Standing alone like a warrior preparing for battle the Queen peers out the window at the spectacle before her. Her men who were assigned to her service since she became Queen all those years ago pledge allegiance to a new leader, the woman who murdered her husband. If she had any tears left to cry she would but truth is emotion left her the moment her husband died ; from that moment on her heart had turned to stone. The queen without emotion they would call her, a visible shell of her former self but how could she show how she really felt when that woman had stole her one true love to exact a ticket to the Autumn Throne? There was nothing she could do but stay chained to this iron tower, where the pretender’s guards and women surrounded her to stop her escaping. As if she would ever do that anyway when the only person that was worth escaping for was already dead? She knew that it wasn’t healthy to wallow in events best forgotten but sometimes she thought that if she never let ambition get hold of her, her husband would still be alive and this tower would be home to the murderess who claimed her Autumn Throne instead. To pass the time she gazed at portraits of all her lost loves, her children dead, her husband murdered, her sister drowned. She had noone left and intent on torturing herself further she settled into the confines of her mind and into the deep hollows of the past.

She had dreamed about the Autumn Throne since she was a little girl, knew that it was her destiny to continue her mothers legacy as Queen but it was a few years off yet. Her mother was still young and she was only eleven, by the time she would come to the throne she would be a grown woman, she was just a child still. But as fate would have it, destiny interceded and took her mothers life before her time. Her mother was just 42 and noone knew the circumstances of her death but her and it was a secret that she would take to her grave. No one could know the truth and for now the secret had been locked away in the hollowed cavities of her mind. Still at the age of 18 she was alone and afraid, with no one to guide her and teach her how to rule. She took to her new role with gusto, her people were counting on her and she wasn’t going to mess up her chance to continue the legacy of great rulers before her. The Autumn Throne had been ruled by her family for a century now and she wasn’t planning to feed her throne to the vultures that were circling. Becoming a queen made her become an adult and with no one to rely on but herself she made damn well sure that her subjects sat up and took notice. She may have been young but she was no fool.

In time the civil unrest between her subjects had dissipated into a faint murmur and she was secure in the knowledge that her rule had become a success. By the age of 22 she had brokered peace with the neighboring Queens who had been at war with her family for decades and at the age of 23 she found her one true love, the man who would become her prince consort until the end of her days. He was handsome, virile and passionately in love with her. Within months she became pregnant and as she came to her full-term, the whole court rejoiced at the prospect of the babe being born into peace, rather than the savage wars that had permeated the Autumn Throne for centuries. Deeply in love and blissfully content she settled into her new life as mother, wife and queen, showering her husband and child with bountiful gifts. Her family wanted for nothing and she would reward them with precious treats that their hearts craved. Her husband was a little older than she but even as she saw the deep-set wrinkles create cavernous marks across his once handsome face she loved him more and more each day. He might have been older but he had the heart of a youth and made her feel alive even when she entered her fourth decade on earth. She was forty now and supposedly wiser but she felt giddy, drunk on the poison of love.

For years the dissipating murmurs of discontent had been growing ever stronger until she could ignore them no longer. She had been oblivious and her subjects had become jealous of her public devotion to her husband and their growing brood of children. Because lets face it, every queen must know that family comes second and sovereignty comes first. But still she took no heed, dismissing it as petty talk that would amount to nothing until SHE came along. She was a sculpture of beauty, large blue eyes framed by dark lashes and long thick hair that cascaded like a waterfall down her back. Men fell at her feet and for the first time she realized that she was no longer beautiful. Time had been a cruel mistress and her face was marked with scars of age, she knew that it wouldn’t be long before her subjects sought a new object of affection. Gradually her husband, old enough to be this young thing’s Grandfather stopped coming home and she was forced to accept that SHE was the cause of all this. She had no proof though so she kept silent for the sake of preserving royal dignity. Her children were young adults now and had settled into their roles as Prince and Princesses, the last thing she needed was scandal to affect their futures. It was the youngest, Matilda who came to her with the news, ‘Papa is having an affair Mama, I saw it with my own eyes, under the royal staircase no less’. She needed not say no more and I felt the air leave my lungs and deprive me of oxygen, so it was true, I was right.

