Grenfell Tower
58 people feared dead, dozens missing and hundreds without house or home, caught in limbo as they watched their homes go up in flames on the 14th June. Many were lucky to have made it out alive; a blind pensioner who used his jumper to create an SOS signal, rescued 12 hours after the fire had started from his 11th floor flat orffff the hero who caught a 4 year old girl, thrown out of the window by her mother who is believed to be deceased. But for some, their last words brought anguish to their families; talented artist Khadija Saye who posted on Facebook that she had tried to escape but couldn’t leave due to the thick smoke and flames or 23 year old Mohammed al-Haj Ali who escaped war in Syria, to find a better life in the UK but died alone, after being separated from his brother Omar. Or what about the 536 others reported as missing by residents, yet the government and media have only listed 30 as dead, why is this?
Why is the media and the government lying to us, claiming that the death toll is lower than it is? Why is the media trying to sugarcoat what really happened, is it because they are scared of criticism? Because they know that the ‘fall’ of Grenfell Tower was pre-mediated and that they could have done more to prevent the fire from happening. The only way that we can know the truth is by listening to the ‘Grenfell Community’ because they are the only ones who want the whole world to know what really happened. I felt sickened reading through community reports where despite the ‘media’ declaring that there were 30 ‘deaths so far’, the reality is that there is in fact 160 innocent people dead; mothers, fathers, children, families, friends all perished in the fire without having their deaths acknowledged. As volunteer and resident DJ Isla stated in a heartbreaking interview she had not met a ‘single victim’ since volunteering and said she can no longer volunteer when the money is A. not reaching the survivors and B. the donations are going to waste, when the donations are for people who are already dead.
An emotional resident, whose name was undeclared stated that he was ‘friends’ with one of the firefighters, because they both share Moroccan descent , who told him that in one room alone, there was 42 people dead and yet the official death toll still remains at 30. The reality is that our Conservative government is afraid of its people, because it knows that if it was to release the real ‘high death’ figures, then Theresa May would undoubtedly be ousted from power, as she should be. Where was she when Corbyn was talking to the residents, comforting the survivors and giving them a shoulder to cry on. As one survivor quite aptly put, May was ‘s**t and did not even talk to the residents when she visited Grenfell Tower, yet Corbyn who constantly receives bad press, showed what a good man he really is, expressing empathy and understanding. While May released an official statement admitting that the response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy was ‘not good’ and claimed that she would ‘extend relief efforts’, the truth is she knows as well as the media that they are not taking full responsibility for their actions. After all a true leader is one who unites a nation in the wake of tragedy and gives us the cold hard truth, even when we don’t want to hear it and May has failed spectacularly on both levels.
But how on earth did Grenfell Tower catch fire in the first place? While there are many theories that are floating around, a general consensus is that the lack of fire sprinkler systems combined with non-fire resistant external cladding led to the destruction of the building in the matter of 15 minutes, although a resident claimed that his faulty fridge caught fire first. The truth is that for years residents had complained about the fire hazards that the building imposed and yet their words were blocked. Instead they were giving sanctions for speaking out against the council. London Mayor Sadiq Khan even stated that residents were offered poor advice by authorities, who claimed that it was advisable to stay inside in the event of a fire and that the council would only take action if many people had died. Can we claim that this fire, that undoubtedly killed more than 30 people, is an example of corporate manslaughter? I believe so, after all as Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy stated
“This is the richest borough in our country treating its citizens in this way and we should call it what it is. It is corporate manslaughter. And there should be arrests made; frankly, it is an outrage,” he said. Having lost his dear friend and artist Khadija Saye in the blaze, Lammy was not the only MP or minister to question and label the tragedy as ‘corporate manslaughter’. Shadow Housing Minister John Healey accused ministers of ignoring key recommendations issued by coroners reports into tower block fires in south London and Southampton and declared that there should be an immediate fire safety review of tower blocks. The real question is though, why does it take a tragedy to propel the government into action? Moreover why were many residents threatened with being kicked out after voicing their concerns over the fire safety hazards or dismissed for being dramatic?
