Crying is an emotion that is often kept behind closed doors and when we are questioned, we often deny that we are upset for fear of judgement. But we should not be afraid to show that we are sad, after all crying is as natural as sleep is to restore the mind. Without tears we would not be able to see, without tears we would be emotionless and without tears our body could not flush out natural toxins. But why is it that when we someone cry we feel uncomfortable or when we feel the first sting of tears seeping through our lashes we are overcome with embarrassment and are too embarrassed to admit that we have been crying. I used to be one of those people and would get angry or upset if someone realized that I had been crying. I believed that it was a sign of weakness and wanted to be seen as a strong character who did not let her emotions get the better of her. But then I realized something, to ‘cry’ is not a passive reaction, thus should not be weak. In fact to bare your soul to others and even to yourself can help them see your vulnerability, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I do not like being pitied at the best of times but at the same time, denying that you are under emotional duress is bad for you. It is important to acknowledge that you are upset, in fact have a little cry and shout about it. Trust me you will feel a whole lot better and it can allow you to alleviate any tension or stress you may be feeling.
7 Reasons Why You Need To Cry
- To see
Tears, believe it or not allow us to ‘see’. Not only do the tears help lubricate our eyes but it also ensure that our eyes, specifically the ‘mucous membranes’ stay hydrated. Without tears the mucous membranes would become dehydrated, resulting in long term sight loss and an inability to see clearly. Not to mention our throats feel scratchy when we are dehydrated so if our tear ducts were blocked it would be painful to see, even more so if you already have sight issues and need glasses or contacts to see.
Fun Fact
Tears that help us ‘see’ are known as ‘basal’ tears , because they are natures natural form of lubrication
2. To Feel Better
Put simply tears make us feel better, particularly when we are under great amounts of stress. While you might not thank your tears for giving you a massive migraine and flushed skin, the after effects is undoubtedly worth it. After a good ol’ crying session I feel as though my body has become cleansed and I feel pure and more whole than pre-crying session. Of course I am not saying you should just cry over everything but sometimes little issues like ‘stress’ can manifest and become more damaging to your sense of self and emotional well being.
Fun Fact
Not all tears are due to frustration or anger, in some cases when we find something funny or are so ‘happy’, we cry because it stems as an automated response generated from our ‘sympathetic nervous system’ as opposed to when we are sad which is activated in the sedating parasympathetic nervous system.
3. To Get Rid Of Bacteria
Tears are what I like to call a ‘natural cleaning product’. Except instead of using wipes or disinfectant, our tears contain Lysozme, a fluid which kills over 95 % of bacteria in the space of 10 minutes. Without lyzome, our membranes would become dehydrated linking to point one and causing long term sight issues.
Fun Fact
Tears that are utilized to flush out toxins and bacteria are known as ‘reflex tears’ which flush out irritants such as smoke particles or onion vapors.
4. Crying Can Decrease Manganese
You are probably thinking what the hell is manganese and so did I until I did some research on the health benefits of crying. Manganese is a mineral which can affect and create your ‘low mood’; crying can decrease manganese because it is often found in tears, rather than blood serum, which many people associate manganese with.
Fun Fact
High manganese levels can have a direct correlation to severe or prominent anxiety and depression disorders.
5. It Helps You Move Forward
Sometimes we are pre-disposed to completely ignore our feelings in the hope that as if by magic the ‘happy fairy’ will come along and make everything better again but that is not the case at all. Instead leaving our negative emotions to ‘ferment’ has a damaging impact on our attitudes towards life and can even affect our relationships with others. Addressing that we need to cry will allow our ‘inner well’ to open up and make us feel a whole lot better. Essentially you will often find that crying, no matter how trivial you think it is in response to will help you move forward. I was never a believer in positive thinking before because I used to think it was matter of pretense but now I believe that as long as you address that you are upset you can move forward and not need to re-address the issues.
