A collaboration with Happiness Boutique
‘Turn me to ice with your putrid breath, the stench of lost sons a sulphur to your senses. Chains of blue course through my veins, shattered organs pulsating… raw. Hand me a chopping block, sacrifice my hands. I lay ripe for the plucking, freeze me whole. Pluck out the impurities, rub the slate clean, rewire my soul…genetic modification.Amputated from reality, no labels to hold onto, isolation is the key to unlocking the Ice Queen’s heart.Crawl through the undergrowth into the Ice Kingdom, wrapped in a blanket of unfounded deceit.Isolated feelings dried upon chapped lips, no friends to call my own lost at sea. Shapeshifters and demons caught in time, grimacing snarls trapped in ice. Left to rot, a plaything of the Queen, succulent flesh stripped to the bone’
Happiness Boutique
A feast to the senses, Happiness Boutique prides itself on being a premium quality jeweller that caters to all budgets. Combining splashes of pastels with the intricacy of a mother pearl, jewellery is finely crafted to create a timeless appeal. What attracted me to the brand was its positive ethos: bring happiness to a world set out to destroy itself. A ray of sunshine admidst desolate wastelands, each necklace, each bracelet dazzled like new found pearls. Like the refreshing trickle of water moistening parched lips the jewellery opened my eyes to new possibilities and showed me a world where negativity does not exist. In a state that functions through manipulating the masses, the brand is refreshingly unique. Let Happiness Boutique melt away the frosted cracks in your heart and gorge upon pure white light after a lifetime in the Artic darkness. The Ice Queen may be your muse but evil can never equate to happiness.
‘Shimmering blues and greens interblend in a sea of tropical rain, cleansing our impurities. In the new world we break free from the reign of the Ice Queen and a new ruler is our master ‘Happiness Boutique’.
Majaa kindly sent me the ‘ocean blue’ necklace, a key statement creation that incorporates this seasons top trends: Pastel, chunky and a clear rejection of minimalism. Woven stones in rich blues and greens takes inspiration from the soft ferocity of nature in its battle against the unbiddable strength of humanity. As a race we are indefinitely flawed and our flaws are mirrored in our crimes against nature. We pillage forests, rip apart habitats that no longer serve our purpose and destroy the world that cushioned our fall from our mothers womb. Is it no wonder that our world is rebelling against us, I am no environmentalist but Happiness Boutique has shown me how our negativity and need to destroy has impacted upon the environment. As humans we are programmed to kill, eat and sleep but we must learn to not follow our base instincts. Biological functions have conditioned us into depravity, into roles that are assigned at birth but we must reject anatomy and act as one. Give up your gender, your race and any other labels that dictate what you can and can’t do. Relinquish societal bondaries, climb the social ladder of stratification and jump onto the wheel of fortune.
It is the Wheel of Fortune that creates pre-naturalistic determinism, a world where your actions are determined by your surroundings. Constructing a parellel environment, pre-naturalistic determinism mirrors the destruction of humanity. Put simply when we cut down a tree, a human life is taken, when we destroy a forest our community is set alight and when we cut away all that has protected us it signals the end of mankind.We must band together to beg forgiveness from the forest; I am sorry that I wasted paper, that my peers have taken your home and stripped you bare like a pauper in the streets. I am sorry that I carelessly thought of you as nothing more than a leaf crunching under my foot, that you have been reduced to mush a symbol of how humanity has reduced to the environment to nothing.
As a race we are inherently flawed and often fail to take responsibility for our actions, a testament to our belief that we are mini-gods on earth. We do not accept our flaws and blame others for the misfortune that we recieve. Acknowledge your weaknesses and let it become your strength and show that you are proud to be flawed because that is what makes you human. Let happiness become your mantra and challenge convention to reinstate a new world.
As a social advocate I am in keen support of insitutional reform, to create a state that not only rights social inequalities but those that befall nature too. In the UK we have to recycle by law but what about other environmental issues surrounding our homes? If a lion is massacared communities rise up against the hunter who sacrificed their living ancestor but if a tree is crushed all you can hear is a lifetime of silence. We pride ourselves on helping others and yet will happily destory nature without second thought for its desolation. That Coast Redwood that your neighbour cut down is equal to an animal ploughed down by the hunter. The difference is that one is seen as a companion and the other is seen as a ‘thing’ without a living soul. Yet a tree is born from a seed and it is that seed that sustains our health and wellbeing.
Join me on my fight against environmental abuse and challenge the assumption that our surroundings are there to be used rather than cultivated. We are cultivators not murderers and don’t let anyone tell you any different. As an individual I have a social conscience and it is my duty to treat both my peers and my surroundings as equals.
‘Without the environment we are nothing but slaves to a deprave existience, forced to sap strength from the people around us’
Photography: Jummana Khanom
Bag: Primark
Shoes: New Look
Skirt: Forever 21
Jacket: Primark
Your look is so great. Nice to see quality in your blog from the very beginning x
It’s true we do abuse the environment and unfortunately it seems to have become the way of the world. I try and recycle as much as possible at home and keep waste to a minimum where possible. Love the jumper and skirt combo.
Ahh look at you! I loved reading this and seeing how far you have come, you look so beautiful here and your photos and writing are gorgeous as ever from the start!
This was fun,Ana. Your look even back then was pretty smashing I must say. I think people feel bad for lions because there so few of them left alive in the wild….