Trying To Look ‘Cool’
As someone who has blissfully subscribed to the ‘skinny jean only club’ for most of her life, it was quite a shock to my system to see the world clad in ‘Mom Jeans‘. After all the 80’s jean trend was renowned for being unflattering and the term ‘mom’ was a pejorative , designed to mock those who wore ‘said jeans’. It seems like only yesterday that I was squeezing myself into a pair of skinnies, attempting to not knock the books off my shelf as my arse struggled to be contained in ridiculously tight jeans. I would despair as buttons would pop and crotches would rip but nevertheless my penchant for ‘skinny jeans’ still remained prevalent. But then something happened, I saw a pair of mom jeans that were distressed, with more rips than Yeezy’s clothing line and I fell in love. The jeans were rolled up and the crotch baggy but for some inexplicable reason I was drawn to them from behind the computer screen. Still I was nervous, despite how ‘tall’ I may appear in photos I am only 5 ft 4 (1/2) and jeans that were not fitted had not suited me in the past. I was beginning to think I had lost my mind and had nightmares, envisioning me walking around town looking like I had done a massive shit in my pants and trust me that is a look only toddlers can get away with.

Speaking Of ‘Cool’ , Boots Yay or Nay?
Like a child on Christmas day I counted down the hours until said ‘mom jeans’ would arrive, trying to push away the ‘elephant pants ‘ scenario out of mind. It arrived via post like a knight in shining armor, begging to take first place among all my other jeans. But it had to take the Faded Spring Test first; the rules were simple, don’t look like you have shit your pants, don’t show my arse crack and never ever make me look like I have a camel toe. Well… for a start it was baggier than I was used to and made my legs look shorter than they actually were and an inexplicable bulge rather worryingly made me look like I was packing something a little ‘extra’ if you know what I mean 😉 I was beginning to think that my attempts to look ‘cool’ and on ‘trend’ were proving futile but I needn’t have worried. Turns out if your a little shortie like me then the best solution is to wear ‘heels’ or ‘boots’ to elongate the leg or as I like to call it ‘to stop you looking like your a child who needs adult supervision’. Hashtag #smallgirlproblems, but I digress, finally I managed to be able to wear the ‘mom’ jeans and the tapered, rolled up leg meant that not only did I look a little ‘cooler’ (winning at life) but it was nothing like the 80’s stereotype of being ‘unflattering’ and ‘momified’.

Definitely no Camel Toe here!
Here is where I take issue though; if for decades we vilified ‘moms’- or mums as we say in the land of tea and scones- then how the hell has this suddenly become popular among teens and tweens? Hell even my 5 year old cousin has a pair and she is most definitely not a mom, even if she thinks her Barbie’s are all her children. I tell you why, because fashion is hypocritical and said age categories i.e. Mum vs ‘granny’ are often typecast in the fashion world as being two ‘trends’ that are most definitely ‘not cool’. The reality is ‘mom jeans’ are cooler than ever and ‘Granny Chic’ is on the way up, so a massive f**k you to ageism. So why are they called ‘mom jeans’, can’t we just call them ‘high waisted jeans’ or ‘jeans that won’t expose your bum to the whole nation’? Yeah on second thoughts maybe stick with mom jeans, but the next time that someone uses ‘mom jeans’ in a pejorative sense, I will kick your ass, mom jeans an’ all!

Kinda Living For This Look, F**k you haters !