Fun Fact
Moving forward is never easy but did you know that ‘crying is an art form’? Being able to/allowing yourself to cry is actually a great form of creative license (see point six)
6. Crying Allows You To Be Creative
I often find that my greatest blog posts and articles are usually written in the heat of the moment and that is because my creativity is fuelled by passion and emotion. It is why I do not post more than three or four times a week because I like my posts to be authentic and reflect how I really feel in that moment. Usually after writing I feel more calm and crying is a great outlet to induce creativity. When I try to write a post and I do not feel happy or sad i.e feel neutral, I feel that my posts become laboured. It is the same for other artists as well.
Fun Fact
The reason why movies that have an unhappy ending i.e Titanic are so popular is because not only are they fueled by the creative imput of tears but it also makes us ‘feel’, thus having more of a personal connection to the film, or more specifically the characters.
7. Crying Is Not A Weakness But A Strength
We often associate ‘crying’ as something that denotes us being weak and society often relates this to gender constructs. During Primary Socialization, men and women are taught different values about how to handle emotions and while women are meant to be more ‘open’ about how they feel, men are openly discouraged from birth to reject any values that can be considered to be ‘effeminate’. What this means is that men are less inclined to cry in public, because they have been taught that ‘boys don’t cry’. It is damaging to not allow humans to ‘cry’ as it can increase stress related disorders, anxiety and depression, which in men are less likely to seek help than women.
Being cast into archetypes i.e ‘the weeping woman’ vs the ‘macho male’ is of course an urban myth but is one that is enforced through the media that we consume on a daily basis. After all have you noticed how many mainstream male acting roles play into the machoistic version of masculinity who have to demonstrate their ‘masculine prowess’ whereas sensitive, artistic types are either cast as gay, tortured or an outsider. It begs us to question why men have to be labelled in order to be allowed to show vunerability and cry in films. What sort of message does this send out to our young boys and girls?
Fun Fact
A recent study titled the ‘Psychology of Men and Masculinity’ found that ‘early socialization’ and cultural differences established that ‘sex differences’ in crying is established by the time children become adolescents.
Why Do You Think Crying Is Good For You?
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This is such a great post. I am way too sensitive and over emotional – crying at the slightest things. I am pleased to see that crying is good for you! Kaz x
I like a good cry sometimes. It makes me feel better
Truly an interesting post! I do sometimes feel it is weak for me to do, but don’t often think that others. In the other extreme crying makes us more human and less harder on others, we can relate to others and care more x
I cry. I also talk at the same time.
I suffer from very bad anxiety and panic attacks. Only way I feel better is to have a good cry and tell my mum what is on my mind.
Mentally, crying is so good for the system to let it all out and move on. I never knew half of these benefits though! xo
What interesting facts.
I always feel better after a good cry 🙂
Loved this post these are all perfect reason why crying is good. I personal just see crying as a way to cleanse your soul of clutter, piled up feeling and emotions. Letting out frustrations or even just being overwhelmed with happiness or sadness.
now, I did not know that crying cleared bacteria as well – makes all sense, but I just never thought of it that way. Love this list! Blessings!
This is such an excellent post, Ana! I love your fun facts and I learned things I didn’t know about crying such as the fact that crying decreases manganese and that there are different types of tears! I think a good cry is so cleansing and oftentimes when you are just having a horrid day a good cry can allow you to just move on and feel better.
I love a good cry, it’s so stress relieving . I do think it’s good for you as it’s very cathartic
Far too many people are ashamed to cry, when in reality, it’ll just help them if they let it out! Thanks for writing a post about it! People need to get used to just showing how they actual feel…
I love a good cry. If I haven’t shed a tear in a while then I’ll watch something that I know will make me sob my little eyes out. I think crying is definitely important for us all for all you the reasons mentioned and more x
What a fab post, I didn’t know all of those things about crying! I think crying is a food way to release emotion and I always tell my little boys that it is okay to cry if they want to.
wow i never knew a lot of this information its surprising that crying is actually really good for you , i dont rarely cry maybe i need a reason to just for the benefits x
Great facts. They are spot on. Crying can help release all the bad energy sometimes.
