Live Life Like Each Day Is Your Last
It was when I was binge watching episodes of my new favourite TV show that it hit me. When was the last time that I lived life in the moment, like each day was my last? When was the last time that I lived with reckless abandon and felt the wind running through my hair? We all do it, I mean live life as though it was a structured routine. We go to the same places and go to bed at the same time. We bemoan all the things we can’t do and make excuses for why life is not going the way that it should be. I have lost count of the amount of times I have made excuses for not being able to go on holiday or go out because of money issues. But it is my own fault, I am hopeless at saving money and its only when I get trapped in compromising situations that I realize that I have to make a change. We always say we ‘cant do things’ and have an excuse ready to back up our arguments but is it really true? Sure I technically don’t have any money and am in a lot of debt but if I actually focused on the ‘doing’ rather than the ‘saying’ then maybe it would become more easier to live in the moment.
You hear these stories of people taking the plunge and quitting their jobs without a backup plan. I used to think that they were being rash but now I am not so sure. Isn’t life about living each day like it is your last and making sure that your dreams become a reality? We work so hard to please others and become chained to corporations day and night to make our living. Whatever happened to living to the beat of your heart and not giving a s**t about tomorrow? After all tomorrow is another day and today is the present, live in it. I read an article in the paper the other day and it made me think long and hard about my future. They stated that the reason the majority of billionaires are self-made is because they live ‘with action’ and not wait to see whether their dreams work out or not. They live not by the rule book but by trial and error and are not afraid to make mistakes. While we may sit at the back of the classroom too scared to say something wrong they don’t give a s**t and will gladly offer a opinion whether its right or not. But how does that constitute as living life in the moment?
Living life in the moment is not just about making spontaneous decisions but it is about learning to embrace the world around you. I will be the first to admit that I live my life in fear. I am scared about the future and I am scared about death but if I spend my whole life being scared then surely time will slip through my fingers? Then it will be too late. But for now there is still time, I can be the person I have always dreamed of being, if and only if I follow my heart. My heart is not always rational and it often causes me to make mistakes but when I go with my brain I am restricted and can make limited choices. If it was up to my mind I wouldn’t live such an unstable lifestyle and would be in a profession that would make me money but where would be the fun in that? I don’t want to join some corporation just because it can put food on the table. As a freelancer I work long hours for very little pay but truth is despite my complaining I followed my heart and my heart knows best.
When I lost my angels last year-one young, one old- it put life into perspective for me. No matter how old or young you are death can come for us at any time. But we shouldn’t be afraid, if we make sure that we do something a little out of the box each day then we will know that we are living in the moment. I want to live life in the moment because it makes me feel alive and like a friend once said, we should be grateful that we are still alive. 2016 might have been the year where we lost loved ones and celebrity icons alike but we can’t keep chaining ourselves to the past. Its like when I was asked how I am so grounded after being abused and bullied as a child, teen and adult. I replied ‘ if I let the past define me then how could I move forward’ and I still think that philosophy is relevant today. We have all been victims at some point in our lives but the truth is we are survivors too. And do you know what survivors do? They live in the moment…
Do You Live Each Day Like It Is Your Last?
*PR Sample
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Amazing look!
I love your blog!
Your skirt is amazing! I love Pull and Bear but there isn’t one near me, I might have to place an order now!
I much prefer routine and predictability, but suppose I feel i have done the quitting the job without a back up plan etc. Not what it’s cracked up to be. I think everything is good with a bit of a mixture of both x
I’ve done just that when I’ve been in a crisis period. Normally I want to plan, but you are quite right, survivors live every day as if it was their last. It really helps. And for some people that’s the best way to live always
I think you must live your life in the moment if you want to be happy and fulfilled. You can’t live in the past because you there is nothing you can do to change the past, it is over and done. You can’t live in the future as you have no idea what will come to be in the future. All we have is the present and we must do our best to live our lives fully in the moment.
Not everyone can do this but if you can then I guess go for it and why not.
I certainly do!! Life is for living!!!
