One of the things that I love about living in London is how much there is to see and do. From unexpected trips to museums to foraging through breathtaking forests that seem to have come from another world, London offers unlimited possibilities. After moving to London a year ago, I have seen my blog grow from strength to strength but what has surprised me more is how I have grown as a person. I have found myself recapturing my adventurous spirit, that I thought I had lost so long ago and explored a world that I never knew even existed. But without my blog I might never have moved here and for that I am truly grateful. I love how I can still be a tourist in my own city and explore attractions that people might think are typically ‘reserved’ for ‘holiday-makers’, in fact I say f**k what people think, why not make the most of the city that you are in? After all, you can live years -even in a small town- in a place that can still continue to surprise you to this day. Even the small countryside village that I am from has hidden surprises that even the keenest adventurer can overlook.
When I lived outside of London I would always travel to London in search of new spots to explore, which is why, despite my excitement to travel abroad there is still so much I want to see and do in London. I want to capture the beauty of its hidden palaces and fixate on the beauty of the mossy green ivy snaking its way through the grounds. I want to pick berries and wander into a world that takes you back in time. I want to find out who I am as a person and crawl into the world of opportunities that London presents. Most of all I want to capture how it is in reality. Not the romanticized version depicted in films but the urban grunge, the disheveled buildings, picturesque in its crumbling state. I love living in London because you never know where each day will take you next. There is no order and no sequence and despite what the city workers might lead you into thinking, there is more to living in London than just work, beyond the monotony there is freedom and vibrancy.
But what is the best thing about living in London? I love how living in London makes me feel so alive, how I could be having the shittiest day possible and the city would still welcome me with open arms. Despite how lonely and alienating living in London can be, you could bump into a stranger in the park and make a new found friend. Or how despite stereotyping Londoners as ‘reserved’ we can throw our caps into the air and let all our worries go. How for one night we can pretend to be someone else and those around you be none the wiser. I love that change is never permanent, one day you might live in East London and the next change your tune. I was always taught that indecisiveness was never a good trait to have but now I know the whispers were wrong. Because it has been my indecisiveness that has matched me with London, my forever home. I followed my heart and it lead me all the way to the city. Who would have thought it, me a self-confessed country bumpkin traipsing around in the big city? Not me, if you had asked me five years ago whether I would ever have lived in London I would have told you no. But now? I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
I love how I can walk 5 minutes down the road and walk into a graffiti scrawled world, where walls are emblazoned with tags and colourful murals. But there, oh wait, if I turn left there is a secret garden, intertwined with bright summer blooms, while children race around the shrub mazes. People laugh and cry, caught up in the moment of just living in the moment. It’s a beautiful sight and it reminds me of why I am here, I feel alive, I feel like I can conquer anything but for the first time in my life I feel like I belong. In my house there are days where I am a prisoner, where the people around me spout accusations into my ears and leave my heart pounding. But outside, in my London city I can be free like a bird, flying through the trees with the wind in my hair. London, dear London, I adore thee.
I can imagine myself in the future, walking fondly through the city that I am proud to call my own. What will it be like in the future? A rural vs urban landscape as it is now, each faction battling for permanence or will London become a concrete jungle where dreams are made from, where nature crawls back into the shadows? As I take a train back into my rural past, I breathe in the fresh clean air, delighted at the countryside smells that waft past my nose. All is calm here, all is serene. But then I become bored, I crave escape away from the peaceful monotony and pull myself out of my unrealistic fantasy. I was once a countryside girl lost in the big city, traipsing around in her metaphorical ‘farmers boots’ and now I am part of the concrete slabs; I am the jagged cracks in the pavement that you walk by, I am the graffiti tag lounging around in disheveled buildings but most of all I am me, creating an imprint in a city were ‘all may seem lost’ but none will be forgotten. Because London remembers and whether you live here 5 years or two, there will be a part of you left behind, added to the millions of memories left behind by other nomads like ourselves.
Why Do You Love London Or ‘Your City’?
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I love to visit London but could never live there. I value the nature on my doorstep and could not imagine living far from the sea. I am lucky that I have the beach and forest within easy reach of me
I grew up in London so it holds a special place in my heart. I was born there too so you can imagine the love I have for one of my favorite cities in the world. I live in New York but Lobdon can’t be beat.
I read your post with great glee. Yep to everything you said and more. London rocks!
