Maybe I am just being naive or I'd like to think that people can change, but I am a firm believer in giving people a second chance. We all f**k up, we all make mistakes so why are we going to stop being friends with someone because they f**ked up? Growing up I was bullied, abused and went through a lot of hard s**t that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemies. But did I let that change the person I was and make other people feel as terrible as they had made me? No mam, I always treated people how I wanted to be treated and that was with loving kindness and affection. I never once deliberately went out of my way to hurt peoples feelings or make them feel as small as they had made me. Even my ... read more
Why Everyone Deserves A Second Chance
Five Reasons Why I Love Spring
I cracked open my windows and watched the glorious morning sky deepen into a cloudless blue. The frost underfoot dissipatated into mush and the gentle breeze of a distant beach stirred through the peach blossom trees. The world was waking up and the children were gathered to watch it take its first steps into spring. Like Bambi, its movements were hesitant, a small flower here and there and barely a murmur from the animals who had been hibernating all winter. Slowly spring found its destination and the world sprung into colour, coaxed by the vibrant rays of the sticky yellow sun, coated in a heated glaze. Like a glorious pagan ritual, we stripped ourselves naked, free from the faux furs and ... read more
Step Into Spring With Blue Vanilla
The birds crow and the insects murmur, the first buds of spring open their new born petals and the bees suckle at their nectarine breast. Here in spring, no mention of winter is allowed and as the ice begins to thaw so do our frozen hearts, coming alive again in time for spring. There is something so joyous about the beginning of spring, the birds and bees co-exist in a synonymous harmony and the children gather excitedly round the front door, ready to step into spring and make magic happen. For me the notion of 'spring' runs a little deeper than a 'frivolous pastime' and holds special resonance close to my heart. It was during the first buds of spring that I was rescued from an oppressive ... read more
F**k Fake Friends (You Don’t Need Them)
Growing up I found it difficult to distinguish between 'real' and fake friends, because I was conditioned into thinking that both sets of friends were the same. But what is a true friend and how can we tell the difference between a real and fake friend ? A true friend will be there to wipe away your tears and to help you through your struggles, no matter what time of night it is. But a fake friend? A fake friend will drip poison into your ears and relish the thought of you suffering as they rise in power. A true friend will tell you straight up if your being a wanker but a fake friend will sit and listen with their false sympathies, all the while concocting a master plan to get you out of ... read more
Celebrating Easter With Degustabox
Having started my 'food journey' with Degustabox in January, I was expecting the third box to really knock my socks off. Because it was titled as the 'Easter Box', I expected to see an Easter egg or two but the reality was that the box was completely different to what I had expected. There were no Easter eggs in sight and save from chocolate and a few sweets, the theme of 'Easter' was not really evident in the 'Easter Box'. That being said I thoroughly enjoyed the box and it was the first month where I could actually sample all of the food products in the box, since previous versions had items with caffeine /gelatin. While February's box had arrived two weeks before my scheduled shoot, ... read more
Why You Should Brush Up On Your Residential Care Knowledge
For many the idea of 'residential care' is limited to the 'elderly', who are often seen as the predominant age group to 'need' residential care services, when in fact residential care can cater to 'all age ranges'. Nursing care or specialized care for younger adults is becoming increasingly prevalent in many 'care homes' where issues like 'detoriating mobility', mental health and 'neurlogical disorders' are met by a team of dedicated professionals. Largely though residential care is often targeted at the elderly whose needs are 'low' and still have a great level of independence. These individuals do not necessarily need 'nursing care' but assistance with every day tasks such as 'washing', ... read more
How Music Got Me Through Some Dark S**t
Music has always been a big part of my life and as cringe as it sounds, it helped me get through some pretty dark s**t. At night as the world came to a standstill, I would plug in my earphones and breathe a sigh of relief, no one could hurt me in this world of music I had created, no one could take away my identity. They say that your music taste says a lot about who you are as a person and the saying is largely true. When I was anxious or depressed the more harrowing melodies of Adele and Beyonce would drift seamlessly out of my earphones, allowing me to channel my anguish and hurt in a safe space. When I felt happy or wanted to get in the mood for a party, house music and 'club tunes' ... read more
Learning To Be Kind To Ourselves: Wellness For 2017
Being kind to myself was something that I struggled with for most of my life, I had negative thoughts daily and struggled to see that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I was bullied, abused and abandoned and used to think that there would be no way out of the vicious cycle but there was and I found a way out. But still the negativity remained and despite my accomplishments there would always be something that I would criticize, because I never believed that I was good enough. When it came to dealing with rejection I was a novice and saw it as a 'failure' rather than something I could progress from and when I made a mistake I was angry at myself for falling down. As humans we are ... read more
A Letter To My Foster Mum
You were the mother that my mother never was; strong, maternal and kind. When my mum left in the middle of the night, without saying a word, my dad did his best to pick up the pieces but he was struggling on his own. I was two years old, how could my dad tell me that the woman who had given birth to me, who spent her pregnancy dreaming of her 'perfect baby girl' was gone and didn't even have the courage to say goodbye? She was 19 when she had me and 21 when she left and over-time I learnt she had started a new family with a man who treated her like the princess that she so wanted to be. She was never coming home again and as harsh as it sounds I had to wake up to the reality of a one-parent ... read more
February Degustabox: Take Two
After happily gorging on Degustabox's January Edition , the promise of a February subscription box was enough to give me a wet dream. After waiting like what seemed eons ( it was 48 hours FYI but I am a hungry beast) I hungrily delved into my box of dreams and almost passed out in delight. If I thought January's box was a 7.5/10, then February's box was most definitely a 9! From chocolate banana chips to wine, the secret creators at Degustabox HQ, clearly had me in mind when they were creating the box. While last months box seemed to be more 'snack focused', the month of love was centered around beverages , with the odd bag of sweets waiting to be eaten. The most difficult thing about ... read more
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