Music has always been a big part of my life and as cringe as it sounds, it helped me get through some pretty dark s**t. At night as the world came to a standstill, I would plug in my earphones and breathe a sigh of relief, no one could hurt me in this world of music I had created, no one could take away my identity. They say that your music taste says a lot about who you are as a person and the saying is largely true. When I was anxious or depressed the more harrowing melodies of Adele and Beyonce would drift seamlessly out of my earphones, allowing me to channel my anguish and hurt in a safe space. When I felt happy or wanted to get in the mood for a party, house music and ‘club tunes’ would pound my speakers as I danced around the room in ecstasy and delight. Regardless of how mainstream or not our music is, there is no denying that music can help us ‘feel’ better. Alongside reading, music was my biggest passion; when I sang out loud without a care in the world I felt free and when I danced to the beat of another world I felt ‘alive’ but when I sat and listened, that’s when the real s**t took place.
I used to be told that I would never be good enough, that there were people out there who were better than me and I would never make it, but they were wrong. I did make it, we all did and for me music helped me feel more confident. After being abused, I was taking into care at the age of 10 by my foster mum, and it was then that I discovered I had a talent for ‘music’. While I was in a toxic space before and still had an affinity for ‘music’, I was never encouraged to explore ‘music further’. At the age of 10, I received my first pair of earphones and despite the grainy, pre- ‘good tech’ sound, I was hopelessly in love. I listened to music in the bath, at the dinner table and on the bus, music became a huge part of who I was as a person and it felt good to finally succumb to its auditory pleasures. When my foster mum saw me in a year six play of ‘Ali Baba’ with me cast in the titular role, she believed that she should enroll me in theatre school, because and I quote ‘I was a triple threat’. Now as everyone knows parents, regardless of being biological or not all believe that their kids are great, even if it sounds like their kids are getting dragged underwater but the confidence boost it gave me was unreal.
After half a decade of abuse, finding music and being encouraged to explore how it could boost my self-esteem was quite possibly life changing. I began listening to songs to create new rhythms of my own and wrote lyrics when I felt sad and upset. It allowed me to channel all those foreign feelings that I had – anger, hurt, confusion, lust- into a medium that channeled my emotions in a safe, creative space. Everything changed when I went to secondary school and once again my confidence was knocked. The bullies were back and this time it was my own friends, rather than my step-mum, who decided to make me feel worthless and like s**t. They would pull my hair and hide my stuff, make fun out of the way that I looked and laughed if I dared have a crush on a ‘popular boy’. I knew that they were never my real friends to start with but I didn’t want to feel as alone as I did, so I played along with their charade because they made me feel like this was the ‘only type of friendship’ that I deserved. But music taught me differently; every Saturday I would become a different person and attend my stage school, were I was respected and praised for my ‘theatre talent’. I knew I wasn’t the best and never would be but I didn’t care. Seeing myself on stage, surrounded by other thespians as we bathed in the spotlight, was a dream come true for many of us. Through acting I could be someone else, through dance I could be the most confident woman that I aspired to be but it was through music that I could be my true authentic self.
I was auditioning for the lead role of Dorothy and listening to the soundtrack through my beat up headphones. I was up against other talented actresses who I believed were far better dancers and singers than me but I knew I had to put my all into it. I reminded myself of how I had won that school reading competition, where I had beaten off hundreds of ‘readers’ to win the school prize and do you know why I won? Because I was real, honest and let the nakedness of my emotions shine through my words. I had to do the same here and as I sang the audience held its breath, would I do it, would I let the music peer deep into my soul? I sang, I cried, at one point I even shouted, barely aware of what I was even doing in my own audition but somehow it worked and I landed the lead role. When I told my so-called friends they tried to make me question my own success and laughed at the notion of music helping me getting my s**t together but something changed that day, I knew I was worth more. I was 14 at the time, but it wasn’t until I was 16 that I finally stood up to the bullies and for the first time they questioned their motives. By this point I had been involved in the ‘music world’ for 6 years and I finally did what I should have done a long time ago, I ditched the fake friends and made new ones, because music taught me that I was worth so much more.
