In a world where money ceases to exist, the idea of travelling the world, without a care in a world has never been more tantalizing. Imagine winning the lottery, they call out your number, the lucky number three, tears stream down your face, you’re weeping with joy. The faint buzz of the songbirds outside as they frolic around the trees, becomes the soundtrack to your winning streak, and as you wonder what you will spend your winnings on, like a lightbulb moment it comes to you. You watch the songbird caress each others feathers gently, as they circle each other in a passionate embrace. It reminds you of the day that you got married, as you stared into your partners eyes, as you were bound as one for all eternity. But after your ‘wedding night’ you never got the chance to travel to far flung honeymoon destinations, where the sun would rise out of the sky and bathe you in its golden light or dance under the milky splendor of a thousand stars twinkling. Then something changed and your winning streak began, those numbers called out to you and victory was yours.

The Couple Walks Into The Crystal Clear Waters, Nudged Playfully By The Schools Of Fish Underneath
You wrapped the lottery ticket up in tissue paper and placed it gently in a small square box. You presented it to your partner and they carefully opened the box, unraveling the tissue paper that had become the lottery tickets home. Their eyes widened and their smile deepened, today was your lucky night and you danced under the stars once more. You wanted to travel until your money had gone, you wanted to feel the heat of the Arabian sun and sink into the tropical waters of the Maldives turquoise depths. You would eat all the sumptuous delicacies and buy all the souvenirs that your heart desired and together, you and your partner, would travel the world, until you found 10 honeymoon destinations that would capture your heart left, right and centre.

You Ride Through Phi Phi, Marveling At The Tropical Scenery Before Your Very Own Eyes
You boarded the plane from London Heathrow to Phucket City, in search of a magical honeymoon abroad, in the beautiful island of Phi Phi. It reminded you of a drag queen you knew called Phi Phi and you were entranced by its seductive blue waters, lapping at its sandy shore. 13 hours later and you stepped into your villa for the week, a charming luxury resort, that was moments away from Laem Tong Beach. You walked on the golden sand barefoot, hand in hand, skirts and hats blowing in the wind, falling into each others arms as you plunged into a mermaid world that lived beyond the sea shore. You became mermaids and merman on a magical underwater quest, diving through coral and seaweed, until you found what you were looking for. A rainbow school of fish, chattering amongst themselves, waiting for the mermaid and her merman to enter thy kingdom. Reds and blues swam together in chaotic harmony, while their children nuzzled gently at your chests, waiting for you to take a leap of faith and enter their kingdom, as one.
You spent the evening playing cards with the fish and the seas magical creatures, but as you plunged into inky black darkness, you swam back to shore, where your tails transformed into legs and you were land mammals once more. A private chef arrived at your villa, ready to transport you into authentic Thai cuisine. The spices came together like an explosive orgasm and he guided you both through a cooking class, breathing culinary genius into both of your hearts. You whipped up a Thai Green Curry, fragrantly laced with lemongrass and Jasmine rice, your senses came alive under the heat of the spices. Together, the couple and the chef watched the stars come alive, as the inky black sky was scattered with millions of falling stars, in a constellation that represented the symbol of love. Time had no essence here in Phi Phi, you did nothing but swim, eat and sunbathe, but it was what you needed and you felt refreshed by the island’s golden touch. On your last night, the mermaids came and joined you at your villa, as you embraced the sustainability of nature and breathed in the sweet, fragrant air.

An Underwater School Of Fish Begs You To Join Them So That You Can All Play Cards
Indian Ocean: Maldives

The Ocean Is Pregnant With Endless Possibilities
Your lust for continuing your journey as a part time mermaid had not yet dissipated and as one trip ended another one began. When scouring through your bucket list of honeymoon destinations abroad, the Maldives stood out to you as clear as day. You imagined the swaying palms trees watching over its mistress, ‘The Goddess of the Ocean’ as its leaves cascaded over tranquil waters, as it swam to be with its love once more. You imagined the flowers, lush green and vibrant, playing peekaboo in the fauna as you charged out of the sea sopping wet. Giggling you collapsed onto the hot sand, silky grit across your bodies, entwined. You became castaways on your own private island, nestled between jungle and azure waters, as you climbed through leaves and swam through martime kingdoms. You were king and queen of the jungle, but you acted as subjects in awe of the beauty of nature, as you smiled at the cheeping turtledoves and the chitter chatter of the flying foxes, so few land mammals allowed in this world. But in the sea Maldives came alive.
You snorkeled with sea turtles, spellbound by the way it moved so gracefully through the open waters and you dived with stingrays, up close and personal with the ‘Martime Kingdom’s’ greats. You watch the dolphins put on a show, grateful that in the wild they are free to be themselves. They twist and turn and dip in and out of the water, with the playful gracefulness of a ballet dancer. The sea foam sprays you with a cheeky wave, beckoning you to explore its tranquil depths once more so you go surfing, riding the waves without grace or aplomb. But no matter, you laugh at each other, as you struggle to keep your balance and plunge into the sea with reckless delight. Exhausted you swim back to shore, as you are taken to another island, to have a romantic dinner at sunset, gazing blissfully into each others eyes as you feed each other like lady and the tramp. You love the mischievous twinkle in their eyes and hide a grin as their dimples come alive, the private waiter leaves and you return back to the villa, exhausted but satisfied once more.

