As the tears stream down my face, I feel my stomach tie in knots. In the aftermath of the Manchester attacks, I thought that the terrorists had backed down and left us alone but I was wrong and this one was a little closer to home. Three months ago terrorist Khalid Masood killed 5 people in Westminister, 13 days ago Salman Abedi killed 22 people in Manchester and last night at least 7 people were killed in London Bridge. What on earth is this world coming to, where we feel the need to kill the innocents to feed our own selfish agenda? What kind of world do we live in that would let young children, mothers, parents, the elderly and more perish in the fire of terrorism? It begs me to question, what happened to being safe in our towns and cities, hadn’t we moved beyond killing our own? I guess I was wrong, I knew that it was only a matter of time before London would be targeted but I had no idea that the day would be this close.

Spread ‘Love, Not Hate’
Last night I was at work when I was hit with the news and I thought it was a practical joke at first. It couldn’t be happening, not again. But this was no practical joke and as a customer waved his phone in front of me with the ‘evidence’ I almost hurled. How were we meant to go on with our lives and pretend everything was okay when monsters were going around killing our people. The sad thing was when I said ‘it couldn’t be another terrorist attack’ the man turned around and said to me it ‘was a white Muslim’ as though proof of his ‘religious beliefs’ had something to do with the heinous crimes that he had committed. Listen up, the bombers, the killers, the ‘stabbers’ are in no way affiliated with religion, they are cold hearted monsters and that is that.
I felt shaken walking from work, almost scared to take the tube home but the defiance that I saw in my fellow Londoners eyes spurred me on. Because that is what I love about London, despite recent events, we stay strong and united in the wake of tragedy. Homeless people tend to our children and the police risk their lives to capture killers. Despite the awful truth that our world is no longer that safe place we claimed as our own, we cannot live our lives in fear. Don’t stop taking tubes because you are scared of what might happen, don’t put off your dinner plans or stop going shopping because you are worried about another bomb threat. Truth is, our lives are mapped out by our destinies and what will be, will be. If we stop living our lives, we are given those monsters the satisfaction that they do not deserve and that is not okay.
Terrorism has nothing to do with religion and we need to stop pointing fingers, because in the face of ‘terror’ we must stay united. Londoners, don’t blame Islam for the actions of one barbaric monster, be kind and gentle because they are hurting too. Imagine how you would feel if someone walked up to you in the middle of the street and started calling you names because of your religion? It is not okay and as Londoners we should embrace multiculturalism, especially in the wave of terrorism. If we stay divided then the monsters win and we can never let them win!
Already the hate posts against ‘Muslims’ on Twitter and Facebook has been rife and is increasing in numbers. In fact one idiot Tweeted -and I quote-‘People call me extreme for the stance I take on Islam but I just don’t want my family blown up, run over or stabbed to death. #LondonAttacks‘. A. not all terrorists are Muslims and B. the terrorists that do call themselves Muslims are not ‘true Muslims’. After all I might be an atheist but even I know that the basic premise of a ‘religion’ is to ‘find peace, love and solidarity’ values which none of these masochists share.
It should come as no surprise to say that Donald Trump is only using our ‘attacks’ to reinforce his desire to impose a ‘travel ban’ on Muslims, yet he says he will be ‘there for London’? Please, if he was really there for London, he would stop pointing the finger at innocent people, stop spreading intolerance and above all teach the world that ‘violence’ is never the answer. After all you shouldn’t play fire with fire right? But I digress, London if you are listening I want you to stop blaming innocents because the only people that are to blame are the terrorists and no one more. To say that one whole religion is to blame for a few peoples crimes against humanity is ridiculous. So stop spreading hate, stop using religion as an excuse to be hurtful to others and above all love your fellow Londoners because they too stand beside you.
