February started off like the long wait for summer : listless, frustrating and unproductive. I was finding it difficult to keep my social media schedule up ( Facebook and Twitter) and posts were being done the night before because there was more events than ever. And it makes me feel so disorganized, coming from someone who would plan her posts in advance and get them written several days or even weeks beforehand I found myself struggling, spending time managing threads until 2 am in the morning most nights. Now coming from an insomniac that is not late but when I get in from work at 8/9/10 and reciprocate on threads until 2 in the morning it is tiring and my skin is suffering because of it. Yet despite my lack of sleep and irregular social media ( asides from Instagram) I have still managed to have a huge boost of followers across all platforms. I might be being a bit hard on myself in terms of social media as I was used to putting up a Facebook post five days a week and a 5 tweets a day for five days but that has been proven difficult this month especially as I have had a lot of events to attend. Facebook and Twitter have been off this month but I am ready to pick up the reins this month and as this goes to print I already have this weeks posts written and am planning next weeks posts to avoid February’s mishap.
February might not have seen consistiency in posting but it did bring a lot of opportunties to Faded Spring. This month I have worked with KaytieWu, Hazel& Kent, Panasonic and received offers for seven sponsored posts of which I only accepted one- the Panasonic Valentines Wishlist which you can read HERE. I also attended exciting events for major brands like Replay Jeans and have exciting opportunities and projects coming up next month where I will be working with [ Squeals] motherfucking Raybans, Joy, Whitewash Labotary, Ego Official, Impifry,Firmoo, Blenheim Watches, Espirit, Coconut Lane, New Chic , Oxfam and that is not even including the events that I will be attending. I cannot wait to share my goodies with you and continue to do the job I love.
2nd January Time Travel:Reliving The 70’s
Since 2015 the influx of the 70’s fashion trend has continued to dominate both the catwalk industry and bloggers street style with suede being the material of choice. Showcasing my 70’s look I explored how the 70’s innovated major trends including suede, patchwork skirts, jumpsuits and thigh high boots which was brought over from the latter part of 60’s mod culture. The 70’s was a time of cultural rebellion and innovation with a changing sphere of fashion brought over by the political, economical and social climate at the time.
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3rd February Who Am I?
We as bloggers have an online persona and to many I am happy go-lucky, positive and pulled together but the truth is I am not. I am not a cardboard cut out perfect from head to toe but I am me, flawed, overly sensitive and incredibly anxious. I am my own worst critic and will cut myself down at every point because I have never felt good enough. It goes without saying that I am insecure and I think being honest and not pretending to be someone else is both liberating but increasingly frightening at the same time. Some judge me for being too ‘real’ but I am not a walking stereotype and rather than mock myself like I have done for so many years I think it is time to accept me for who I am.
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4th February 365 Blog Post Ideas For Fashion Bloggers Part I
Running a fashion blog can be difficult and when you are short on time planning a series of posts can be time consuming and a routine that you are not able to keep up with. Not any more; with part I of my three part series you can have a post for every day of the year and more. From generic fashion posts like style challenges to the more serious-is fashion elitist?- there is a choice for everyone.
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5th February Friday Lookbook: Pastel Edit
Visually this is my favourite Lookbook so far and I loved creating Pastel looks inspired by Pantones colours of the year: Serenity and Rose Quartz which FYI I was rocking circa 2013! From forthy tulle 50’s prom dresses to pleather baby pink midi skirts each look incorporated the essence of a pastel palette: light, airy and an appropriate symbol for the blossoming of spring.
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8th Why I Am Staying Single This Valentines Day
This was February’s most popular post with 130 comments within the space of a few days and it was an incredible response, far better than I had anticipated. When I had the idea to share some of my bad relationship experiences it was a new topic for me and as I am generally very private about my love life it was a step out of my comfort zone. And sometimes I think that is the key to making a post go viral:it fit in with the theme of Valentines Day, was personal and was spoken directlly from the heart. I have been unlucky in love but I was happy to enjoy this Valentines Day alone.
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9th The Commercialization Of Valentines Day
History in general has always been a passion of mine so to keep in with the theme of Valentines Week I explored the rise and origins of Valentines since ST Valentine’s death and its transition into the modern commercial holiday that it is today. As our economy expands so does the rise of commercialism and in my eyes it has ‘cheapened’ Valentines Day because can we not demonstrate our love on more than just one day? There is something about me and Valentines day that does not quite sit right.
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10th Valentines Day With Hazel and Kent
TH Baker Jewellery brand Hazel and Kent contacted me earlier in the month to style their jewellery for Valentines Day and I was sent a gorgeous silver necklace with pink savoroski and although I am the biggest grinch when it comes to Valentines Day I do appreciate a beautiful necklace, especially when it is free! I styled the necklace two different ways which you can see on my Instagram faded_spring.
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11th Valentines Wishlist
This was a post in collaboration with Panasonic where they wanted me to create a wishlist and visually it is not my greatest post ( because there is only so much you can do with stock images) but I did enjoy working with Panasonic and it would be a pleasure working with them again. The list was split into fashion and technology.
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14th Sunday Lookbook: Valentines Edition
I didn’t celebrate Valentines Day in the traditional sense but spent my evening with one of my best friends Anna Maria the most wonderful little Grecian you could meet. I first met Anna last November with a group of other girls and we went to Spaghetti House. Since then going out for meals has kinda been our thing and we have covered Thai, Italian, English, Spanish and Italian cusine and this Valentines day was no different. We met up had food in two Italian resturants ( my bank account is crying) and I showcased a series of outfits that I could have worn to the resturant to celebrate our friendship.