The Palm Trees Sway Gracefully In The Wind As They Keep Watch Over The Goddess Of The Sea
Caribbean: Mexico

The Ocean Stretches Out Further Than The Eye Can See
After all that sun, sea and sand, you craved a culture trip, where you would be transported into another time, a world apart from your own. You would go back to the beginning of time and explore an ancient civilization, light years ahead. Beyond the pristine white sand beaches and its seductive sea mistress, there lay a Mayan pyramid, with a chamber of secrets that you could only visualize in your dreams. The stone slabs were smooth against your faces and you both felt the ancient energy coursing through the pyramid’s nine stages, representative of the 18th month Mayan calendar. Its name was pyramid-kukulcan-chichen-itza and every ‘equinox’ its namesake ‘Kukulcan’ the feathered serpent God ‘returns’ to commune with his worshipers, by putting on a ‘witchy light show’. You are just in time and the festival begins; unlike ancient times there are no sacrifices to be made, instead this ‘New Seven Wonders Of The World’ welcomes you and your partner into the light, where the boundary between magic and reality is blurred.
Mesoamerican fascination aside, you leave the revelers drinking and dancing as you slink into your private villa, where the moon sings you both to sleep and the sun becomes the morning alarm clock. It’s a busy day ahead and as much as you would like to sink your toes into tranquil waters, you pursue another travelers path. You indulge your green thumb, nostalgic for a garden that reminds you of back home. And then you see it, Las Pozas a sculpture garden created by the surrealist and eccentric poet Edward James, whose time in ‘semi-exile’ (1947) created a welcome oasis in contrast to the concrete jungle that you knew back home. It was breathtaking and you watched your partner wipe a tear from their eyes, clearly moved by the beauty of the sculpture gardens. And when at last you decided that you would spend the remainder of your honeymoon destinations abroad trip in Mexico – at least for the time being- you knew that the ‘hidden beach’ was the most magical place on earth. It was mesmerizing;a wide, sandy cavern with the blue waters of the Pacific rushing in, as the mermaids and merman rode together on the seas of love. You sank into each others arms gratefully and fell into eternal slumber, where time stood still and the only thing that mattered was the pitter patter of each others heartbeats, that chimed together in perfect harmony.

The Mayan Pyramid Is A Site Of Historical Wonder
Cambodia: Siem Reap

The Temples Take You Back Into An Ancient Past
Cambodia had never crossed your mind prior to your honeymoon destinations abroad trip, but you decided to venture outside of your comfort zone and try something new. You visit a floating village, hand in hand, watching the locals at Kompong Khleang fish in saltwater lakes from the comfort of their floating homes. You watch the sunset at Srah Srang, gazing out into the vibrant red and purple sky, casting light and shadows over the manmade lake. You learn that there was once a floating temple, that was known as the guardian of the lake, but all that remains are the sculptural serpents which watch over the shore, their mistress long gone to her grave. You go temple hopping around Angkor Wat, rubbing your bleary, just woken up eyes as together you make your way to the archaeological park, just before sunrise , watching the sun bathe its temples in a mothers caress and delight. But when the midday sun hits and you feel your cheeks flushed with the heat, you head to the ‘Tombraider Temple’, Ta Prohm, shaded by tightly-knotted banyan trees.
You wander through the night market watching the locals try and sell their wares. Among the more unusual dishes like rats and tarantula’s which make you squeamish as a vegetarian, there is ‘Angor What’ at Pub Street, a bar that promises a good chilled night, with drinks all night long. And while you are not much of a drinker, no matter for Pub Street has plenty of restaurants, clubs and pubs to tickle your sweet spot. You grimace at the thought of trying fried tarantulas but your partner, always up for a challenge sees no problem with chowing their way through the Cambodian delicacy, which apparently tastes like crab. You decide to have something much more delicious like a banana blossom salad which you pair with Num Ta Leng Sap (Khmer Vegetarian Pancake), vegetarian delights that in your mind tastes much more delicious than a rat. Strange delicacies aside, you have a culture trip of a lifetime as you pack in more temples in seven days than you have had in your entire life and its a beautiful blessing.

