Is it just me who has a touch of a wanderlust this year, in fact all I seem to bang on about these days is ‘travel’ and how excited I am to finally spread my wings. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing is it? Besides, what’s a girl to do; after being unlocked from my travel cage of five years, I am finally ready to explore the beauty outside of my ‘London Surroundings’. I used to dream as a child of the holidays I would take and the places that I would see; where would I go, what would I experience, who I would meet. I had fantasies of holiday romances that would never be and envisioned myself to be a fictional book heroine, who would adventure to places so far away and discover a world not yet destroyed by humankind’s disruptive touch. I envisioned myself floating into alternate worlds, where the water ran as clear as crystal and the skies were like marble, clouded over with milky blue. But over time my travel dreams were put on the shelf and I was imprisoned in the gate of my very own mind. It was when I realized that 2017 was my year to travel that I decided to make a change and let myself dream again.
I imagined myself stepping outside of my London house and foraging in the lush green woods of nature; I would join the street art painters in Bali to become part of their creative movement and feel light as air, as I waltzed around the Tuscan mountains. I would catch a plane to Valencia and party downtown until I made my way into Granada, but when the air feels cooler I would catch a sledge ride into Iceland and marvel at the Northern Lights. Because despite my love for ‘warm Mediterranean climates’ there is so much more to see in the world than just beaches, as tropical as they may be. I want to feel the icy Icelandic winds and watch it whip through my hair, I want to discover the bold and learn how I too can be as adventurous as they are.Most of all I want to see how travel changes me, how will I feel, what will I do next?

The Northern Lights In Iceland
But why Iceland? I know this might come as a shock to you but there is more to Iceland than just the ‘Northern Lights’. I remember reading Phillip Pullman’s series on the ‘Northern Lights’ (His Dark Materials Triology) aged 9 and how I was spellbinded by the poetic beauty of the alternate worlds he had created. How in a world so dark, its people have created harmonious light and how despite the cold, the warm of its community will warm your soul. I was never one for religion but it is adventure that makes me feel spiritual and want to offer gratitude to Mother Nature for creating a world that is so diverse as it is homogeneous. From exploring the ice caves, to exploring the many street art murals that Iceland has to offer, there is more to Iceland than just the Northern Lights. Don’t believe me? Read on below to see 12 unbelievable experiences that you must try in Iceland!

The Northern Lights are created by gaseous particles colliding, creating a magnificent aurora display. Yellowish green light is the most common colour in the Northern Lights and is caused by medium level oxygen particles.
- Hekla (Nicknamed The Gateway of Hell, Iceland)

Hekla otherwise known as the ‘Gateway To Hell’ is edited here via Atlas Obscura to have a ‘reflection for creative effect although the actual volcano has an earthy, non reflective terrain.
With a nickname like ‘The Gateway of Hell’, you may understandably be a little apprehensive about experiencing ‘Hekla’, a strato-volcano located in the south of Iceland. But here is where you are wrong; deeply entrenched in mythological and historical roots, the strato-volcano is one of Iceland’s most breathtaking sights.The skies are marble blue puddles, shining over grassy plains, while wild horses graze nearby, glancing into the beaded eye of the strato-volcano. The beauty of the horses add to the wildness of Hekla’s domain but contrary to its nickname, it is not bleak, instead it is full of silence, interrupted only by the sound of the horses munching on Hekla’s earthy grass. It seems peaceful now but Hekla was once a demonic monster in action. He would spout fire as he erupted time and time again and tourists would cower in the wake of its destruction. In fact not only does Hekla have its nickname because of the ‘severity’ or ‘intensity’ of its eruptions but also has been lauded as the ‘Eternal prison of Judas’ where folklore stated he would remain for the rest of his days for betraying the ‘messiah Jesus’. Of course not being religious that makes no sense to me but nevertheless a beautiful poetic analogy to keep in mind.
But if you’re worried about stepping foot into the ‘strato-volcano’ domain have no fear, because it has not erupted since 2000 and is unlikely to do so again. Then again, there’s no point of shying away from ‘what could happen’ as the best way to experience life in Iceland is to truly immerse yourself within the culture and challenge yourself to do things outside of your comfort zone !
How To Get There
Transport is accessible and there are several options you can take
- If you are driving take route 26 and then the Gunnarsholt trail. It will take a bit over 1 hour and 40 minutes to drive there.
- You’ll also be able to board a bus for Hekla from Reykjavik. Take the line 11 towards Landmannalaugar getting off at Leirubakki where you can stay in a guesthouse (room or camping), or at the Skaro farmhouse.
2. Grjotagja (Volcanic Cave Lake)

Iceland’s Very Own Volcanic Cave Lake Home To GOT scenes between Jon Snow and Yigritte
If you’re tired of hearing about the Northern Lights and want to experience a ‘less touristy’ version of Iceland that exists outside of its ‘postcard image’, then Grjotagja is your kinda ‘vista’. Proof that Iceland is one of the most magical places on earth, this volcanic cave lake features natural hot springs, creating a comforting ‘bathing session’ that you can do either alone or in groups. But in my eyes why would you want to share the stunning Grjotagja with anyone else? After all its not everyday that you can take a bath, heated by natural volcanic activity underground! Besides, there is more to this cavernous fissure than just a ‘volcanic cave lake’ ; while it retained its popularity as a bathing spot to warm visitors up during its harsh but breathtakingly beautiful winters, Grjotagja’s cave served as a redoubt for 18th-century Icelandic outlaw Jón Markússon. Not sold yet? Well you should be, after all Game of Throne (GOT) fans will know that ‘despite its appearance’ as a squeaky clean cave/lake that was home to the occasional outlaw, more recently it became more of a ‘sex cave’, where Jon Snow finally had SEX with Yigritte in Season Three. I probably should have issued a SPOILER ALERT but then again if you haven’t got past season three yet then shame on you, go home and re-educate yourself #nottodaysatan# .