I entered competitions and sang in public, this brazen fearlessness showed me that I didn’t have to put up with peoples bulls**t anymore and could be free to be the person who I wanted to be. While I still lacked confidence, I was showing people that I was no longer a pushover and it was comment in my school year book that showed me how far I had come since I first entered the music world. K said that she was ‘sorry for anything ‘bullyish’ that she had ever done and that all those horrible things that she said and did to me was because she was insecure. She never saw herself as talented or particularly pretty and saw me as a threat because I didn’t know how talented I was. I could sing, act, dance and was ‘super smart’ and by her telling me that I had nothing she could be the one with all the power’. I later found out that she had a crush on a guy who liked me but never told me how he felt because he didn’t want to be seen as a social pariah.
Weirdly enough when I came to university, he reached out to me saying how much he liked me but knowing what I discovered after my ex friends confession, I didn’t answer back. How could I put into words how hurt he made me feel, that the only reason he was contacting me now was because I wore make up, had ‘real friends’ and thus wouldn’t be seen as a social pariah with me? Not a chance and when I met friends who loved me for who I was, I knew that I had music to thank yet again. You see music is all around us, at the parties that we go to and at the bars that we drink at. It was 2 Pac’s ‘Ghetto Gospel’ that was playing when I met one of my best friends and it was Lil Wayne that became the soundtrack to my first sexual experience. Even now, at the age of 23 music defines my biggest moments and has helped me become the more happier, confident woman that I am today. I have a long way to go but through music you too can be the person that you have always dreamed of being and that is you.
Has Music Helped You Get Through Some Dark s**t?
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Another honest and heartfelt post! Music being a big part of your life doesn’t sound cringe at all. It’s amazing how mood-changing music can be. I have certain songs I listen to when I’m feeling travel sick and they totally help. 🙂
Ashton xx
Hi love, you are so brave and honest about your feelings. I love that you share them with us because we get to know you better. I love music for similar reasons helps me relax when I feel stressed or anxious, It also motivates me to get things done 🙂
Music is my way of getting rid of anger and sorting my moods out, it does wonders for the soul x
Music is so powerful – it has helped my teen daughter so much that she started writing her own songs when she was 9! Kaz 🙂
Seriously, music is so important. It’s amazing how someone else’s thoughts can make a difference to your own!
I do think music is a great healer. I’ve known people feel helped through moments of depression, grief and hard times. Myself – i don’t remember specific times music helped. I did find the lyrics fitting when going through a break up, but with life I’ve obviously been through harder times than that x
This was such a touching post to read. I’m so pleased you landed the lead role in Dorothy and eventually ditched the bullies for real friends.
I’m a massive music lover, I listen to it all the time, and totally agree that it gets you through the dark times as well as celebrates the good times.
This is such a great post! Music has really helped me sometimes too.
I love this post and agree with it on so many levels. Music has helped me through so many tough times in my life x
I agree! Music (and reading) are SO therapeutic. I’m glad it helped you so much through your hard times!
I am one of those people who always has music on. Sometimes there are just certain songs that I can totally relate to and they definitely help.
Sounds like you have gone through the wars, but great to see you bounce back positvely with music as your help. I find mysic helpful prior to flying 🙂 x
Music has always been my therapy. Whenever I am stressed, I listened to calming musics which helps me relax and calm down. It’s nice to read your post knowing that music help you too.
Great, raw and real post. Music has gotten me through a lot of tough times too.
Music has always had a soothing quality for me, it always helps when I am down. I think music can alway help you process feelings whether good or bad and having that outlet and expression is so good for our souls. It’s wonderful how music helped you through so many dark periods in your life and also gave you confidence in yourself.