Actors Dance Like No One Is Watching
Europe: Greece

The Churches In Santorini Remind You Of A Postcard
At the top of your bucket list is the jewel of the Mediterranean ocean, Greece, paradise in a world governed by hate and greed. There are the infamous blue and white houses, stretching out for miles, preening under the warming rays of the Grecian sun. But it is your journey into Kos that spellbinds you to Greece for all eternity. Beyond the sandy white beaches and the little fishing boats that conform to the ‘postcard image’ of Grecian aesthetic is time travelling into the past, into a Kos where Hippocrates , the father of medicine taught his students, where the emperors reigned over their Mediterranean kingdom and where the tombs of the greats were worshiped and guarded by generations of Grecian’s to come.
Today museums like the Archaeological Museum Kos (Kos Town) take us back in time, where we circle the mosaic floors and pay our respects to the funery slabs that mark the moments that their loved ones passed into the afterlife, welcomed by Hades the God of the Underworld, who embodied the inexorable finality of death. He was revered and feared in equal measure, a God who was depicted as stern, harsh and unforgiving of anyone who tried to escape or cheat death. In short, you are both glad that you were born into the modern world. Facing enough death for one day, you escape the museum and wander into Santorini, where you hike from Fira to Oia, marveling at the whitewashed, cubiform houses that cling to cliffs above an underwater caldera. You take a winery tour and enjoy the best wine that Greece has to offer, which you pair with mouthwatering Posa cheese, matured in a rich red wine. Sumptuous and delectable you are plied with large round green olives, juicy and plump, popping them into your mouths like cherries. And as the sun sets, Greece comes alive, a riotous display of folkloric dancing and live music, as you drink and eat until the early hours of the morning. You lie in, as the sun streams through the windows, caressing your partner, in a game of big spoon, little spoon. You win, of course.

They Said Don’t Look Down But You Were Awestruck As Opposed To Scared
Indonesia: Bali

The Art Is Expressionism At Its Finest
As you fasten your seatbelts wearily, you sink into a dreamless dream, where nothing and everything collide together in one paradoxical vision. But then you land and as you step off the plane, leaning on your partner for support, you come alive once more, blessed by the Balinese air that brushes the shadows that cling to you with desperation, away.Morning has broken and you both wake refreshed and ready to take on the miracles that today will bring. You start with exploring an alternative side of Bali, where an underground street movement is emerging from behind the lush green rice fields. Local artists use art as an expression of their distaste towards the politicization of their society, where their colourful murals pay homage to the corruption of its very own government. You feel the rebellion course through your veins as you too are incensed by the injustice of how the locals are treated. But despite the hardships they have faced, they do seem happy, content to show you around their temples like Tanah Lot, a floating sea temple that is anchored to the sea like a pair of entwined lovers.
You feel the spiritual energy moving through the temples with the fluidity and grace of a ballet dancer, while you watch the waves beneath you spray you with salty sea foam. The air is ripe and pregnant with possibilities and it spells out a new destiny for you and your partner. You were once a tourist, but now you are both nomadic travelers, backpacking around the world in the search of honeymoon destinations abroad that will take your breath away. You chow down on Nasi Timbel (rice wrapped in banana leaves), washed down with a refreshing glass of coconut milk, topped with fresh fruit and a hint of coconut cream. But it is your journey to ‘The Broken Sea’ (Pasih Uug) that takes your breath away, as you watch turquoise and blue merge together, like a painters canvas, as they caress the rock arch in a passionate lovers embrace. Their master was once a magnificent cave, who looked after all her children and lovers, with a kind and generous hug. But over time, she watched herself slip away, until one day, she was a fragment of her former self. But her children and loved ones, pointed out the humans who came to worship her, who reveled in her imperfect beauty and she felt consoled, reassured by the flattery of a million strangers. And you too felt the divine call of the rock arches power, that reached out to you and banished the demons, throwing them into the cavernous blue waters that stretched out below.