3. Jokulsarlon (Multi-Coloured Iceberg Lagoon)

The Multi Colored Lagoon is a breathtaking sight to behold
Light blue milky icebergs cascade across the glacial pool, swimming to safety as their glaciers begin to melt, accelerated by the inevitability of climate change. Its a bittersweet moment for me to observe, how global warming continues to take away nature’s natural beauty, yet remnants of this glacial pool exist. Despite the reduction in the number of glaciers that Iceberg Lagoon has, the serene beauty nevertheless remains. I can picture myself gazing into the glacial pool and watching it mirror my thoughts. How we must protect our planet and sustain it against the winds of time, how we should care about the world we live in and do more to pause its regression into middle earth, lest it results in combustion. As I grow older I have learned to cherish the surroundings around me and you should do too. Because one day you might wake up and realize that something is gone. It could be Jokulsarlon, it could be closer to home.
Take time away from technology and breathe in the fresh scent of mother nature outside your door. Unplug, re-wind, let nature for once welcome you into its fragile home. Do you see how it continues to welcome us, even after the damage and hurt we have caused it? But nature might not be so forgiving next time; which is why Iceland made it on to my bucket list in the first place. I don’t want Iceland to be a ‘fantasy world’ that exists only in the realms of our imagination. I want to be able to see the multi-coloured iceberg lagoons as they are now, surviving and hanging on, determined to stick around and be celebrated as the outstanding beauty that it is now. Because one day those marble slabs of milky glaciers might dissipate into nothingness, leaving behind nothing but a chasm of deep water, a sorrowful reminder of what once was one of Iceland’s most breathtaking natural wonders.
4. Kerid Crater Lake ( Volcanic Crater Lake )

Take A Walk Into The Golden Circle and Encounter The Kerid Crater Lake :Atlas Obscura
AS I wander into the Golden Circle, a rainbow of light hits me, spotlighting rich mossy green, firebrick red and sapphire blue. But this is not just any ordinary spectacle, the Kerid Crater Lake is a stark contrast to Iceland’s otherwise frost-glazed landscape. As I peer outside the iced realm, the scent of fresh moss wafts past my nostrils mixed with a cleanliness that my imagination would only associate with water. While some might associate the volcanic crater lake as being formed from an eruption, theories state that the magma in the centre of the crater depleted itself and according to Atlasobscura its empty chamber beneath then caved in as a result. Regardless of Kerid’s origins, imagining myself tiptoeing between the watery eye of the volcano and climbing its red versus mossy green terrains would be a true beauty to bequeath, just be careful to not fall in!
Tourists who like to play with danger must be careful to keep their wits about them as one false move and you can slip and hurt yourself, although luckily Kerid crater lake is shallow as opposed to say the multi-coloured ice lagoon, but nevertheless the terrain is slippery. In fact a quick fact for readers who are interested in the macabre, Iceland warns tourists to ‘not die abroad’ (yes you read that correctly) as they do not embalm their bodies, due to the cold weather where they see no need to do anything but pop them in the morgue. Even more worryingly family or friends must issue paperwork within 7 days to claim the body unless there are extenuating circumstances and even then it can be difficult to get everything sorted in time!
5.The Arctic Henge

Silhouette Image of The Arctic Henge Via Atlas Obscura
Picture the Stonehenge meets ‘pyramid ruins’ and you get ‘The Arctic Henge’, a pagan site that was created as a tribute to Iceland’s Nordic roots and neo-pagan beliefs. While The Arctic Henge is a ‘man-made monument’ that began construction in 1996, to the untrained eye it could easily pass off as an Ancient Neolithic monument. While some might be disappointed that they are not in the company of an ancient relic, you might regain excitement knowing that each constructed pillar is a tribute to the 72 dwarves from the eddic poem Völuspá. Voluspa (otherwise known as the Prophecy of the Seeress) is a poem that chronicles the worlds creation in the eyes of Pagan folklore and is entrenched with verses dedicated to the Seeress who narrates the lore of ancient beings who fought to create the world that we live in. While the 10th century poem might have been written in an Icelandic society that had not yet been Christianized, it is evident that verses draw parallels with the Old Testaments belief of how the world was created. But how on earth does the Voluspa relate to the Arctic Henges pillars which are enscribed with Dwarfen names? According to folklore, Volva the seeress and narrator of Voluspa, told of the dwarves who were created by Æsir, of which Mótsognir and Durinn were the most powerful. Within the poem, there is also a catologue of all 72 Dwarf names that the Arctic Henge draws inspiration from.