The irony is that our very own Prime Minister Theresa May’s Chief Staff was one of a series of housing ministers who sat on a report that warned that ‘high rise buildings like Grenfell Tower ‘ were prone to fire for FOUR YEARS and yet did nothing! If there had been the ‘recommended fire sprinkler’ systems in place and fire resistant cladding, would the fire have been as momentous as it was on the 14th June or would it have even happened at all? After all the fire at Lakanal House in 2009, killed 6 people and injured at least 20, surely that would have been a wake up call to the government and councils to not reject ‘residential bids’ for adequate infrastructure and fire safety regulations? Yet like always, the government are lining their own pockets and watching their own backs, without thinking of its people first. It horrifies me that corporate manslaughter is still evident in 2017 and to think that our government continues to create a gap between the poor and the rich, because they believe that the ‘rich is more valuable to our economy’ is beyond me.
But what can we as a community do, when the money we have donated is lining the pockets of charities and not going towards funeral, housing and living costs? How can we take a stand and show our government that we will not stand for this bull***t any more? I will tell you how, by signing petitions to help Grenfell residents find loved ones, to spread the word about the real truth that the media is failing to disclose and lastly to pressure the government to rethink their policies on the welfare state and social housing because this is not the first time that they have failed to stop high rise tower blocks from fires.
If you really want to make a change please sign the petitions below
To Fast track Grenfell Tower Victim Mohammad Alhajali’s parents visa to the UK please sign the petition below. You will not only allow them to visit surviving son Omar in hospital, but you will also allow them to attend their son Mohammed’s funeral. No parent should ever have to bury their child but please give them the chance to spend time with both sons, before having to return to Syria.
Any family and friends concerned about their loved ones please contact the Casualty Bureau on 0800 0961 233.
If you are affected by the Grenfell Tower fire, either directly or indirectly, and in need of mental health support or psychological therapy you can call a dedicated NHS response service number where you can get access to mental health support services as well as information and advice 24 hours a day.The number to call is 0800 0234 650 or email
To Get Grenfell Tower’s Housing Minister and Theresa May’s Chief of Staff Gavin Barwell to resign now, sign the petition below.
To improve fire safety in tower blocks to make sure the tragedy in Grenfell Tower is never repeated please sign the petition below
and finally to rehome all tenants of Grenfell Tower please sign the petition below
If you live nearby or have easy access to London then please do your bit and volunteer. Together we can make a change.
What Are Your Thoughts On The Grenfell Tower Fire?
It was definitely a tragedy. Thoughts and prayers with the victims and the survivors. Just a horrible situation all around.
Well done for calling out the government and mainstream media on this, it is a brave but important post to write. I am not even sure it is a conservative vs labour issue though, I believe regardless of who is in power they have alot to answer for and twist the truth/ weave lies for us to believe. (I am very keen to get rid of Theresa May though certainly, and do like Jeremy Corbyn!)
This is so horrific, it’s such a shame that a terrible tragedy had to take place in order for politicans/those in power to listen. The Grenfell Community had actively voiced their concerns over safety many times but no one listened?! It’s clear how harmful it can be to not listen and engage. I have signed several of these petitions and already donated money – it’s also baffling how much support comes from the public and not from the poiticans!!
An abomination! I am so sad that lives had to be lost for the problems to be finally addressed. The fatality numbers are going to soar and I’m heartbroken. Many are unaccounted for …. dozens of families missing and people died because of the management’s carelessness.
Who builds a high rise with 24 stories, 2 lifts, 1 exit!!!!!!!? Did anyone stop to consider how to evacuate 24 floors from 1 exit? It’s impossible and a travesty. Typically, elevators shut down in a fire. So, they were building funeral homes and calling them residences. I’m heartbroken for all the families. May the dead never be forgotten. <3
Such a tragic event. I also questioned how the death toll was so low when so many people were unaccounted for. I guess that can’t say they are dead unless they know for sure?
I read with horror what had happened and couldn’t help but think London has been through so much. My goodness, to read about the victims and what happened, it’s simply beyond heartbreaking. Some of what you mentioned filled in gaps for me .. especially about the number dead. I couldn’t (and still can’t) understand why the number wasn’t increasing, when clearly one knew it should. Thank-you too for including links for ways people can have their voice heard ..
I am sorry to hear this . It was few days ago when I am here this happening on the radio station while I am driving my clients which is also from England .
This is a heartbreaking story. I feel sorry for the relatives and friends of the victims. Praying for those who died and their families.