I used to love being close to London and the hustle and bustle, but now I have little ones I much prefer suburban life in the country!
I love visiting London and I think I would love living there too – it is such a fab, vibrant city
I can imagine London is an amazing place to live, I’m not sure I could do it myself, too much of a village girl now but I wouldn’t mind living closer.
I love visiting London but for me, I’m a country girl at heart. I have friends who live and breathe London, but I’m always a little over whelmed by it and slightly anxious! You look gorgeous here!
I love going to London and visiting my friends, but I personally wouldn’t want to live there. It’s just too big and full on for me. Bristol suits me better.
honestly, i have never been to london but it seems like a great place to be. Currently, i live in New York City and i t feels like home to me. i will always be a new yorker no matter where i go.
I absolutely love London – there is so many fun things to do that you could literally do something different every single day 🙂
Dani x
I would love to explore London one day,I love to see the old airfields and visit 221b Baker Street as well.
My city is pretty basic and cookie cutterish but does have some nice parks to take a walk at.
I feel exactly the same as you, there’s so much to explore in our own cities that we sometimes forget x
I love London. There’s always something going on 🙂
It is so lovely to love where you live and that it makes you feel so alive!
I totally agree with you, London is a city of wonders and everyone can find something they love in there.
I love London. I’m always there part of the week and then i’m in Cardiff. I am thinking of moving to London full timr
I only live 20 minutes outside of London, but it’s definitely one of my favourite cities to live in x
London is such an amazing place, you’re so lucky to live there and be able to explore every inch of it. I live in Leeds which is also a big, busy city. I love at as we have the shops, nightlife and big attractions and also have huge green parks and hidden gems.
I’s totally love to live in London too, there’s just so much charm there! Its so amazing that blogging brings so many wonderful opportunities, here’s to many more!!
xx, Kusum |
I can totally believe you when you say there’s so much to see and do in London. I lived in Tokyo for 4 years and I still know so many things I couldn’t see, but still, I loved my stay in Tokyo. I’m excited to experience London for myself when I come and visit this December. 😀 <3
I have always loved the idea of living in London and being close to everything that is happening but at the same time i love the city i live in too much.
Living in a big city is always nice for being able to find museums, shops, and things to do close by! I visited London once a few years ago and I really need to get back there one day. I’m glad you’re enjoying the city 🙂
I love London so much me and my Hubby are coming down this September for a few nights.
It sounds like living in London suits you perfectly! I’m a country girl, too, and can’t imagine myself living in a city, but who knows what the future holds, hey?! 🙂
I love London and definitely need to start visiting more. I love where you take your photos, it’s a fab spot you’ve found. I can’t believe it’s so close to your house 😀
I would love to live in London. I used to live not too far away and visited every week. My grandparents and aunties lived there too so London was my second home. I live in South Wales now, and love it, but London will always have a big place in my heart
I don’t think you will ever be able to explore every part of London, it’s huge! I love living near the city but not in it
You’ve really made me jealous! I would have loved to have lived in London, atleast for a bit but I’m a country girl at heart! Besides..I honestly wouldn’t feel comfortable bringing up my children there. I don’t know why! But I am definitely jealous of everything London has to offer!
First, I want to say I LOVE your lip color! Secondly, I also LOVE London! I lived there one summer to complete a film-making course and fell in love with everything about that city.
I’m originally a london girl. From Wood Green 🙂
I love London and this year I have been visiting it a lot, even drove through central london a few weeks back. I love knowing there is still more for me to discover.
This is exactly why I think I’m ready to move back to the UK…I grew up in Dubai but I spent a year in England for uni, it didn’t end well and I came back but I think it’s about time to move “home”. I’m dying to be able to explore on a whim and I’m ready to figure out who I am without all the stress that comes with this city.
I am so so glad you have found a place that feels like home. I moved three years ago and feel the same about our town. It immediately felt like home, in a way that I haven’t really felt since I was at university. It’s a wonderful feeling to have.
London is one of the many places I wanted to visit hopefully soon. I love the beautiful places and the good food. My cousin has been living there for a long time now. I actually envy my high school classmate who already visited London recently.
I love London! I grew up twenty minutes away by train amd used to go all the time. Now we live much further but get there when we can and every time we go there is something new to do!