Pinks And Blues Dance Together In Harmonious Delight
Malaysia: Borneo

The Beautiful Monkeys In Their Natural Habitat
You are both animal lovers; ever since you were a little girl, you would dream of taking in stray animals and giving them a forever home. You would cleanse their wounds and nurse them back to health, you would give them the life that they deserved, away from the pain and torture they had faced. There would be cats and dogs and rabbits too, but you would also adopt animals in the wild, giving them a chance to thrive in a habitat that they were born into. Here in Borneo, you feel the same affection rushing back as you are tickled pink by the cute little monkeys in Klias Wetlands, who swing through the trees, without a care in the world. But it is the baby Orangutans at Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary that makes your heart melt, who were saved from poaching, after the poachers killed their mothers. You have to wipe away tears angrily, so stumped by how anyone could be cold hearted enough to kill such beautiful animals and you pledge to raise awareness.
You sign petitions and together you and your partner campaign in the streets, against the poachers who think its ok to harm critically endangered animals. And its not just orangutans either; the edges of the reserve are fringed with mangrove swamps, that provide secure shelter for dolphins and dugongs, that are constantly being tracked by poachers. Day three arrives and you leave the animals behind , albeit reluctantly in search of the next adventure that Borneo has to offer. You climb Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia’s highest peak, marveling at the sunrise as you reach the peak, feeling like you are standing on top of the world. And when at last you are tired beyond belief you unwind at the beautiful Tunku Abdul Rahman Park, 5 islands of pure, unadulterated bliss.

Temples Are At The Forefront of Malaysian Culture
Middle East: Abu Dhabi

Watching The Sunset In Its Blazing Glory
You leave the beaches behind and step into a modern world, where skyscrapers dwarf the desert landscape, where cars are worth more than your entire house and where moonlight dinners seem to be the order of the day. You are welcomed into Abu Dhabi with a pomp and flourish, as you step into a Middle Eastern Metropolis that is flanked by five-star resorts, immaculate beaches and designer boutiques. You begin with a trip to Ferrari World the world’s largest indoor theme park, located in city’s Yas Marina Circuit, where the annual Abu Dhabi Grand Prix is held. You both scream and laugh in equal measure,as you race down the worlds fastest roller coaster, before gasping at the photos that captured you on the rollercoaster. It was hilarious. But nothing could have you prepared you both for the thrill of sandboarding down dunes in a dessert safari, which encompassed camel riding, dinner and belly dancing all in one evening of guaranteed fun. You raced in the 4 x 4, as your tour guide was on hand to take you through traditional desert culture, drawing you into a world of semi-nomadic Bedouin peoples.
You rode a camel through the sand dunes, watching as the sun set, creating a patchwork of inky black shadows, across the sand. But it was the adrenaline rush of grabbing a ‘sandboard’ and surfing down the sand dunes, that made you laugh, as you watched each other struggle to conquer your sandy mistress who reveled at you falling into her silky soft sand arms. Exhausted you sat before an open fire, grateful for the Arabian Barbecue that was coming your way; your partner feasted on kebabs while you had delicious hummus and fresh salad, as you watched the belly dancers before you who writhed like snakes in open flames. And when they suggested that you both get hennaed you welcomed the suggestion with an open heart, marveling at the intricate patterns that snaked down your hands and fingertips, in a beautiful shade of brick red.

Cruising In Your 4 X 4 Without A Care In The World
China: Beijing

The Forbidden City Holds An Array Of Sordid Secrets
You were coming to the end of your honeymoons abroad trip, but you still had two countries to go and up next on your list was Beijing. You decided to seek a hidden world, away from the Great Wall Of China. a world that the locals had taken great care to preserve as though they still lived in the past. There was the Forbidden City that sat on the northern edge of Tiananmen Square, an intricate labyrinth of squares, halls, gates, pavilions, sleeping quarters, and temples. At the epicenter of Beiiing, the Forbidden City, otherwise known as the ‘Imperial Palace’ houses a 500 year history of sordid secrets. Once home to 24 emperors from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Quing dynasty (1420 to 1912), its walls has seen rebellion, abdication, war , damage and even a fire set by Li Zicheng. Zicheng was head of the rebel forces who after capturing The Imperial Palace decided that he would become emperor of the Shun Dynasty at The Forbidden City, which was previously at the seat of the Ming Dynasty.
You wander into the Imperial Garden after witnessing the Palaces bloodthirsty history and you are soothed by the flowers that are vibrant and bright, soothing in their simple nature. You escape the concrete jungle of Tiananmen Square and breathe in the fresh air that Beihai Gongyuan encompasses. You take a ride in an ancient pagoda, overlooking the green space that has been preserved as a sanctuary for over 1,000 years. The trees curl up together for comfort and you and your partner do the same, lulled by the gentle tranquility of Beihai Park.

