Tensions ran high throughout the week, a sequence of events that would plummet two friends into despair. They craved solace, they craved a chance to forget about their woes and their strife, but most of all they craved much needed ‘friend time’ away from the stresses of the world that they lived in. And so their Buyagift Adventure began, on a day where the heavens opened and the rain came tumbling down, drenched skin. But despite the makeup that was trickling down their cheeks and the bedraggled hair, a smile was toying with their lips, as they hankered in for a night that would be unforgettable. There would be Italian and Pervuian small plates from Monmouth Kitchen,wrapping our tongues around wine that slipped down our throats like crystal clear honey and chomping through Margherita pizza, dripping with mozzarella. And there would be theatre magic as we gazed at the theatrical spectacle of wonder that was Kinky Boots. But for now, our three course meal awaited us, so we shook our hair like dogs in the rain, drip dried and sauntered into Monmouth Kitchen, with hunger in our eyes.
The tension began to dissipate slowly at first, but when the stress melted away it felt like heaven, as we drank wine until we were merry and ate until we could eat no more. This greedy piglet was never a ‘small plate kinda girl’ but even for someone who had eyes bigger than her belly, she couldn’t help but feel primal satisfaction at the spread before her. There was fresh buratta Pugliese with baby basil and San Marzano tomatoes, that practically jumped down her throat-sheer ecstasy- and tomato ceviche, dressed in a foodgasmic vinegerette that complimented the tart juiciness of the green and red tomatoes. The table was small but nevertheless a riot of sumptous colour, greens and reds salsa dancing, in a heated twirl. Our stomachs craved another Italian classic for our mains, a Margherita pizza with buffalo mozzarella, perfectly sliced into satisfactory rectangles, accentuated by the white wine which brought out the fresh earthiness of the basil. Each bite was a little orgasm, until the pleasure unfolded and we were left gasping for breath. But unlike post coitus relations, our love affair was just getting started, as we imagined eating everybody else’s food, and running out with desserts .
But for now us rebels had to stop plotting to kidnap Monmouth Kitchen’s delectable food and settle on desserts that would tickle our sweet tooth. Two desserts came at once, as two friends devoured their bowls with frantic desire, a White peach and oregano panna cotta, creamy and smooth whispering sweet nothings juxtaposed with a trio of
Dulce de leche, honey and almond leche, which exploded into our mouths with un-regrettable passion. The textures lolled playfully in our mouths, grainy against smooth, liquid against food, but the end result was the same, a pre-theatre meal that defied all expectations. Even the rain had given up its quarrel with the general public and began to cease, rain drops trickling more deliberately slowly than before, it was mesmerizing. Coats on, best feet forward, we bid our goodbyes and ran out into the evening with a child’s inquisitiveness,hurrying towards Adelphi Theatre, for our last chance to watch Kinky Boots before the show ends in January. A cute man gives us a wink and we burst out laughing, giggling like schoolgirls once more, forgetting the supposed decorum of adult civility. We are born children again, dancing in the rain, before slinking into our theatre seats, with undeniable excitement. Wine coats our thirsty throats and we settle in for the musical of our lives, the musical that would be poignant, humorous and feel good all in one delicious theatrical masterpiece.
For Kinky Boots And The Titular character of ‘Lola’ was a story about defying the odds, a narrative where an outsider is given a chance to shine, to show that being different does not make you a ‘freak’. And special Lola was, an all singing, all dancing, all acting drag queen with the heart of a lion. You would gag on her ‘Eleganza’ mesmerized by her powerful voice that reverberated with undisguised emotion and passion. You would goggle at her jaw droppingly vivacious and at times bright outfit assembles that showed Lola refused to ‘blend into a crowd’ that bordered on homogeneity . And most of all you could relate, you might not have been a drag queen, but you understood what it felt like to be misunderstood, what it felt like to feel like you are underappreciated and undervalued, what it felt like to be the outsider looking in. But Lola didn’t just dare to dream- and dream she did- she showed others the beauty of stepping outside their comfort zones, how doing something brave can change your perspective, in a beautiful enlightening manner. You would put on Lola’s rose tinted glasses and slip into bedazzled knee high boots, kicking, flicking and double splitting, until your body could move no more. You would dare to be different and dare others to do the same, showing that there is beauty in embracing who we are or who we like to be, to make the most of our time on earth.

The crowd were singing along, you could see the tears spilling from their eyes and you laughed and clapped until you could clap no more. It was an all singing, all dancing firework of colour, emotion and friendship, where a drag queen and a straight laced man named Charlie, ended up having the most beautiful love of all…friendship. Hard to come by, easy to lose, a true friend is as rare as a diamond in the ocean, so it’s little wonder that Charlie and Lola gravitated towards each other, like dancers suspended in flight. The staging might have been simplistic in comparison to other theatre shows like Aladdin, but why would you need elaborate props, when the charisma shone through the actresses and actors like a rainbow at the end of a rainy day? They put a smile on our faces, they made us wipe tears from our eyes, and we toasted them with clear glasses of wine, yellow like honey, as the night came to an end in one jaw dropping finale. We were electrified in awe from the moment Kinky Boots lifted its curtains and the enthrallment didn’t end once we had gone home. Lying on our beds, we remembered the pizza slipping into our throats with delectable ease , white wine coursing through our veins and Lola from Kinky Boots imploring us to always remember our true selves, even when society tries to tell us something different.

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Please note I was given complimentary vouchers for upper circle tickets to see Kinky Boots and a three course meal with wine at Monmouth Kitchen but all thoughts are my own and are not affected by complimentary services.
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