I think crying is good for you because sometimes people keep things bottled up and that isn’t good for you. I love having crazy crying/ laughter fits x
And of course sometimes it is just good to have a proper cry, stamp your feet, slam doors and get all the frustration and anger out of your system x
I do love a good cry every now and again – sometimes you just need to let it all out
I find that sometimes a good cry is all I need to feel better again about a situation x
Nobody ever wants to cry but sometimes a good one makes you feel better, well it does for me. Your fun crying facts are so good 🙂 great post as always x
I am not particularly good at crying in public however in my room after a good cry into my pillow I always feel much much better
Crying i think can definitely be a good stress reliever. sometimes it’s good to get it out
I couldn’t agree with number #5 more. Crying definitely helps you move past negative things in your life.
I love this! Some of my friends think I am crazy because I have told them about my “happy crying”. I can’t help it, the tears just flow! LOL
I also adore your outfit!
Ivelisse |
I’m not going to lie, I’m an emotional reck and next time I find myself crying I’ll definitely be referring back to some of these points!
This is a great post and its so true! I think I tend to cry way to much sometimes, or maybe I am just overly emotional and sensitive. I cry under sad and touching movies or I cry when someone is happy or I see happy couples. I guess I am a cry baby but I am proud of it haha x
I often get the – she’s off again posted, yep the advert, the big build, they got together, omg they broke up no they died.
I cry way too much it’s interesting to know I’m helping my eye ducts clear
Luckily I start crying when I laugh so hard I can’t stop! And when I need to cry I will do – but usually in private. I think we all need a good cry and now and then!
I love this post. I do cry quite often, happy crying, sad crying, overwhelmed crying, laughing crying. Crying is good for you, and you’ve proved it here!
Aww I love this post! I often feel embarrassed to cry! Great outfit too! L x
Girl, I have such a hard time crying sometimes but when I do, it’s great. These are all true!
This is such a great post! A good cry always makes me feel a million times better
I love your huge smile in the middle of a post about crying :). It’s definitely one of my “go to” pick me-ups, permission to cry. Thanks for this one 🙂
I love a good cry now and again, it is like a good clear out!
Sometimes nothing but a good cry will do. It’s good to let it all out.
I was not aware about these things. It seems by your post that Tears can be very helpful. Thanks for sharing such a great info.
“We need never be ashamed of our tears.” – Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
Funny story. My Nana’s tear ducts had dried up for years. Doctors weren’t sure what happened, but they didn’t work, so she ended up getting all sorts of infections all the time. Then she watched Pee Wee’s Big Adventure (you know, the old one) and laughed so hard she cried. Pee Wee fixed my nana!!
oh there is nothing better than taking yourself off out the way and just letting it all out I have learned the hard way that holding it all in builds up till a volcano erupts
I so agree with this! Crying helps! I know I always feel better afterwards.
And I had no idea about these fun facts you shared. Neat.
It was interesting to learn about the manganese levels of the body being so impacted by crying – maybe that’s why I always feel so much better after crying so much in my weekly therapy sessions! I can attest to the vision impact of dehydrated eyes as well, as I have chronic dry eyes and have to use drops, otherwise my eyes are very blurry and sometimes painful.
I have just read loud this post to my boyfriend since he is the very first witness of my compulsive attitude to tears :-D.
I cry when I see/hear something inspiring, I cry when I listen to any kind of good music, I cry when I see beauty, when I have an epiphany, when I’m happy or when any kind of strong emotion touches me, and since there is nothing that doesn’t touch me… you can imagine the amount of tears making my eyes wet very day!
.And I am an optimist! Now I know I am an absolute MANGANESE FREE GIRL 😉
Thank you for sharing!
Oh boy, I do cry a lot !! It helps me not to be so tensioned .
Those are some really great reasons to cry. I learned something new, I didn’t know crying helped to get rid of bacteria.
I loved this post Ana as I never realised there was so much to understand about crying. I agree that it is so important for our well being to let it out when the need arises and not be ashamed of it. It shows we are in touch with our feelings and are able to process them which is a very good thing.