6. Hidden World Guided Tour In Hafnarfjörður, near Reykjavík – or even take a course at the Icelandic Elf School

Troll at Fossatún Iceland, Via Wowair US
Hafnarfjördur is renowned for having one of Iceland’s largest colonies of elves, dwarves and other spiritual beings, which are known as the “Hidden Folk”. While the legend of ‘elves’ might seem like lore that is relegated to fantasy novels like Lord of The Rings in Iceland ‘elves’ are a reality. According to Alfar, a ‘hidden world walk specialist’, the Icelandic Townfolk have long worshiped the presence of elves and have stated that in Hellisgerdi Park, at the base of the cliff known as Hamarinn, the Hidden Folk’s Royal Family live there, away from mainstream society. While few will openly admit to actually believing in the Hidden Folk, many have shared their experience with elves, trolls and other mythological beings trespassing their home. In fact when anything goes missing in an Icelandic home, people blame it on the hidden folk and have even hired ‘seers’ to mediate between contractors and elves when building homes or creating projects, so that they do not disturb the homes of the Hidden People.
If finding out more about elves is your kind of holiday, then why not take a class at The Icelandic Elf School? Creating an informal gentle approach to elves, by lecturers armed with flavoured bread and tea, the seminars are loosely constructed and according to past students feel more like hanging out with good friends than a boring stuffy class. Lecturers tell stories about their own encounters with the hiddenfolk and how some have even developed friendships with the Hidden Folk who saved their lives.
7. The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon’s nearby Glaciers
Shrouded with an ethereal mist, the Blue Lagoon is one of Iceland’s most visited experiences and its easy to see why. Created by accident, the lava fields by the Svartsengi geothermal plant were accidentally transformed into a spa in the 1970s, thus becoming the ‘Blue Lagoon’ that it is today. But the Blue Lagoon is not just aesthetically beautiful; in fact the water which is rich in salts and minerals, alongside blue-green algae, sulphur, and white silica, was found to help with skin problems by locals who first tested out its waters. With temperatures of 39 F, I can imagine myself sipping on a mojito and closing my eyes as I feel the therapeutic water washing over me, purifying me from within. All my worries would melt away and I would float for hours, detaching myself from reality and taking time out to become whole once more. There is something so ultimately pleasing about water and as a self-described mermaid, who grew up being drawn to beaches, pools, lakes and rivers, dipping my toe into Iceland’s most magical water source can create nothing but happy memories am I right?
8. The Northern Lights

Northern Lights Night Sky Landscape
You only need to mention Iceland and I can guarantee you that the first vista that will pop into your mind will be the Northern Lights. A spectacle of brightly colored lights dancing around each other in a dance that imitates a predators chase for its prey, the lights are actually caused by collisions between gaseous particles in the Earth’s atmosphere with charged particles released from the sun’s atmosphere. While the gaseous particles create the actual lights-known as Aurora Borealis’ in the north and ‘Aurora Australis’ in the south, colours are created by the type of particles that collide. For example Aurora presentations most commonly feature pale yellow-green (produced by oxygen molecules) and blue/purplish red aurora (caused by nitrogen) while rarer aurora forms like red are produced by high altitude oxygen.
Naturally being an island that is associated with Norse mythology and middle earth folklore, it should come as no surprise to learn that the lights are also part of ancient legend. While Aurora was seen as the goddess of dawn in Roman times-thus creating the spectacle of the Northern Lights- other myths state that they were symbols of ‘famine and war’ while aboriginal tribes like Menominee Indians of Wisconsin thought the Northern Lights were a torch that spotlighted the homes of the manabai’wok (giants) who were the spirits of great hunters and fishermen. While I am more inclined to believe that they are a result of simultaneous gaseous particles colliding to distribute oxygenated lights, nevertheless the folkloric tales remain interesting to read and give a valuable insight into how Icelandic people view nature in their country.
9. Ice caves in Vatnajökull glacier (South East Iceland)

Entrance To The Ice Caves in Iceland
Enveloped in snow, the ice caves lie nearby the Vatnajoskull glaciers, situated in the snowy hills of the national park. With so many caves to choose from it can be difficult to know which ice cave tour in Iceland would be the best option to book to truly marvel at the glacial display that Iceland is proud to claim as its own. But have no fear, because despite the hidden depths of the caves, the highly rated Guide To Iceland Ice Cave Tour by Vatnajokull Glacier , which departs from Jökulsárlón takes you on a mind blowing journey through Iceland’s caves, where in many cases the locations change each year meaning that no two ice tours are the same. While the change of location might be bewildering to some, to me it makes sense as like street art tours in the UK, the ‘ice cave fixtures’ are not permanent as they thaw out during warmer months. Naturally the ice caves are a highly popular attraction so be sure to book in advance to avoid disappointment. Oh and quick tip, make sure you are kitted out in warm woolies (no jeans allowed as wet denim can make you even colder) as the ice caves are meant to be pretty nippy!
10. Reykjavik Street Art Tours

Colourful Mural By Unknown Street Artist in Reykjavik
It wouldn’t be just the outstanding natural wonders like the ice caves that have cemented Iceland at the top of my bucket list but the fact that its capital city Reykjavik is full of colourful street art murals too. Creating a stark contrast to its otherwise snow-filled, frosted plains, these colourful murals are a beautiful tribute to Iceland’s cultural traditions merged with folkloric symbols like the ‘Hidden Folk’, trolls and mythological beings that echo Iceland’s colourful pagan roots.While murals and sculptures seem to be the most prevalent form of street art, mixed media posters and a graffiti scrawled skatepark are a great reminder of how desolate buildings can be transformed into something that is beautiful. Strangely despite the murals and skateparks co-existing with Iceland’s natural world, street art is actually not legal in Reyjavik, meaning that artists have been looking for alternative methods of disseminating their creative works by seeking permission from locals or commissioning pieces for local businesses, like the Nomadic Gardens in Shoreditch.