Don’t look at the colour of someones skin and automatically assume that they have ‘criminal intentions’ and don’t look at someone as a symbol of their religion and think it’s okay to call them names. If you are physically or verbally abusive towards others because you blame them for ‘the rise of terrorism’ you are committing a crime yourself. London, stand with me and join the fight against prejudice because I know it is going to be a rocky road ahead. Who knows how much time we have before another nutter strikes again, who knows what might happen if we are caught in the wrong place at the wrong time but if we start thinking like that we will never live our lives and our lives are far too short to be wasted on ‘what ifs’. I can’t promise you peace but I want you to turn to the person next to you and smile. Give them hope and love, like you would like to be loved in return. Even if it is a random stranger, offer them your warmth because life is too short to stay divided. Above all, don’t be hateful, be kind, loving and look for the good in others.
Out of tragedy we will rise like a phoenix from the ashes and stand glorious once again. Despite what Britain is going through, don’t pity us because we are stronger than those terrorists have made us out to be. We will never let their actions define who we are as people because we are not victims but warriors. I want to take this moment to extend a moment of silence for all the victims in the past few months, who lost their lives in the battle against terrorism. Let us not remember them as they were in death but in life, laughing, living, breathing because #wearenotafraid .
Let Us Stand United And Fight Against Intolerance…
I love how sincere this post is, I felt so shattered after last night.
But we Londoners are as united as ever and hate will never be allowed to win.
Thank you for being part of those that share light and not hate.
Our love and prayers go to London. To world peace and friendship. United we stand against intolerance.
I was shocked when I heard about it this morning. It was actually somewhere I had been invited to go along to as well and I’m relieved I said i couldn’t go. I can’ believe it’s happened yet again. These people are monsters.
How beautifully written. I too am confused about how any terrorist can lay claim to a religion when religion is supposed to be your safe place. Thanks for sharing
I was watching the news last night in tears. It’s horrible to think that these kind of events will become the norm x
Bet you were frightened Ana? I feel for those in London last night, it was very scary watching it on the News. Thanks for sharing, a great post x
My thoughts are with the victims and their family…. terror won’t get a hold on us!
I couldn’t believe it when it heard the news last night. I knew it wasn’t over, but I couldn’t believe how soon. It’s devastating. Beautiful, heartfelt post as always Ana. xxx
It’s definitely shocking to hear about this! What a beautiful letter 🙂
I love the spirit in this Post Ana. I love that you say its nothing to do with religion and all to do with hate and private agendas. I stayed up till 2 am watching until I couldnt watch it no more. Sick to the stomach. Just the day before a young man I know, only 18 was shot by a bunch of gang boys because he is muslim and happened to be walking alone in the evening.
We stand with London and every city that has faced the monsters looking for innocent blood to spill. Lets all keep strong… Together we stand against terror as UK people.
This post is so close to my heart! I’m based in East London and hearing about last night was truly heartbreaking and terrifying. Glad you are ok stay safe!
Amanda |
It really is heartbreaking, hope you are ok and were not near the attacks? I live in East London as well, not that far from where the attacks were either! It is a scary world that we live in x
It’s heartbreaking seeing these things happen over and over but yes we shall stand in defiance. Love your post Ana! xx
what a beautiful letter , I saw the news yesterday and was really in shock,It’s really heartbreaking to see what’s happening . This really needs to be stopped
I too look around and wonder what kind of a world we live in. You’re so right that it’s not people of one faith or skin color .. evil is evil. I’ve been glued to the coverage and quite honestly am in awe of the stories of decency amongst the chaos. A man returning to the bar where he experienced the horror .. to pay his tab. The professionalism of the police who stopped the terrorists as quickly as they could. What a sad, sad day ..
I feel awful that there are so much hatred in this world and monsters are ready to take the lives of innocent people. The other day, I was at Orlando airport and some psycho started random firing. There was chaos at the airport. All flights were canceled or delayed. You never know what will happen next as our lives are so unpredictable. Stay safe gal!
I can only imagine how scary this must have been for you. And yes, you are right about #45. As a US citizen, the lack of empathy from our “leader” (ugh, I can barely write that) has for other nations including our own, makes me and many other Americans frustrated and fearful for you and the rest of the world as well. I am so sorry you had to experience this. And please know that our thoughts and hearts are with you.
