Whether you are happily married or have found a random stranger in the bush, finding that man in your life a special gift is near impossible. Brothers turn up their nose at the video games you have given them, sons cry when you dare to give them something other than £100 million pounds and husbands/partners/lovers are the trickiest male bunch of all. Not to mention the struggles of buying a new partner a gift, especially when you barely know what his middle name is, let alone what he would like for Christmas. Well fear not, I aka the ultimate source of all things man- translation, I know f**k all- am here to give you the helping hand that you desperately crave. Whether that be gifting beer that doesn’t taste like s**t, or ensuring that you don’t fall into the same ol’ rut of gifting 100 pairs of Calvin Klein’s, when it comes to a Christmas Gift Guide For Him don’t worry homie I got your back.
From the crude but funny ‘poo head’ game, consisting of -you guessed it- poo flinging, to Firemizer a solid fuel saving device that will make your man think he is the ‘King of the Woods’, when it comes to a Christmas Gift Guide For him, there is no such thing as boring. So begone tired pair of ‘tighty whitey’s’, shoo countless pair of lynx gift sets and say no to the ol’ money in a card because you forgot that person existed ‘trick’. Not today Satan, not today.
- Poo Head: The Poo Flinging Game

Have You Ever Seen Such Beautiful Turds?
You’re probably thinking either I have lost my mind or I’m completely disgusting, well guess what I’m both. I’m a fan of the ol’ toilet humor and counting Rick and Morty, Celebrity Juice and American Dad among my favourite shows, probably gives you an indication of what makes me laugh. And yes the idea of a ‘poo flinging game’ that comes with its own ‘doodies’ does make me laugh, especially picturing the recipient of your gift who will either think that you have joined the dark side or had a personality transplant. Either way, I’m down for a completely nonsensical gift to give your loved one this Christmas. While your dad might fling your present out the window because he’s worried for your sanity, nothing says true love then talking about s**ts. Its like Jamie Lomas and Dennis Wise said in ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’, if you can ‘fart in front of your man’ or take a dump in front of them, then they will be with you for life. Mainly because they are worried you might knock them out with the stench of said dump, but hey its got to count for something right?
Think of all the beautiful songs that you can sing along while you play the doodie game too. A ‘Christmas Dump’ or ‘Silent Fart’ comes to mind, or the best one of all that infamous 1994 track by Mariah Carey called ‘O Holy Turd’ is an absolute classic.
Shop Toilet Humor Products Below
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2. Bulldog Skincare For Men: Cruelty Free

Cruelty Free Skincare Is The Best Kind Of Skincare!
You might think that this post is funny, but animal testing is something that I will never make jokes about. The day that I found out that brands like Loreal and Revlon tested on animals was the day that I decided it was not enough to be just a vegetarian, but I needed to be vegan with my skincare choices too. I was horrified watching documentaries that showcased how animals are tortured for our skincare and it saddened me that I had unknowingly played a part in their pain and suffering. So I made a difference and I made a change and even the clothing that I wear are all ‘faux materials’. One thing I noticed when it came to men however was how how little ‘organic, natural, cruelty free skincare brands were out there designed specifically for men. I could count at least 50 female orientated cruelty free skincare brands like Tropic Skincare, Urban Veda and Disciples Skincare to name a few but I was stumped at how little awareness was raised about cruelty free products for men. Which is where Bulldog Skincare For Men steps in; developed in 2005 by Simon Duffy, his purpose was to fill a gap in the market for cruelty free products for men and Bulldog has been flourishing ever since.
From moisturizers to travel kits that have been specially formulated for a mans beard, it pays to be cruelty free.
Shop Cruelty Free Skincare For Men Below
3. Grow Your Own Chili Plant

Time To ‘Drop It Like It’s Hot’
If there is one thing that I have learnt about the male species is for some inexplicable reason they love spending hours on the toilet after consuming enough chili to give their bowels a melt down. And not to mention taking them to a ‘curry house’ involves them ordering the hottest thing on the menu, even when a Vindaloo is not exactly what I would call a ‘pain free dinner’. Yet I’m one to talk, I freaking love spice so secretly this grow your own chili plant is actually just a treat for me. Except word of warning, this chili plant contains one of the worlds most hottest chili’s so don’t be a twat like me and touch your face, because I guarantee you will feel like you are on fire and trust me noone likes crispy human. Unless your secretly a cannibal or something, in which case good for you. Whether you fancy making a Thai Green Curry or are into Tikka Masala get yourself a chili plant and watch a world full of spicy opportunities open up for you.
And if you think that growing your own chili plant will be the date night treat that you need to send that tiresome date ‘packing’ then good news I have rustled up some more ‘grow your own’ treats below! And while there are such things as ‘grow your own penis’ I think your man might get a bit offended so how about a grow your own Bonsai tree instead?!
Shop More ‘Grow Your Own’ Goodies For Men Below
4. Drinking Games To Get The Party Started