I think the Grenfell Tower Fire has been a wake-up call for a lot of councils who look after these high rise flats. You can bet they are all scrambling around now getting confirmation that tower blocks in their cities aren’t covered in plastic cladding!
My condolences are with families of those who lost lives. It is a sad thing. I agree. The people have the right to know what really happened and it only brings humanity together.
It’s such a devastating event and my thoughts are with everyone involved.
I watched this unfold on the news. What a tragedy! So much love to the survivors – I can’t even imagine what they went through.
It is heartbreaking and so much more could have been done before the fire happened. It’s so so sad and I hope the government will make the changes they should have done long before. It makes me so mad the inequalities between rich and poor and the way things are hidden and played down! It’s just wrong!
Thank you for sharing these petitions, I had friends (architects) living in throwing distance from this block and they can’t quite believe how the refurbished infrastructure was signed off!
Really horrible incident.we have to take lesson from it.
It was such a tragic event, my heart is with all the families that lost loved ones, this should never have happened.
These are definitely some very real and scary experiences for those involved in a tradegy. It is sad that news often exaggerates, or portrays what political figures want them to portray. This is a great wake-up call post!
Still reeling from this terrible tragedy which really could have been avoided I think it’s disgusting that cheap flammable cladding was put up on the exterior just so it could look better to those who live around it. Saving money always leads to such high human cost.
London has been through a lot lately. The once calm and peaceful London is now threatened.
We sincerely commensurate with you all.
This just makes me so angry. Thank you for giving those who need it resources to get the help they need after this tragic event.
It’s so sad, especially when it could have been prevented.
This is heartbreaking. I lived nearby for years and I can’t help but thinking all of these could have so easily been avoided. I still can’t believe all the lies we kept being fed…
This is horrible. I sincerely hope that the petition is successful and that justice is served!
It makes me so mad, why do councils only try and improve thing when something major happens like this? Why weren’t they listening to the concerns of the residents before this horrible tragedy. ?
I can’t get my head around what happened at Grenfell, how did they not have sprinkers and working alarms? Why did they tell people to stay put? So many why and so many missing answers.
I’m still in shock. What is wrong with people? I feel the world may be coming to an end!
This is so heartbreaking AND infuriating. A real-life example of how the oppressed continue to be ignored, or pushed down, and forced to stay down. Sad that it takes such a tragic ordeal to shine a light on the economic disparities that exist.
It’s a shocking story whatever way you look at it. Such a devastating and unnecessary loss of precious life. There are many many questions to be answered x
Tragic news here and there. I saw the fire in the news and I couldn’t really bear to think about the poor souls suffering in that building.
I couldn’t believe the news when I heard about this, especially that most of the building didn’t have fire alarms either. I know the fire must have spread quick but fire alarms could have alerted more people x
What a terrible tragedy. What caused the fire to spread so quickly was so easily preventable. Hopefully this tragedy will lead to improvements that will prevent further tragedies.
What a horrible and sad tragedy. Hopefully this will open eyes to the fact that such type of building and lack of maintenance must be made safer. Prayers going out to those affected.
This is why it’s heartbreaking to watch the news these days. You never know which station is telling the truth. My heart goes out to the victims as well. It’s so heartbreaking when you hear, yet again, that London has to endure another tragedy as if the first two weren’t enough. Stay strong and stay united.
This is unbelievably heartbreaking. I’m completely saddened by the current state of affairs, everywhere. Greed, hate, divide… and TOO much death lately. My thoughts are with all the families and friends. Hopefully, something positive can come of this. And I know that’s not comforting to hear, I hate hearing the saying “all things happen for a reason” after something tragic. I won’t say that. I do not believe this EVER should have happened. I think people should have been taken care of, I think people matter more than saving money and greed. But I do hope that there is some positive.
Sending you love-
It’s such an awful thing to have happened. It’s shocking issues that had been brought up in 2003 about the building and faulty electrics there were ignored and not addressed as this could have been prevented. I think the death toll is now 79. I donated food right at the very beginning when we heard what had happened.
Just devastating. I have been unable to find the words and yet you sum it up so well. It’s shocking that they have underplayed this whole tragedy, there are so many more dead and missing than we will ever truly know, I will be signing those petitions.
I despise media for manipulating the truth! This is a heartbreaking tragedy.