This situation is heartbreaking – I am so sad for our word. Violence is not the answer and I hope more can understand that 🙁
Damn. i too didn’t believe my mum when she said there was another attack. i thought it ridiculous for there to be another one this soon to the manchester one. I love the message in this open letter and how you divide the line between terrorism and being a muslim. i hope london hears you. You are the voice it needs
It is such sad news from the UK… the country of my birth. I feel gutted that these acts of terror are waged against innocent children and families going about their business. We live in a world under siege and my prayer is that our world leaders will work together to find solutions to it all. May those who lost their lives rest in peace and never be forgotten. <3
Such a deep post. I also cannot believe it is real. All my family are in London. Our thoughts and prayers are with London.
I have family there too and my kids have always loved London as their favorite city even though they have travelled the world… so sad.
It’s terrible, what’s happening to the world and my heart breaks every time I hear news like this. No one deserves to have their lives taken away like that. Please be safe, Ana.
Heartbreaking. My heart goes out to all of you in London. I hope that these people will just stop, but I know that there’s going to be more in different places. So much lives has been lost.
I can only imagine how hard it is to be out there now. I am so sorry that it has disturbed you and your corner of the world. The depravity that must be sunk to in order to take multiple humans lives just boggles the mind. I do not understand the mind of a terrorist and wouldn’t proclaim to. I am disheartened that this seems to be happening more frequently. I will be thinking good thoughts for you and the people of England during this tragic time.
It is a heart breaking world we live in. We all need to stand together and spread love!
i remember seeing tweets about it whilst i was on the train and had to immediate google about it. its absolutely heartbreaking to hear about these attacks
Lovely post Huni, it’s just horrendous and I hope it ends soon but I can’t see it doing sadly x
What a very personal post to read. You’ve pretty much said how I am feeling here about it all.
How beautifully written as always, i can’t get my head around it all at the minute, just wishing everyone involved lots of love xx
My heart broke as I watched it on the news. I just don’t understand the need to hurt others like this. It is a scary world we live in.
Thank you for this post.
Having grown up in Dubai I have been surrounded by Islam my whole life – though I am not religious myself – and the way people react when things like happen hurts me deeply. The fact that this disgusting act took place during Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, is evidence enough that these people whole claim to be Muslim are in fact not.
I woke up yesterday with the same fear and dread as I did the morning of the attacks in Manchester, waiting to hear from the people I loved to make sure they were okay, these cowardly attacks hurt so much even when you are thousands of miles away.
This morning on the radio they were playing highlights from the One Love concert last night and I was so warmed by the strength of people – coming together and not letting fear stop them, it goes to show that the good people in the world far outweigh the bad and it’s important to remember that.
Such a great post, I was in bed when I just looked at my Facebook account and saw a few posts, and said to my husband about it, so we sat up watching the news open mouthed, it was unbelievable. My Facebook was full of posts and a few friends were going out of their minds as they could not get hold of loved ones. But they way everyone rallied around just shows we will stand together.
This is a heartbreaking time around the world. I couldn’t believe the news myself.
I live in America, but my heart went out to those 7 people and their families as soon as I heard about the attack. The whole world mourns when such a viscious crime is commited. I agree that it isn’t okay to blame the attacks on religion, and the attackers should not claim to have done it in the name of their religion. This was a very heartfelt post with some really good insight!
I still couldn’t believe this when I saw the post online over the weekend, it’s so scary what our world is turning into x
I was in disbelief when my husband said there had been another attack, it’s such heartbreaking news.
A beautiful post. Terrorism has no religion and it’s important to rally round our Muslim community at this time to let them know they have our full support. I attended One Love last night and I truly hope that we managed to spread a message of love not hate. It’s difficult already when we’re healing, we don’t need to add extra hatred on top of it all. Please stay safe in London pal and take some time to yourself for self-care. I know exactly how you feel after everything that happened in Manny, so please feel free to email whenever.
As a fellow Londoner I love this post. I hate the atrocity that has happened but I loath the hate I see spread across the internet even more. We need to rise above the hatred. It is wrong to tar an entire religion with the same brush when they are as innocent as you or I. London is a place where all races and religions are welcome because that multiculturalism is what makes us British.
As for Donald Trump, I have nothing to say, he is a vile politician using the London attack to further his hateful politics.