Get Your Christmas Guide For Him Started With Some Edible Shot Glasses
Ah the classic rite of drinking games; hangovers, random people in your bathtub and the morning after- and no i’m not talking about sex you dirty beast- brunch of course! Because spending the next day puking your guts up and vowing for the 10th time to ‘never drink again’ is ‘amazing’ said no one ever! While ring of fire was a classic drinking game, might I also recommend the Classic cards against humanity, that gave us such classic narrative possibilities like ‘Before I kill you Mr Bond I Must Show You…My Collection Of High Tech Sex Toys VS ‘When I was tripping on acid, fingering turned into finger painting. There were some more awkward combinations like ‘go to a church steeple and you’ll see altar boys’ but we’ll just pretend that those cards never existed LOL. Basically if your boyfriend is a horrible person and laughs at phrases like ‘a windmill of corpses’ then that is the perfect drinking game to make his night happening. But don’t worry, I’m only a moderately horrible person, so good news I got plenty more drinking games to get you wasted. From edible gummy shots to the drinking buzz wire game, let the drinking games commence!
Shop Drinking Games Below
4. Retro Arcade Machines

Nothing makes a Christmas Gift Guide For Him more exciting than a retro arcade machine!
I was once an avid gamer, but then life happened and I got really s**t at playing games. But every guy I have been with has been a bona fide game nerd and would spend hours glazed in front of the TV shooting random dinosaurs and aliens while I sat pouting in the corner, because they wouldn’t give me 5 seconds of attention LOL. And don’t even think about dangling sexy time as a ‘special treat’ if they stop playing games because I guarantee they would rather fight with some random 13 year old boy across the pond then get down and dirty with you. But do you know what is fun and dosen’t involve shooting hyper realistic people? Arcade Games, now that is what I am talking about. Even when I was super into games, I was way more interested in ‘retro games’ like ‘The Sims’ and the classic golden oldie Mario and the game. And don’t even get me started on that cute ass MOFO Spyro and its grainy 90’s graphics, I freaking loved that game. But now games are all super high tech, with mind blowing graphics and that’s no fun at all. Bring back Bowser and his glitchy ‘Takeshi Esque Castle’ or how about MR Pac Man whose been blowing our minds since 1980?! Yes that’s more like it and thanks to my homies at Prezzybox, their retro arcade machine has over 250 games to take you back in time.
What could be a better addition to a Christmas Gift Guide For Him than a nostalgic video game sesh?
Shop Retro Arcade Machines Below
5.Hofmeister Helles Lager

A packet of crisps and a pint of lager?
Nothing screams ‘man’ more than a ‘manly pint of lager’ or at least that is what the bartender tries to tell me when I order beer. But of course that bartender is talking bollocks because lets face it us women love beer and lager too. After all its unpretentious, its casual and it’s just chillaxing waiting for us to do our thing and knock it back like a couple of shots. So why not get your male companion-whether that be secret lover, friends with benefits or Instagram Husband, a treat that you can both enjoy? Enter Hofmeister Helles Lager; Brewed by a family owned Bavarian brewery, the German Craft beer is a clean-tasting Helles lager with a complex balance of refreshing soft malt and subtle hoppy notes. Light in colour, the craft beer/lager was the first 5 star winner of the Best Lager award in the 2017/8 IWSC awards and its easy to see why. Made using just three ingredients, mineral water, hops and barley this is a genuine craft beer brewed to strict German beer purity laws.
And by god can you taste the difference; it was the middle of the night and I was seeking a beverage to quench my thirst and Hofmeister came to the rescue, armed with a superhero cape at the ready. Light to the taste and easy to drink, the lager went down swimmingly and before long I had pretty much drank the entire crate of beer-not in one day of course- LOL. So what better than lager and beer to add to your Christmas Gift Guide For Him?
*Special Offer
You can get a case of 12 bottles for £19.99 or a case of 24 for £39.99 and, for a limited time, you can also get free delivery if you enter the code FTBHOF17 at checkout. Click here to explore the homepage & Click Here To BUY HOFMEISTER HELLES LAGER.
Shop Beer & Lager Below
6. Virtual Reality Headsets

