Is it weird that I get ridiculously excited about receiving blogger mail? That after a long hard day at work all I want is to curl up with my blogger goodies and pretend the world doesn’t exist. I think I am not alone when I say that ‘real life’ is boring and ‘blogging’ is my escapism. The truth is we all do jobs that we hate to keep our lives afloat but its ok. When the world is asleep we sit at our keyboards and speak our truths, marvel at the entrepreneurs we have become. Whether the world likes it or not we are ‘somebodies’ and are transforming the way society is run, one step at a time. I remember when I first started blogging and the mixed response I received. I was told that ‘blogging’ was just a hobby, it could never be my job. I would laugh at their cynicism and show the world that I was living out my dreams. Everyday I receive a new product, everyday there is a new accolade praising my work, everyday I smile at the business I have created. Now the possibilities are endless and thanks to brands like Trendeo I have long-term collaborations to keep my wardrobe happy.
In just a year I have gone from graduate to entrepreneur and it makes my heart swell with pride. I would never consider myself to be business minded as I am a creative and a thinker. However despite my misgivings I learnt how to navigate my career and mold it into an infinite reel of possibilities. No two days are the same and I know that being a blogger is tough but rewarding. What other job gives YOU total control and allows you to make your own decisions. It might be YOU alone on the playing field but one thing is for certain no matter how isolated you may feel, there will be a group of bloggers right behind you. I love blogging because it has shown me how to be a better person. I love blogging because no one can take away my creative licence and I love blogging because blogging is me. Blogging is the gateway to our happiness and mental state of mind and quite honestly I don’t know where I would be without blogging.
Pre-blogging I was in a bad place. I was tired, weak and my mental state of mind was on the edge. I thought I had lost everything and felt isolated and alone. Sure I had friends but they didn’t understand what I was going through and my mental issues cost me many friendships. I was depressed and anxious but worst of all unhappy. I just graduated on what should have been the happiest day of my life but instead I felt empty, like a spectator at my own funeral. All around me people laughed and cheered and I couldn’t bring myself to smile. I had worked three years to achieve this degree but I didn’t feel like I had achieved anything. It wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t good enough or so my demons would like to tell me. I was a big fat failure and whining about how much you hate yourself is never going to win you supporters so many of them fled into the shadows, afraid of what I had become. I was always known as the happy one, the girl who always smiled but truth was it was all one big lie. The lie was my entire life and finally when I acknowledged that I had a problem and needed help people turned away. They didn’t want to know the me that wasn’t ‘fun and jovial’ all the time.
When I found blogging it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I felt happier for the first time in years and met bloggers who were interested in what I had to say. There was no judgement here and it didn’t feel cliquey at all. Growing up I was always bullied for being different and having the ‘nerve’ to fight against the norm was considered a ‘punishable crime’ in itself. Even my own ‘friends’ would laugh at me and pretend I didn’t exist except when they needed something done. Here in the blogging world I am respected, people like me and while I know it is a virtual reality it is sometimes the strangers you meet who become your lifelong friends. Take Anna for example, after arranging a blogger meet-up we have been inseparable ever since and I know that she is my biggest champion. She picks me up when I am feeling down and makes me laugh until the cows go home. Its so cheesy but its one of the reasons that I love blogging, because good friends are like rare unicorns. When you find them never let them go.
Why Do You Love Blogging?
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I love this post! For me I love blogging because it allows me an outlet to express how I feel plus it has opened up so many opportunities!
I love that you feel this way about blogging – it is my full time work but it never feels like it!
Love this post – I’ve recently started blogging again after going from blogger to marketing person, now I’m rediscovering how fun it is just to do something for yourself! 😀
I am really happy to read that blogging gives you so much pleasure. Like you I love blogging no matter how tired I am after a day at work I am never too tired to log into my blog. It almost revives me.
I feel like blogging has lifted a weight off my shoulders. I love it so much. Glad you do too x
I love blogging because It brings me a lot of knowledge and I meet so many people – it’s great!
I love blogging too and I have been lucky enough to meet some amazing people and blessed to call a number of them friends now. I’m so glad that you love blogging too!
Blogging is amazing isn’t! I love the community and supportive aspect of it and the fact that I get to share my inspiration with like minded people.
I must be one of those rare people who enjoys their FT job! Blogging is still an escape for me though because it unleashes my creative side.
It’s nice to be in love with something you love to do, it’s rare to find an outlet that provides such joy xo
Sounds like you are doing great! I think everyone loves blogging for different reasons and if you’ve found what keeps you going and works for you then that’s fantastic!