I feel exactly the same. I loved London before kids, and I think I love it even more now that I have some. The city becomes a completely different place depending on what phase of life you are in, and I love that it can grow and adapt with you. I hope we never leave!
I love London and really wish I could visit and explore more often…not entirely sure I could live there though 🙂
I love living in a city (I live in Nottingham) as it’s so diverse and has such a wide range of activities and things to discover. I love visiting London but I would find it so overwhelming to live in just due to the size and cost!
I do like London and I like living there for a short period of time when I come for different week-long conferences. I don’t know however if I would ever be able to actually live there. But that’s not because of the city, it’s because of my love for smaller, quieter towns. I lived in a capital for years, I used to call it my home but then I tried the countryside life as well and I loved it better. As long as I can still get to London in a relatively short time, I am happy.
I love London, I have never lived there though. Growing up my sister and I would be with our dad every other weekend. Our dad always used to take us over to London to stay with our Gran. Our dad always used to take us out to the different places around London 🙂
My sister & brother in law were in London not long ago and LOVED it. I have always wanted to visit London…..someday!
I`d love to visit London one day! I love the read how happy this city is making you
London is awesome. Whenever I’ve visited, I always which I could stay longer.
I really love London but I don’t think I could live there. I’ve been bought up in a 300 people village and London is far too busy for me. I enjoy travelling in a few times a month though.
Ami xxx
I have visited London quite a few times and I have fallen in love with the place too. Such a gorgeous and crazy busy City.
London is one of the most happening cities in the world and I would definitely love to visit London once in my lifetime. My uncle used to live in London a few years back and by seeing the pictures of London, I had decided to visit it soon.
Thanks for reminding my task.
i wold love to go back to london it is so big and theres so much going on
personally I’m more of “london is for daytrips only” kinda girl, but I do understand your love for it. And it might just be that I fell hopelessly in love with Brighton and therefore can’t imagine living anywhere else!
Haha I completely understand I love Brighton too and I actually have a post coming out on Brighton too.Brighton is great but I love London too x
I am most definitely a Londoner and love living in the city too! Never a boring day 🙂
Life becomes beautiful when you love the city you live in. My friends who have been to London have fallen in love with the city. A city so lovely and lively. I’d love to visit London soon.
I am so with you. I love London, I’ve lived here all my life and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
I lived in London some years ago. I do miss the bustling city some times but I have embraced the country life now. Good to know you love London. I remember when you first moved.
I certainly love London! It’s like you said make me feel alive – there’s simply everything. I lived there for 2 years after school and nowadays I visit there 2-4 times a year.
I love London, there is always so much to do! And so many amazing cafes! I don’t think I really appreciate where I live – I will have to make an effort to find some cool spots!
Ohh I wish I could say the same about my city! Well, I dont where is my own city because I have been moving and travelling so much that I guess its hard to really feel that “this is my city!”
i’m a total city girl, i’ve never even been on holiday to the country! the only thing that would drag me away from teh city is the coast. I’m a bit like you, i love having a variety on my doorstep
I love that dress! I like to visit London but it isn’t somewhere I could see myself living
I am really glad that you love living in London. I love visiting cities but am so happy living near the sea in South West Wales. Kaz
never been to london and not really a big fan of the city growing up as an island girl. but who knows, the city is diverse and lots to offer so in the right time, might give it a try 🙂
I’ve lived in London for 16 years now and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
I too adore London, I feel that you can just wander the streets and see and meet so many people. There is a lively buzz at any time of day .I also love that there are so many lovely parks and open spaces you can visit despite the fact that it’s a big city.
I love London too. There’s always so much to do. Plus I love the history of it. I imagine it would be fun living there.
You look fabulous in this dress by the way!
I agree with you on everything! London is the best city in the world and I not a day in here is similar to the previous one. It makes you feel limitless and free. People in here may not be as friendly and easygoing as in the North at times but once they get to know you and welcome you to the community you create that special bound and you definitely feel that you belong somewhere which is a wonderful thing x
I love London – it’s such a vibrant, buzzing city that even if you’re alone, you don’t feel alone. I would love to have a weekend retreat in the country though.
First things first, your outfit is beautiful! Now back to the post! Lovely content, I have a very close family member that is moving to London soon and I will send them your link to read!!
I have never been out of the US before. I would love to travel to London with my family someday.