Crying is good at times for sure, its helped me move forward in the past
I used to think that crying is a sign of weakness too and I tried to hide my emotions, especially in public. But now I realize that sometimes it is nothing better for the psyche than a good cry! I agree, crying is not a weakness but a strength
I loved this post so much! Will make me feel much better about crying! Usually when you’re sad and start crying you only about all the bad things but after reading this, I’m sure I’ll feel much more comfortable to let it all out!
I always feel better after a good cry. I agree, it is good to cry. I always love your pics they are awesome!
I love a good cry. It always helps me move forward. I didn’t realise it got rid of bacteria x
I also wrote a post about why it’s ok to cry and cry again! I love your list! Sometimes we just need it. period.
It’s funny how we are easily ashamed of crying. I cry pretty easily and try to hide it, but when i’m in a company where I feel free I just lt it come out and it really helps and makes things looking better. I feel much better after crying.
I hear this all the time but I never feel better after a good cry!! lol. I must be doing it all wrong haha
Reading about tears made my eyes watery. Lol. But, it took a long time for me to realize that crying isn’t a weakness. I still struggle with it when I’m going through a hard time. I still hold that stigma within myself.
Sometimes a good cry is what you need to let tension and upset out – I always feel better after one.
I try to be the strong woman most people perceive me to be, but in fact, I have my bout of crying days when life is too much. Crying actually helps ease the stress and tension and it makes me realize that being strong means I am also allowed to cry.
I am overly sensitive and hate to cry in front of others although it can be quite cathartic. I avoid the news as there are always so many sad things happening.
Crying, or letting any kind of emotion out is good for you. It’s not good to bottle it all up.
I love a good cry, sometimes you just have to let it out.
This is such a good post. I’m really sensitive and I cry a lot. I try to be stronger, but sometimes I just feel better after crying.
Love this post and can totally agree! Love sitting at home alone, turning on Greys Anatomy and have a good old cry!
Shelley xoxo
I think Crying is a natural way to reduce your emotional stress so easily rather than feeling heavy in heart. These 7 reasons are amazing and I am in love with those fun fact as well.
Sometimes a good cry just helps to reset and rebalance things for me. Sometimes like I have too many emotions to just deal with and one thing will set me off but one I’ve cried I’m back to feeling emotionally capable.
A good cry feels great and is a good release, it’s no good to let your emotions get bottled up inside.
#7 is so important as we see crying as a weakness but you are right it is strength. The weak do not show their vulnerable side.
I think crying lets out your dis-ease (with life) so you don’t hold it in and end up with disease.
I probably cry too often, especially since becoming a mum. I often feel so much better after a good cry though xx
I knew most of these facts regarding crying and I think having a cry occasionally is needed for a nice release xo
I definitely agree on your thoughts. Sometimes most people tend to think that crying just show that you are weak but I guess its a normal way to ease someone’s pain or emotion. I think it is more healthy if once in a while, you release that by crying.
What a lovely, thoughtful post Ana. I had never really though of all the good things from crying before. Sometimes I cry for no reason at all but I do feel much better afterwards.
I often cry when I watch any emotional scene in movies or TV-series. I agree with you that crying is healthy for eyes. Also, thanks for sharing so many wonderful facts and valuable information!
Oh I just love crying! Hahaha it’s so satisfying.
lolzz i am a cry baby and i loved your post 😀 thanx for sharing
Crying is always a great way to release your emotions. I don’t usually cry when I’m sad, I cry more when I’m irritated or annoyed and I have no control over it, lol. I think it helps a lot in terms of how we feel.
What a brilliant post I never cry as I see it as weakness but I should to let all that pain ho
An amazing post that alot of people will connect with. Thanks for sharing hun 🙂 x
This is an unusual and very relevant post especially in today’s world of intolerance for showing any kind of vulnerability whatsoever. I cry a lot sometimes because I’m brokenhearted and other times its simply triggered off by a nostalgic movie. Lots of health facts about crying I wasn’t aware of. Great post!
Crying is not a weakness in certain instances. But if someone’s trying to hurt you, tears do not help you.
Great points. Holding it in is never good. But, I have to admit, I hold it in a lot. That color looks great on you!
A good cry REALLY helps. It isn’t good to bottle things up and sometimes a person just has to release all that tension with a good sob