The Olympic Park Cascades Out Of The Trees
Vietnam: Phan Tiet

A Bike Rests Nonchalantly In The Vietnamese Countryside
You both glance down at your bucket list, all but one country ticked off the list, Vietnam it is time. You leave your bags behind at your hotel in Phan Tiet, ready to experience Vietnamese culture. You take a dip in the ‘Fairy Stream’, walking through this hidden stream, which weaves through limestone formations in vibrant shades of oranges and pinks that dance along lush green woodland in natural harmony. Your feet are wet but refreshingly so and as you walk past fishing villages, your mouth hangs open agape. A dramatic waterfall cascading and majestic stands before you, a towering symbol of strength. After all that walking you are famished and recommended by the locals, you head to Deja Vu Vietnam, a cozy, casual restaurant, where you can watch a traditional Folkloric culture show, every Wednesday. You watch in amusement as locals tuck into what they call a ‘Jungle Set’ which encompasses frog, snake, ostrich, scorpion and crocodile, thanking your lucky stars that as a vegetarian, you can have ‘less exotic’ dishes like thick noodle veggie soup or rice and tofu. Your partner decides much to your relief that they will be a vegetarian for one night only, not quite as pleased to find crocodile on the menu as some of the other tourists.
Stomachs full, you go quad biking across the sand dunes in Mui Ne and Phan Tiet, feeling the rush of the wind on your face, as you whizz around the dunes, without a care in the world. You hear the waves crashing an the children laughing , before you fall into the sand and roll around like a pair of teenagers who are puppy sick with love. You dip your toes tenaciously into the oceans waters , but the mermaids are nowhere to be found so you go exploring instead. There is a castle and his name is ‘Princes’, sitting atop a deserted French estate on Ong Hoang Hill. The stillness is almost eerie, as you explore its haunted grounds but it is the nearby tomb of Vietnamese poet Han Mac Tu lie, that marks the finality of your trip. As your plane crashes back to reality ad you enter the office world once more, you remember the memories shared abroad, where the only thing that mattered was making the most of your short sweet lives. But in eternity, hands clasped you will remember, all the 10 honeymoon destinations abroad that you and your partner visited, in those short sweet six months.