Hmmm Imagine Watching Saw in 3D? How’s That For A Gruesome Reality?
Has your man ever fancied himself to be at one with dinosaurs? Has he ever cooed over David Attenborough and his soothing voice on Blue Planet? Or maybe he’s a gamer and loves nothing more than the grim satisfaction of blowing someone’s brains out? Well fear no more for the virtual reality headset is here, designed to entertain your male friends the right way. From a removable window for augmented reality play to an eye cushion for comfort, watching films in 3D and immersing yourself in a video game environment has never been so fun. You know what would be funny… if you were playing the Sims 3 and you had told your Sims to go and have Woohoo, hows that for soft porn? Or maybe you were playing Grand Theft Auto and you were stealing a car and robbing a bank, how cool would that be in 3D? Of course not all virtual realities are so seedy, nothing like a bit of Shrek to get the Christmas spirit and motion or if animation is not your thing, ELF is a guaranteed conversation starter. Especially since it has Tyrion aka badass character from Game of Thrones, otherwise known as Peter Dinklage in it!
Shop Virtual Reality Headsets Below
7. Stylish Christmas Jumpers

I hope this man comes with the Christmas Jumper delivery 😉 @pinterest
When it comes to a Christmas Gift Guide For Him, nothing says ‘festive spirit’ more than a stylish Christmas jumper. While we are famed for our ‘ugly Christmas Jumper choices’ , there is no such thing as an ‘ugly jumper’ in my books and even the most gaudiest, novelty jumper can get the ‘superstar treatment’ by being paired with chinos, desert boots and a knitted cardi that your Grandma would be proud of. From ‘Fair isle print’ jumpers to the classic Christmas Dinosaur, get yourself a Christmas Jumper that you will want to wear again and again. My money’s on the Christmas Dino to win! And if your man is disgruntled by his Christmas jumper and threatens to set it on fire because it is ‘hideous’ that’s ok, just wear it at the dinner table the next day and laugh as his face contorts in anger. Isn’t it fun to wind people up? On another note can we find out who this ridiculously attractive man is, where has he been hiding all my life?!
Shop Stylish Christmas Jumpers Below
8. Badass Headphones & Earphones

Headphones are a man’s best friend!
Whether your big bro, your bit on the side or your papa bear listens to music or is an avid gamer, Faded Spring has found some right musical treats to make his ear drums happy. From wireless Bluetooth headphones to emoji earphones, headphones are always guaranteed to be a Christmas cracker. Besides I don’t know about you but I love nothing more than blocking out the world around me when I am travelling, especially since I couldn’t give two hoots about who ‘shagged Fred last night’. And would could be better than super loud, high tech headphones to give those loud passengers a taste of their own medicine? Or even better to wear next time the inlaws come round so you don’t have to listen to them whining on about how things were better in their day again. Yes mammy in law we already know how much you enjoyed rations in the war. Yes a world without technology, where it takes 2 weeks to receive a letter is fantastic. Yes I love the sound of camping in the woods getting soaked to the skin. That is 100% my definition of fun. And in case you couldn’t tell I’m being sarcastic. Ah headphones, warding off annoying people since 1958.
Shop Headphones & Earphones Below
9. The Firemizer & The Fire Builder