Sending my love to everyone affected xxx
Amen to this sista and beautiful words. My other half was at London Bridge 5 minutes after it all happened so it’s all been feeling very real in this household….
It really took me by surprised on Sunday… We woke up, having a really nice family morning.. Then I turned on the news… My heart goes out to everyone… These past two weeks have been horrific. But at the same time, it has been nice to see how much everyone has come together
I can’t believe what’s happening at the moment, it’s so scary. The racism and hate that’s coming after the attacks is just as bad too.
Im heading to London in 2 weeks, Yesterday was booking my travel, and part of me was like “should I go” but your right that we cant stop living because of fear.
It’s a scary thought to know this keeps happening in our world. I just saw the news report of Arianna singing again in London. Then right after there was a report on a man who killed several people at a workplace in the US Orlando Florida. My thoughts and prayers are for everyone experiencing loss in tragedy all over the world.
I’ve never met you before but reading these words made me feel like I was listening to your voice. Very powerful post!
So much heartbreak. I was just listening to this on the news this morning. Such a horrible act. We need more good in this world.
It is really said that safety is not guaranteed anymore anywhere in the world. I wish this world was a better place to live in.
I was shocked that another attack happened so soon. It does leave me a little nervous about being in London next weekend but you’re right, we can’t let it stop us. Nor should we discriminate against innocent people because someone uses their religion as an excuse to justify their insanity.
As a mom of 3 small children in NYC, I’ve found myself having to just keep the TV off and not scroll through FB newsfeed. The news is just too terrifying and depressing. I feel helpless. I don’t want to be afraid to leave the house, that would make the terrorists win. Unfortunately I don’t see a world in which this will all stop, it’ll probably get a lot worse, and it makes me so sad for my children’s future 🙁 We try to just keep calm and carry on and enjoy our lives, and hope for the best.
I love how sincere this post is. It is such a tragic thing to hear of all of these innocent people that lost their lives. We can make a difference by spreading love!
Much love,
Ashley |
I had to pass by London bridge today to take the tube and on my way I saw so many sad faces – it’s really heartbreaking. Can’t believe that this should be the new normality. I’m sitting now in a coffee shop and see police cars and police men outside so frequently like never before. On the one hand this is good but on the on the other hand it’s sad to realise that the world is not and has never been a safe place 🙁
Well said Ana, but how I wish that none of it needed to be said at all. I can’t believe what is happening to our world right now, I feel utterly heartbroken. xx
It’s great reading posts like this! I actually shared a similar one myself yesterday and it’s great to see everyone standing up to not let them win. It’s so scary what is going on in the world but if we remain positive and stand together then they will be beaten. Really loved reading this post!!
Please be safe, Ana. My heart goes out to you and everyone who is in London right now. We must not allow them to tear our spirits, we have to be brave every single day. Unity and love will prevail.
Totally agree with standing united against intolerance, seeing the news is so sad and breaks my heart
There is no religion in terrorism . These people who comment these acts are just selfish human beings or have some kind of mental problems.
I couldn’t believe it when I saw the news on Saturday night – I was on a hen night and the mood instantly changed as we all wondered what on earth was going on. So so terrifying
It was so shocking to see the news on Saturday evening – couldn’t believe it was happening again. Beautiful letter Ana x
I was horrified when I saw the news Sunday morning. I couldn’t believe less than 2 weeks after Manchester it was happening again. It’s just heartbreaking. I agree we have to stand united and defiant against the terrorists.
Together we can do amazing things and love will always win in the end.
Well said, let’s not be scared let face fear and turn it around! We will win by standing together!
It still is hard for me to process how people can do this to other human beings. It is so sad, and I keep thinking about all the people affected by this tragedy.
Such a heartbreaking but lovely blog post to read. I don’t live very far from the London attacks and could hear everything happening. There’s been raids in my town last night too, so it seems to be getting closer and closer. I really hope this finishes soon 🙁
It’s so sad. I found out late on Saturday night, when I went to bed. I checked my phone and saw that Facebook was asking me to check in using the safety feature. I had just been home all night watching Netflix so I had no idea what had happened. Then I looked it up, but it all felt very unreal, because it was so late at night and I was tired. When I woke up the next morning, I thought “was that real or did I have a bad dream”. 🙁
I’m still in shock. What has this world come to? It’s so sad that people feel the need to kill and terrorize other human beings. <3
It breaks my heart hearing about yet another attack. It really makes one think that no one is truly safe and this could happen anywhere. We need to stand together, and stay strong!