Blogging is like women empowering other women. I love reading blogs and taking inspiration from others. When I read comments about my work, it put a huge smile on my face, little things really means a lot. It gave me back my confidence.
I love blogging for a lot of the same reasons. I have made some really good friends through blogging. I love when I go to a local event and see the same old familiar faces there.
Luckily we Don’t all do jobs we hate, i personally love mine. I do also love blogging, it’s a great escape and keeps our brains ticking over and lets our imagination flow.
I’m sorry to hear how you felt before blogging but I’m so pleased that blogging has helped you find peace with life. Jo x
I love blogging too…it give me so much pleasure and excitement…it’s an entirely wonderful other world!
Blogging can be therapeutic for a lo of reasons. Glad you found your niche.
We read so many negative blogging posts and hear bad things about blogging, so I love posts like this that remind why blogging is so brilliant.
It’s great to have a platform to express yourself, isn’t it?
Me too! I love receiving blogger mail. I always get so excited and usually ends up making my day!
Thank you for sharing that with us! I am so glad that you found something that lets you be yourself and that you really enjoy. Blogging has been a bit of an escape for me and a bit of a treasure, allowing me to have certain freedoms, even though I lack any real business sense. 🙂
I love blogging too. It is a great creative outlet for me.
Blogging can bring so much into our lives. I am glad you love it and I want to wish you all the best in years to come.
I love blogging as well, I love that it’s a great escape from my regular day job and a chance to do what I love x
am glad you love what you do, its not easy though keeping up all together along with normal day to day life. your courage in your posts gives strength to alot of people. me inclusive. thanks for this inspiring post.
been long i came visiting and am glad about your blog new design and feel. much more different and eye catching than before. BRAVO.
I love blogging as it is a medium that allows me to express myself without worrying what other think about my opinions. I also love how blogging has introduced me, if only virtually, to interesting people I would never otherwise have met.
I love blogging for a lot of the same reasons! I am SO proud of what I have created for myself. It can be hard because others outside of blogging don’t really understand, but I adore it.
Blogging can be a great catharsis, I’m so glad you enjoy blogging, I do too! It’s an amazing creative outlet
This is such a heartwarming post! I hate it when people say blogging is just a ‘hobby’ as if it can’t be made into a career. Well done you 🙂
Sounds like you are really enjoying this blogging journey and appreciating all the positives! Its always a roller-coaster of a ride, but you need to choose to focus on the good stuff about it! 🙂
I know what you mean about blogger mail and really lovely to hear that althgouh it’s work it’s a hobby at the same time 🙂
Congratulations on your success as a blogger. You have a very interesting story about your journey. I am sure it will inspire many people.
Blogging is such a fun outlet. I love it. You can be creative and express yourself in a positive way to connect with others.
Great article! Blogging is so unique in that everyone can do it and it will look completely different for each of us. Yet, it’s all good. The ability to explore our passions is truly a gift!
I love blogging for some of the exact same reasons- I love getting to express myself and find a community. It’s been really great for my motivation.
I too get excited when I get emails about blogging. Blogging is a great job that I so enjoy.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Blogging for me has been very therapeutic especially on those days I feel empty, alone and a little depressed. I totally agree with you that people don’t take “blogging” seriously. But my motto in life is “focus on your own lane” and all will be good. Keep up the great work and congrats on all your success!
You so very right about the no-judgment and support of the blogging community. The niche doesn’t matter; all bloggers seem to support each other. I am so pleased to have found that it is almost always- say something nice or walk away.
I love blogging too! It can be hard sometimes to juggle everything and maintain that work/life/blogging balance. But it’s so worth it! Connecting with my readers and fellow bloggers like you is the best!
I’ve always had a journal even as a child, so it seemed a natural thing to do to blog 🙂 It’s an outlet for me to just type away my thoughts even if most times, it’s the most mundane things in the world and I’m okay with that too 🙂
What a lovely post. Brings back memories why I started blogging in the first place. I first read a blog 6 years ago. I loved everything about blogging and started mine shortly after. It was like another world, something I had never seen or heard of before and then discovering all these people and their real live stories. I still love blogging 6 years on!! Still love finding new blogs and stories too 🙂
YES! I love blogging too. It was way more than a hobby for me. It is a big part of my life and I am so grateful for this creative outlet!
Blogging is one of the best things in my life. It is my own space and it’s amazing!
