To say that it is wedding season is probably an understatement, what with half of my friends getting married or engaged left, right and centre, while I continue to stroke my imaginary cats and dogs and wonder as to whether I will ever find a guy in the sea of f***boys that I seem to be swimming through every day. But enough about my lack of a love life, being the wonderful person that I am (joke, obviously) I thought that putting together a list of wedding favour ideas for all my lovely engaged friends, that wouldn’t break the bank would A. make me ‘Friend of the Year’ and B. would mean I would get fed lots of food and drink, which is exactly the kind of payment that I am looking for in a friendship haha! From personalized drink coasters, to mini alcohol bottles, here are 5 wedding favour ideas under £1. And if you would like to nominate me for friend of the year, please feel free to donate to, which by the way is not a real website so don’t bother trying.
- Personalized Mini Bottles Of Booze
Now here is where you can get a little selfish; what better than handmade wedding favours that you get to enjoy as well as the bride and groom? And how does this cost £1 I hear you ask? Well it’s simple, dive into your nearest available dustbin, grab some ‘free mini alcohol bottles’ (think whisky, disarano or even small ‘soft drink bottles’), buy some plain labels from Etsy and voila you have a ‘lovely handmade wedding favour’ that will have the bride and groom, dramatically crossing you off their friends list for life, meaning that you get to enjoy all 200 wedding favours to yourself, because that was clearly your intention anyway. All jokes aside, personalized mini bottles of booze is actually a lovely inexpensive wedding favour, as you could create a ‘love letter to the bride and groom’ professing your undying love for their friendship, or equally you could tell them how you have just won the lottery and you want to donate 10 million pounds to their ‘we’re so in love joint bank account’ in the form of this beautiful ‘cheap as present’. You see, don’t tell me I don’t spoil you.
Or maybe you can go one further by capturing the notorious genie and quite literally giving them a ‘genie in a bottle’ so that they will have a wedding favour that you can sneakily use from time to them. Now how’s that for a right ol’ jolly knees up? The only thing is, if you are foraging in your dustbins for wedding favour presents in the middle of the night, don’t put my name down when you get arrested at 3 AM thank you very much. A real genius is the person who doesn’t get caught, AKA ME.
2. Personalized Color In Placemats
OK so maybe your best friend is 33 years old and the idea of giving a ‘colour in placemat’ to someone who is quite clearly an adult might seem quite childish. Then again think about it this way; not only can you coerce Mr Easy Jet (AKA the plane you just hijacked) into giving you all the colour in placemats that they have, while you try and pass them off as your own wedding favour gifts, but the only thing you would need to buy would be some colouring pens to write down everyone’s names on their individual placemat. And let’s face it, you probably wont even have to buy pens either as you can just steal them from the local nursery. And while the kids might be crying, you can just calmly point out the fact that you are just preparing them for the reality that is adult life. Still best not to mention to your friends that the wedding favours are quite literally forged out of children’s tears and hijacked planes. And on another note it’s probably best to change your name while you are at it, because I am pretty sure that hijacking planes and stealing pens while making children cry counts as a punishable offence.
If you want to get really creative you can spout some spiel about how the ‘colour in placemats’ are a representation of how the bride and groom’s love for each other started as ‘blank canvas’ and the colouring pens demonstrate how their love blossomed gradually through colour and light. Obviously it sounds really cheesy but I’m pretty sure that the bride and groom are going to lap it up.
3. Hangover Bags To Remind Them That We All Get Drunk
Here’s a novel idea, why not prepare the bride and groom for the inevitability of a stonking hangover the next day, by a thoughtful wedding favour in the form of a personalized hangover bag, complete with the ‘loving’ but patronizing reminder of ‘it seemed like a good idea at the time’, as they clench their teeth in apparent distaste. I guess some people really can’t handle the truth can they? Whether you give them the personalized paper hangover bag without anything in it so they can use it as an obligatory ‘sick bag’ or fill it up with hangover essentials like chewing gum, mints, hand sanitizer and a random chunk of ginger, its totally down to you as to how good a friend you want to be. And remember you still have the option to donate to my imaginary website that will tell everyone what an amazing friend I am. What’s in it for you I hear you ask? A big fat nothing. So why not buy a cheap wedding favour that costs only 58 P on Etsy, to give the bride and groom a night that they won’t remember.
And if they try and blame you for their drunken state in the morning, simply whip out another personalized hangover bag that simply says ‘ I told you to stop drinking. You didn’t listen’.
4. Jars Filled With Their Favourite Sweets
Now here is a gift that the bride and groom would actually want to receive, a sweet jar! Do you remember walking into sweet shops as a kid, back in the day where Freddo’s were 10 P and 99’s were actually 99 P? Yeah then Woolworths got shut down, old sweet shops disappeared, the recession hit and we all cried ourselves to sleep? Those were the good old days, but that memory of sweets being integral to our childhood doesn’t have to disappear just because the governments are arseholes and are trying to make our lives a living hell. Remember when Margret Thatcher took all our milk away at school or when we had to pay taxes for an MP who wanted a Snickers Bar? Despite the upside down world that we live in, there is something so exquisitely charming and nostalgic about sweets, so what better wedding favour than a jar filled with all their favourite sweets, vegan friendly of course. From Vegan Percy Pigs (which by the way are delicious!!!!) to chocolate freddos, vegan jelly beans or anything else, get your bride and groom a wedding favour that they won’t necessarily be able to keep. But they will most definitely enjoy it!
5. Some Scented Candles To Cover Up The Fact That They Are Stone Cold Drunk
After the very ‘thoughtful gift’ of patronizing ‘hangover bags’ that you gave your bride and groom, why not go one step further with scented candles that are guaranteed to have them smelling like daisies as opposed to spewing vomit on their well esteemed guests. From blackberry to vanilla, there are a whole range of scented candles that will have the very drunk and very happy couple smelling like they just escaped from the perfume factory as opposed to the dumpster which they currently reside in. Only kidding… After all nothing says the ‘perfect wedding favour’ more than scented candles that will have them feeling like they are in some magical unicorn land, where the unicorns poop happy sprinkles and turn drunken hangovers into a magical dreamland, where time seems to stand still. Question is, which delusional ‘candle scent’ will you choose?
What Would You Give The Bride And Groom As A Wedding Favour Gift?
Please note this is a collaborative post but all thoughts are my own.
The Hangover bags are such a cool idea!
Weddings can cost so much it is always a good idea to find things that can help you stick to your budget. Some great ideas here.