I love this post. You are right, we need to stand together not start blaming innocent people for the actions of others.
So powerful and beautifully written. I’m proud of your fearlessness in both the physical manner of not being afraid to take the tube home, but also the mental manner of not just giving into hate or fear of the “other” or the “different”.
I don’t know if a phoenix will rise out of all of that, but it’s such a sad world we live in… I love London and I would like to believe that I am safe at all times. Great picture and a very lovely post
Totally agree. It has nothing to do with religion whatsoever, we must not let the actions of a tiny minority divide us. As for Trump…. eugh.
The World can be a scary place. So many bad things happen each and every day. We need to change it! We need to work with ourselves and try to give our best hope to this world. Let’s stop being selfish and try to do everything that passes from our hands to make this world a better place!
I agree. We really have to stop pointing fingers. It doesn’t help anything to be more and more exclusive of groups. In fact, this is making things much much worse.
It has been tough to be a Londoner for the last couple of days. The atmosphere is a bit downbeat and tense but we are London and we are strong no matter what!
It’s heartbreaking that these attacks keep happening. I love the British spirit and know you will come together to overcome any obstacles thrown your way. I hope this is the last of it, and that you continue to show the world just how strong you are.
The last couple of months have been heartbreaking with everything from Manchester to London but the unity that everyone is showing is the most important thing, as long as we let it bring us together and not tear us apart.
This is a touching post. London such an international city full of life and a cosmopolitan flair. I still remember the first time I was in London. I was 18 and fell in love with the city and people, Harrods, petticoat market, Trafalgar square and the double decker buses. May nothing break our spirit.
It was such a sad, evil, senseless act. My hearts and prayers go out to everyone involved.
It is so great to see a blogger using their influence and reach to spread such a well-founded and needed message. Islam is a peaceful religion. Muslims on the whole (just like Christians as a whole) are peaceful, law abiding and respectful people. The terrorists want non-Muslims to turn against Muslims to forward and justify their agenda. That is no doubt why the label ‘Islamic State’ was created when in fact it is not in anyway related to Islam. Every time someone is stupid or irrational enough to link terrorists acts to the Islamic religion, it plays into the terrorists’ hands. We must rise above that and posts such as yours really help to get that understanding out there. Well done and all the best to London and the people (all people!) of the UK.
I love this! It’s so sad what all is going on in the world. There is so much hate and now fear. It scares me to think what kind of world my son will grow up in.
Your post is with so positivity !!! It was so scary with all the news with the London Attack !! i hope people understand and this world be a peaceful place soon
I love this and I agree. We should not live in fear. The world can be a scary place, but I will continue to live my life. I don’t want the terrorists to ever win.
I really can’t fathom the reasoning of those people who are capable of causing that much harm to others. And I totally agree with you; religion doesn’t have anything to do with terrorism.
We must never blame religion on this one. It’s all on the people that choose to terrorize others. I could only pray for those who are there in London. I hope that you will not falter and be united more than ever by these tragedies.
It is a heart breaking accident and couldn’t agree with you more! My prayers are with the families of the victims. May God give them the strength! Thanks you so much for this post!
I don’t know what is going on in this world today. Makes me scared to travel anywhere outside of my area.
Absolutely beautiful post. You are right when you say that these heinous acts are no part of religion. The strength from Manchester,London and the UK as a whole has been amazing lately. We will triumph over evil.
It saddens me that this is the kind of world our children and grandchildren will grow up in. So much hate and indifference. When will all of this ever end? My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please stay safe.
Heartbreaking. I cannot imagine the grief of the families of the victims of this horrible tragedy. I don’t know what “being safe” means anymore. There is so much hate in the world! All I can do is to pray that peace reign in our hearts and minds.