I’m so glad that you are able to find such joy in blogging. I started and continue to blog because it gives me an outlet for my creativity and it’s provided me a place to make new friendships with readers and other bloggers.
Blogging has given my family and I such wonderful opportunities we wouldn’t have otherwise. I have been able to travel with Disney twice, visit hotels and attractions on brands’ behalfs, and review a ton of products and services. I also love being able to share my views, thoughts, and opinions with the world!
Blogging is great as it allows us to express ourselves. Loving the outfit it looks great on you especially those boots 😉
I am new to blogging, but really do love it. I love hearing and seeing all the individual voices of other bloggers. I hope I end up enjoying it as much as you obviously do.
I love this mentality! Blogging really is a pick me up! It’s so amazing what it can do for you
I love the creative side of blogging and interacting with so many like minded people online xxx
I love blogging because i love to write and i love to meet new people too x
I can so relate to what you are saying. To me blogging or writing in general is just me expressing my passion. Since childhood I have been writing and I find it is the only thing I truly enjoy and am good at. Also, as bloggers we can say what we want to say…we have control and I like that.
Blogging is definitely a form of escapism for me, and it was even more so when I first left university and I was looking for a job in journalism and had no luck finding anything related for a while. It was nice to have an outlet for my writing.
Congrats on the success!! You do work so hard on your posts and your pictures are always gorgeous! I never took blogging too seriously until recently, and with life throwing me under the bus sometimes, it’s hard to regularly post. But it is freeing for me to blog… and to think I could do a career with it makes me happy. Love the outfit by the way, always so nice to see real fashion, while I’m stuck in a black and grey only Paris!
You look so pretty!
I’ve always said blogging helps keep me sane. I think it’s fantastic.
Thats why I like blogging too. It’s cheap therapy, and brings out the creative side of me. I’m glad you found something you love instead of being misrable.
Doing something you love while also getting paid for it is a dream come true. I’m so glad blogging makes you feel this way!
I love blogging too! I am coming off from a bit of a burn out – but the writing is so therapeutic to me!
What a lovely post. I’m glad it’s made such a difference to your life. I love blogging for some many reasons
Cat x
I love blogging. I’ve been doing it for 7 years and do it full-time now. It’s opened so many doors in my life.
I started blogging as a hobby and I must admit it helps me meet new people and friends who share the same passion. It’s also a way for me to escape and be in my happy zone.
What a great post! Now can we talk about those black boots…love them!
Getting blogging goodies is always fun. And like you said you have a relationship with the company, that is one of my favorite things about blogging!
Great post! I started blogging for many of the same reasons and have really enjoyed that there is a very positive community of bloggers that support each other. It’s become a great creative outlet for me.
Blogging is great and such a fun way to share with others. I love being able to share the things I love with so many others.
blogging is such a great way to escape and talk about matters like anxiety that are close to me. The Blogging Community is a big reason I love it so much. Everyone has so many different reasons for why they blog 🙂
I love receiving blogger mail and even better it is to just forget about the world for some time and enjoy the moments. Free from all kinds of stress and depressing vibes.
I often say, I blog because it gets me away from the “real world”. What a great reflection!
I’m glad you’ve found your niche. I love blogging, too. So much that I have to remember to step back and get real life things done!
Love your outfit! You look great! As for me, blogging is a hobby, outlet where I can express myself.
You’re so right about blogging being an escape, I like the fact that I have creative control over what I can do and unlike work I can write about what I want x
Blogging is become part of my life, I love it because I love sharing motherhood and some good experiences in my journey.
One of the wisest sayings I’ve ever heard is, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”.
I think it’s wonderful that you’ve been able to realize this goal at such a young age!
I started blogging for exactly the same reason, I needed an escape and a place to express myself
I am so glad you enjoy blogging and that it’s helped you find a better place in your life. That is huge. And thank you for sharing your story.
Awesome description of what blogging has become for you. I’m so glad you found this!! I love blogging because it lets me show my life in a fun creative way, it gives me autonomy with my work, and it alllowed me to find the amazing blogger support communities!
I agree with all of this. I LOVE blogging, I think it is so important to be in love with your blog, if you lose that passion it really shows in your writing!
Blogging was definitely an escapism when I started but I too marvel at my achievements thus far. Blogging has opened so many doors for me and I love it
I started blogging to create a job for myself, after I left my full time career. I wanted to do something that I loved, and since going to culinary school was and is out of the question at the moment, because I am homeschooling our youngest; this has given me a pay check and a sense of excitement!