Big Love,
Totally agree with you! Life is all about living in the moment to make the most of it, people often forget that and chase the tomorrow that doesn’t exist!
xx, Kusum |
I love this and it is such an important reminder. Fear of failure, fear in general is no way to live. Here’s to doing it differently this year, Ana!
Totally, totally agree. Such a simple sentiment but so hard for us humans to actually do. I think it’s because we don’t allow ourselves to think too deeply about our own mortality, which kind of makes us feel that we are always going to be around, if that makes sense? Love your outfit, by the way – stunning!
If you don’t live in the moment you miss all the beautiful things that happen in the process.
We’re trying to be more unstructured, especially in the summer, when we can just jump in a car and go somewhere, into the forest, to the beach with little or no planning. 2017 we want to do more, see the world more x
I’ve done both. After my mum died I threw caution to the wind and lived life each day like it was my last and it was a good thing and taught me a lot. I’ve also done the opposite and as I battle with anxiety, I’ve found that somewhere in the middle is easier for me. Embrace life and enjoy it, but also some predictability and stability works for me. Love the dress in this post you are wearing too!
I love the idea of living in the moment – even adding little spontaneous things to your life can make a real difference!
This is how i live my life now, i think from losing family members suddenly it makes you realise that you need to grab everything you can and go for it, embrace every opportunity that comes at you and enjoy and be happy x
I wouldn’t say I live everyday like it’s my last but I do try and be spontaneous and I don’t like saying no to doing things/ going places x
I completely agree with you about this. We definitely should all live for the moment x
I always try to live every moment but it never works. I get caught thinking too much and stressing too much. The fear of reality hits everytime im trying enjoying life, but I guess that is part of adulthood in some sense.
I loved this post. I truly believe that living in the now can help remedy us from anxiety and worry. I love the book by Eckhart Tolle called the Power of now. If you haven’t read it, i highly recommend it.
I need to live more like this. Life is so short and for living x
I couldn’t agree more with this – in the words of Sam Harris….there is only now.
Wow, that thought will stick with me. It’s so hard to not keep hold of the past but it’s so refreshing when you finally let go. Thank you for that 💕
A very positive and profound way to look at life. I totally agree that we should all stop worrying about the worry, stop assessing what is coming, and live for the moment.
We really should practice living each day to its fullest. We waste too much time on things that are not even important.
I think life is too short not to live it to its fullest but remember there is a reality to live in too x
As much as I worry, get anxious and down, I do find that routine helps in the short term, but it’s those moments when we break the routine, life for now, and say yes to something you never thought you’d do, it’s those moments that I think help in the long term relieve stress worry and anxiety.
I definitely dont live like each day is the last – type of vibe. But, I would like to do more “action” like the billionaires do! I just feel like I need that structure to pay bills (haha)… so cant do the impulsive jump yet.
I kind of live life in the moment but as I have children I have to take them into account and what I do will affect them. I have a list as long as my arm of things I want to do but many I won’t be able to do due to finances. I think as long as your happy your living in the moment?
I too worry about death, but you’re right, if we spend all our time worrying about that we won’t actually live!
I can speak to being a survivor, and while I agree I live each moment, I will also say I am practical and make a plan to guide me. Being unfocused and off task means I am not doing everything I want to… something to ponder.
I honestly dont live my days like they may be the last and honestly, I should. Life is so fragile. I lost my mom when I was 16 and my grandparents within a week of each other shortly after. I have kids myself now, so its something I NEED to start doing. This is really something to think about.
I still think up and quitting without a plan is rash. It’s something I’ve never been able to shake. Maybe I’m too much of a worry wart, but I need some kind of security.
I agree we should make the most of each and every day. You don’t know what is round the corner and I don’t want to be filled with a life of regrets. I want to look back and say I’ve enjoyed life and had some happy times.
Some days I’m definitely focused on what’s next and going going going. And then I catch myself and have to remind myself to stay focused on the here and now! I enjoyed reading this very much!
I live each day as it comes but im also a lover of routine and order so some things need to be planned for for me. I did however walk out of a job once and told hubby when i got home i wasnt going back as it was draining me – i moved to somewhere else and loved it, sometimes you just have to do what you need to do!
