'Sprinkle the glass over her decaying eyes, plunge into the empty darkness, Look into the past, a million memories like clockwork, Emotive explosions tinged with bitter silence, eternity is inevitable punishment, Shredded to pieces underground, dank earth clogging my lips, Prayer is futile when you cannot speak, lips sewn together,A waterfall of sticky red mess purged by sin, an angel on one shoulder, Hope is part of another world, here all is lost in an abyss of self-destruction' Depression affects over 350 million people worldwide and is a common cause of disabilities, suicides and poor health. But what if I told you that depression was more than just a statistic but a way of life, ... read more
Depression In A Broken Paradise
I’m Feeling 22
'Tinsel and glitter giftwrapped in sugar and spice, lick the sacharine icing off the cake, Deflated balloons burst in a moment of passion, finger pricked dripping blood, Abstract thoughts and behaviours crystalized, speakers rejecting the social norm, Golden era buried in the ceaseless past, tissues bloodied with political intrigue' Last month I turned 22 and it marked an end of an era for me. After 17 years in education it dawned on me that I am in the real world now. No amount of education could ever have prepared me for the reality of debt, of having to depend on others in order to survive or sacrificing those who were important to me in order to get to the top. Life is ... read more
The Real Me Part 2
'I am drowning under the weight of humanity, the scent of blood still coating my matted hair, I am lost in the maze to success, past memories threatening to take away my identity, I am a nameless statistic without a voice, my limbs severed to make way for the perfect life-form but I am strong and have a courage beyond my years and noone not even you 'E' can take that away from me' Age 8-9: My Story Of Abuse For those of you who read my post last week- and for those of you who haven't you can find it here- I had shared my battle with abuse, a puppet of my master 'the evil stepmother E'. Married to my father and in control of his heart it was clear that there was no way out of ... read more
Places To Shoot in London: A Directory
Welcome to Faded Springs 'Helpful Blogging Tips' segment where previous installments 'How to Find A Photographer' and ' Blogger Programmes you should sign up to' showed you how to both identify a blogging niche and create blogging and photographic opportunities that are well researched and suitable for your blog. Today's helpful tips post focuses on places to shoot in London and if popular enough I will create an edition for all major UK cities to explore unique locations that are off the tourist track. Finding a place or an event to shoot or review for your blog can be difficult, particularly in London which is crawling with tourist attractions. But if you are after something a little ... read more
The Abuser
'Bees suckling at the vipers breast, the honeysuckle wilting in the darkness of beastly breath, Lurking in the undergrowth of poison ivy the thief awaits, a net of warped kindness his gift to humankind. Down the rabbit hole is a tortorous smile, laced with magic venom to lull you into a never ending slumber' Part I: Aged 0-8 We live in a state where we are judged for straying from the norm, for having the audacity to step outside of societies limitations and attempting to brave the world alone. Both women and men are criticized for having free-will, for having the strength to be unique in a state that thrives on homogeniety. I am this woman, a 'social outcast' in the eyes of ... read more
The Oppressor
'Dark matter oozing out of toxic waste, the stench of deficit humanity corroding our senses. Black hearts and dark minds caught in a freeze frame of empty promises. Decaying words buried in the icy darkness of the devils soul, the cries of lost children trapped in time. Humanity self-destructs in a window of broken dreams, the memories of childhood lost in translation. Look into the eye of the beast, the glare of bestial ferocity your weapon of survival. Deathless broken souls trapped in between worlds, the sycthe on the nape of my neck.' Segregation Every day millions of children and adults are oppressed by a system that segregates us into camps. We are black or white, poor or ... read more
From Russia With Love
' Crushed hopes in a paradise of broken dreams, the scent of success a distant memory, Reverse the wheel of fortune, place your cards on the deck and watch it turn into ashes before your eyes, feel the burn like an ecstacy mark upon your skin, smoke lingering hours after, turn the tap and drown your sorrows, wallow in the shallow darkness of the past. Tangible DNA no more, buried underground a rotting corpse. Blind in death and in life we are desensitized to the suffering of others, the juice of pre-judgement clouding our eyes. We are shrouds in a world that exists outside of reality and that reality is death' The Story of A II Society is split into two camps: the corpse that ... read more
Pulse Clinic: A Review
'Delve into the rabbit hole and hold out your playing cards, let your inhibitions run free-freedom is just,twisted roses upon barbed wire, hold me tight a storm is coming, bitter tainted lips pricked with blood, sweet nectar, sticky to the touch,barbed wired fences bite into my skin, wrap me in a blanket of deceit, take away my soul' My personal experience with body hair The household that I grew up in was very strict, my foster mother did not allow me to shave until I was 14 or 15 and I was ridiculed constantly for having 'body hair'. In our day and age it should not be a stigma to have natural hair but sadly as a state we demand that women must rip out their hair, be groomed to ... read more
The ‘Social Other’
'Poisonous words flitter like demons sapping strength from The Garden Of Eden, the soft chorus of nymphs trapped in darkness. Burrowing through the nightless skies the birds pity us humans who love war but not its destruction. There are gaping holes in each of us that take us into a nightmarish vision of human consequence, where past sins revisit and engulf us in miserable darkness. We are weak and afraid, with clammy palms clinging to faith in desperation. When faced with death we are shrouds already dead, the waiting tomb swallowing us whole, the beasts already licking their corpse fed lips' In an alternate universe we would be free from oppression and be gifted with basic human ... read more
Red Velvet
'Crushed velvet in shattered mirrors, the crunch of glass a membrane explosion. A patchwork of red severs my limbs in the bitter vision of an empty future. Schoolgirl androgyny, all ties are cut born as a girl from birth, noone in death. Sweet as a cherry stem, mashed into a pulp you flesh out my legacy and no organs remain. Dystopian mirrors in a parellel universe where wrong equals right and the good equals evil. Turn the lock throw away the key let the code be broken and no gender remain.' Channelling the 1995 Alexander McQueen 'Highland Collection' this look screams anarchist rebel. With its roots in punk heritage and a keen nod to school girl androgyny, the aesthetic vibe is ... read more