Your outfits are always so beautiful! I’ve never visited London, but I imagine it to be a very fast-paced stylish city. I would love to visit the sites of those colorful murals and snap a few photos in front of them. So lovely.
I have heard a lot of beautiful places and things in London. I will put this on my travel list. And will share this to my friends.
I’ve always wanted to try living in London, but to be honest, I’m not the most social guy, so being around that many people is pretty scary…
I love London and all that it has to offer. Like you say there is so much to see and do, it really is quite awesome. I must admit though that I am a bit of a country bumpkin and prefer living in the countryside 🙂 xx
I love London it’s an amazing city, wish I lived there! I love living in Glasgow though its very historical with lots of things to do
London sounds amazing. I was only there for a layover, so I need to schedule a trip soon (especially after reading yout blog post. It sounds wonderful.
I have lived in London my whole life and cannot imagine living anywhere else!
Your love for London makes me miss the vibe in Edinburgh. We moved to the country and I miss the city so. But I agree with you about finding the good and being curious about wherever we are.
I’ve been living in London for 5 years now and what I love the most is that there’s always something new to explore so you can never say you’ve seen and done it all!
Wooo I would love to visit London someday :D… Its too good that you love where you live 🙂
I am a proper Londoner through and through. Hence my blog name lol! But I truly would not live anywhere else in the world, well maybe Ibiza or New York, but you are coming with, to keep Leanora, Milo and I happy lol! xx
Haha you can count me in, I can be your third child on our travels! Say hello to Leanora and Milo for me! xx
It’s so lovely to read how travel has changed you and London is the place you are, regardless of how you never imagined it 5 years ago. I will never grow tired of London. There is always something new around the corner (and getting lost and being someone else for an evening is certainly part of that magic). I love London for its diversity, endless entertainment and those super awesome cheap bagels on Brick Lane 😀
As Samuel Johnson said, “When you are tired of London, you are tired of life”. I’ve been living in London for 7 years and I absolutely love it! Just can’t imagine myself not being surrounded by all that buzz 27/7
Wow, first of all I love your blog design and brushed / watercolor logo design! How gorgeous! Your photos in this blog article are all gorgeous. I love the “graffiti scrawled world” you mentioned, becaudse it makes an excellent backdrop to our portrait and style shots.
PS: I checked your Instagram as well, I love your photos and editing. Do you shoot all this with your Sony Experia XZ? If that’s so then that is AMAZING.
I would love to live in London at some point! I think I will be looking into it in a few years perhaps. It is an amazing place. I love all the things there are to do in the city. I love that people from all over the world live there as well!
London sounds like a fun place to live in, full of jam-packed adventures waiting for you in every corner. Though I must say your outfit looks absolutely gorgeous on you.
That is one thing that really takes me back every time I think about it. There is SO much to do in London that it is almost overwhelming.
Your passion and love for the city really comes through in this post. I was raised in Dublin and now I much prefer the quiet of the countryside. I enjoy breaks to cities bug after a few days I’m craving quiet and peace that comes with the country. Funny how our opposite backgrounds have created opposite effects!
London is on my list to visit. I love you passion for the city in this post.
You’re so right. No matter how long you’ve lived somewhere you can always discover new things. It’s one of the things I really love about Glasgow.
I love London – I was born there and it’s the best city in the world – I agree, there is just way too much to possibly do. I will live there again one day but I’m just exploring the world now…
I love discovering new places in my own town! I have always lived in the suburbs, so can’t imagine living in London. I find it so busy I get a bit overwhelmed. I do enjoy visiting tho 🙂 x
I used to live in London 7 or 8 years ago and I still have flashbacks of the city. You have no idea how much I miss it.
hey ana..its a good post because its the other side of the coin to my thoughts and feelings about london
I’ve lived here for 30 years and i do plan to move but waiting to establish a secure online business first. however i am glad you have painted a positive picture because london does have many advantages and I’m a city boy and your right on how the city makes you feel “alive which is exactly the biggest pull. and i too will encourage anyone who hasn’t lived in london to try it – its a great experience… apologies for the essay
Someday I will definitely visit London! And enjoy those beautiful sites and landmarks.
Btw, i love your dress! Where did you get it?
