next P applied a citrus based cream to moisturize the skin and leave it feeling smooth enough for ‘pore extraction’. The purpose of using a moisturizer not only keeps the skin smooth but using gentle-medium pressure, P could alleviate the tension in my temples. Because I have insomnia I often have painful migraines and this was one of those days. Thus using a gentle massage technique P removed some of the knots in my temples and left me feeling a little better.
Once the cream had soaked into my skin it was time for one of many masks. The first mask was a gentle ‘peeling mask’ that exfoliated the skin, without causing irritation. Because I have sensitive skin that is prone to oiliness, exfoliaters are usually harsher on my skin than most products. Yet the gentle peeling mask smelt ‘sweet’ and felt even sweeter on my skin. What followed was a series of other gentle ‘peeling masks’ that were designed to clean the pores. Perhaps the strangest exfoliater was a ‘spray’ which mixed water and ‘product’ to target problem areas i.e. the T-Zone. It felt like a lukewarm mist but it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. Up until this point I felt relaxed and calm but that all began to change when the ‘steaming process’ began.
I am extremely claustrophobic and situations like ‘small places’and ‘stuffy heat’ can make me feel suffocated. P, bless her, was kind and considerate and told me that we could stop at any point. I was hyperventilating throughout most of the steaming process but I didn’t want to stop. I might be claustrophobic but I also wanted to commit to my journalistic duty and P was so lovely throughout. The steam was bearable when it was on my neck and cheeks but when the steamer hovered over my mouth it made me feel like I couldn’t breathe. Nevertheless I knew I had the option to stop at any time and having P looking out for me made it bearable.
My pores had now been opened and P slipped gloves on to begin the extraction process. Now, I am not going to lie to you extraction is not comfortable. In fact extraction is quite painful but its a vital stage to complete in a deep pore cleaning facial. The reason being is that blackheads are rooted underneath the skin, thus P needs to apply ‘hard pressure’ to the extraction ‘points’ in the skin. The most sensitive areas for me were the cheeks and nose but level of sensitivity is dependent on the individual. Because I have sensitive skin, its threshold for pain is hyper-sensitive. After all when you have hyper-sensitive skin, processes like extraction heightens pain. Despite being quite painful it did feel weirdly invigorating.
I was surprised to hear P say that I didn’t have many blackheads, as I have never had an extraction facial before. I knew I had a few noticeable blackheads on my nose but she said the rest of the face was ‘not too bad’. The extraction had come to an end ( thankfully) and it was time for my favourite part-the massage. Dipping into a pot of scented cream my face was massaged into a soapy lather, to reduce redness. My skin felt quite puffy and burnt so the cold cream made it feel better, while the massage alleviated tension. I was given a head to shoulder massage and it felt like pure bliss; massages are my favourite treatment and feeling P attend to knots in my neck and shoulders was pain relief that I needed.
- P, the therapist was professional and compassionate. P made sure I was comfortable during all stages of the treatment.
- The free chocolates and biscuits at the end were definitely a bonus
- The massage part of the treatment felt like bliss
- The facial was discounted; worth £95, it had been reduced to £59
- The blackhead extraction is painful but this might not be considered a con as it does actually make your skin feel cleaner
- The steaming process might be difficult to deal with if you are claustrophobic like me
Would You Book A Deep Pore Facial?
I would be so interested in a deep pore facial! I definitely think it’s something worth doing!
Crazy. I didn’t know you lived in London! It was really nice that the provider was accommodating your claustrophobia/fear. Maybe next time you can opt for no steam 🙂
I agree – London life can really take its toll on your skin and a deep pore facial is a wonderful way to combat that! I really should book myself in for one in the new year…
I’ve only had one facial, ever. I think I might treat myself to one next month!
I like a good facial. My skin is feeling a bit neglected lately, so think i should book one x
This sounds like my type of heaven – facials are my ultimate treatment! Whenever I want to treat myself I usually go for a decleor facial or something like that – and they really do take a nice long time with you. I have to admit, even though I am not a sufferer of claustrophobia I would still find the steaming difficult but it still sounds worth it. Have you noticed a difference in your skin since?
This sounds like a lovely thing to have done, although I think I would have hated the steaming part but would have stuck it out.
3-5 hours sleep a night? Wow. I get that but only as I have a baby. I have quite open pores that get clogged up so I love the sound of this treatment. Jo x
I would definitely book this type of facial if there was a place near me as I do have problems with my skin now and again. Love the fact you got chocolates and biscuits too, bonus!
I’ve only ever had a facial once before as I usually just pamper myself at home. I’d definitely try out a deep pore facial though and need to treat myself to treatments like these more often.
That actually sounds far from relaxing for you with being claustrophobic! The lengths we go to for beauty! I also would not be able to function on only 3-5 hours of sleep every night! Sleeping is good for the skin, that’s how I see it anyway!
I recently had a deep pore facial. It was slightly painful but worth it I guess. Like the fact you had the option to either pay upfront or at the venue x
This sort of facial is certainly what I am in need of especially around the nose area, a little pricey but from your post its certainly seems worth the pennies.
I should be taking care of my skin more, but I get so lazy! The blackhead extraction might be painful, but worth it for the end result.
I would love to try this facial. It sounds amazing.