I am totally in awe of your bravery, you are a shining light for all us women, through strength and determination you will prevail you will succeed. Never stop shining and chasing your dreams. Xx
I believe that music can help us in so many ways. It can get us through rough times and heartbreak, it can help us deal with emotions we have a hard time expressing. Music has always been a love of mine and a big comfort x
Music has helped me so much through the years, it’s amazing how healing it can be x
Music always helps. We no doubt hear music from when we’re in the womb. 2Pac has been an artist that has helped me through all emotions but then my range goes from classical to country to rap and whatever in between. Can always find something that resonates and helps us through the dark days x
I love how honest you are Ana, music has a way of helping me cope too xx
Some songs really stuck with me during some hard times. I do love listening to them now to realise what I came through
Such a beautifully written and heart felt post, my heart always breaks a little for you but I am filled with admiration for your strength. Music has helped me too, in so many ways, and I love how it can lift you up when you really need it to.
Yes to this – music is an amazing motivator, companion and all round shoulder to cry on. A beautifully written post and looking gorgeous in that outfit love the boots very spring!
Music has always been a big part of my life and while I’ve been lucky to avoid too much dark s**t it’s always helped with break ups. tough times with friends etc. It’s nice to have an escape x
Music is something that gives so many of us life. It helps us to escape and express ourselves. I’m glad you found it and that it continues to influence who you are.
There is music which expresses how you feel, there is music that lets you forget, there is music to help you move forward. There is music associated with particular memories and events. All of this is special and has meaning, but you may not realise the first time you hear it how powerful it will be in your story
Music always has been a big part of my life! Such a positive way to get through dark times!
I definitely agree that music has this incredible power to help when nothing else can help. Sounds cliche but it’s oh-so true. Sometimes when I struggle to put myself through the day I force myself to go out with my headphones on and often come back home ready to conquer the world 🙂 Xx
Such an honest post! I completely relied on James Bay’s album when going through a bad breakup last year. It got me through!
Music defines my mummy’s biggest moments as well. Hers tastes have change along with her friendship base but she’s always manages to find sanctuary in music.
Music is so powerful. It’s amazing how listening to the right song can cheer you up. I also have certain songs that I associate with times of my life and when I hear them I can get quite nostalgic.
Music is so powerful to a lot of our lives, it can help your mood, help you reflect, bring back precious memories and help us relax. It is amazing when you suddenly hear a song and so many memories come flooding back. Listening to music is also helping my Daughter x
I love music and it has got me through many a dark time. Wish I were talented enough to sing though
It’s great that music helped you to get through some dark times. It’s such a therapeutic thing for people isn’t it? Great headphones.
I can so relate to this! Music has gotten me through so much, too – there’s some magic in it, isn’t there? In the words, in the beat, the meaning, the emotion?
I can’t sing, but I sing anyway – I can’t NOT sing. And I’m glad you’re finally truly singing, too.
Such a well written post. I can agree music helps so much, its helped me
Music has always been a big part of my life. In fact I almost always have my tunes playing in the background. Whether it be while I’m blogging, driving or tidying the garden, I’d be lost without it! Fab headphones 🙂 x
Music can be such a good tool for putting yourself in better spirits.
This is very nice post. Music definitely helps to change our mood. Good music that is close to the heart helps lot.
Yes, music has helped me out a lot. I’d be lost without it. I listen to it daily.
This is so touching, and harrowing to hear what you’ve gone through.. It must have been tough, but you should be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come x
Music is an amazing thing. It can really cheer you up. I remember listening to music when I was younger and helping me get through sad times too. Great outfit Ana, love your boots 🙂
It is lovely to read of how you have developed confidence, and how you have found light where once there was darkness.
Music is such a big part of life. I have had moments of elation with music, and moments of being utterly broken. All very powerful, and all very meaningful. A world without music would just be too grey I fear.
I’m so sorry for everything you went threw. I can’t even begin to imagine. Glad you stuck with your talent.
I totally agree. Music can help us relax and remove the stress in our body. It can help us calm our nerves and helps us express our emotions.
Oh lovely. I’m sorry for everything, but I am so glad music has helped you in so many ways. You are one super talented lady!