I once quit a job without having a back up and it ended up being the best thing I ever did. You look stunning as always. Jo x
I prefer routine and to know whats going on. I’m very jealous of people who quit there job without a back-up plan though…wish I could do that!
I often think about handing my notice in at work and doing something totally different but can’t I need a plan or just another job
I like structure & I like routine, but to be honest, it does BORE me. I wish I lived more free & recklessly, but I don’t know how!
You look amazing by the way!
Life is too short and I do agree we should live the moment and make the most of now! 🙂
I think they’re really good words to live by. I wouldn’t want any regrets.
After being diagnosed at 17 with a renal disease and then at 24 with MS i have learned to live in the moment adn make as many memories ad possible, It is all about being present at any given time.
What a beautiful reminder .. to live our lives right here .. in these moments. How easy it is to forget. Thank-you for a beautiful post!
I couldn’t agree with you more. I try to live this way and constantly remind myself that this could be my last hour or last day. You never know.
Life is definitely too short to live it in fear. My husband and I have been attempting to really live life to the fullest rather than put things off. I like predictability and organization, but I also love taking the option to spontaneously go do different activities as a family. Our focus should be our relationships, not physical things.
Oh my gosh girl this outfit! You are slaying the game here! I totally agree with you to live in the moment. Sometimes you just need to disconnect from your phone, social media, etc. and enjoy what’s going on around you.
The best thing that ever happened to me, was losing my job. It made me take that leap and not live in fear. It definitely hasn’t been perfect but I have grown so much. The past can’t define who you are today if you don’t let it, but it can make you stronger.
Love the look. I could never pull that off! I partially agree with you…livingg in the moment is ideal and would be awesome to do. Unfortunately it isn’t feasible. At least in my life. I am trying to do more things i wouldn’t normally do this year though.
Life is definitely too short not too. Love your outfit!
Ending this post the way you did by saying “you what survivors do? they live in the moment” is so powerful! I work really hard to live in the moment and one way that I try to do that is by having my phone on airplane mode when i spend quality time with loved ones.
I completely agree with you. You really should live in the moment – last year I quit my job to travel the world. Agreed, it was a big leap of faith and I did keep aside a sum for a rainy day, but I’m so glad I did it. No regrets at all 🙂
I am constantly trying to remind myself that I need to live more in the moment, I am always full of excuses but at the end of the day I worry I haven’t been there enough. The concern only grows when you have kids! you don’t want to miss anything
Living in the moment is fabulous but borrowing from your future self to pay for today’s adventures can lead to long-term debt and poverty. There needs to be a middle way.
Life is too short and it would be lovely to make every decision with our hearts! Unfortunately I am guilty of over thinking things. Silly brain spoiling things! x
I love the ending of this post. Survivors live in the moment- that’s beautiful. Also loving that top!
Life is fleeting , we should make the most of what we have, take pleasure from every single day.
As a military wife who could barely handle her busy schedule I am truly glad I came across your post. I totally agree about living your life like there was no tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this.
I couldn’t agree more – it is SO important to live like it’s your last day, achieve the things you want to and push push push! H x
I feel like every little moment of my life is so planned out that there is no way for me to just live in the moment. Perhaps it comes from having kids young, but it has meant that I’ve been able to look after my finances easier than some of the other people I hang about with 🙂
No matter what we do to plan things, life is really short and it would be better to live in the moment than to keep thinking ahead. It’s important that we have long term goals, yes, but it’s also important that we don’t lose our focus in the “now”, after all it’s what life is all about.
You really don’t ever know what is going to happen. I don’t live every day like my last, but I definitely make the most of every opportunity.
I completely agree with you. You never know when your time is up so we have to make the most of every day x
Thank you so much for sharing with us. It’s so hard to lose someone you love. I lost my grandma a few years ago and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through.
I need to do this more, especially as I am unwell at the moment. Great post. Kaz x
I definitely agree we should all live in the moment more. Reading this today has been really inspiring for me, I’ve been feeling down the last few weeks so maybe I need to be less of a creature of habit and break my routines and follow my heart a bit more!