Great post! Feels good to be a blogger. And I love getting mail. Great outfit by the way!!! Love your style.
I love this post Ana! I love blogging for all the reasons you do, I’m so proud of everything I have achieved. I also love the blogging community, everyone is so supportive xx
such a great post and i love your skirt and boots!
Hmmm. This was an interesting read for me and candidly, made me a bit sad. I’m 40 so probably a bit older than you. I’m a 3-time cancer survivor and my life is anything but boring. Life is amazing. Blogging is just part of life; it isn’t an escape. I don’t do work I hate. I couldn’t and wouldn’t and I hope you don’t either. 🙂
The blogging community are fabulous aren’t they? I’ve made some good friends too
Girl some the the words you wrote were my thoughts at one point too. When I graduated I felt so empty like why was I doing this?It didnt feel like the American dream at all. Blogging for me is freedom and I agree it takes you away from normal like we are in our own little world.
There is so much I love about blogging as well. I have always loved to write, so I enjoy doing that on my blog. I also enjoy getting to know many other bloggers and even getting some really neat items for reviews at times.
I love blogging for the friends it has given me and for the opportunities we would never had otherwise
My mummy loves blogging too, but in a different way I think as it’s an extension of her life. She loves her full time work and blogging is a hobby. If she lost it all tomorrow she’d be sad but the world wouldn’t collapse and it’s not her career. She’s definitely more than the blog at the moment.
I love blogging most of all for the friends I have made – some have been there through the darkest times of my life and never faltered and I love them dearly for that
You stated some great points about the love we have for blogging! I love the freedom, creativity and control the most. BTW, totally love your outfit! 🙂
Such a great post and it’s very clear you have worked very hard on your blog and your engagement. I love my blog as it’s a small piece of the virtual world I can call my own. It gives me a creative hobby which I am o.k. at (not perfect but o.k.) and I get to dictate when I want to do it too and how I engage with others. x
I love blogging for the amazing opportunities it has provided for my family and I;) Great to hear that you stuck to your guns even when people said it could never be a business!
This is such a cute top! I absolutely love your outfit!! I love that color of your top too!
I love blogging too!
-Meghan, Beyond Basic
Great point of view! I love blogging so much! It has provided and open many doors for me.
Despite the sadness in the past, particularly the bullying, this was a lovely post. So glad that you have come through the difficulties and found something which makes you happy and a real community of supportive friends.x
Omg loving that you feel like
This about blogging!!!! I once again love blogging myself! I swear you start out loving it… then get so overwhelmed it becomes ughh… then once you figure out how to balance it all bam! It becomes fun again!!
I started blogging as a way to combine my love for photography and fashion and I must say, it’s a stress reliever. I love it. I find myself sharing about things I love without feeling the pressure of creating content.
I love blogging for similar reasons. Although, now I’m enjoying just creating more. I was bullied at the beginning of my journey but it made me stronger.
When I first started blogging, it was just a hobby. When I realized that I could make money at it, then I really became serious about my blog. Now, every time I do a pretty post, I have to admire it for days. Of course, I am always working on the next post, but I still admire older ones as well.
I love blogging. It has opened up so many opportunities for me and SO many friendships. I wouldn’t take it back for the world!
Great post. I love your boots, they look gorgeous! x
Blogging is awesome, it has changed my life and opened up so many doors. P.s love your outfit
Love this post I started blogging for my sanity and to keep me occupied when I had the twins something other than feeding and nappies it’s a sthe best thing I have ever done
You’ve done amazing with your blog and it’s done so well. I love that this year has brought me so many new friends in the community. I love blogging!
I love this post! It really resonated with me when you talked about how you were feeling pre-blogging. I think it is easy for creative minds to burn out in the trugdery of daily work that is the norm for other people. Blogging is definitely a great creative outlet.
Congratulations on your success!
Blogging is such a huge creative release isn’t it. I’ve also met some good friends, and I’m glad you have too as you deserve good people in your life
I love blogging because it has nothing to do with my main jobs and I like having all those things going on in my life.
I love blogging as well, it’s my outlet and my way to share my travel experiences to the world. But mostly to serve as reminders of all the things I’ve seen and done.
It is a great release and I am thankful for all the friends I have met and now love meeting up with x
I definitely started loving blogging once my long-term collaborations started. It’s so rewarding when you get to turn what you love into a business.