Some artists are commissioned by local businesses to drum up publicity and bring visitors to their resturant, bars and shops, while others work in the dead of night so that they don’t get caught.
11. Go Horseback Riding (Horses That Look Like Ponies)

A Close Up Of An Icelandic Horse Peering Into The Camera:Atlas Obscura
Among the elves and trolls that live alongside the ‘common people’ are wild horses that gallop around the frost glazed moors, in search of their own hidden home away from the tourists that cross their territory. While technically classed as horses, Icelandic horses closely resemble what we would call Shetland ponies in the UK, and despite their wild nature locals state that the horses also love to be ridden. As someone who is cruelty free, I was a little apprehensive at first as to whether I should promote horse riding as an amazing experience in Iceland but luckily I saw enough positive reviews from previous visitors commending the treatment of horses, as well as seeing how horse farms like Eldhestar are running in conjunction with of VAKINN, Iceland tourism’s official quality and safety label. Moreover visitors have stated how you are transported into the Iceland of 100 years ago, where unspoiled meadows juxtapose gushing glacial streams, interrupted only by the adventorous gallop of horses nearby, a sight that almost seems alien to us outsiders.
When choosing a ‘horse riding company’ in Iceland, I urge you to ensure they are cruelty free and have been awarded status as a partner with Vakinn, so that you can feel good knowing that you contributed to the Icelandic tourism industry in a manner where no animals were harmed. After all even if you are not an animal lover like I am, have a conscience and think about the impact of our actions on the environment and the habitats that our animals live in.
12. Seljalandsfoss Waterfall

Waterfalls Are Just as Stunning In Iceland as Its Infamous Lagoons
What more could a country like Iceland offer when we have already covered a diverse art scene, lagoons, caves and Elf School? Well there is one more thing… waterfalls! Seljalandsfoss is one of Iceland’s most popular waterfalls and it’s easy to see why. Standing over 200 FT tall, you will feel in awe of this majestic beauty, as it coats you in its refreshing water stream.Be sure to bring a raincoat if you don’t want to get drenched but I personally would go without, to feel nature’s cleansing touch. Whats more, Seljalandfoss has been recorded as being in the top 10 most photographed vistas in Iceland, behind The Northern Lights and The Blue Lagoo, which is unsurprising considering how the waterfall glistens and gleams in the afternoon sun. And if you want to get your Nerd Hat on, Justin Bieber’s Show Me featured scenes from South Iceland, including Seljalandfoss.
Have You Ever Been To Iceland?
Oh I would love to go to Iceland! This sounds amazing. Pinning for future use…
Iceland is totally on my bucket list, it’s way beyond my budget at the moment (especially with two kids) but I think it’s worth saving up for.
No I have never been to Iceland but I plan to visit some day. Sounds magical x
You’ve shared some seriously cool ideas for going to Iceland here The Blue Lagoons like beauty as do the Northern lights!
My friends have been to Iceland and it is somewhere I would love to visit. The Northern Lights would be amazing to see
Wow those lagoons are beautiful! I would love to go horse back riding, infact Id love to do any of these things. Iceland looks stunning!
Iceland’s attractions are so awe inspiring. It is nature at its most pristine beauty! The Blue Lagoon would be a sight to behold, and so with the crater lake and that waterfall. OMG. I wish I could have a chance to visit Iceland!
I’d love to see the northern lights In Iceland. The entrance to the ice caves in Iceland look amazing too!
I have wanted to go to Iceland for a while now! I’d love to go hiking and explore the volcanoes and lakes.
I always thought the most extraordinary aspect of Iceland were the Northern lights, but I learned something new today! There is so much more! Definitely not helping my wanderlust! I loved the picture with the waterfalls, so peaceful!
Volcanic Cave Lake is where Game Of Thrones scenes between Jon and Yigritte were shot? This is something I didn’t know about. I have always wanted to visit Iceland, although I didn’t get a chance. But since I and my boyfriend are such diehard fans of GOT, we are definitely going there! Thanks for sharing such an amazing experience, Ana.
Regards: Veethee
I was pretty much right about Iceland but did not know that Iceland has a great view at night. Pretty amazing view at night.Only 11th one I won’t do, I am still scared of horse riding.
Iceland is so beautiful. Northern lights and the Blue Lagoon have been on my list for when I get to visit Iceland but all the others things were new to me, thanks for sharing all the other fabulous things.
OMG! These are some awesome pics. Iceland is on my bucket list but after reading this post…I want to book a flight right now. 🙂
Wow! What a fabulous place to visit! How i wish i can visit here with my family too. Looks so much fun
I’ve always wanted to visit Iceland, my dad recently went and his photos were stunning. Reading this hasn’t helped stave off the wanderlust! The landscapes are absolutely breathtaking.
I’ve never been to Iceland but everyone seems to be raving about it at the minute. Definitely one for the to do list.
It’s so refreshing to read about other places in Iceland that aren’t just the northern lights! Like I knew it was beautiful but now it’s been bumped up on my travel list! Thank you for sharing!