There’s something about living in London a feeling you can’t get anywhere else! The city never sleeps, there’s great bars and pubs and an electricity in the air there. There’s always something to do and somewhere new to explore (can you tell I used to live there lol!) Honestly I miss it, I love where I live now in Canada but it’s so laidback and quiet here and I need that atmosphere and hustle & bustle of London sometimes.
I loved being in London because of the rich history that was there. And to be honest, its parks were pretty incredible. It was the only city I had ever been in where I entered a park and felt like I entered an entirely new world. I thought that was pretty incredible.
I love the city that I live in, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It’s very multicultural, has a lot of great food. There are lots of pockets in the city where you get to go and experience other ethnic foods. I don’t think I want to live in another city.
Reading about your thoughts about London made me a bit envious. I must say that where I live in the United States is near a forest, river and close enough to big cities I can visit within a few hours if I choose. Yes, I do love where I live as well
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It’s so true that our everyday places still have lots of surprises up their sleeve! In fact, my husband and I have been on a mission this year to visit state parks. It’s been one of the coolest decisions. On the weekends, he looks on a map for one that would be not only beautiful but also has trails for walking our dogs. I, on the other hand, make sure there are good cafes along the way. On a London note, I’ve wondered what it would be like to live there with the anniversary of Princess Diana’s death coming up? x
I spent a whole week in London 3 years ago and I still feel it was yesterday. To me, I see London as a mini- New York. I love the diversity and the idea of being constantly entertained as the city has so many things to offers from events to real life lessons.
Visiting London is definitely on my bucket list. From what I’ve heard you either love it or hate it. I think I’d enjoy the experience regardless. I’d love to spend a day there exploring (by exploring I mean shopping!)
London sounds like such a great place to live! I’m from Nottingham, and I absolutely love it here. There’s so much to see and do, and we’re honestly not all criminals like the media like to make out we are :p
Louise x
I would love to visit London. I would love to visit all those touristy places but also the hidden ones, that I bet are equally beautiful.
My parents took me to London every holiday to experience the awesome culture and surroundings. I really should make more of an effort to take my own children to visit now they are old enough to appreciate the sights.
Days out in London are the best!! We are only 40 mins away by train. As cool as it is I’m not sure I could have such busy surroundings on my doorstep xx
I always loved London. I want to come to London for sure. I always prefer London views and nature. And I am mostly into London women. They are so fun to chat. Wish I could come some day. But it is on my to-do list.
I love London for the museums, the art and the theatre. I couldn’t live there though – I love the countryside for my cats, dog and of course my son. Luckily my sister lives in London so I get the best of both worlds when I visit! X
This is written beautifully! I’ve visited London in 2010 and it was something I had never seen before. So much love for that city <3
I love living in London as there is always something to do, a new place to visit and explore.
I would love living in London, the diversity of just about everything – the shops, the people, the experiences, the views, and the spaces … and yet it all manages to feel somehow comforting and familiar.
I absolutely love London! It holds such a special place in my heart because I studied abroad there and I was never bored. There was always something to do, whether it was a new place to eat or a new borough to discover, I had the time of my life there.
This dress looks good on you. Exploring things is intresting and I personally like to go to museums. 🙂
London is such a beautiful city full of live and vigour. I’ve been to many beautiful cities but I can to be honestly there is no where like London. It’s so distinctively unique with so many things to explore.
I love that London is so multicultural and there’s so many different people, foods etc from all over the world!
Something coming up in my mind if talking about the capital city of one country. Traffic jam , polluted and over populated but your story open my eyes . London such a beautiful place to visit and also to live as you mention .
I wish I can get there one day
I have always wanted to visit London to be honest. I am in the middle of trying to figure out how to get there. I love that you are so honest about the fact that people miss what is in their own back yard though. It’s so true!
I would love to go to London and after reading this post I need to get there asap – LOVE YOUR OUTFIT!
Ive always fancied moving to London but was never sure. I live near countryside and I think Im so used to it that it could be hard to adapt although I do love visiting london wheb I get the chance. There is so many things and events happening which as live far away cant attend. I lobe your images- so colorful and adds sparkle. Sounds like London is the perfect place for you
I’ve always found London to be a bit intimidating and a bit too ‘busy’ for me. But then I think I’m still the farm girl traipsing around in her boots – having read your article i feel like I should give it more of a chance! I love the graffiti art behind you by the way! (And your lovely style!)
This made me excited to see London. I haven’t been in the place but definitely it is always on my bucket list.