I became so sad when I heard the news.. And now I’m also worrying about our country, Philippines because some terrorists started to attack Marawi (a city in the Mindanao Island) few days ago. Hope this hate will stop. Sending lots of love!
I remember seeing the alerts pop-up on my phone and thinking, not again. Those poor people in England. I was also amazed by the photos of people coming together. We can’t let hate and ignorance rule our lives, or blame one religion for the acts of a few extremists who are seeking to do damage to that religion and the rest of the world. My prays and thoughts go out to all those affected by terrorism around the world.
This post is really sincere and inspiring . loved reading this!
I was still shocked because of that Manchester attack because I wanted to go to that concert as well… and then this happened! I woke up and I’ve gotten so many messages about the attack…
Going back to the Manchester attack — the One Love Manchester concert has brought so many good vibes to the world… and made the world feel connected in.. one love! <3
Thoughts and prayers to those affected and the UK x
It is very sad that in these days, terrorism and terrorist attacks have become part of our daily life. It doesn’t affect us as much as before and we are used to permanently wait for something to happen. I don’t want to live in a world of war… and even with all the people coming together without fear, these attacks will continue. And it’s not against us, it’s against our governments. Because in the end it is all a political game.
Appreciate the openness you’ve expressed yourself. .It’s so unfortunate to hear about this…. Those who harm innocent are the weakest on Earth .
Yikes! I can’t imagine living in a large city right now. Well, I guess this happens just about every where nowdays. It’s a crazy world we are living in!
What an inspiring article and such an eye opener. I was shocked with the attack and couldn’t believe another disaster happened once again. Glad you are speaking up and make it aware to everyone.
I could not believe this when I heard it! Such a scary time. The One Love concert sounded amazing as light from darkness
Your letter and emotions resonate with me. I just don’t understand all the hate and killing for no reason, so sad and we have to rise above.
Beautiful post hun and we need to stay strong, it takes a lot to shake a Brit and we will come back bigger and better!
This gave me chills. As a mom, I am constantly worried now about what kind of a world I am raising my boys in. I really appreciate the sense of hope in this post…we will not let fear rule our lives. Thank you
Scary times now. I can’t understand how heartless some people can be. Hate will never win.
Dear Ana, I don’t know if I’m more mad because of the terror attacks or because the most powerful people in the world are complete idiots. They don’t even know a word about the countries they want to ban, they don’t know where terrorism geographically comes from. I mean… if I have a headache and my doctor tells me the reason of it the color of my lipstick… I would change doctor and maybe I would denounce him. So why should we stand men who tell they want to fight terrorism without having ANY idea of what it truly is?
This is such a sad situation. It is a shame that a few extremists filled with hatred have to ruin life for everyone else. Our best defense is to continue living our lives. When we show them that we have no fear, then that gets to them more than anything.
Terrorists may use religion to justify themselves but it is a corrupted understanding and bears no relation to the actual religion. However this misinterpretation feeds the fear in those targeted. We MUST focus on love and strength as well as tolerance and understanding to defeat these misguided people who want to break us. Like any bully, they will stop when we show them they have no power.
it’s so terrible the hate that this generates – people are fearful and suspicious of difference. It’s so sad and I fear the UK is losing it’s tolarance 🙁
I completely agree with you. I know some people who are Muslims and they are some of the kindest people I’ve met. It’s just a small group of people, and not always Muslims. So I can’t agree with the hate posts that you mentioned on Twitter as it’s not all Muslims who feel that way. It makes me feel bad for the people I know who are Muslim and are so kind and nothing like the people that have been doing these attacks. I just hope that people wont start blaming all Muslims.
These attacks are horrible. I really hope that they stop. We need to stay strong.
I agree, these acts are nothing to do with religion – its a very poor excuse that terrorists use to try and justify their actions. Well nothing can justify taking the lives of innocent people. So sad and worrying times, but we must stand together as a community and not let the hate win.
I have to admit, I was shocked that another attack happened so soon after the Manchester one 🙁 But you’re so right. We shouldn’t judge people by the colour of their skin. Not all Muslim’s are out to kill us all. I hate going on Facebook at the moment as it’s full of posts where people are tarring everyone of a certain race with the same brush.
