Creating an eco-friendly home makeover, can help us protect our Mother Earth in a way that isn’t harmful to the environment. But what does being eco-friendly actually mean? Put simply being eco-friendly means you engage in sustainable practices that minimize your impact on the environment and its surroundings. Whether you recycle, compost or use LED lighting, there are many ways to make your home eco-friendly.

You can make a small change such as using eco-friendly toliet paper, which is made out of bamboo, cutting down on the amount of trees that are cut down, or choose to make a drastic change like making the switch to renewable energy for your home. Whatever you choose to do, being an ethical home owner should be rewarding, not tiresome. So why not make a difference today by creating a sustainable home?
No matter your budget, ethical stance or homeowner status, you can easily turn your first home into a climate friendly environment. For example, let’s say you are renting a room like myself. Small changes that you can make includes swapping out your light bulbs for LED alternatives which use less energy and are an ecological choice. Or if you are a vegan, using natural materials for your home is cruelty-free too.
From composting your food waste instead of throwing it in the bin to making your own cleaning products to keep your home spick and span, here are 5 small ways to make your home eco-friendly this year.
Invest In LED Panel Lighting To Make Your Home Eco-Friendly
Did you know that standard LED bulbs can be up to 80% more energy efficient than conventional bulbs? Or that LED lights are a cheaper, greener alternative to traditional lighting? Well look no further, as learning how to cut costs when running your home is made much simpler with the addition of LED lights. Not only do they require less power than conventional light bulbs, but they also use less electricity.
If you are looking for eco-friendly lighting solutions to create an ecological home, then look no further than Litho and INUI, partnered businesses who champion LED lighting as an eco-friendly alternative. INUI use advanced LED panel technology, and pride themselves as being a leading LED lighting manufacturer. Litho also specializes in the design, manufacture and retail of LED lighting products.
If you are still unsure about investing in LED lighting solutions, then you might be convinced when you hear exactly how LED lights reduce your carbon footprint. When you use less electricity, you are minimizing your carbon footprint, bringing down your energy bill in the process. What’s more, LED bulbs consume less power per unit of light emitted. Not only does this decrease the amount of greenhouse emissions that comes from power plants, but it also means that there is less demand on the natural resources used to power that grid.
Plant Herbs And Decorate Your House With Plants
Growing your own garden, including herbs, flowers and plants is great for the environment. Not only can growing your own fruit and vegetables or herbs and flowers take pressure off an overworked global food system, but it can also protect your body from free radical damage. This is because herbs are full of antioxdiants meaning it is good for both your garden and your mind, body and soul.
If you choose to put plants in your garden, or decorate your house with plants, you can feel good knowing that plant roots improve soil stability, create a natural source of oxygen which we need to breathe and above all, plants are a great source of nutrition, whether that be dandelions, nettles or sunflowers. So why not bring some plants into your garden and house, to make your home eco-friendly today?
Not only are herbs and plants good for the environment, but they are also good for your physical and mental health. Plants such as orchids and succulents actually emit oxygen at night, helping you breathe easier while you sleep, while houseplants can remove up to 87% of air toxin in just 24 hours. What’s more they are known for increasing productivity, positivity and make you feel calmer and more relaxed.
Choose Natural Materials For Walls And Floors
Eco-friendly interior design is a buzzword for 2021, so what better way to make your home eco-friendly than by choosing natural materials for your walls and floors? For example the biggest and most popular sustainable natural material is wood, which comes in different colours and can look really elegant, classy and sophisticated in your home. Another natural material is bamboo, which are best used in blinds.
Bamboo is durable, can be used as decorations or as a practical solution such as replacing your window shutters with bamboo blinds. Bamboo itself is a sustainable crop because it self-generates from its own roots so it dosen’t need to be replanted. What’s more it is 100% natural and is usually not treated with pesticides and chemicals. If you want to create a nautical home, sea shells are another great alternative.
By using natural materials, you are not only bringing nature into your home, but you are also investing in a high quality product, that has greater longetivity than artificial materials that we often use in our home. There is less wear and tear than artificial materials, and you can make your home eco-friendly in a heartbeat. Whether you are sleek and modern or traditional and rustic, find the right natural material for you.
Make Your Own Cleaning Products To Clean Your Home
Many of the cleaning products that we use to clean our home are filled with toxic chemicals, use excess plastic packaging and can trigger skin allergies, allergic reactions and irritation. Which is why making your own cleaning products to keep your home clean, can seem like a viable ecological option for those who want to use ‘natural’ products. From baking soda to apple cider vinegar here are some cleaning saviours.
Baking soda has been hailed as a champion natural ingredient to use in our homes because it cleans dirt almost instantly, and is strong enough to use on its own. For example let’s say that your bath has ‘rings of dirt’ around it that a regular scrub does not seem to shift. Baking soda works to neutralize dirt, as it is a mild alkali. Apple cider is another all rounder, and is powerful when combined with water.
For example apple cider vinegar and water combined, is a great alternative to commercial cleaning agents because of its antibacterial properties. You can use this in your kitchen to get rid of the smell of strong food, in the bath and even as a weed killer! If you are looking for an eco-friendly solution to polishing your furniture, then why not use olive oil, which is great for removing grime, grease and even stains.
Compost Your Food Waste Instead Of Throwing It In The Bin

Last but not least is composting your food waste, instead of throwing it into your bin without a second glance. To make a home eco-friendly, you should try out home composting, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions and diverts garden waste. Not only does composting reduce refill waste, but it also is healthier for the environment, because you are not relying on factory made fertilizers and chemicals.
What’s more composting adds nutrients to your soil. These nutrients not only helps to retain water for plant use, but it also introduces valuable microorganisms to the soil. Microorganisms can include bacteria and fungi which help to areate the soil, while breaking down organic matter to create richer soil. The higher quality soil means that your plants health and growth are accelerated.
Your plants and flowers will love you for composting at home, and what’s more it benefits your bank balance too, by cutting down on costs, as its completely free. This is because waste sent to landfills can incur a huge cost, and you can even make money in the long run by selling your compost to farmers at a local composting collection site. So you see, learning how to make your home eco-friendly can be a lot of fun!
Please note this is a collaborative post but all thoughts are my own and are not affected by monetary compensation.
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