That Bitch had wormed her way into my husband’s affections and there is nothing I can do but sit and wait for the man I called my husband to come home. She is just a pretty toy and everyone gets bored of toys, or at least so I thought. At the two year mark, my husband and Prince Consort sought divorce told me he was in love with someone else. ‘She is young enough to be your Granddaughter’ I cried trying to make him see sense. But he didn’t listen and now he is dead, all because he left my side to be with that pretty, vain girl. Once the court had approved our divorce and I was consortless, she plotted with other Royalists to remove me from the Autumn Throne and succeeded. She manipulated my staff and turned them against me, told them to turn a blind eye while her people kidnapped me from my very own bed. I struggled against their pincing grasp but age had left me fragile of body and I was powerless to resist. They locked me up in the tower, tied me to the iron shackles that had become my home. “Where are my babies” I cried, they were gone too soon. That girl had become a woman and in that transition had murdered my children and she took great pleasure in telling me the gruesome details. How they thought it was my command that they die so this bitch could take my throne. They died hating me and a little part of me died inside. It was all part of her plan to claim the Autumn Throne as hers, this commoner, this pretender thought she could do my job? Hah, give over.

But she did and used my ex husband to get the throne. When he had served his purpose she had him killed , made me attend his beheading. Took great pleasure in seeing me in pain, laughed in my face when the deed was done. I have been in the tower ever since.
Nestled in a bed of ombre leaves lies the key to the kingdom, a bittersweet reminder of love lost and gone, lives slaughtered, gone before their time. The Queens are long dead and the kingdom remains ungoverned, a wilderness of contempt and disdain for its people. Sovereignty has long been abolished and the monarchy no longer populates the imagination of our people, all that is left is keys turning to rust, lost in the mound of rich autumn leaves that circle the wet mounds of land above our feet. Question is will the autumn throne ever be regained?

Shop The Look
Dress: Chi Chi London / Sunglasses- Marks & Spencers / Headband- Primark / Earrings, Ring & Bangle- Majique / Watch- Sekonda / Bag & Shoes- Kurt Geiger
That dress is absolutely gorgeous on you! Great story, I love the ‘ombre leaves’ line, really gives you a good image
Thank you Kitty that means a lot, I love the dress too it is so beautiful but from Chi Chi you can’t expect any less. I am glad that you like the story too xx
Well you certainly look like a queen in that dress. Love the sunglasses, really suit you.
Thank you so much hun, I would love to be a Queen. I love my sunglasses too they look great even in winter!
Lovely to see a Chi Chi dress on someone 😀 always seen the dresses on the internet but they look better in real life 🙂
Isn’t Chi Chi divine Cassie, its 100 % my favourite dress brand I am not going to lie! I think you would look amazing though hun!
Wow this dress is gorgeous on you! And the text is beautiful is it written by you or taken out from a movie? If you have written this you need to write a book. Fantastic! x
Aw your so sweet thank you so much that means a lot, it is a gorgeous dress isn’t it?! Haha its not from a movie unless you call the magic inside my brain and then in that case yes! I used to write a lot of stories and poems as a kid, they tended to be semi-autobiographical musings about my struggles with identity and stories centered around abuse. I tend to write more fairytale sequences now though!
You slay in that dress Ana! It makes you look like a part of the Royal Family, like you are a real queen. Beautiful.
Aw thank you. My favourite Queen in history has to be Anne Boleyn so that it is a real honour to hear that. Sleep well hun xx
Very strong story. Love the dress and as always the pictures are perfect
Did you write this story yourself? I was so entranced!! And you look beautiful – just like a Queen 🙂 x
Queen Ana looking lovely as usual! I really love the print on that dress.
You look great Ana. Love the dress so much. The story was a fab read too.