Louise x
It so sad and scary about what has been happening. So many innocent lives have been lost in worry about the world I’m bringing my son up in.
Such a Heartbreaking news and it makes me scary new and sad situation, we need to be strong
And since this, there has been more 🙁 more in Paris, and more daily in the Middle East. It’s so scary. I used to live in London. And I was there with my son just 3 weeks ago, on a family trip for 2 weeks. We walked on those streets in London Bridge 🙁 so sad.
As a mom of three little ones, I am constantly thinking about their safety, and how I can bring them up in this world that we live in. My heart is with everyone in London.
Well said Ana. If only the masses who are so quick to blame a particular section of society based on their religion and colour would stop and think ….they would then realise that these atrocities are lead by a handful of fanatics and have nothing to do with the ethnic group or religion that they convince themselves they belong to …they are demented terrorists pure and simple….and detached from any religion.
These days that we live in are so sad. There are good and bad in every race, culture, religion. Not everyone from any group is all good or all bad. It is so sad these things that are happening to innocent people just trying to do everyday things. I especially am hurt when people are injured at concerts as that is my most favorite thing to do and way to destress. I also am saddened for these people committing these acts. How horrible their lives must be for them to resort to such violence. It is just sad how anyone can decide to go in such a direction. I wish we could go back to the days when these situations weren’t happening around us and especially not on a regular occasion.
My heart bleeds when I read about or hear about any kind of activities that involve loss of lives or harms humans in any way. I just pray that we all remain safe from such events and pray for peace and love in this world.
‘…I got me a shovel, I’m digging a ditch and I’m gonna fight for these four square feet of land like a mean old son of a bitch…’ #WeAreNotAfraid Xx
Another utterly senseless act! My thoughts and prayers go out to London!
Thank you for sharing this post, you have captured what I have thought and felt many times before. Spreading hate about certain groups or people from particular religions is not the answer. How can we justify that as an action, when these are the actions of a small few? I really hope we can all band together, regardless of our beliefs or backgrounds in the hope to stop these tragic events from occurring.
Your post is very thoughtful and beautiful. I hope the city of London can heal and keep hoping for a better tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.
XOXO //SINCERELY OPHELIA | NYC Petite Fashion Blogger
Beautiful post about spreading love. We should spread love in order to receive it.
terrorism is so deep that it has eaten deep into our society, i come from a country (NIGERIA) where terror acts are done on daily basis yet the government does little to help and protect the citizens they are governing, my heart goes out to the victims families over there, Love and Peace is what the world needs.
So beautifully said Ana. I was in London on Saturday night, alone on Regent Street when I found out the attacks were happening. It was a struggle to get a train home, but at least I was safe and well. I don’t hate a religion for these attacks as they are perpetrated by murderers using a religion that doesn’t condone their behaviour!
I am back in London again on Thursday. You have to keep living life and not allow terror to terrorise you xxx
Terrorism is brought by greed and selfishness. We should not be fear with this. We should stand with one another, and dont let the negativity covers our life.
Honestly I was just in London Bridge when this all kicked off! Just finished a shift and was heading home, until I heard the conduct say it will not be stopping at London Bridge, this was 10:08pm, I then planned to get off at Vauxhall, but something in me told me not to and head the long route home! It was not until I got home I found out why, such horrible and tragic news, totally destroyed me and Im still feeling numb over it.
I love the message that you are trying to bring across through this post. Terrorism knows no religion and while this is a horrible tragedy we should not fight amongst ourselves. It is important for all of us to stand together for the sake of humanity.
What has been happening lately has been awful, the Manchester attacks hit me hard as a parent as they targeted children and as a mother, I worry what kind of world I am bringing my children up into. I love how people are carrying on and not letting them win x
I’m happy that you’re safe! It really is shocking how many attacks there has been in a short period of time. Anyhow, it’s good to keep in mind that dying to some disease or in a car accident is a lot more likely than becoming killed by a terrorist attack. Those are a lot in news but the real odds of getting into one are still fortunately quite low.