The Northern Lights are on my bucket list, we are trying to find the best time to go to Iceland. I love the Blue Lagoon and that would be an experience of a lifetime!
Oh wow those pictures look dreamy… I would love to go to Iceland someday! Thanks a lot for your precious recommendations.
Iceland is totally amazing and breathtaking view. Seeing a blue lagoon and The Northern Lights created by gaseous particles colliding is such a great to experience.
I would love to go to Iceland!
I would love to go to Iceland. It’s definitely on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing these.
Iceland is on my places to visit before I die. I would love to witness the northern lights!!
I love Phillip Pullman too! Iceland is definitely on my bucket list. This is such a detailed and helpful post – thanks so much for sharing. xxx
OMG! I really need to visit Iceland. <3
I’ve been to Iceland it’s the most amazing place in the world! So surreal!
Wow! The pictures are perfect. I have always been fascinated with the Northern Lights. Now this list makes Iceland more interesting.
Your pictures are fantastic! I’m really jealous that you got to go to Iceland, it’s been on the top of my list of places I want to visit for ages. I want to see the northern lights (of course) but I also am really interested in the waterfalls and ice caves 🙂
Oh this Iceland looks a great place to visit. It would be a perfect place for a family vacation.
Yes to all of these! I adore Iceland and am desperate to go back, it really is such a magical country.
Iceland has been on my bucket list for ages! I’d love to go and see all the sites x
I’ve seen a photo of Seljalandsfoss Waterfall before but didn’t know where it was taken; so glad to know where I need to go to see it now! Hidden World Guided Tour In Hafnarfjörður also looks like a really un experience!
Iceland is the top of my wanderlust list too. It’s such a stunning country. The Northern Lights are what mainly attracts me but I’d love to see the caves and lagoons too. I’d not heard about the horses, they sound so cute!
OMG! What a magnificent place! I can’t stop thinking about Iceland with those breathtaking views that I really want to book a flight right now. Thanks for your sharing!
These all look absolutely breathtaking! Blue Lagoon is definitely one of the more famous landmarks, so hopefully one day I can make it there 🙂
I always wanted to Iceland once in my life, this place is just like heaven, your photos are great and those lagoons are beautiful!
Wow! I love this post! I wish to visit aurora first.
I really need to see the northern lights. This is the one thing that I truly want to experience.
(hubby helping out)
I really need to visit Iceland! The scenery is just gorgeous and I would like to experience the Northern Lights.
I have been checking the prices for a trip to Iceland and it is really way expensive. So I will have to skip this breathtaking place for a while.
I would love to go to Iceland and top of my list would definitely be the Northern Lights and I would love to go to the volcanic caves, I’ve seen so much about them!
We loved every inch of our adventures in Iceland , but articles like this make me realize just how much we have left to experience! Can confirm that the Blue Lagoon, Seljalandsfoss, and horseback riding (furry, furry horses!) are fantastic. Now to add more trips on to our to-do list! 🙂
okay, those northern lights are insane!!!! I have never been to iceland but look forward to it and taking my kids with me, i mean, it just looks breath taking.
I’ve just got back from Iceland. You’ve picked some fab things to experience
Breathtaking scenery. I also want to visit Iceland. It is funny how the name of country contradicts with the actual country landscape.
You’ve sold me on a trip to Iceland! I never knew how beautiful it was!
My husband knows that if I came into some money, or the chance came up, my first thing would be to book a trip to Iceland! It’s first on my bucket list! I’m a volcano nerd, secretly and also just think it’s such a fascinating place! One day… some stunning pics there!
Iceland looks like a stunning place to visit. It has so much natural beauty there. I’d love to go see the Northern Lights.
I haven’t been to Iceland but I would love to, it just looks stunning. My friend has been for a hen do and said it was beautiful
Iceland looks incredible and the some of these places are majestic. I have always watched various movies and documentaries with the Blue Lagoon but hopefully I will get to visit it one day and sipping that Mojito as well!
I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights. It’s probably the number one thing on my travel bucket list!!
Louise x
That looks so beautiful. My inlaws have been there as they are Icelandic and they loved it. I would love to visit their one day.
I would love everything about this trip. The scenery is breathtaking and the street art has a creative flare that is energizing.
Gorgeous pictures and no I have not been to Iceland but I would love to go there. It looks breathtaking.
We are forever wanderlust-ing (is that even a word lol!) We try to go on 1 major trip and a few minor trips every year. I think the fact that we have a trip to look forward to is the only reason we haven’t quit our jobs yet haha. Iceland is stunning. And is definitely on our bucket list! I hope we can go someday soon.
I too seem to have the travel bug this year! Your pictures in this post are amazing! I have never been to Iceland but hope to one day see this beautiful place with my own eyes! That waterfall is just stunning!
Iceland is definitely on my list! I didn’tknow they had so many natural wonders. Everyone I know that’s been there absolutely loved it!! Great post!
Wow, these are some stunning photos. I’ve always wanted to go to Iceland. I know it’s gorgeous there.
I’m stunned to see the beauty this place holds. Wanna experience Northern lights soon, shall for sure plan a viist to Iceland next year sometime. Thanks, It motivated me:)
ooohhh. I want to go there and try landscape photography.
Going to Iceland would be a dream come true. It would be amazing to see the Northern Lights In Iceland.