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15th Kaytiewu: A Review
One of my favourite companies to collaborate with Kaytiewu is a minimalist jewellery brand that is inspired by 90’s culture infused with the simplicity of Japanese artitecture. Kaytie generously gifted me two rose gold pieces which I styled with a delicate rose-gold co-ord.
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16th Top 3 Instagram Facebook Groups
There are so many Facebook groups to grow your blog’s presence but very few groups specifically focus on social media networks and as Instagram is my favourite network I have decided to co-create a group with fellow blogger Kussum from Sweetscapes as it was an idea I had been mulling over since last year. This post looks at the top three Instagram groups you can join on Facebook and lists all the posting schedules, types of threads and opening and closing times. With 110 comments it is the second most commented post this month.
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17th Throwback Wednesday
This was the week that made me nostalgic about the past and it was not neccessarily a good thing. I was going through old photos and remembering the memories I had shared with people that I know longer spoke to and it was a painful feeling knowing that not all friendships last. I go through life meeting the friend equivalent of a soulmate and you end up thinking that you are going to be friends for life but quite often that is not the case. You win some you lose some, just remember in your time of need that the friends who are there will be friends for life. Mark my words.
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18th The Representation of Race and Gender in Yeezy Season 3
Kanye’s catwalk show struck a chord with me and not in a good way either. I was a huge Kanye fan back in the day and despite his egotistical rants his music counteracted his foul mouth. What I do have a problem with is his attitude towards women, who through his clothing label Yeezy are represented as passive objects to be gazed at the expense of male viewing pleasure. And lets not forget his lyric calling Taylor a ‘Bitch who he made famous’ and who he ‘feels like he might have sex with one day’. What a charmer…
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19th Friday Lookbook: Time Warp
Tieing into the ethos of Wednesday’s post, this Lookbook looked back at old photos for each day of the week. Some photos were taken at a point in my life where I had thought that I had found the friends that would be with me for the rest of life. It turned out that I was wrong but it was wonderful looking back at the memories I had over the last three years. They say that university is the best years of your life and they are right in some respects but I am glad to have moved forward in my life. In with the new and out with the old.
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22nd Free Kesha
My most controversial post to date there was a mixed response to me posting about Kesha’s rape but I was glad that I posted it and raised awareness about grooming and rape. Sexual abuse and grooming is not something we should shy away from speaking about as a culture but it is still pre-conceived as a taboo topic. There was great feedback though and many people had shared their own personal experiences and I commend them for their bravery.
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23rd I am A Blogger Because …
Personally this was my favourite post of this month and again it was because it was written from the heart. So many readers had asked me what was the inspiration behind my move to blogging and I thought it was time to tell my readers the truth. I became a blogger to change societies perception of both fashion and blogging as an occupation. I also became a blogger because of health issues and blogging was a way of making me feel better about myself. It pulled me out of some dark places.
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24th Alexander McQueen A/W 16
Alexander McQueen is one of the most talented British designers to have graced the catwalk and for that reason alone I analyzed Sarah Burtons return to LFW. A fantastical re-imagining of fairytale lore and historical context leather capes were adorned with symbols of womanhood while sheer Neo-Victorian skirts swept the catwalk floor.
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25th A/W 16 Colour Trend Report
From the new teal inspired diver to midnight aubergine Faded Spring brought you up to date with the colours that would be popular in fall. Contrary to expectations there was a delightful splash of colour with light periwinkle, tangerine orange and scarlet red injecting some much needed fun into fall fashion!
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26th Friday Lookbook: LFW
Although my application for the main London Fashion Week event was rejected I still had a fantastic week and a half of events off the catwalk schedule and from sampling top secret industry events to meeting new exciting brands this week was one I will always remember.
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29th Powder Review
Synonymous with the image of vintage luxury, Powder’s chamonix faux fur scarfs make a delightful accompaniment to any outfit. Choosing a salmon pink faux fur stole I layered a hybrid of blush and nude tones to keep the stole looking fresh, modern and seasonally appropriate’
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Top Five Blog Posts
Why I am Staying Single This Valentines Day
I Am A Blogger Because
Top Three Instagram Facebook Groups
Who Am I
Free Kesha
Top 6 Instagram Posts
1. At 616 likes and the second most liked photo I was quite surprised when it received as much traction as it did. Posted on a Thursday my most liked photos are usually on a Monday and Tuesday so it did catch me unawares but I was pleased it did as well as it did. It reached 500 in two days and got to 600 in 6 days.
2.What started off as one of the worst shoots I had ever done actually produced some good photos (but trust me we were in the middle of a storm, I was sick and depressed so it didn’t go well!) Yet I was surprised that were some treasure gems that were usable and didn’t have me running after my hat as it threatened to go into the Thames ( the evidence is under lock and key)
3. This started out as the most liked photo of February but was knocked off the top spot by the photo below before it went into second place. As it stands it is now in third place. This is my personal favourite and it makes me happy because it reminds me of spring. At 567 likes and 108 comments it is my joint most commented IG post to date.
4. I had to add this photo at 11.40 PM yesterday as suddenly this photo had leapt in likes which I am pleased about because the more I look at it the more I realize that contrary to my fears it is a good shot
5. Taken from this months most popular post ‘Why I am Staying Single This Valentines Day’ this photo proved to be equally popular in fifth place this month.
5. Rounding up the top five is this close up which was another shock as usually my close-ups dosen’t get as many likes as my full body photos but I am pleased it was so well received.
Top Facebook Post
What was your favourite post this month?
What a wonderful recap .. you posted some really amazing and diverse content! It’s so hard to pick even two or thee because I want to pick them all. That being said .. I really liked “I Am a Blogger Because” . . “Reliving the 70s” and “Free Kesha.” Can’t wait to see what comes next!