Oh you’ve changed your blog!? Looks good. Beautiful story as always, you’ve got a beautiful imagination and creative way of doing your posts. This outfit is very elegant xo
As always your writing is something to be desired Ana. I am loving the necklace such a beautiful accessory and what a gorgeous outfit
That’s a stunning dress and saw this on your Instagram. Suits you really well 🙂
Wow, you’re a talented writer. And that Chi Chi dress is gorgeous x
The dress is beautiful, the whole outfit is lovely, I always seem to be drawn to Chi Chi dresses but never got around to buying yet x
I’ve missed your writing Ana. Great story and like always you look totally stunning!
A beautiful dress fit for a queen! I must look into Chi Chi….
This is gorgeous! I love the accessories – especially the sunnies and handbag!
Beautiful writing and beautiful dress!! You always leave me wanting to read more, thank you!
That headband is so pretty. I would love to start wearing more things like that.
Loved this post, your creativity amazes me. I feel like you should consider putting a little book together for Amazon. I mean, the dress is gorgeous, but your writing is amazing!
That dress is absolutely stunning and I adore the charm as well, it is absolutely beautiful -. x
What a wonderful dress! You look beautiful and classy, love the way you paired it with the sunglasses and necklace. Gorgeous!
That Chi Chi dress is gorgeous on you and what a fab story x
I loved the story, I was so engrossed all the way through! On a side note you look absolutely beautiful in that dress Ana xx
I really love this look and those earrings are just gorgeous!!
What a fantastic story, lots of emotion and a tragic ending like that get’s me every time.
I was so fascinated by the story I skipped the photos first time around. When I went back to look at them I simply fell in love with the dress. Definitely, fit for a queen.
You could be the queen in this story. You look good in this dress.
Your dress is gorgeous and u look stunning. I really love your necklace as well.
What a beautiful dress! You look absolutely stunning 🙂 x
Wow that dress is gorgeous. You look lovely. xx
Stunning outfit and I am loving the headband it is beautiful x
Wow, what great writing! And that dress really suits you 🙂
You must tell me, is that story from a book? I was hooked! And the fact that I am currently watching The Crown on Netflix has nothing to do with it lol. I love your look today, especially that headband. I’m trying to grow out my pixie and need all the help I can get with months of ugly hair ahead of me haha. PS: Love the new look of your blog too!
Wow! What an amazing dress! It goes really well with the accessories!
You write so beautiful.
I love your whole outfit, everything is stunning. How sweet are your earrings too!? Love them. Beautiful dress and have you had a new blog layout? It looks great 🙂
that dress is beautiful. it looks like fabulous material and the colour is perfect on you x
Woww! You look fabulous in that outfit!! That dress is so cute, love it!
You’re dress is absolutely lush Ana! Loving the hair style too 🙂
Oops *your!
That dress is absolutely gorgeous. You look stunning in it
love the post, love the outfit and particularly LOVE the fine details- that chain, that bag and those beautiful sunglasses , all so chic!
Knew that was a chichi london dress! Style really suits you, love the new layout too 🙂
This dress is SO beautiful on you darling.
The colour & style suits you to a Tee
You have a great touch of creativity. I do hope the story will continue. Have you ever considered getting published? I think you have the knack for it.
Wow! Really REALLY like the look. Your dress looks gorgeous and I think its perfect for the holiday season. Also, the accessories look fabulous. Definitely checking these brands.
I love your outfit. But the story is was wonderful and intriguing and I definitely would love to know more. Is it a book you are writing or casual writings you share?
Wow! What a great and deep story. I absolutely love the dress too and how you styled it. So classy and elegant!
Ana, this is the first time that I’ve seen your blog after a long time. I love the new look! That’s an amazing narrative as always and I really like the necklace that you featured!
I love this! What a gorgeous dress. The necklace is amazing too.
I missed you! Glad you are back. The blog design is very nice. Sleek. You seriously need to write that story as a screenplay. I was riveted.