God has created an amazing place to live for us . Wonderful Iceland this should be another title for this blog . I imagine if I can get there , nothing more interesting for me other than see the northern light .
I have always wanted to see the Northern Lights. These pictures are absolutely stunning! The Blue Lagoon is absolutely awe inspiring!
I am sold on the Northern Lights and the Blue Lagoon. Those two alone would be worth the airline price. I love traveling, too.
I have Iceland on my bucketlist and would love to see the Northern lights from there as wasnt able to in Norway
Iceland looks such a magical place. Would love to visit the ice caves x
Iceland would be amazing, especially to see the northern lights. I’ve never been but I want to make the next few years the years to get visiting different locations x
One of the goals I have in life is to see the Northern Lights… It’s the same for my OH. We are hoping to get to Iceland in the next few years.
I went to Iceland back in February and it was truly incredible! The Blue Lagoon is expensive but so worth it and the landscape there is just stunning 🙂
I would go for the northern light and the lagoons. It’s a place I have to try and visit before winter.
I’ve been getting wanderlust a lot lately too, but unfortunately i’m saving for a house this year! Great tips – I’m hoping to go to Iceland in 2018.
Iceland is right high up my bucketlist of places to visit and I really want to go over new year next year x
Iceland is definitely on my bucket list! Would love to go…
I’ve only ever spent five hours in Iceland before, en route from Canada to Scotland when I immigrated in 1999. I’ve been wanting to go back ever since, and this post has stirred my wanderlust again!
Iceland is without a doubt on my travel bucket list because WHOA, what a place!!
I’ve heard so many great stories about visiting Iceland. The Northern Lights are what would draw me to visit as they do look stunning.
I recently wrote a post on why I want to visit Iceland. It looks beautiful!
What a great list. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to go to a Volcanic Crater so I think that would be the first place I would want to visit there!
I would love to visit Iceland, it all looks so wonderful, especially the Northern Lights!
I’d absolutely love to visit Iceland, it’s been near the top of my bucket list for years! Think I’ll be saving up for a while though..
It’s amazing how many beautiful experiences Iceland has to offer! I have actually written a post about the best places to see the Northern Lights from in Iceland and hopefully, if everything goes as planned, I will go to see them sometime in February. I’ll promise not to die there though, lol.
I have wanted to visit Iceland for ages now. It’s a dream of mine to swim in the blue lagoon.
Omg, wow! All these places sound so fashinating, would be a beautiful, different and interesting travel this to Iceland!
And this is precisely the reason why Iceland is included in my list of places-to-visit. Seeing the northern lights is on my bucket list too 🙂
Wow, this is so cool! Iceland has been on our list for a while now but we didn’t know about so many of these places! Definitely coming back to this when we plan our trip next year!
Carrie & Shannon |
Iceland looks like an amazing place to visit, I too would love to visit one day x
GREAT TIMING!! Really hoping to get to Iceland next year. Its been a dream destination for a while but I have a young son. I’m hoping he’ll find it interesting too. He loved Oslo and Copenhagen and New Zealand.
I’d love to see the Northern Lights! I’ve been told you can see them in Alaska so I’m hoping I’ll be able to stay there sometime to see it. Iceland just looks so incredible from the pictures!
Iceland looks beautiful! I can’t wait to go there myself one day!
Iceland is such an amazing place there are so many breathtaking experiences to be had….we can’t wait to go back there one day!
Oh gosh I totally remember being spellbound by the same poeticness of Phillip Pullmans Northern Lights. I would love to see them in Iceland one day! That said you’ve mentioned so many amazing places. A top for me besides the lights would be the ice caves!
I would love to visit Iceland and see the Northern Lights. The only thing putting me off is that I’ve heard it’s really expensive once you’re there – food etc is really pricey. Might need to do it just for a long weekend!
Congratulations on spreading your wings and doing so much more travel lately! And good for you for changing up the environment from London to beaches and now to the freezing cold haha! I STILL haven’t been to Iceland but I’m going through changes myself. It’s time to leave my love for Asia behind and start spreading my wings. Maybe I’ll see you an icy cave there!
Some amazing sights to be seen, a friend went earlier in the year and got snowed in and missed out on a lot of the things she wanted to see. I’ve volunteered to go back with her one day
Hey Ana, love all of these great photos of Iceland. Growing up all I heard about Iceland is that it was a trick and that it was prettier than Greenland and more habitable. I didn’t really think about it much until I saw that section of the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It did have some pretty cool views, but I didn’t realize all of the amazing stuff they had there. It’s just all incredible. Thanks for all of the great information. I am definitely going to have to take a trip there when I get the chance. Would love to have a travel year of my own.
My mum is going next week – will show her this! x
I’d like to visit Iceland. It is shrouded in mystery. You hear nothing about this country which is a good thing in my opinion. I have friend who visited and she said the food was out of this world. The people were lovely and it was extremely safe.
I am absolutely dying to go to Iceland, and this post will really help with the planning process! Thanks so much!
I’ve really been wanting to visit Iceland for a while now. There are so many places I’d like to travel to but I just don’t have the vacation time. If I did, I’d travel 24/7!
I’ve been dreaming of going to Iceland for years! This is such a great post that I will definitel refer back to when I eventually get to go! 🙂
Iceland looks absolutely beautiful. This is definitely on my list of must see places when I am able to travel more freely.