At Last We Watch The Sunset Over The Pier
Have You Ever Been To Any Of These Luxury Holiday Destinations?
Please note this is a sponsored post but all thoughts are my own and are not affected by monetary compensation.
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Ooh great suggestions Ana! The Maldives was always my plan for a honeymoon but with both marriages I had a 12 week old baby each time and our honeymoons were very low key affairs, with the children in tow! I dream of Santorini too, one day…!!
Wow! I would love to win a lottery ticket and travel to all of these places! The only one in the list I have been to is Greece and the others sound like paradise. If only I had six months ….and a husband!
I love these places. I wish we could have gone to some of these places for our honeymoon. I love all the blue water . It looks like something in the Carribean.
When I see posts like this it makes me want to organise a second honeymoon! Some really exciting locations showcased.
Oh Wow! What a post. So many nice destinations, I’ve always wanted to go to the Maldives!
Oh Mesoamerica – my dream holiday! Love to spend weeks…months looking at the rich history of the ruins. One day! Definitely, one day.
Literally every place in this list is on my bucket list. South east Asia is a huge dream of mine!
I was literally JUST talking to my husband about going to Thailand yesterday. I saw a special about it and now I totally want to go there.
My husband and I are already married, but we’d love to visit any of these places. Bali and Greece are top choices, but we probably only can afford Florida.
These places all look incredible, most of these places are places I already would LOVE to go to. I so wanna go to Thailand the culture really looks incredible, the food and just the place.
Some of those places have been on my travel bucket list. I have a few friends that have been to a few of those locations, their photos always made it look beautiful and interesting.
Santorini is one place we have visited. We would go back in a heartbeat. So beautiful and the water and beaches are beautiful. There is so much history on the island as well.
I am nowhere near getting married, but Dhabi looks amazing! Kind of makes me wish I wasn’t single haha. I do think that would be a great place to go with a group of friends!
The Maldives are on my travel bucket list. I don’t know what my fascination is with the place but I saw it profiled on a travel network show and I’ve been wanting to go ever since.
We have been to Phi Phi a number of times and can safely say it would make the most magical honeymoon destination!
What stunning locations we’ve not been to any of these places and some are definitely on our bucket list though! Maldives and Thailand would be a dream to be able to visit.
I love all of these choices! I’ve wanted to visit Phi Phi for ages…and Cambodia. Oh this has me dreaming now…
Greece would be amazing. I have a friend who took her honeymoon a couple years ago in Scotland. They stayed in a different castle every other night.
Maldives are dreamy! We did feel as if it was our honeymoon again.
We think oh Phi-phi for wedding anniversary this year
Oh my gosh, I’d love to go to Bali! A great list of some truly beautiful places. All of them are on my bucket list.
Oh these are absolutely stunning . We went to Memphis & Nashville , something a little less exiotic than these destinations !
This made me want to go on a vacation ASAP. The Maldives is somewhere I’ve been planning on visiting for a while. Might have to book flights soon.
Oh wow!!! Some amazing places there! I would not know which to choose.
Oh so much beauty to be seen, These are excellent photos especially the very first one and the Caribbean Mexico, that place stole my heart! I don’t I’ll be honeymooning at 54 but if I do it will be the Caribbean Mexico. Greece was stunning as well.
Every single destination looks so amazing and stunning in the photo, I really want to head to Maldives and has been on my bucket list for a while now.
These are beautiful honeymoon locations. I have to share them with my friend who’s getting married.
What some absolutely beautiful destinations to think of for a honeymoon. I would love to go to Thailand one day myself.
I have been to a couple of those places, but there’s so many more I would love to explore. One of my best friend’s is currently working in an international school in Borneo, so I need to go before she finishes working there!! 😀
I’ve always wanted to go to Phi Phi. I’ve seen so many pictures and reviews about it. It’s one of the things that I’ll enjoy too since it’s all about the beautiful islands and beaches!
I have always wanted to visit Abu Dhabi. It’s such a beautiful destination. Maybe one day in the next few years we’ll take the whole family there.
I can just imagine taking a trip to all of these beautiful places that you mentioned. It’s tough not to fall in love with each one! In fact, I can’t even pick where to go first. I’m pretty sure no matter where the honeymooners choose to go, they’ll have the best time there!
These look and sound like amazing places to visit. I love to travel, I just wish I had the budget to do more of it.
I’ve been to Siem Reap, Beijing and Vietnam and they are indeed Honeymoon hot spots. I would also love taking one in Maldives and Greece.
My brother in law got married in Greece. I am so bummed that we didn’t make the trip for the wedding. These pictures look amazing.
I am totally pinning this post as these are all great places to visit. Great post!
These all look like great destinations! I love the Mayan ruins. My nephew was in Phi Phi before and said it was a great place to visit.
Maldives is REALLY high on my bucket list. While I’m not sure a honeymoon is in my immediate future, I’ll take it as a birthday trip any day! I’m in love with that destination!
It’s always been just my husband and me and we travel as much as we can. We’ve never been to any of the Asian countries and we would love to go, starting with Phi Phi in Thailand.
All of those places are oh so beautiful. I don’t think I can choose just one to go on a honeymoon. But if I had to I would choose China, Vietnam or Greece.
i’ve been to a few of these but I’m so eager to go to the maldives, bali, cambodia and thailand. they just look amazing!
There are definitely some magical sounding adventures here. So many places I’ve never thought of traveling to.
I would love to go to the Maldives for my honeymoon! Since I’ve heard about the place a few years ago, it’s become a very high number on my travel bucket list.