That outfit is awesome! I love the skirt with the jacket. I wish I could pull this off. You look beautiful.
My friends call me an eptimore of living in the moment. I always say tomorrow is not guaranteed nor promised you so make today count and I feel I do just that for many aspects of my life.
Cute outfit. With all the red I totally thing that would be fun for a Valentine’s thing.
Living in the moment is one of the best ways we can bring joy to ourselves and others.
Losing my sister back in 2012 made me take stock and start living life to the full and I have never regretted it
You’re so right! I definitely think I forget to live in the moment, always looking to the future. It can be hard to change your mindset though, but its something important to try and do.
I do try to live in the moment where I can although it needs to be planned around the children and their activities. Not so fun but it’s better than nothing.
I try to live knowing that every minute is precious and because I know that I’ll never get it back. I also think that that head piece is pretty 🙂
One of my goals for 2017 is to ‘live’ this year! Life is far too short xo
I love this, and this has been my new mojo this year as well! With a recent move to London and Texas with the hubby and toddler in tow, I am striving to be more present and embrace each day for what it is! Not spend any time on things that don’t bring me happiness! Thanks for sharing your heart!
After I survived neurosurgery, I definitely started living more in the moment and appreciating everything I have. I still have a ton of medical issues and live with the “what ifs” but I can’t allow them to rule my life – that is no way to live.
I try to make the most of my life and be reckless sometimes. But I like a good structure.
In more ways than one yes I suppose each day is a bonus for me, it sure is at the moment but yes we should all be living our life to the fullest as our time here is very limited and to live it unhappy is just pointless.
I think we have to live in the moment and live each day to the fullest. I learned this and started trying to actively make the decision to live fully after I lost my parents both at a young age.
it is one of my goals for this year to live more in the moment and your post inspired me more!
I don’t particularly live like today is my last day. I do enjoy every moment though and try to do as many new things I can.
I totally agree that one should live in the moment. I am loving your velvet bodysuit you really style it really well.
I always love reading your posts and this one if fantastic. It is very easy to say it, yet difficult to make the plunge and do it. Especially if you have responsibilities, a family, bills and people who depend on you. Sometimes living life doesn’t involve a big adventure, but exploring your sense of fashion, or a new location, or even snuggling up with someone in front of the television. For me, it’s about making the most of each day instead of wasting precious time xx
We definitley need to not take life for granted, who knows when it’ll end! Living in the moment is something I need to do more of tbh I proceed with caution towards a lot of things but we canmt live in the past right!?
My niece recently just packed everything up and decided to go backpacking around Thailand! Part of me thinks she’s stupid and reckless, yet the other part is a little jealous. I have too many commitments to ever be able to do something spontaneously, and that’s kind of sad 🙁
Louise x
I know what you mean about having to save money and how difficult it is. No matter how thrifty I am, I’m still struggling to save up for the things I really want! Still, it’s all the more sweeter when we get it though isn’t it?
As much as I would love to live life to the fullest, unfortunately work commitments, financial commitments do not always allow it. But I would like to believe that I do try and make the most of my opportunities.
I love your consistency with the great posts and fabulous outfits. 🙂 To be more present and mindful is something I am improving on this year 🙂
I’m so guilty, recently I quit my job and no back up plan at all I stay at home for a weeks and I found a Virtual Assistant work I know this job is not forever, I want to have a back up if ever VA works didn’t fit me. I want to live like yours.
I definitely don’t live freely enough. Like you have mentioned, I am afraid of the future/death etc and this is holding me back, but it’s time to make a change!
Such an honest post.. I really don’t live in the moment or really cherish what I have and appreciate my life for what it is. I think that it’s definitely something I need to work on this year! Fab post, love!
I am trying to get better at living in the moment. I struggle with anxiety, so of course, living in the moment is hard to do since I am always worried about what could and will happen as a result of my past. So, this is something I am working on every day.
Very true! It’s important to live in the moment and enjoy it. We never know how many days we have left before it’s gone.