How awesome does Iceland look, it would make a great destination to explore.
I would love to see the Northern Lights and the Henge looks really interesting. We now have flights from Cardiff to Iceland so maybe I will be able to visit soon
Iceland is such a beautiful place! I think we all should visit it once in our lives! And oh the Northen lights, I think it’s on everyone bucket-list right?
Oh wow the Volcanic Cave Lake looks absolutely amazing, as does the multi coloured lagoon. To be honest it all looks amazing, what a picturesque place. Definitely on my travel wishlist
Iceland just looks SO beautiful! I’d love to see the northern lights one day. In all honesty though, anything to do with volcanoes really freaks me out. Even when people say “It won’t erupt for another 100 years…” whatever. I’m not taking that chance! Haha
Great post. Often Iceland is known for the nothern lights – something that is on my bucket list. However, its great to see there is so much more to do as well as see. The Caves look amazing. Definitely going to book to soon.
Iceland is at the top of my travel bucket list. I’ve heard so many people talk about how amazing it is to visit that I have to go there. I can’t wait to see all the beauty it has to offer.
I’ve been to Iceland twice now, and still I don’t feel as if I’ve seen it- there’s just so much to do!
I’m yet to visit Iceland, but it is absolutely on my bucket list and something I would love to do in the not too distant future. Thanks for such an informative post, sharing with us some really beautiful places in Iceland.
These all sound like amazing experiences! I need to go to Iceland one day!
I have to admit, but Iceland hasn’t been on my radar for visiting, but after seeing these photos, I may rethink that!
All of these photos are unreal! Visiting Iceland has been on my bucket list for a long time. Hopefully I will be able to visit soon!
I’ve not been to Iceland but it’s up there on my place to visit. It’s on my mum’s bucket list to go and I really want to take her and see the northern lights xo
Wow! Pictures of places are really amazing! Never though Iceland could have so much to offer.
Never been to Iceland but it looks so beautiful from pictures! I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights and it would be such a memorable experience!
Iceland sounds and looks amazing. I would love to take my daughter there some time. The Northern lights sound amazing but my the street art! Just imagine the photo shoots you could do there! 🙂 Angela x
If Iceland wasn’t on my bucket list before it sure is now. My god it’s got beautiful things to see and experience.
I would just love to explore the Grjotagja. I have never seen a volcanic cave before!
Pinning for sure! I’d love to go to Iceland and see the Northern lights and your photos are incredible
Iceland is definitely not a place I imagined ever visiting, mostly because I hate the cold but after reading your post and seeing those gorgeous pictures, I might have to give Iceland another thought:)
Those photos are absolutely breathtaking!!!!
My husband, in fact, has a separate savings account just for visiting Iceland. I kid you not. Truth be told, I have to say that I agree. Ever since the New York Times wrote an article about their pools, I’ve wanted to go too. Can you imagine swimming in the middle of such beauty? xx Here’s a link to the article:
What a beautiful country! It seems so pristine. If I ever get to Iceland, I would like to see the Multi Colored Lagoon and the Entrance To The Ice Caves. They both look like alien landscapes. Amazing!
I wish to experience horse back riding in the wide greeneries of Iceland and take many photos of its beauty. And enjoy its night time!
As a traveler planning on visiting Iceland in the near future, this is an excellent list to keep handy as a reference and guide. These are all up my alley!
That is simply beautiful. Going to Iceland is on my buckle list to go to.
Iceland is top of my bucket list but the kids have vetoed in favour of Florida……maybe I will get a long weekend with Hubby
Iceland has been on the very top of my bucket list for SO long…. I’ll be sure to check all these places out when I finally make it there ♥ hopefully next year
I knew Iceland is stunning but never thought it would be ETHEREAL. It completely looks like a fantasy land painted on canvas by some blessed artist. I really wonder how will be experience of swimming in that volcano lake?
These pictures are stunning, I would truly love to visit Iceland. I have heard so many wonderful things about it!
You clicked these pics, Ana? I mean, they are super awesome! And I loved every bit of your post. I’m planning to travel to Iceland and Greenland early next year. Your post will certainly help me plan my Iceland itinerary. Bookmarked! Northern lights and Blue lagoons have been on my bucket list. Seljalandsfoss Waterfall and Hekla seem bucket list worthy. Thank you so much for sharing this great post.
My godmother went to see the Northern Lights in Iceland just before her death, it was her final wish and brought her so much happiness. The country is beautiful.
Wow, Iceland is magical. I can’t fly and it’s one place that I have always wanted to visit. I’m sure its a place that one would never forget x
It may be nicknamed the Gateway To Hell, but Hekla looks amazing!! I am off to Iceland in December, so there are some great tips for me here 🙂 gonna pin this article to refer back to nearer the time! x
Iceland looks like a wonder land with nature playing drama in the skies. Volcanic crater lake and glaciers surrounding Blue lagoon are wonderful and so magical. Lovely post!
I have wanted to go to Iceland for so long but still not found the right moment to go! I hear the people are amazing and crazy but in the best possible way?
Iceland is definitely on my bucket list, just waiting until the children are a little older.
It’s crazy how much I want to just pick up and go and travel while I’m young and able. Iceland has been on my travel bucket list for years because I really want to see the Northern Lights. I hav le to say that you do get a good view of them on the night flight from Vancouver to London as you’re flying over Iqaluit and Hudson Bay though all cascading around the plane but its faint white in colour to the naked eye not green until you see the photos.