In a couple months, I would celebrate one year of marriage. We never went on a honeymoon. Did not have the money for it. We focused on getting a bank loan and buying an apartment which is still not ready and we still stay with my parents. It sucks. I wish we could win the lottery and just go. We want to go to Montenegro and I would love Belgium as well. I went to Greece once and it was amazing.
South Africa was our dream destination for our honeymoon but sadly it was out of our price range and we went to Corfu instead, but still had an amazing time. Santorini is my favourite Greek island
Fab holiday destination ideas here. Would love to visit Maldives one day.
What an amazing collection of honeymoon destinations. We are so lucky that we have the most amazing choice these days. I went to France on mine but would have loved a luxurious beach holiday like these x
I literally want to visit all of these places one day. Honeymoon wise I think either the Maldives or Seychelles would be my choices x
Ahh such gorgeous views!
I live in Qatar and we also do camel rides and 4 x 4 cruises here. Hey, Ana come visit me and my family! 😉
The maldives looks amazing, definitely somewhere I’d love to honeymoon.
Oh my word – my wanderlust is at its peak fright now. I wish I could jump through the screen an experience each and every one of these beauties as not one sounds like its my place to be! ALL OF THEM are places I need to explore and uncover! I will do it one day – I promise!
Oh wow, Ana, these places all look amazing. I really need to start travelling again. I am going to look into renewing my passport now 🙂
I’ve been to Thailand before, but did not have the chance to visit this majestic Phi Phi island. Greece and Maldives are also on my travel bucket list. Hopefully I’ll be able to cross them off in the years to come. 🙂
These destinations look amazing! A proper honeymoon like this is something that I missed out on, I’d love to take a belated trip someday.
I have never been to Thailand yet so that is on top of my bucket list. These are all great destinations.
Lucky are those having their honeymoon sooner!I mean, all these destinations are absolutely fantastic!From the Thailand boat rides, to watching the palm trees sway over at Maldives, to the Temples at Cambodia, to Abu Dhabi! All are just perfect. I’m going to pin this for future!Haha!
This is a really great list of honeymoon destinations, some quite different and away from the norm; which is great because everyone wants their honeymoon to be unique and rememberable. I really enjoyed reading this; the way you write it helps makes you visualise it better.
What is so interesting about this article , its like you read what’s on mind. Majority of the honeymoon destination listed here are my dream vacation. Especially the Santorini and Maldives., I love traveling it relaxes my mind and physical body.
Ooooo I’ve got a bunch of friends looking into honeymoons right now! These look like great spots –– I’ll def pass this on 🙂
All these are really exotic destinations. The stuff that dreams are made of. Favourites are Siem Reap and the Forbidden City, China.
These places look amazing for honeymoons…or really any couples get away! We are not getting married yet, but are planning a couples trip to the Caribbean in October! I can’t wait! I am definitely going to bookmark this article for when we DO start planning for a honeymoon!! BTW – Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous!!
I never really thought about going to Cambodia before, it looks beautiful though. May need to add it to my want to do list.
We actually did spent our honeymoon on Santorini. I love this island and have been many times. Your description of Greece is very accurate!
I was especially struck by the beauty of this seaside town from which ideas came to influence the world. You informed us that in this place Hippocrates , the father of medicine taught his students. and from this place emperors reigned and the tombs of the greats guarded. Then this then is one of the places from which ideas, concepts, emanated from ancient Greece to form the foundation of western civilization. This was a well written well researched piece. Thanks for sharing
I went to Bali and Phi Phi, but it was years before I met my husband. I would love to go back with him. Your photos reminded me of how gorgeous it is there.
Great list, Ana! Abu Dhabi, Greece, Bali and Beijing are definitely on my to go list. Maldives was there too but because of the political situation I wouldn’t go this year. We’re going to our honeymoon on summer 2018, we’ll visit Zürich, Singapore, Bali and Japan. We might also go explore Lombok and Gilis. I’m really looking forward to that!
Each one of these destinations look absolutely idyllic – I was in awe of the Underwater School Of Fish, it looks incredible. You provided a great list of honeymoon destinations!
I doubt that a honeymoon destination is on my horizon but I have always wanted to visit Santorini and Cambodia, and hopefully I will do that in the next few years. Your description of the desert safari is spot on!
Ah all those blue seas are making me want to jump on a plane! Think Bali or Mexico are my top two destinations on that list, as I love a bit of culture when travelling but also peaceful tranquility
Holy Phi Phi here I come, that place looks magical! To be honest I haven’t been to any of the places you’ve mentioned, but I’d love the chance to win the lottery and shortly after buying my kids and I a home I’d venture to each and every one of those amazing places… it’s hard to look at those photos and believe that there are such beautiful places in the world.
ooo this post has not only given me some great ideas for when me and my fiance have our honeymoon but also for our marriage too, as would love to get married abroad. I’ve heard wonderful things about Mexico, as a friend of ours got married there last year the pics were gorgeous.
These are so beautiful. Me and my husband never got a honeymoon abroad but we always said when we’re older we will go somewhere very special
My folks would love to renew their vows in the Maldives, maybe on their 15yr wedding anniversary in a couple of years. That gives them time to save up. Lovely destinations x
I have bali on my bucket list for years. Not sure if I’ll ever have a honeymoon cause single life right here and happy, but Im going to make bali a reality. Mexico is definitely a fun place to go with such amazing history. And after I went to Santorini a few years ago I’m already itching to go back. It’s just so beautiful and the views are just stunning.