I would love to have a deep pore facial! I would like to have it as a gift for myself. A little pampering can really work wonders with my self confidence. I am glad that P was very attentive to your needs and provided you with the best service.
A deep pore cleanse does sound good but I’m a little claustrophobic too and don’t deal with steam too well x
Sounds like you had a great facial. I’m always hesitant to let anyone touch my skin, so I would need lots of that pampering and compassion up front. However I do know that when you find the right spa/salon to go to it can be a wonderful experience.
Facials are so heavenly and relaxing, it’s been quite some time sine I have had one. I’m glad you were able to get through the steaming and that P was so supportive for you. Overall, it sounds like you quite enjoyed yourself.
This sounds like heaven and something I really need! Five children has really taken its toll on my skin, combined with insomnia and poor health, I would love to have a facial and feel a little bit more refreshed!
I believe skin can definitely be affected by the environment as well as stress and diet. Glad you mostly enjoyed it. I want one now! X
I am not one for facials, but your experience sounds lovely. And your skin looks gorgeous!
I love book your lifestyle and we are booking a spa day with my friends. Sounds like you had an amazing facial even though it was painful
I used to work in London once a month with work, and I used to find my skin so full of dirt etc when I got back home to Manchester. I can imagine a deep pore facial would really help if your skin is being subjected to London and city life regularly. x
Who could say no to free chocolates! I totally agree with the pollution. My skin is so bad at the moment. No matter what I seem to do!
I really need to book a facial. I’ve noticed massive changes in my skin this last year. I moisturise every day but think it’s well worth investing in seeing a professional
You did well seeing the whole treatment through. It doesn’t look like you have many blackheads if any your skin looks great.
I only get about that amount of sleep too. It’s a killer. I could do with something like this to rejuvenate me!
I love facials, although I have not had a one in years. Your therapists sounds so lovely xx
I’m awful at skincare and really need to get into a set routine. This sounds amazing though and your skin looks fantastic x
It’s been a while since I last had a facial and my skin is in need of one! I think it’s awesome that you enjoyed the treatment. I love it when my face feels fresh and clean after a facial!
I love having facials – not had a deep pore cleansing one before but it sounds like something I need x
I have never had a professional facial before this sounds like a perfect treat.
I had never heard of a professional facial before. It does sound great. I can not imagine only having 3-5 hours sleep, I love my sleep 🙂
I thought London city was just bad on my skin so it helps to know I’m not suffering alone. A facial sounds great and glad it was easy to plan. Your pictures are great as usual 🙂
I could definitely do with one of these facials, it has been a long time since ive had one x
This sounds fantastic! I’ll be sure to book in when I’m in the city!
I try and have a good skin care routine and upgraded a couple products recently.
Ooo i love a good facial!! Extractions are definitley the worst part but I do love it too (the after effects!)
The extraction part I can see is beneficial but not liking the sound of the pain!
I don’t do pain so not sure that this is for me
Glad to hear it worked though 🙂
It’s really not very cool when you have to wear makeup too often. Glad you found facial so helpful. I’ll check out the website too.
I might consider trying a deep pore facial if it wasn’t painful. Lol.
Sounds like a treatment I am in a desperate need at the moment!
Deep pore clensing is needed every now and then. It’s never totally painless but it’s worth it. I’m happy that you went all awaytrough it despite the claustrophobic feeling – I’m so familiar with that awful feeling.
Facials are always a delightful treat! Glad to know that you had an amazing experience!
I think this sounds wonderful, I really need a good facial. I’m glad you managed to sit through the whole treatment, it must have taken so much courage. Have a lovely Christmas Ana x
I am so bad about taking care of my skin– I would love something like this!
I’ve always wanted to have a facial done. I’ve had one booked for Christmas and I can’t wait to try it out. This one sounds really amazing though. x
Getting a facial is worth time and money, I had it recently and was quite satisfied with the result! It does really make your skin feel cleaner! Thanks for the amazing review! Happy Holidays, Ana!
Black head extraction is one of those things that while painful, I’m sure was amazing to have done! All in all, it sounds nice and relaxing.
I have actually been looking for treatments that can help me remove blackheads as I have so many! Will have to look into it – hope it’s not that painful for me :/
I would definitely book this facial. Infact, I really need it and you’re right about the problem areas i.e. the T zone. Mine is so oily.
Doing a deep facial is definetely worth it once in a while, this sounds really good! I had a skin challenge last year where I had to go for 28 days using products from Cosmedix which improved my skin massively!! Xx
This deep pore cleansing facial with extraction sounds like one of those things in life that are ‘NO PAIN NO GAIN’ and I can see that after the painful removal of blackheads the skin would surely benefit after a few days.
I was actually told today that I need a deep pore cleansing. I have had in years, you need to show me this place it seems pretty good. xxxx
I might be tempted but I am scared of pain so… we will see 🙂
That treatment sounds incredible! Check out Sorbet Salons they’re doing some work with bloggers at the moment for their new branch in East Finchley. SpaPR are handling it! Great company!
So important to take care of your skin, sounds like a great treatment.
I loved this post. A couple of months ago I started getting facials and they’re one of the best things ever. It’s so relaxing and I feel great after. Thanks so much for the walk-through!
I have never had a deep pore cleanse, but it sounds interesting. It might be a nice way to refresh your body. Anytime I can have chocolate, I’m in. So, that would be a yes for me.