Wow1 i think every place in Iceland is worth seeing! It’s such an unique country with so many special natural and magical spots. I believe it’s a country everyone should visit at least once in a life.
I have never been to Iceland, but I have certainly put it on my list, just to see the Northern Lights. I am wanting to go, but going to wait until Leanora is a tad older, so I can enjoy with my little peanut. Fancy looking after MIlo lol? xx
So happy for you that you are in a new whole chapter of your life! Yes once you start traveling, you really can’t stop. It is eye opening seeing how beautiful the world is. I still have to visit London though, your hometown. I love all the images of Iceland! Those beautiful skies would be amazing to see in real life.
Iceland is a pretty impressive place to visit but it is actually very expensive. Although agreed totally one to check off the bucket list
You definitely captured the essence of Iceland in you photos and makes me want to book a flight immediately!
WOW!All these pictures from just one country! Iceland looks amazing. I can’t wait to see the Northern lights for myself!
I have just booked my holiday to Iceland in December! I can’t wait 🙂 I will try my best to see the Northern Lights as it’s on my bucket list and I would love to see them. I will also be doing the Blue Lagoon and a husky ride 🙂 I will also check out the ice caves if I can as they look stunning
Iceland is so breath taking! the lagoon and the northern lights! uh-amazing!the photography is absolutely beautiful.
I’m definitely adding Iceland on my “to travel list”
Oh wow. Each and every one of these look absolutely amazing. I would love to see the Northern Lights.
I so want to visit Iceland and see the Northern lights. A friend has been a couple of times and I hope to go soon. Kaz x
You definitely have me wanting to visit Iceland! What a beautiful place with so many magical attractions.
Iceland looks like it has some gorgeous scenery. I would love to visit here some day. The photos are gorgeous and I have heard it is one of the best places to see the Northern Lights. Thanks for sharing the information.
I have heard a lot about Iceland but I never realised there is so much to see and do there. The places are spectacular and the scenery is amazing. I need to add this destination to my bucket list.
Perfect timing as I’m going Iceland next year. The northern lights are well on my list. However did not realise that there was so much other stuff to do :)x
Seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland in on my bucket list of things to do. Looks like such a fantastic place to visit, my partner has been but I have not yet
Laura x
Such amazing, stunning images. I’ve never seen the Northern Lights, but they are definitely on my bucket list. I’d love to visit Iceland someday – I keep reading incredible posts about it.
Aww! I always wanted to go to Iceland! Swing northern lights is on my bucket list! I am bookmarking this for future. Thank you for also including how to reach there! This is wonderful Anna.
Every time somebody visits Iceland, they get amazingly outstanding pictures of some enchanted areas and animals. It’s seems lake a magical place.
Iceland + your cover pic remind of Games of thrones … Winters have arrived !
I’ve never been to Iceland, but it’s somewhere I’d really love to visit. Seeing the Northern Lights is something I have on my bucket list, so I would love to visit for that reason, but there is so much more to the beautiful country!
ive never been my daughter just started a new school who ere going but we were too late joining her to be able to send her so she missed out but they said it was amazing experience
Your photos and images of the northern lights look absolutely spectacular. It’s given me total wunderlust and I can’t wait to go! What a beautiful and colourful place. Keep up the good work xx
The multi-coloured iceberg lagoon is absolutely stunning!
Your photos are so great! Iceland looks like such an amazing and beautiful place! I have always wanted to see the northern lights, and the pictures you have are amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, how gorgeous can it get. Those Northern Lights are gorgeous and something you must see in your lifetime. However, I was shocked to see the other gorgeous things. The cave and multi colored lagoon are gorgeous. Great photo ops too. Had no idea Iceland hides all these little treasures. Another one to add to my bucketlist.
Wow. These photos are amazing. I am definitely adding Iceland to my travel list.
I’ve also wanted to visit Iceland since reading the His Dark Materials trilogy, it looks beautiful! I love the look of Grjotagja, it’s always nice to visit somewhere a littler quieter and less touristy 🙂
I’m glad I’m not the only one with a serious case of wanderlust at the mo. Reykjavik has been on my bucket list for a long time. So many wonderful things to see there
My mummy would love to visit Iceland just for the Northern Lights! I bet they are spectacular! Great round-up post x
Iceland is at the top of my to visit list. I want to do every single thing listed here
Those photos are remarkable! Never thought Iceland is so magical! I wanna go too.
I didn’t know that ice bergs could be multi coloured! That is amazing! The northern lights is #1 on my list to be able to experience there!
I would love to visit Iceland. The Volcanic Cave Lake looks breath taking.
Iceland looks amazing! They’ve just started flights from Bournemouth which is my local airport so it’s definitely on the list!
The northern lights have been on my bucket list FOREVER. Must go soon! Xxx
Iceland is totally on my to visit list. It’s such a magical, beautiful country.
These are great suggestions. Iceland has been on my list of places to travel for ages.
Now I know the reason why Star Wars VII has been all shot in Iceland – it’s because the place is jaw-droppingly beautiful and it feels like you’re on another planet. I will include this on my bucket list.
I was trying to pick my favoruite photo or experience but they all look amazing! Iceland has been on our wanderlust list for several years! I really can’t wait to visit.