Such a tragic incident. Plastic cladding on high rise is very risky and shouldn’t be allowed atleast in residential towers.
What a terrible tragedy and things just seem to be getting worse each week. Terrible story and one can only hope the families find strength
Heartbreaking. I think, but please check, that the police have to confirm somebody has passed away, and notify the relatives, before the media can officially be told and then officially state that somebody is gone. The loss is utterly heartbreaking but I think these checks and balances are to stop wild speculation or any error on the serious matter of life and death, but please check if I’m right. I think a lot of the members of the media right now are hurting too covering the endless succession of stories in London but each individual will be different. People across the country are shocked at this event.
You’re completely right, it shouldn’t take a tragedy such as this to make the government take action – especially when residents were already requesting improved fire safety. My thoughts are with the victims and their families of this totally unnecessary tragedy xx
Such a horrible tragedy. My prayers go to the victims and their families.
I did notice that May’s comments were always very short and obvious. like “Something needs to be done” No Sh*t sherlock! She really does not seem to have a clue what she is doing or what to say at times like these. We may as well have a robot for PM.
The tower news hasn’t left my mind all week. The strength that mother must of had to throw her baby is unreal.
Another tragedy…… another blow for London …and as if this were not enough for you all to cope with you have been cursed with a shitty Prime MInister who’s only concern is for her own self and her political career. Well if there is any Justice she won’t have one after the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
Such a terrible tragedy. You simply can’t imagine the terror these people must have felt. You are right, we need the truth and answers as to how and why this happened in the first place.
Such a tragic event. I feel for all of the people affected by this terrible tragedy. I agree that it seems like some sort of cover-up is going on, and I hope somebody gets to the bottom of it eventually.
Such a powerful post. I still can’t believe such a thing happened in today’s day and age in this country, it’s wrong. I read your post whilst watching the Panorama documentary that was shown tonight. My heart goes out to everyone affected.
Such a horrific tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected.
I was absolutely devastated when I read about this. I can’t believe something like this was allowed to happen and my heart breaks for the families who lost loved ones and also for the people who are now displaced because of this tragedy!
It was such a terrible thing that happened but I definitely put my hands in the air for you, so brave speaking out what everyone really thinks!
It is the most horrific thing I have ever seen, and my heart goes out to the families who have died, lost loved ones and lost their homes.
This is heartbreaking. My prayer goes to the victims, families and loved ones.
another sad and very tragic event and blow for London and i hope people find strength, to survive this horrible time.
Gut-wrenching. No one should have to die this way, let alone so many. This quote really got to me: “This is the richest borough in our country treating its citizens in this way and we should call it what it is. It is corporate manslaughter. And there should be arrests made; frankly, it is an outrage.” I think that if this could have been prevented, then yes, arrests should be made.
This is so upsetting–I feel for all those families. And I’m glad you called the media out. I wish I lived near London so I could help.
Not being someone living in the UK, I had no idea of the high numbers of dead you are talking about here. Obviously we only know what the media tells us as well. This terrible event was tragic enough without all the other points you have made in this post. It certainly is a real eye-opener and I can only hope that people really do make an effort to learn something from it so that it doesn’t happen again. Good on you for encouraging people to take some positive action and I hope it makes a difference.
I saw this online and it is very sad. However, it also makes me think the security and safety of people in London. Every week there is a tragedy happening. Its scary.
Which makes me think.. Is London losing it?
I was saddened to see this on TV. Thank you for sharing more information about it because I really did not think it received the coverage that it should have. Prayers to all affected.
Such a devastating tragedy. Our hearts go out to all who were affected. What a horrible thing!
My prayers for the victims of this tragic event. It is a big news here in the Philippines because many Filipinos were living in that building as well, and there were still missing people. It’s really sad that politics is still in this tragic moment.
Incredible truth in your post. The residents of that building had been asking for years for renovations to improve the building’s safety– it’s disheartening but not shock to think about why their requests weren’t fulfilled.
What a grief reading the news about the fire incident. May condolences to all people who lost their families.
my o my, Ana you did just what am sure alot of people will wish to do but couldn’t do, you served the government a big dose of their own treatment and medicine, hopefully they get to read this and see reasons to act more and protect citizens in cases like this and also to prevent such accidents in the future. well done Ana. Bravo.