After my failed engagement where the supposed honeymoon is in Maldives, I was lucky enough that I have a family that offered to travel to Bali and Malaysia with me. The other places on this list are in my bucketlist specially Greece.
Fabulous suggestions! I’ve always dreamed of visiting Greece and Beijing, but now I have so many more to add to the list!
These are some great honeymoon destination to visit. I think I need to show this to my cousin who married in the month of June 2018. Such a wonderful place to visit not only for the honeymoon.
Such beautiful places! I think Greece and Bali are on my top list of destinations.
Phi Phi island looks amazing, definitely somewhere I’d love to go. My cousin is looking for a honeymoon destination, definitely going to recommend her these wonderful places!!
This year I am eyeing for Phi Phi! I’m excited for this trip because finally it will be our long weekend.
We are honeymoon and wedding planning at the moment. We’re so tied between the Maldives and Santorini. We want to get married where we honeymoon and both of these places are so gorgeous. x
Wow some incredible places. We have always said when we get married, Jamaica is definately the place we will be going on our honeymoon
You’ve picked some amazing places. I would be torn between choosing Thailand and Maldives. I think I might have to pick both
These are all such amazing spots. My favorite is the Maldives. I am hoping to make a trip for my anniversary in the next couple of years.
I sure don’t want to get married but I’d love to take these trips anyway, lol. Man, after seeing all of your photos, I’m realizing that there are still so many places I want to see before I die.
We went to the Maldives and Sri Lanka for our holiday and it was incredible. I could easily go to the other places you mention too.
I wish I had this post when we were planning our honeymoon a couple of years back. Guess we will just have tio go on another one haha! I love all these stunning photos as well. Thanks for sharing <3
I’m a wedding blogger, and I adore your choices. I’d like to head to a few of them myself – like Bali!! 🙂
All of these destinations would be perfect honeymoon spots, or places you would love to go with your significant other sometime. I really love the Indian Ocean one. Those palm trees reach out to the ocean in incredible ways. Its hard to imagine anything could grow like that but it’s amazing. And Greece with its beautiful ocean, spectacular beaches and that beautiful Church in Santorini, aside from all of the amazing history there. I would just love it. But honestly I would love to venture off on any one of these excursions. It would be amazing.
My husband and I were very young when we married and we already had two small children so we never got to go on an official honeymoon… Both of our children are all grown up now; today is our youngest’s 19th birthday and I think our honeymoon is long overdue. Those warm tropical beaches of the Caribbean and the rich history of the Mayan Pyramids? Yes please!!
The Maldives is my honeymoon destination of choice but Thailand is close second as my friend got married there and it was totally awesome. Thanks for the several ideas Ana
So many lovely ideas ! We are considering going to South America for our honeymoon but Thailand and Maldives are so tempting as well. At this point, we are still debating what country to do the wedding in as we are both originally from different countries :))
I completely agree with going to Thailand. I want to visit so badly this year!
I’ve been to several places in South East Asia and loved these countries. I hope to visit Santorini someday. Love the beautiful pic.
Ive been to The Maldives, Mexico and Bali and I have to say they were all equally as impressive but for different reasons! I’d love to go back to one of them this year xxx
I’ll be honest….I’ve never been to any of these destinations….as a matter of fact, it’s the first time I’m seeing them, ANYWHERE!
I’ve been to a couple of these destinations – and must say that Ko Phi Phi – where deafening party music on the beaches deprived me from sleep – is not the most serene and romantic place in the Andaman Sea…I’d recommend something more secluded like Ko Jum.
Have you actually travelled all these destinations for this post? If so – lucky you!
I have visited some of these destinations yes, but many of these are a bucket list of places I would like to visit. And thanks for the headsup about Ko Phi Phi I will be sure to keep Ko Jum in mind although every person is different so it does depend on what you like 🙂
Oh my word, these destinations all look so blummin amazing! Take me to one of them right now haha! We spent our honeymoon in Turkey at a really lovely hotel and had the best time. However, I wouldn’t mind visiting one of these places in the not too distant future.
I want to visit all of them! I am coming up on 20 year wedding anniversary in October and have been thinking of renewing our vows. Any of these would be an awesome choice. Great job on this article!
I’d LOVE to visit Dubai! I hear so many great thing about that place it is amazing, the city life sounds so cool. Thanks for sharing.
I am SO far away from booking a honey moon haha but I love the idea of Thailand, India, Sri Lanka or Fiji for a honeymoon. These are some really gorgeous places!
I have a special place in my heart for Mexico. After we got married, my husband sent me to my favorite island, Isla Mujeres for ten days. Everybody thought we were crazy because who goes on separate vacations after they get married? But I wanted to sit on the beach and he wanted to go golfing, so it worked for us. xx
Giiiiirl! Why did you write this post?! Tuscany will definitely never be enough! I need more holiday now! Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Abu Dhabi! Need to do them all now! I am in dire need of sun! No need to go there on a honeymoon! A girl trip is good justification enough! xx corinne
These places look so perfect! I am going to share this post to our friends who will be getting married this year, I’m sure they would love to visit any of these destinations!
What great places! Honeymoon or not, I want to visit them all.
I have been to a few of these and I would definitely recommend Mexico. It’s beautiful and the food is amazing
I’ve watched a few YouTube videos filmed in Mexico recently and it looks incredible. I’d love to visit one day. Probably not on honeymoon though as I can’t ever see myself getting married!
Louise x
Oh my. These places are breath-taking. This is such a great honeymoon destinations.
Nice bit of inspo for when we figure out what we’re doing for our honeymoon.