Picture the scene; you step into an oasis of blue, where the swimming pool reaches out its watery hand and plunges you into its refreshing depths. There are aperitifs waiting by the pool, with sun loungers not yet indented, while trees shade you from the blaze of the morning sun, you can feel yourself turning pink. Stripped down to your swimwear you start your luxury villa holiday as you mean to go on, dragging a large inflatable unicorn into the pool, as you imagine riding out into the sunset, in search of your mysterious Unicorn Prince who hasn’t plucked up the courage to reveal himself just yet. You run through the villa, amazed at the maximalist decor, large walls splattered with bright canvases, primary colours and rainbows infused throughout, its like a colour maven’s version of paradise. Unlike a hotel you have your own private apartments to yourself, a kitchen where you can bake brownies and make smoothies, a bathroom where you can luxuriate in a bath of bubbles and a living room where you can watch trash TV late at night, when the whole world is sleeping. Thus begins the trend; it starts with holiday villas in Italy, where the cheese dances with vinho until the early hours of the morning, before flying to the jewel that is Croatia, where you meet Game of Thrones in the flesh, blue and yellow colours permeated throughout the land. But it is the moment that you find Croatia Holiday Villas that decidedly steals your breath away.
Luxury villa holidays are often ‘once in a lifetime opportunities’ partly due to their ‘expenses’ but also because of how modern workers have very little time off and will often forgo any luxuries in order to be able to keep their loved ones afloat. But in spite of the picturesque scene that I painted above and how tempting it can be to ‘treat ourselves’ to a luxury villa holiday, we often pluck excuses out of thin air as to why we cannot and ‘will not treat ourselves’. But here’s the thing, we work our whole lives, so surely we deserve that one shot at happiness, being able to luxuriate in a space to call our own, where the sun envelops us in its Vitamin D hug and the water caresses our toes? Surely we shouldn’t feel guilty for having a few days away, adventuring in the mountains, swimming in the pools and drinking cocktails, dancing under the silver sliver of the moon above? Which is why you might be surprised to hear how many benefits there is to indulging in a luxury villa holiday; from increasing productivity and giving you more motivation to work, to boosting your mental health and energizing your whole being, here is why you should put a luxury villa holiday at the top of your bucket list…
1.A Luxury Villa Holiday Can Boost Your Mental Health And Energize Your Whole Being
Now more than ever, in the wake of tragic suicides in recent weeks, it is increasingly important to do ‘things that make us happy’ and not deny ourselves self-care, rehabilitation and above all self-love. Mental health is still considered to be a taboo and it baffles me, you are not a drama queen if you are ‘upset or angry’, you are not seeking attention if you speak openly about your struggles with mental health issues, nor is it ‘too much’ to feel the need to openly express the way that you may be feeling, because take it from me, it’s not everyday that I am feeling like rainbow unicorns and happy sprinkles have come to make their presence known. But what does a ‘holiday’ have to do with boosting your mental health and energizing your whole being I hear you ask? There is scientific research that shows that not only can a vacation have psychological benefits up to a month after your holiday but it can also alleviate stress because you are in an environment that is detached from your ‘home life’ and therefore becomes a safe space for you to relax and de-stress in. In fact according to Scientists from the Icahn School of Medicine, University of California and Harvard, their studies have shown that six days away can trigger genetic changes which dampens stress, boosts the immune system and lowers levels of proteins linked to dementia and depression. If you’re feeling low or going through a particularly bad period in your life, travel can provide a temporary respite and help nurse you back to mental health.
And it’s not just the mind that has a well earned rest on holiday but also the body can feel energized, both by exposure to the outdoors but also the exercise you will get from exploring your new villa and its surroundings, which releases endorphins that can temporarily boost your mood and give you a ‘natural high’. Even something as simple as a walk around your villa can be beneficial for your mental health as you have come to an environment which is a contrast to what you have back home. And who doesn’t like feeling like a king or queen?