I don’t agree with your political opinion of this tragedy and I can only assume that the media can only update numbers as the official number is recorded – they would be under fire if they over reported too. What I do agree with is that it is a tragedy and my heart goes out to the victims and their families and I hope that they find the help and support they need to get through this and that the people that look after these housing blocks bring their properties up to standard and quickly
I do think that the numbers will rise but I do also think that they are probably can’t confirm deaths without bodies. I don’t even want to imagine the sights the firefighters must have seen.
These people died because they are poor. Because this country has injustices that are more than immoral. Things need to change. These are desperate times.
An awful tragedy. I didn’t realise such lies were being told. Alleging that 70 are dead in total but a witness says 42 dead in a single room is appalling. I hope the people force change to happen.
It’s absolutely horrendous that fire safety in tower blocks is being ignored, mostly because landlords don’t want the expense. I saw a post yesterday which showed the Tory ministers who vetoed a proposal to force landlords to address fire safety in houses/flats and they were ALL landlords. Absolutely disgraceful. Just because they’re looking after their own pockets and ensuring they remain lined, they’re willing to put human lives at risk. They should be ashamed of themselves!
What an excellent article – bravo. I cannot believe the amount of atrocities that have happened just recently. Unfortunatrely, the death toll is rising too!
I was in shock when I heard the news. So many lives lost, I’m sure there’s so much more because I saw the aftermath and the building did not look like anyone would survive at all. I can’t believe that the media chose to block it out instead of honoring those who lost their lives. My heart goes out to the victims of the fire and to everyone in the UK right now.
This is just a horrible tragedy all round, my thoughts and prayers are with all those affected x
Thank you for writing the truth and giving us ways to get involved. That is crazy how they kept ignoring attempts to make buildings like these safer in the event of a fire. This is so heart-breaking. I hope your government will wake up.
What an interesting post and sad tragedy. Thanks for sharing.
The sad thing is that this tragedy could have been prevented 🙁 the death toll has risen again and no doubt will over the next couple of weeks. What we have found reassuring is the community spirit in the local area. People coming together in times of need.
Such a tragedy. I feel like every other day its just something horrible happening somewhere. I’ve been thinking of the victims and families often, and its just so sad. Great call out.
This tragedy is truly awful. Two fellow Italians died that night, a young couple that went to the UK to find a job.
She called her mother before dying thanking her for what she’s done for her and saying that she’ll be watching the family from above. Heartbreaking.
I remember seeing the pictures of the fire last week and it horrified me. All I could think about was all those poor people who were trapped in the building. I couldn’t believe how much damage there was as I always thought high-rises had to have more protection from fires. I truly hope something like this never happens again.
Man It makes me so sad to see the state of our world right now. It’s hard raising kids and seeing all of these horrible things happening all the time.
Such a tragedy! I will not be surprised iof the insurance is behind it. there is something wrong in this story…
Ana, thank you so much for giving us the link for the petition! I’ve found so incredible for a modern building in a modern city like London to burn that way in 2017 like it used to happen in 1600! And I’m so anguished when I think about those people dying there… and those shocked and survived but too poor to have a decent home.
What happened at Grenfell tower is absolutely devastating, I can’t even image what it must of been like for the familes, the fire and ambulance services, the people passig by that could do nothing except stand and watch as this awful tragedy was happening right before thier eyes. It is something that will continue to haunt them for many many years. The last I heard the death toll was up to 79 but like you said there is no way thats all it is, there must be so many more that have not been counted. My heart goes out to every person effected by it. Just horrible
2017 has been one tragedy after another for our country but this Grenfell tower was the last straw for many of us. Someone has to pay for all those needless deaths
Grenfell Tower was an unimaginable tragedy. I can’t believe the grief that London has been put through in recent months. I hope people sign these petitions and let the British government know that something needs to be done.
It is such a tragic event, the speed which the fire took hold is terrifying. I think it is a disgrace that deaths are being kept quiet and totally agree the way May handled things has been terrible xx
Such a horrific event and the amount of things that are coming to light that could have prevented these deaths is appauling, someone needs to be held accountable and I for one am fed up with the media constantly trying to bullshit us all, first the election, now this! We need honesty not this crappy “reporting”
I cannot even comprehend what has happened, such a tragic event. It makes me angry that the media are covering up the actual number of victims, it is disgusting behaviour.