I’m terrible for fear and procrastination and not doing things I don’t know how to succeed at. I need to make some small steps.
This is something I am trying to be mindful of – and I have the opposite issue, I am trying to say no more rather than say yes 🙂 I want to make sure that I am spending time doing the things I find essential to my being instead of what everyone else would have me do. And I do sometimes think of those that are able to up and do something different, I was never wired that way…but it is lovely to dream about!
That’s a fabulous body suit! I’m so sorry you lost your angels last year. Your perspective is great. We definitely need to follow our hearts and life each day to the fullest.
What a gorgeous look!
I love the fur coat 🙂
Dani x
Life is all about enjoying every moment! One need to appreciate their life whether its bed of roses or thorns because they can breathe and that’s most important!
That’s such an inspiring post! I also believe that it’s important to live in the moment, but it doesn’t mean that you have to be irrational! I call such approach “Stop and smell the roses” — it’s so important to appreciate all the great things that surround you!
First, I’d like to let you know that I find your outfit really nice! Second, your advice to live life in the moment is what everyone needs to do right now. However, we should never forget what happened in the past, for it holds life lessons that can propel us to reach our dreams that are in the future. Learn from the past, live for the present, and look forward to tomorrow.
Great post such amazing advice given & I love your ensemble in the pics, beaut!
L x
Great, positive can-do attitude….I love it! I have a sign in my kitchen that reads ‘We can Do It’ so I look at it every morning….it always puts me in a positive frame of mind
I think you have to live your live for the moment, but at the same time be responsible. Getting yourself into debt now could have some really bad consequences for you later for example!
I really love your style 💗 Your top is gorgeous 😍
I’m so with you on this I also live my life in fear its so hard not to!
you look lovely to
Life is definitely for living but I’m hoping when i leave uni i will have a nice balance of saving but living at the same time
The reason I started my blog was because it was my dream, to make money writing. This post had me almost at tears, live life to the fullest because you never know what will happen. I am so so very sorry for your loss, you are very brave and beautiful, hun.
I don’t know about living each day as if it’s my last because I would never get things done – like eating better and exercising – because I would be like what is the point. I do see where you are coming from though and I do need to live in the moment more and not for the tomorrows that may never come.
This is so true! We have to foget about the past, focus o the present and just wait for the future 😉
It’s so true. Past has already gone, future is not here yet… The most important is being here right now:) We forget about it sometimes, so thanks for reminding! Nice pictures!
Living in the moment is something I struggle with so much and something I need to work harder at. Brilliant post 🙂 xx
Wow what a complete bargain the bodysuit is
I love this post. We are all living to please others, doing the same things day to day. Taking time for yourself and doing something different breaks that monotony. Thank you and you look beautiful!
Hell yes! Such an important message. We all need to live each day like its our last. Love your outfit too!! Xx
I don’t live like each day is the last. However I really should take the perspective with how I treat my loved ones. There’d be less hateful words that way.
I need to live more in the moment. At least one day a week I do when I dont have a routine for the day.
We definitely cannot take life for granted. Also, love your skirt!
I completely agree with you! and I’m so guilty of not doing it – especially at this time of year. I hate the cold so I spend all winter wishing for the summer and not living for the moment or enjoying everything that winter has to offer!
I do try to live like it’s my last day but it’s hard! Sometimes I just want some me time and spend all day on Netflix- doesn’t neccessarily mean I’m wasting my life!
This outfit is so pretty. And yes, I try to always live in the moment because you never know how long you have.
It’s alright to be scared sometimes because we are human, but what’s not ok is not living your life. What a great post!
I’m so sorry for your loss. Before I became a mother I used to live life VERY spontaneously. It resulted in outrageous adventures and fun and I miss that part of myself. I’m trying to find a way to be like this again but still remaining responsible as well. It is a hard balance!
We definitely try to live that way. We left long, successful careers in corporate America to travel the world full time. It’s been quite an adventure with ups and downs, but travel and exploration is our passion so thats what we pursued. yolo.
I agree, we should live every day like it is the last one, great post and amazing picture your so elegant !!
