Chatting to Charlotte Stagg co-founder of new enterprise Coconut Lane is like talking to an old friend, she is warm hearted, friendly and passionate about what she does. When Charlotte started Coconut Lane with her best friend Jessica Lancaster it was a dream that quickly developed into a fully-fledged reality and it is clear that Coconut Lane is a brand with heart and character just like its co-founders. As we communicate over email it is clear that Charlotte sees Coconut Lane as more than just a business enterprise; Coconut Lane is like a relationship that they have lovingly curated because they firmly believe that it is the future of retail developmental success. With that being said their new-found popularity has not left them to rest on their laurels… oh no this pair means business and underneath their sweet exterior is a steel like determination to rise to the top and I wish them every success in their business ventures.When Charlotte approached me to work with the brand I was delighted and fawned over their wall art and directional rose gold bangles and rings which I might not get free of charge but at 13 pounds for a ring and bangle including shipping I have scored myself a bargain.
Ana-As a start up brand you have built up a following on social media quickly. How does the power of social media and technology help target potential consumers?
Charlotte-Social Media is our main (only) area of expertise. Both Jess and I specialised in social media for other companies before we decided to launch Coconut Lane so if there’s one thing we know how to do, it’s that! We believe that social media and technology is really the key to building a brand in 2016. Especially a brand like Coconut Lane, where our specific target market are avid social media users.
A– Describe the ethos behind Coconut Lane and why it is current enough to dominate the homeware and accessory market?
C-That’s exactly it – we are current, more current, we believe, than any other brand in the homeware and accessory market. We’re not afraid to be niche and accept that this may limit our customer reach but we’re confident that those who do love us will love us enough to be loyal and repeat customers.
A-Coconut Lane has been self inscribed as ‘sassy’ and ‘fun’. Would it be fair to say that the brand targets a younger audience? If so what is the age range of Coconut Lane and why?
C-We like to think there is no age limit to sass! But yes, due to the nature of our products we generally attract consumers of an age range of between around 14-24.
A-Affordability and high quality products are two integral assets of Coconut Lane merchandise. Why is it important to keep Coconut Lane affordable but at the same time ensure that products are made from high quality materials?
C-We want to keep everything affordable because we know that cute accessories and home items are little luxuries (however much we try and pretend they are necessities!) They’re there to bring smiles to faces, we think everyone has a right to this, no matter what their financial situation.
A-All brands have bestsellers that symbolize the very essence of their brand. What is Coconut Lanes bestseller and why?
C-Our best seller is our Stay Classy, Sassy and a bit Bad-Assy Wall Art. It symbolises everything we are about as a brand and we know it’s a perfect tag-line for so many of our lovely customers – so we’re thrilled that it’s our bestseller!
A– You co-founded the brand with your best friend Jessica Lancaster in 2015 and Coconut Lane has grown in leaps and bounds. What is it like working with your best friend?
C-It’s amazing! Jess and I have perfect complimentary skill sets (she’s the creative one and I’m the technical one) – so working together is always easy. We also pretty much always agree on everything which is useful!
A-All brands however original they may be have a point of influence that they generate ideas and content from. Who and what are your influences and why?
C-Our key influencer is in fact Social Media, in particular Instagram. We’re both avid users of the App and it’s a continual source of Inspo for new products/quote ideas. In terms of influence from other brands – we’ve always said that we wanted to take the chic and cute style of Oliver Bonas and inject a bit of 2016 sass into it.
A-You have begun to venture into clothing with kitsch fun socks, is there a possibility of expanding Coconut Lane into a clothing store? If so when do you plan to fully venture into the retail market?
C-We’re slowly and gradually branching into clothing but it’s really important for us to keep everything original and fun. The clothing market is so saturated and we know that if we want to break into it we’re going to need to be different to all the other brands out there. It’s something we’re looking into but for now, it’s just the cute socks (we’ve got lots more designs coming soon!)
A-Brands often have to plan season collections in advance and I imagine that Coconut Lane is no different. As Coconut Lane develops where do you see its enterprise in the next five years?
C-We want to be a household global name and a go to for young girls looking for the cutest and sassiest home and fashion accessories. We’re also got lots of expansion ideas for our blog section as we as looking to partner with other brands. We can’t give away too much at this stage but we’re VERY excited for the future!
A-Coconut Lane is now approaching bloggers to promote their signature label. Why do you target bloggers to promote your products and how does their role as a digital influencer influence consumers to buy your products?
C-We absolutely love working with bloggers. We know that they share our style and they just instantly get our vision for Coconut Lane and appreciate what we’re about. We think digital influencers are fantastic at encouraging consumers to buy because they are always so honest and we think that’s integral to modern marketing strategy.
A-Many retail brands are now curating a catchphrase or tagline to drive to target their audience. Does Coconut Lane have a tagline? If so why did you choose this tagline?
C-We’re Classy, Sassy and a bit Bad-Assy. It epitomises what we’re all about!
A-Many accessory stores are now being brought out on online shops like Asos, would you see Coconut Lane as becoming part of the Asos family one day?
C-We’d never say never and are looking into possible partnerships but right now our main focus is to expand our product range and turn Coconut Lane into the brand we’ve always dreamed of it becoming.
My Verdict: Their Instagram account has got me hooked and if you love tongue in cheek art and accessories then Coconut Lane is for you. The co-founders friendship is clear throughout the collection with friendship type bracelets and rose gold as the symbol of love being an appropriate memento for the blood, sweat and tears they put into their collection.
Want a gift? Here is a 20% discount code for all you lucky fellas and ladies courtesy of me and Coconut Lane. Simply add FadedSpring20 at the checkout and let me know if you do buy anything because I would love to know what you think!
What are your thoughts on Coconut Lane?
What a great brand! This is my first time hearing about them and I’m in love with their style. Their website has been so much fun to explore .. and I’m soaking in all of the “Coconut Lane’s 10 Commandments” Especially #4: Take Naps. Thank-you for introducing them to us!
Oh I love these! The wall art is totally something that I would buy for a friend! Let’s avocuddle made me laugh!