That’s a good question! I guess I love bloging because it gives freedom to tell about small things that makes me happy so sharing is a huge point of blogging, and I like to show my photos and perhaps give a good feeling and be inspirational to some of you out there in the blogsworld 🙂
I love blogging – my blog is three years old in February. It is my job, my hobby, my passion. We have had some incredible experiences through it. Kaz x
Btw, if i haven’t yet mentioned to you – the way you dress is so unique and personal. Simply loving it! It’s so fantastic that the companies have noticed you and give you pieces to wear. You always style every outfit in an inspirational way.
Love the images in this post! I have similar feelings about blogging, I was never truly that interested in anything before I found blogging, and then I was obsessed! x
I am just like you – nothing makes me happier than blogger mail! It is one of the best parts of blogging XD
I love blogging because it’s now turned into a hobby and I love sharing the stuff I do with other people. I starting blogging because I’m a stay at home mum and after all the house work was done I could be one of these people who sits and watches day time TV so I started blogging.
I love this post as it sounds just like the thoughts j have in my head. Blogging has given me so much and I am truly happy when sat at my keyboard writing.
Long may your blog continue to reap the rewards xx
I love the virtual community of blogging x
This is awesome! I love it just because I love sharing knowledge and our experience with others.
I love this! I love that blogging has affected your life in such a good way, and you’re doing what you love!
it’s beautiful how someone from the blogging community can become a close friend. i love how i can relax after a stressful day and just blog the night away
You know at the moment im not enjoying it. Mostly because I have no time. My daughter being hard work and not letting me work and not napping and i have no help from family as they all live away so only time i get chance is after 9pm when im shattered. Be nice to do it at my leisure again so i can enjoy it more.
I also felt the same way before I starting blogging. It has so many perks and nothing is better than receiving blog mails and collaborate with companies 🙂 You cal sos speak freely on your blog about anything and it helps you become better at writing aswell!
I absolutely love this post. I have never felt better since launching m very own blog. It is had work i agree, but it make me truly happy. I have learnt soo much from photography. I am now doing a photography course so that I an take better food pics…so excited to see what I can created 🙂
I love blogging for all these reasons too. You can do whatever you like with your little space and if you work hard at it, your working for yourself creatively dreams, can come true. x
Blogging become my way of practising writing and learning English more, but also I love my collabs and the way it shaped my character.
I agree with you! I love blogging because it lets me share my story and the things I like with the world. I believe that blogging gives me a voice and hopefully, I will be a little post-it note in history!
Hard work pays off my dear Ana and I’m glad to see people who are chasing their dreams no matter what <3
Thank you my dear blogger buddy means a lot to hear you say that, especially considering how hard you work. I hope all your dreams come true one day xx
Brilliant post and echoes the thoughts and feelings of many at this time of year, I’m sure. I think you do get what you put in and blogger mail is a real reward for your hard work!
Dream it, believe it, achieve it!! That’s what I say……. If your want your dream to come true it will, with a lot of enthusiasm and hard work along the way. Brilliant and inspiring post.
I love blogging because I get to be me and not apologies for it.
Big Love,
Siobhan (justauniform)
I couldn’t agree more with you. There are days when blogging is my escapism and I all want to do is blogging my thoughts away.
I could relate to everything that you’ve mentioned in this post. I dream of the day when Blogging would be considered a full-time respectable job, not just a hobby!
Like everything in life that matters to us, it takes hard work, behind the scenes challenges, and the usual ups and downs to get where we want to be. Blogging can be rewarding from both the creative realm and the financial one but, it is hard work… and incredibly time consuming.
As a mom, a small business owner and long time blogger, I know it is not something one can do well as a part time gig. You are either all in or just a hobbyist. Yep, I love blogging too and have done well with it or I would have given up 8 years ago. Happy Holidays! 🙂
I’m so glad to see how much blogging has made you happier! You’ve done so well too! What’s your secret to success in the blogging world?
Love this post! And that outfit is gorgeous 😀 so jammy!
What a lovely post to read – interesting to hear your journey into blogging. Being unemployed, I felt i needed something i enjoyed and felt positive about. I always used to love writing and it got me back into it 🙂 keep blogging and hope you just get more and more continued success. It’s well deserved!! 🙂
What a great post .. I imagine every blogger could find a piece of themselves in the words you’ve written I know I did .. especially the piece about “When the world is asleep we sit at our keyboards and speak our truths, marvel at the entrepreneurs we have become” So beautifully said. Thank-you
I think the best thing about blogging for me is the ability to just let my mind spew out what it thinks in an open and honest way! 🙂