Great post! I really like your outfit. The bag and tiara looks so gorgeous on you. Love the story line too.
this dress is stunning, and you look amazing in it! I love the necklace as well, would order me one, but I just had myself one made, so I need to wait a little while before I am getting myself more jewelry. Love your story, blessings!
I’m loving the necklace. Did you write that story all on your own it was great?
You have great style! I LOVE that dress!
Your outfit, beg, footwear, everything looks awesome. I love your beg very much .
It’s such a beautiful story! Thank you, I couldn’t stop until I finished reading the whole post. I love your outfit, Ana! And your accessories are just as lovely.
Beautiful dress, your story telling is great too. Love the necklace also.
It’s a wonderful story… You look so great in your simply but elegant dress and accesories like your story… love it!
It’s a wonderful story.. You look so great in your simply but elegant dress and accesories like your story… love it!
OMG your storytelling is amazing! I was definitely drawn in to the story. So much I wish there was more… 🙂 Absolutely love this dress and that necklace featured is so stunning!
Wow! Love the floral print on the dress… very nice and fresh. I would surely love to add one of These to my collection.
Love how you have written this post, so creative! The dress is beautiful, you’ve styled it really well.
Se manifique! Love the photo journal and descriptions. Totally and irrevocably in LOVE with your writing ana, you are a certified genius author and I hope to read your books some day. Hahah you know you kind of remind me of WonderWoman. So beautiful yet tough, elegant yet athletic, soft yet sturdy. You’d be way better than Gal gadot that’s for sure.
Amazing story. its like a mix of game of thrones and a fairy tale. Whistle* that story took alot of turns.
That outfit is stunning, you look beautiful, like a queen. I think every detail is perfect <3
What a great story and the necklace is stunning. Love your new layout as well x
ooo I love this story! When are you posting the next part, I need to know if the throne will be reclaimed! I love your outfit and style too, very pretty dress.
Love how you mix literature and fashion! Great story and beautiful dress 🙂
Wow, that is a beautiful story. I love the themes of what womanhood means. I love how in the end you tie it back into the present day and where you live, the UK.
What pretty writing! You have such a good writing style and voice. I also love the the gorgeous photos.
Reading between the lines of this story…. the Queen should still be a Queen and escape from her tower where she was locked. She should believe in herself and fight for what’s hers, not letting others decide on how she should live her life. She should search and find the strength inside her heart and break free.
The dress is gorgeous. The storyline and your writing are calling to be in a book. Or a movie with you as the starring role. ❤️❤️
Very classy look and I especially love the floral design pattern of the dress. The necklace is a must have.
I am obsessed with this dress and necklace! You really should look into getting published!
I love the dress, the colour and cut really are flattering. It looks great on you.
What a beautiful outfit! That dress looks great on you!
You have such a beautiful way of writing, such a good read! I love that dress! 🙂
oh wow! I love your charm bracelet, your gorgeous dress as well. By the way I like the way you written the story.
You’re so lovely! And your charm bracelet are such a beautiful thing.
That necklace and dress simply stunning!
beautiful dress, it looked very classy. the accessories were just perfect 🙂
Such a classic look, I love it! The dress is beautiful and I love you paired it with simple, yet eye popping accessories!
I love this look! It is gorgeous! I love all the accessories!
What a great story!! What a fun dress my wife is always trying out new ones and patterns.
My first visit to your blog and I was expecting a typical fashion blog. But alas, I’m pleasantly surprised with a literary creation. Love your blog’s unique angle and hook. Looking forward to more posts.
What a beautiful necklace I really love the pattern and how it hangs on your neck. It also looks great with the dress.
Beautiful piece of writing and story- telling! You truly look like a queen in your dress and you’ve styled it very nicely with your entire outfit! You look gorgeous as ever and you’ve nailed the dress!
What an emotional story. I just adore the dress, it really suits you
You look like a beauty queen! And that necklace is blinging beyond belief! I love it 😉
Such a beautiful story, that dress looks amazing on you. Also love the shade of pink that bag is! xo
You always have such beautiful writing. I really admire it. You look amazing here too!