Not Going To Lie Totally Brought These Boots Even Though Payday was A Month Away …oops I did it again
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Wow interesting looking boots. You look fab Ana.
I’ve been thinking about getting a pair of mom jeans, they seem to really be in fashion at the moment and I quite like how comfy they look! Also, those boots are so amazing!
OMG Ana you really don’t look like you’re packing something else haha! I’m a skinny jeans only kinda girl too tbh, but you’re swaying me on these. It’s a yes from me for those gorgeous boots too.
I absolutely love these jeans! I love the rips and how they are rolled up at the bottom! I am buying myself a pair of these 😀 x
I like your shoes! I am a mom and I don’t do mom jeans but they look cute on you!
As someone who definitely has worn mom jeans sometimes even before they were on trend, I just love them. They’re so comfortable. I love how you paired it with heels…I like wearing mine with some boots with thick heel because it definitely elongates the legs.
You look fab, those boots are amazing!x
Yeah for Mom jeans, so glad to see this style making a come back and I love your boots as well. So pretty
You are rocking those jeans! And the boots are to die for.
Mom jeans are the bomb-diggity! They look great on you and that shirt is tres-chic. Me likey.
You look amazing and I absolutely love your boots!
Well you are clearly the kind of beauty who can make anything look good so I’m not sure I’m yet persuaded over to the mom jean side..or ever will be, though I definitely agree with your thoughts on ageism. By the way, autocorrect momentarily had me write “I definitely agree with your thighs,” I guess my phone is a bit of a pervert haha. I say yes to the boots though!
Haha touche, your phone clearly has a mind of its own! It took me a while to get used to them too but I have to say they are pretty comfy xx
Its a gorgeous boots! It that really embroidered? Ah looks luxurious then! You roxk the whole outfit 🙂
Mom jeans. I want a pair but it’s finding a pair that flatter my body. I like the style overall but I know alot of people don’t like them x
I prefer skinnies, but think the way you’ve styled these make you look fabulous.
I love this look, it looks amazing on you, considering we never see you in jeans!
Yes to mom jeans – and I just love how you have styled them, they look fantastic. Love your boots! Kaz 🙂
Loving this look on you, the jeans suit you to a t, I’ve a fair few pairs of mom jeans and they what I live for! Plus great early pay day treat with the boots x
I don’t think I can pull those jean off, I am built a little rounder but I like the high waist pants they young kids are wearing. I do love those boots though!!
I love your boots!
And my “mom jeans” are the comfiest jeans I’ve ever owned.
I really love the boots, they are so adorable!!
I’m digging the jeans! They remind me a lot of my boyfriend jeans. There are days when something a little baggy .. rolled at the bottom .. with a few strategically placed rips is just the thing! ps: love the boots!
I am currently wearing mom jeans…. sigh. It wasn’t intentional and I don’t look anywhere near as hot as you, but YOLO. (Yes, I typed YOLO… I have no shame)
Nice outfit! I really like the top and the fluffy coat goes well with it 🙂
I’m a mum and definitely not a fan of mum jeans lol my body has been destroyed enough without the lack of flattery from these bad boys! You could wear a bin bag and get away with it though so go you!
You look fabulous, but I don’t know if I could wear ripped jeans. I never got with that fad. I wouldn’t want to pay for jeans already ruined even if they are considered in style. Those shoes are amazing though!
I like mom jeans, because that is what I am – a mom! Even though mom jeans look loose and shapeless, it is the ccomfiest pair of jeans I’ve ever worn. You made it look so good, pairing those jeans with a cool top and those sassy boots!
skinny jean club is great if you have the right frame. Not much fun of the jeans – it looks very dated and you are too young and too beautiful for them!
this is a lovely look. And yes fashion and ageing really doesnt make sense. A highwaist jeans makes more sense over moms jeans. Liked the post and pictures.
This outfit is perfect and looks so good on you!
I particulary love the hat and the jeans!
I forgot all about the jeans as soon as I saw those boots – wow they are just amazing x
You are rocking those mom jeans, I love how you have styled them with those amazing boots! Mom jeans are definitely much more comfortable.
I love jeans in general. The outfit looks stunning on you. I don’t feel jeans suit me or fit me properly though. Maybe when lose a bit more weight x
Ok so I love the jeans you’re wearing, but those shoes are EVERYTHING! They’re stunning!
Though I love my skinny jeans, this new adaptation of the mom jeans is great. I love the distressed look and I love how you have styled them here. I also really love those boots, they are gorgeous!
I loved your part about trying to fit into jeans. Fashion changes in such odd ways sometimes. And you look great in these jeans.
You looked amazing as always, and I am a little perversely excited to know that you’re a shortie like me (InI’m 5 foot 2.)! I love the boots too – they make a statement for sure!
I see these in magazines but that was the 90’s, I think. I never really realized that it would be such a huge hit these days with the younger generation. I love how you styled it though and you have to admit, it feels so much better than wearing skinny jeans all day.
I love wearing high waisted jeans I just find they suit my figure better. These look fab on you x
I love “Mom” jeans, but honestly, I had to read this post for those amazing boots. I’m in awe and I am going to have to find the money in the budget to get them! Thank you so much for posting. *Hugs*
Love those jeans and those boots are beautiful. you look fab!
I’ve still not found the perfect pair of Mom Jeans for myself. You look incredible here, I am obsessed with those boots! xo
Mom jeans look really good on you, I tend to stick to skinnies as they look better on me x
Recently I’ve been missing a lot the old 80s style as far as concerns jeans! After years of small and “smalling” jeans I felt like felleing forever teen again! Once I wore mom jeans (and the today called boyfriend jeans) because I didn’t feel comfortable with my butt like 90% teenagers. Now I’d like to enjoy this item in my “I DO Love myself” spirit!
I really love the look of these jeans on you and the rips are really cool for mom jeans! xxx
aww! Love this floral print look. I’ve been eyeing public desire floral boots for a month now, looking at how you paired, I’m tempted to make a purchase now 🙂 I do have a love and hate thing with mom jeans but high waisted jeans are always my favorite
I am still yet to find a pair of jeans that fit me and look good, I wont tell you my husbands comments lol, not tried this range before though. I love the boots but not something I would wear x
Love this! So gorgeous!
You look like a mega babe in mom jeans! Love the way you’ve styled them with the floral boots.
You look gorgeous! I am sticking with my skinny jeans though, they have become my mum uniform, and I can’t even contemplate trying these, I think I would look awful! You could pull anything off though!
Such stand out boots – perfect for adding detail to any outfit 🙂
Not everyone can pull off the mum jeans – they look great on you! X
Gorgeous boots. I haven’t heard of mom jeans: is that because I’m a mum and in denial?!
I love this look, especially with the jeans
Them jeans looks so comfy but cool at the same time. I love the top and boots you’ve teamed them with however I sadly dont think I could pull the look off like you do.