2.A Luxury Villa Holiday Can Increase Your Productivity And Motivate You To Work More Efficiently
Whether you go on a staycation or a luxury villa holiday abroad, some time away can do wonders for increasing your productivity and enabling you to work more efficiently. Neurologists and psychologists have found that there is a connection between ‘travel and enhancing creativity’ because creativity is related to neuroplasticity (how the brain is wired). Essentially this means that our ‘neural pathways’ are sensitive to change, as they are influenced by environment and habit. So anything like new smells, tastes or experiences can spark an increase in productivity and creativity because it triggers different synapses in the brain, re-energizing our mind and levels of creativity. Even if we were to put the scientific research aside, we would most likely come to the same conclusion that time away can really help us work more efficiently, as all work and no play can result in a very tired and frazzled mind and body that is constantly being forced into overdrive.
When you take a break, whether that be on holiday or at home, you are effectively streamlining your own workload by working ‘productive hours’ instead of watching Love Island when you are meant to be filing a report on social media for example. Whereas when we work so many hours (especially as a freelancer) without a clear direction of where our work might be heading, we can often feel aimless and like we have not achieved anything, even if we have. Being able to broaden our horizons and travel to somewhere outside of our own reality is just the ticket to make us feel like we can come back well rested and with more motivation to work than ever.
Not only that, but by organizing yourself enough to take a break you are effectively streamlining your own workload and becoming more efficient in the process.
3. A Luxury Villa Holiday Can Allow You To Live In The Moment And Not Worry About What Tomorrow Might Bring
As someone who would class herself as being a ‘serious worrier’ ‘worrying about the prospect of tomorrow’ or how much work I have to do always put me into a permanent state of anxiety. Which is why having some time away allows you to reflect and forget about the bills that are waiting to be paid, stacked up on your chest of draws. While we can’t forget about our responsibilities entirely, at the same time being able to travel and have some time away, especially in a luxury villa can help us feel a little more relaxed and at ease. I know that when I am feeling super anxious it can often affect my ability to rationalize a ‘situation’ or obstacle, meaning even the smallest issue can be magnified sevenfold in my mind which is detrimental for my mental health and stress levels.
When you take that time to live in the moment and not worry about what tomorrow might bring, it enables you to realize that life is too short not to live each moment. It sounds corny but we often make excuses for why we can’t do something that makes us happy. I can often be the same, saying that I can’t travel as much as I want to because of my lack of finances but if we take active steps to making that dream holiday come true, we can truly learn to live and love the life that we have. In travel we we are taught to live a more full life in simplicity, where we are shown how to appreciate what we have and to not compare ourselves to others. We are given an insight into how locals live and given perspective on our own personal circumstances while sensory bombardment forces us to stay very present and be creative in navigating unfamiliar languages and customs. It clears our mind of emotional baggage – or at least allows us to address our mental health in a cathartic and safe manner- and instils the belief that what counts isn’t what we have but what we experience. Whether that be renting out a villa in Italy, watching the sun set over Tuscan vineyards or diving into open waters, never be afraid to gravitate towards experiences that might be outside of your comfort zone.
4. A Luxury Villa Holiday Can Help You Enhance Relationships And Deepen Platonic Or Romantic Bonds
Whether you travel alone or with friends and family, even making connections with complete strangers can help enhance relationships and forge genuine human connections. This is because you are all on a ‘journey together’ that can help you get to know each other on a deeper level, as well as being able to relax and have no inhibitions. It is a chance to let down your walls and allow your fellow travelgoers to get to know the real you. Some time away is especially beneficial for couples, who can use this time away to connect on an emotional as well as physical level. It can heighten feelings and lets other facets of people’s personalities be expressed and appreciated. Travel also engineers situations- whether that be climbing a mountain or diving in a reef- which allows you to develop a mutual respect for loved ones, cultivate trust and honesty as well as creating a more equal relationship with friends and family who have traveled with you.
This is because travel allows you to discard ‘walls’ creating an open communication that forces us to transcend ‘standard rules of relationships and friendships’ inspiring growth , happiness and a sense of security. Naturally when we are away from the constraints of our realities back home, we become more positive, inspired by our surroundings and in turn open to enhancing relationships with loved ones.
Have You Ever Been On A Luxury Villa Holiday Before?
Please note this is a collaborative post but all thoughts are my own and are not affected by monetary compensation.
I have been on holiday many times but not so luxury as this post points out. Thanks for sharing this cool information.
Hoping to be in a villa this time next year for a family holiday. Fingers crossed!