Wow – did you write this? Really an intense piece of writing! Impressive!! And – as always you look super chic! Swooning over your outfit!
I love that here fashion meets word. You conjure up such wonderful imagery in your writing and pairing that with a great outfit is the cause of great envy. Hoping I can write like you one day!
Omg loving the dress!!!! This is the type of look I’ve been obsessing over lately!!! So classy and feminine!!!
You are one of the most unique fashion bloggers out here! I love how you take your fashion post but always script a beautiful fictional or autobiographic story in a post! Love you style of writing and of course I love your style!
I really appreciate your blog. You have such unique content. I love the fashion mixed with intellectual depth. I particularly love this quote this week. “Nestled in a bed of ombre leaves lies the key to the kingdom, a bittersweet reminder of love lost and gone, lives slaughtered, gone before their time.”
That’s enough to harden anyone’s heart. I absolutely adore that necklace!
Amazing story. I just love how you were able to showcase your jewelry ads beautiful dress around your story. That ex husband probably had no idea of his fate. Lol 😉
What a beautiful dress, you look gorgeous in this like a Hollywood star of yesteryear. You always have a heartfelt story behind your posts.
Ana, this is an absolutely captivating story. I was hooked and want to read more! x
I love that dress it’s such a pretty print and style x
Beautiful such a stunning, beautiful piece!! Your writing is so beautiful!
I love this dress. it is SO SO stunning. I love that it is modest without sacrificing style. That is my kind of outfit — seriously. And you pull it off amazing! Way to go! Happy Thanksgiving.
I don’t know what I love more… the story or that dress!!! I love how you write, and your stories always draw me in. As for the dress, it is simply stunning!! I love the base colour and the pattern, and you have accessorised it perfectly. Just beautiful xxx
You write beautifully. All of the imagery is lovely and the story is captivating! You look gorgeous as always, that dress is to die for and it’s styled perfectly!
You look gorgeous in that dress and I love so many things about this look! Great look on the blog now too!
That was an awesome blend of spoken word / poetry / short story thing with your fashion!!! Loved it!
I so love the color and the design. it matches your skin tone and perfect for this holiday season parties.
You are a very talented writer, your words captivated me! I also love the dress and your entire look, just gorgeous!
This entire outfit is absolutely beautiful. I love long dresses like this one with vibrant colors. They are so classy and fashionable.
Lovely storytelling that made me want MORE! I love that look. The handbag is darling.
Everything about this post is so captivating. Your words, your dress, everything is done with so much grace! (And I also love your new blog design!)
What a lovely dress you got there. You’re beautiful as always.
This is such a pretty dress! You look absolutely beautiful in it. Love the necklace too!
I’m pretty sure even if you weren’t wearing such a beautiful dress, you’d rock any look! Even jeans and t-shirt. Ah well…..once I have lost that excess weight perhaps I’ll squeeze into something equally as beautiful!
I absolutely love that dress! You look amazing! Some of the most flattering dresses I’ve worn have been from Chi Chi.
Such a beautiful and fascinating story! The dress looks so great on you, you look so beautiful!
You look positively regal in this outfit and the story is just lovely x
Your posts are always so well-written! Also, I’m loving the dress and especially the necklace!
I couldn’t stop reading that from beginning to end, such an evocative and beautifully written story. I always really enjoy your writing. And, as ever, you look beautiful – that dress looks like it was made for you. x
I love your writing, as always. Plus this dress is gorgeous!
This is one of my fave ever ‘Ana’ outfits, and I love the story too, lovely post.
looking lovely…loved the dress and and the neckband! your dressing is always to the point!
I love the dress!! The color and print suits you really well.
Your dress looks awesome and i really like that necklace too. Thanks for sharing
Gorgeous dress!
The story is beautiful – you should write more tales like it. I love stories of royalty but don’t usually read them (if that makes sense). I love the necklace! x