The whole thing is SO tragic and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone. London has had a really rough go of it as of late.
I am a journalist, in the whim the news about the fire came across my AP news my heart dropped. Every time we get another update And the death toll rises, I just can’t believe it actually happened. Good job on your article and thanks for highlighting different points.
Such a sad tragedy for sure! I have to be honest, I wasn’t aware of much of this information though prior to your post.
A really well written post, Ana. I think the truth will be slowly drip fed out, to try and manage the reaction. But the reports coming out from that night are just horrifying.
It is so sad that so many terrible things are happening in the world. I pray that the friends and family members of the people who died can find peace. Thanks for sharing.
XOXO //SINCERELY OPHELIA | NYC Petite Fashion Blogger
I’m not going to say too much in this comment, because it’ll end up as a rant… All I will is that this could have been avoided, and all those lost could still be with us, if the warnings they had provided were just listened to…
As for the media lying to us and covering things up… That’s all the media ever does anyway… At this point, the large majority of newspapers and news channels are just as falsified as The Onion…
It was a saddening incident, I also got the news that some Muslims who were awake for the Fast of Ramadan, saved many lives.
Its great that people are signing these petitions, I hope they go through.
The whole situation really does break my heart. I was reading last night that over 40 dead people were found in one room, but they won’t officially realise that info.
I have been unable to sleep properly since the horrible incident. I can’t believe how such a thing could happen in Great Britain. I believe the dead are way over 100, and I believe we will never know the true figure. May their souls rest in peace.
I was saddened when I hear about this event. There is just so much going on out in the UK and its so tragic there. It seems unimaginable that people would do stupid things and that companies wouldn’t keep good sprinkler systems in a building but I know they try to pay for everything on the cheap. I saw a movie just recently about a government agency firebombing a building with men women and children inside and then instead of putting the fire out, they let it burn to encourage the people to come out of the building. Just angered me. And I don’t know that things have changed enough with people to be loving towards one another. I hope it is changing but I fear it is not.
What has happened is an absolute atrocity!! My husband is a London firefighter so its been constantly on our minds lately. The number of deaths has been lied about in such a terrible way, there were hundreds of people living in those flats the death toll told by the media is a big lie! And its absolutely to cover the bucks of the people responsible!
What happened at Greenfell Tower is just horrifying. I also believe the numbers are being played down for the same reason.
As a council tennant myself I can believe the reports now coming out of the state of the Tower before. Councils don’t have to meet the same standards as private landlords and their budget being constantly cut like it has is sadly going to lead to more tragedys like this.
Such a horrid thing, it was so hard to read about for me. I hope everyone affected gets the information they need as soon as possible, and we can learn how to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
What an absolute tragedy! And a tragedy that could have been avoided, the way this has been handled is terrible too. So sad that we’ll never even know the true number of lost lives either
This whole event was just so sad. But I love how the UK came together again and started sending clothes, food and other items to help those in need. I just hope the death count at the end isn’t as high as I’m sadly expecting it to be 🙁
Louise x
This is such a horrific tragedy. Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved. I just can’t imagine being so close to this.
What a devastating tragedy. I didn’t know that so many people lost their lives in that fire. That is one of my biggest fears, being trapped in a fire. I can’t even imagine how all those people felt.
Thank you for writing such a beautiful post. Such a tragedy should not have happened in this day and age. Its a total disgrace xxx
So much has happened there lately. That poor city is just battered and the fire in this tower was just senseless and could have been avoided. My heart goes out to everyone.
Heartbreaking! I’m sorry I was not able to read the whole post, since it is upsetting to read or hear about people losing their lives. I appreciate you for writing this and making people reflect on this. It is heartbreaking that so many had to lose their lives.
The fire was such an awful tragedy, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing on the TV. Such a heartbraking tragedy! xo
What a terrible tragedy! Prayers for the victims and their families! It’s so awful that media and government are sugarcoating the facts!
This is so heart-breaking and such a tragedy. Well done on calling out the government and the media. I love London and it hurts my heart to see everything that’s happening.
I wish I could say that it was not a premeditated tragedy. Everything, from the way fire broke out, the way media is responding and the way govt is silencing the media around it points towards a possibility. I have for long stopped watching news channels and instead rely on freelance journalists for the real news.
May God give rest and peace to the souls of deceased.