You’re maybe too young to remember, but when I was around 18 we had terrorists in the UK. We had bombings. Not just in large cities either. They were from a terrorst group called the IRA. Nobody ran around shouting that catholics/irish should be forced out of the country. We accepted that these were radical extremists. We never went around suspecting anyone who spoke with an Irish accent. It saddens me that there are so many racists and hatred these days.
We persevered then, we came out stronger. because we untied together.
Such a sincere post. I cried for days after Manchester and now this in London. I hate to admit it but I am scared x
Such beautiful words. I really don’t understand it at all. My heart breaks for all the innocent people killed and injured, and their loved ones. Trying to explain it to my children when I don’t even understand it myself has been so hard and emotional.
Ughhh it just broke my heart what happened in London! We really do all just need to be more kind to each other. More love and less of this hate nonsense
Whenever troubles around the globe happens, online community will just spread various hashtags #Praying.
The truth is #praying wont give you RESULTS. it only helps to spread anxiety. Better ACT NOW with less words, and More Action.
very deep and eye opening letter to all. maybe what happened to their place will makes us be aware now what to do, to lessen the casualities. We must give the people hope also to live again and not doomed their selves on the trauma that caused them
This is incredibly scary! It seems like hardly anywhere is safe anymore, where it’s organized crime groups, terrorists, or street gangs. The latter has become a real big problem in the small city that I live in. I’m scared of leaving my house half of the time!
I’m really glad people are speaking openly about it all, the worst thing is to keep how we are feeling about such terrible events to ourselves!!
It’s so heartbreaking!!! When is ever going to stop?!
I still can’t believe this happened. I can’t believe someone would do something so horrible like this at a concert full of kids. It’s so heart breaking.
What happen in London is horrible but we must move on. Spread love, not hate. London is such a vibrant and beautiful city! Everybody is welcome there and there is something for everybody! xx corinne
It is a very scary uncertain world right now. My eldest is travelling in Cambodia and my parents visit London next week. I was born in Manchester – in one of the hotels that treated the wounded so it all feels way too close – and it is truly awful. Kaz x
I am always proud to be a Londoner when I see people rushing to help those in need, despite the horrific situation.
My sister lives in London so we were obviously worried at the time. I hate seeing how people start to attack others online at times like this.
This was a beautifully written article so much emotion that I know so many others, including myself, can reciprocate. I too was devastated by all of the terrorist attacks that have been happening lately but I agree with one of the comments above, we have to focus on the love, strength, and unity rather than the chaos. Those survivors stories bring so much hope and that inspires greatness!!
Out of chaos greatness arises!!
My heart pours out to England in this time of tragedy. We stand united in our quest for good. Love trumps hate, in the end, so let’s all love one another. Life is too short and too precious for anything else!
My heart aches for the families of Manchester and for everyone else in the U.K. Everyone there is dealing with so much right now. Sending prayers and love.
Such a heartfelt post and good on you for not letting the fear get to you. I have to admit that I am wary of visiting a big city at the moment but we cannot let these people win
What a beautiful post. My heart go to London. Hope they will heal soon
Hi Ana, you are right terrorism has nothing to do with religion. It’s just cruel and twisted people spouting religion as a feeble excuse for their actions. My thoughts go out to every single person affected by any act of terrorism and sadly that number is increasing far too quickly.
Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.
My prayers to the victims and their families. Let’s spread love and peace.
I totally agree..terrorism doesn’t have to do anything with religion. I keep telling that to people who ever tells it’s another Muslim attack. My brother was 10 mins from the place Manchester attack happened. I couldn’t breath for few seconds until I received a text saying he is safe. I can’t imagine the amount the pain the victims family is going through. I breaks my heart to think how people can be so cruel to fellow humans. Why do we forget the simple fact that we are all humans first. Stay safe dear
My thoughts and prayers go out to London. To have so many violent acts so close to home can be really rough. I hope that it is but I have a feeling this is just the beginning for everywhere. But you are right we can not live our life in fear.
You written it very beautifully. I like and bit shocked to know it.
A beautiful post <3 So sad.
i was a little scared when i reached london last week, but london is london, the bravest people live here and i totally agree, we should never judge all because of the actions of some!