I believe in living in the moment but I am also the same when it comes to saving money! :/ 😀 You look lovely and I am a fan of that background! 🙂 x
Jadirah Sarmad at Jasmine Catches Butterflies ʚϊɞ
This is important to remember, life is too short to regret something happen in your life and reread your past.
Agree with you! We should alwayd live each day like it will last and always do our best.
Live every day like it’s your last (even if it isn’t) live fearlessly (even when you’re scared) and go forth (even when you feel you’re slipping backwards). it’s all about attitude 🙂
Katja xxx
I love this!!! So important to just live, too often we are distracted by the electronic in our lives!!
Amazing advice! We do need to live in the moment. I wish I could remember who said this, but it sums it up pretty nicely I think. There is nothing we can do about the past, and the future is not here yet so don’t worry about it either. Today is a present that should be appreciated which is why it’s called the present.
I spent way too much of my life regretting the past and worrying about the future. Now I try to live my life in the moment and I really have to do that because I have a husband that I don’t know how much longer I will have with him. We try to live every day to the fullest and just enjoy the time we have with each other. Love this post, very powerful.
I totally agree. Life is so short, enjoy it to the fullest every minute that you have.
It’s easy not to live in the moment because of insecurity and fear of the unknown which we all feel. People that do live in the moment have overcome these insecurities and “just give’r” even though they might fail. I guess there is a bit of a balance though where you shouldn’t be completely irresponsible. ;^)
I do believe life is too short to spend it all working, however I am not one to just rush out and quit my job without a plan. I do believe you have to have a plan in place before doing something so rash as quitting your job.
I couldn’t agree with you more. That’s the motto I live by…carpe diem! We only live once that’s for sure. Thanks for sharing.
Life is certainly too short to not live in the moment! Stunning look, you styled your outfit so nicely! xx
I keep telling this to myself, but many times I get caught in the routine and endless list of excuses. It’s so easy to say “I can’t” instead of taking an action…
It is important to live life in the moment, but it is also good to have a plan and a vision and know where you are going and being able to get there.
I love your outfit. You are so right we need to live life like it is our last. After all you never know when it will be your last breath.
Love your outfit! That color looks amazing on you!
I love your style and your thoughts!! We should live every moment of our life
I think most of us waste our time on thinking about what has been missed in the past & what could happen tomorrow. As a result we fail to appreciate what we have today in front of us. If we just take positives out of our life, everything is going to be perfect!
Ive really been striving to live in the moment more as I have found that for years I’ve lived moments through a lens trying to capture everything or I’ve been too focused on planning for the future that I’ve forgotten to enjoy the here and now! xxx
I totally agree. I’m not brave enough myself to quit and follow passions yet though. I’m too security focused and need to know I’ll have enough money. I’ll compromise and live as much as I can, while being chained to a corporation.
I couldn’t agree with you more! It’s so easy to get caught up in day to day tasks, that we forget to live each moment like it’s our last.
“We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets” Marilyn Monroe. Loving the red top! Perfect for a night out 🙂
I always live like that. Life is really too short!
You are so right, we need to live in the present, not wish our life away. I’m glad you like the freelance life, it can be tough but it is so much more rewarding – it takes courage and commitment and it will pay off.
To many people spend their life rushing, that they forget to just look and take in the world around them. I love just standing and taking it all in. Life goes by too quickly not to.
I try and live in the moment although I don’t so much now I am older and have children. I really should try more as life whizzes by so fast x
I don’t live my life to the full. I always get stressed with to many job. I really should though. Life is to short to worry isn’t it!! Beautiful outfit Ana, I love your jacket 🙂
I have to say that I’m a planner. I wish I could live each day like it was my last but I need a safety net and organisation. I like to know what’s going to happen although I can have the odd spontaneous day which is great I’m a bit of a captain sensible.
This is such a great way to live your life, really enjoying every single moment. Although we are all aware of how short life is, very few of us actually live this way fully. I try so hard to make every second count and not worry too much about tomorrow holds. Not always easy when there are bills to pay and things to worry about!