Dear Aunty, I remember when you held me as a child, I could feel the maternal warmth radiating from me as you cradled me like your own. You used to tell me that I was one of the two people you loved most in the world-the other being my cousin- and how you made me feel wanted and loved. I grew up in a carwreck of a childhood, abandoned by my mother and abused by my fathers wife, the stepmum. You tried to help me escape but then my dad turned against you and his family, because that woman poisoned him against the people that mattered the most. You never gave up on me though, no matter what they said or did you would be the first person to look out for me and love me like your own daughter. ... read more
Dear Aunty: A Letter To My Valentine
Get Valentines Day Ready With Treatwell
It has been a hard week for me and without going into too much detail, I needed some time away from everything to clear my head and organize my thoughts. Normally the thought of being single on Valentines Day used to fill me with dread and the notion of having to be sappy and lovey dovey is not something I am entirely comfortable with. That being said I had made it my mission this year to see Valentines Day as an opportunity to treat myself and give me the break that I so very needed. I was suffering from serious burn out and with all the personal issues that have been building up over time, I needed an experience that would get me back into that positive mindset. So when Treatwell offered ... read more
Faded Spring Tries Degusta Box: The January Edition
If there is one thing you should know about Faded Spring is that I am a sucker for food. Hell last night I was even dreaming about a creamy tiramisu, that is how food obsessed I am. I dream of a world run-not by money- but donuts, soft circles of delicious goodness that dance alongside cheesecake and chickpea curries. To be fair all I think about is food, how hungry I am, when is lunch, what will I eat on the weekend and although I love buying clothes, eating out at restaurants and trying new foods would come a close second. I often surprise spectators that pass by who see me tucking into huge portions of food, wondering how on earth I can eat it all. Let me tell you this, they don't call me ... read more
Faded Spring Time Travels Into The 1970’s
Its 1971, the year that catapulted us into the 'decade of decadence' , an era characterized by excess and androgyny. For there is a mainstream movement that echoes 'masculine fashion', where shapeless silhouettes merge seamlessly with tailored shirts. At times, looks are bottom heavy, loose flares vs tailored shirts, at others looks are more streamlined, sharp and precise. Hems become longer and the micro mini's of the 60's are replaced with longer midi's and even loose maxi skirts, worn with bell tops and peasant blouses. There is almost a bohemian vibe and a sentimentality for looser fabrics, see men and women unified in a love for 'genderless clothing'. But for others they are still ... read more
Summer Party Venue Ideas
Welcome to Faded Spring's Summer Party Venue Ideas Guide, your one stop shop for all things summer. There is nothing I love better than to feel the sea breeze on my skin and feel the gentle waves lapping at my toes. But for some, going to the beach is inconvenient and at times a 'hyped-up reality', after all does anyone really love the feel of squelchy sand? Okay well maybe I do but I digress, you might love going to the beach but last time I attempted throwing a beach party, I got told off and noone likes a frowny authority officer yelling in their face. Plus not to mention feeling sticky and frying in the heat is not my idea of fun and I would much rather go swimming but for some that just ... read more
Faded Spring Goes Speed Dating
Who would have thought it, me the jaded cynic agreeing to something like the concept of speed dating? Then again people change and I was growing tired of the same ol' stale conversations online and craved a new beginning. After all A. I had never tried speed dating and B. life is too short to not try new things so why the hell not?! The big day was approaching and I felt slightly nervous, how would I come across, would I appear as awkward as I felt? But I needn't have worried, with my best friend Anna Maria (On The Edge Blog) in Tow, I knew that we could have a giggle after if everything fell apart. Originally meant to take place at Mahiki in Green Park, the venue changed last minute to ... read more
Dreaming Of A Yoga Holiday …
Picture the scene. Its a cold blustery morning, the skies are grey and your feeling blue. The rain pitter patters against the windows and the distant rumble of thunder makes you sigh with unease. You think to yourself, how did I ever get to this point, bored to death and stuck inside. Your mental state of mind is under stress and you are suffering under the duress of winters cruel temperament. The weather matches how you feel and noone dares to talk to you when you are in a mood. You seek solace from winters dreary weather by gazing at endless photos of white sand beaches, glistening with secret treasures- its wanderlust. Ever since you were a little girl you dreamed of spontaneous travel, ... read more
Planning A Blogger Award Ceremony
After Faded Spring Turned One last August, it got me thinking how much I had achieved in my year of 'blogging'. Not only had I built a website from scratch, set up Facebook Groups to increase social and blog generated traffic but I had also won two awards, such as Best British Blogger and been nominated for a further three. Now awards are not everything but even being nominated shows that someone believes in you and believes that you have the drive and passion to be a success. We bloggers are mechanized to the beat of a technological drum and spend hours glued to our computers and smartphones hastily compiling tweets on the train, replying to emails on buses and writing posts with three mugs ... read more
7 Reasons Why Crying Is Good For You
Crying is an emotion that is often kept behind closed doors and when we are questioned, we often deny that we are upset for fear of judgement. But we should not be afraid to show that we are sad, after all crying is as natural as sleep is to restore the mind. Without tears we would not be able to see, without tears we would be emotionless and without tears our body could not flush out natural toxins. But why is it that when we someone cry we feel uncomfortable or when we feel the first sting of tears seeping through our lashes we are overcome with embarrassment and are too embarrassed to admit that we have been crying. I used to be one of those people and would get angry or upset if someone ... read more
Why It’s Ok To Be Single On Valentines Day
For years I leapt from doomed relationship, to relationship because I thought that being alone on Valentine's day, was the ultimate indicator of your 'inevitable spinsterhood'. I was conditioned from a young age into believing that to be single was against social norms, whereas relationships were indicative of your desirability, a theory that I now debunk. It was an unsettling time growing up and as I wrote in ' 'Why I Am Staying Single This Valentines Day', I would enter a series of relationships, only to get my heart trampled on, all because I wanted to be seen as attractive, wanted and above all loved. Largely in relation to the bullying and abuse that I faced as a young child and teen, I ... read more
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