Getting Toasty In Front Of The Fire
Does the ‘male’ in your life fancy himself to be the ‘King of the Woods’ and has dreams about creating shrines to the ‘Tree God’? Well I can make those dreams come true because after getting in touch with the Fire God, he said he was good buddies with the Tree God and pointed me in the direction of ‘The Firemizer & The Fire Builder’. Eco Friendly, Cost Efficient and Easy To Light, The Firemizer is a unique solid fuel saving device that can help you create the perfect fire and has been scientifically proven to reduce the burn rate of your fuel. So if you fancy a night in with your man and would love to watch movies in front of the fire, while sipping on hot chocolate and vegan marshmallows then the Firemizer is for you. Not to mention that you can now buy a ‘Firebuilder’ to use with your Firemizer which is made of 100% recycled cardboard and takes a mere 27 minutes to achieve 1kw of heat. So if you wonder where your man has gone to at 3AM in the morning he’s probably living out his childhood dreams making fires in the wood. After all there is no better cure for insomnia than a cozy fire to snuggle into!
Shop The Firemizer & Fire Builder Here
Shop Toasty Winter Goodies Below
What Will You Be Getting Your ‘Male’ For Christmas?
*The Firemizer & Beer/Lager Are PR samples
Love that mini arcade game!
Loving all your pics! Actually I would like all of those for myself haha
Love this! Men are so difficult to buy for! My dad would love the grow your own chilli plant
That grow your own chilli plant is cool. My husband would like that for sure!
such a good range of choices here. How hilarious is the poop game?! ha x
Why is it that men are SO difficult to buy for?! You’ve done a great job with this gift guide though as there’s definitely something for everyone. I especially love the retro arcade games for a touch of nostalgia!
Ohhh this is such a lifesaver! I needed some gift ideas for our secret santa at work. I have no idea what to get him, so this is very helpful. Thinking I will just get the poo-head game so I can play it too lol
I got my boyfriend a smart watch as it’s all about the technology this year x
I would like me one of this Christmas jumper dudes thanks so much lol, what a varied and lovely christmas guide you’ve got here
Love those ideas! mm now I should choose something for my boyfriend 🙂
Hadas | The Fashion Matters- Luxury travel and fashion blog
We have literally just bought poo head. Brilliant gift but will be fab on Christmas day for our family x
What some great gift ideas for men, hands up I saw Poo Head in a shop and laughed, it’s such an awful but funny idea!
I always struggle to find presents for my dad and brother (my step dad is fairly easy to buy for as he loves books just like I do haha!) so these are fantastic ideas! Definitely a few things in your list I can see them using if I’m honest.
What a joy to read as always. I love the grow it chilli peppers and edible shot glasses, lots of fun to be had with these x
I have to agree, shopping for men is near on impossible at times, but love your suggestions. Especially the skincare range x
Love the toilet humour of poo head! What a great selection of gifts!
I’m really struggling to know what to get my other half at the moment (he says he ‘doesn’t want anything’ which I know won’t look good on Christmas Day when there is actually nothing for him!). These are great ideas, thank you! I think I might get him the mini arcade game. Also I love to know new brands which are cruelty free so will keep an eye out for Bulldog. You’re right, skincare for men which is also cruelty free is not as widely publicised at all. Thanks for the info!
My husband is the most impossible person to shop for. The only thing he’d like on this list would be the VR headset and they’re like….. thousands of pounds, aren’t they? Maybe I’ll get the poo head instead. 😉
Not even kidding, but my teenage son and I went Christmas shopping yesterday and spotted the Poo Head game in our local Co-op. My son’s bought it for my husband, lol! 😀
Poo Head!!! I just laughed so much, I bet that is so much fun to play! I love those headphones, Gaz would love to receive them too I’m sure!
Such a brilliant Christmas guide for men! My partner loves the bulldog skincare
My partner would love the mini arcade machine or the 3D headset
The poo flinging game looks hilarious. My boys would love that, lol.
Enjoyed the entry,Ana…..the retro game looks like a ton o’fun. But that Christmas sweater was also very pretty.
Thank-you so much for the Bulldog Skincare recommendation. You’re right, it’s really hard to find cruelty-free products for men! I’m so glad you included headphones on your list. I swear, the day my husband ordered a pair, our marriage was instantly a little happier. If you stopped by in the evening, you’d find me sitting on the sofa in our living room working/blogging and my husband in his chair with a glass of wine doing crossword puzzles and watching t.v. After the headphones entered our life, he was able to turn the sound up as loud as he wanted, and I could think and write. x
I’ve been married to my husband for a long time now and I still struggle when it comes to buying him a gift! You’ve got some awesome ideas here!
I find men so hard to buy for!! Some great ideas here though – hubby would love the beer 🙂 X
Stuff him, this looks like my Christmas wish list, haha! So many cool things. Poo Hed would make my kids ROAR if we had that, lol.
Fantastic inspiration! I might get the chilli plant for my Dad, as he loves his food spicy!
I’m a gamer as well so I get the whole “not wanting to get down and dirty” lol. My teenager loves the Retro gaming stuff and I have seen those mini arcade games that I am thinking of getting him for Christmas. You have some very interesting and unique ideas on what to get the men in our lives. Love it!
I love the sound of these Christmas gift ideas for men. The headphones look great.
Ha the poo hat absolutely made me cackle away x
Wow! You have practically covered all kinds of men here! Ha..ha… I think my husband would love a good headphone. He loves listening to music 🙂
I can already imagine the amount of laughs and pranks with that poo game!
My other half would LOVE the Retro Arcade game. I might have to get one as an extra Christmas present!!
Louise x
Love this! Great gift ideas, so original! I have someone perfect in mind for the Chilli Plant!
That arcade machine looks so cool!I might have to buy some of that Hofmeister beer for the hubby too!
Wow, what an amazing list, I love the grow your own chilli peppers, my OH would love that. the Bulldog moisturiser looks brilliant too. Thank you for sharing, you’re helping with my Christmas shopping.
Those edible shot glasses look like fun! I also love the first gift – I have the perfect person in mind!
This is a great list of gifts for men. I really love the Retro Arcade Machines! They look really cool.
My husband would love the Poo Head game! He has a VR headset and loves anything techy like that. Great list!
Men are so easy. A pack of crisps and beer. My husband would be so happy. Ad frankly, that would be the perfect gift for me, too.
Thank you! Hubs has complained a couple of times about his forehead wrinkles – maybe it’s finally time I got him some Bulldog skincare this Christmas! Before he would have found it boring – but now that it’s probably too late…:)
Some unique ideas in this post. Thank you. Not sure my husband would wear that sweater…. but I like it. Maybe I should get it for myself…oversized and cozy. I like that idea. LOL. And beer and electronic toys are always good ideas.