Music has helped me cope through dark moments in my life. Although there is no particular genre that I listen to everyday. The kind of music I listen to depends on my mood. I am happy that you stood up for yourself and believed you can get out of the rut. Kudos for dumping those fake friends. I also do not have the time and effort to deal with people like that, to the point of me being labeled as snobbish or introverted. As I always say, “I do not have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.”
I’ve heard Dr Laura say a few times now that when she’s feeling down .. she’ll turn on an upbeat song. She says it’s hard to be in a blue when some of your favorite music is playing. I’ve also heard Tony Robbins say something similar .. although he refers to it as changing your state. For me .. it’s really true and has become a go-to for stress relief and when the blahs hit.
I am so loving your earphones! Music is a huge part of my life as well, it will always be one of my stress relievers. Whenever there wasn’t anyone to talk to, I would get my earphones and listen to music. It was the best therapy for me, and it still is. I think it’s great that you had music to turn to as well, especially when you were experiencing all of those pains that life threw at you.
I listen to music whenever I’m feeling down or stressed! I listen to it when I’m happy as well. Music has always been part of my daily life and I don’t think I’ll give it up any time soon. It really does a lot especially for our mental and emotional health.
Wow.. Such a powerful post. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Music also helped me through a lot of my own sh*t.
I agree. Music has definitely gotten me thru some super dark *ish. I am thankful for the artist that share their stories for us to relate to in order to make this ‘game called Life’ a bit more bearable. I am glad you found a better selection of friends that will love you unapologetically. That is all we can ask for. Kudos
Music has helped me through some dark times too, it’s amazing how it can lift your soul. Once I was driving to the hospital to have a biopsy of my breast I was on my own and my mum who died when I was 17 her favourite song came on and I swear she was sat in the car with me X
Music is so amazing – like you, it helps us through dark times and lightens our mood even more in happier times. So glad that you found something that helped and inspired you!
such a touching post, music really helps a lot of people x
Even to this day, music helps me get through the bad times and the depression that I still have inside me… It has been, is and always will be a major part of my life…
Music is such a powerful healer – I have my go-to songs for whenever I’m feeling down 🙁
Ana you have such an incredible talent!!! Your writing never fails to move me and affects me all day afterwards. You are amazing never ever forget it xx
It’s amazing how people always try to bring us down. Little do they know, it actually fuels us to keep going at it. 🙂
My mother used to tell me similar things – that I was never good enough and nothing good would come out of me. I proved her wrong and I’m glad I did. Music also helped me a lot in those rough years I had.
Ah Music my big love. I’m a classical musician and have been playing violin and piano since I was four. I even studied music for 4 years in college. I played Eliza Dolittle in my 20’s and lots of other roles too. I come from a very musical family and its one of my greatest pleasures. Glad it has helped you through the tough times.
Music is a powerful tools in getting you though some things. I’m sorry for everything and I’m glad you overcome it. xx
Music is definitely a powerful way to get through tough situations, beautiful post once again 🙂
I can so relate to this. Another great post. Music is essential to Me especially those songs with lyrics you can draw power from and relate to. The ones that you feel are written just for you. Music is there during good and bad times and amplifies emotions. Gotta love it.
Its crazy how music can change your mood! Its nice to see it helped you so much!
Music is a major, major part of determining ones mood or vibe. I am all about it to either help me through challenging times or just to relax or even to get pumped up! Love how it makes a difference!
It’s amazing how therapeutic music can be! I remember listening to music nonstop at night to help me process all my teen angst emotions.
I’ve gone through some tough times and music does really help. It’s great at helping u relax and destress etc and its certainly a great part if my life.
Music can certainly be very powerful and healing for many. When my son was younger and was going through speech therapy we actually enrolled him in a private music therapy class. He gained more in music therapy with his speech that he did in speech therapy .
Music features heavily in my life and when work sent a memo out saying we couldn’t wear earphones, even just one, during work hours it was the final nail in the coffin for me. Friday is my last day and I will blast my Spotify list in the car as I drive home!
Another fabulous read! I love the honesty and truth you put into all your posts. Music has been my saviour throughout my whole life, Without it I don’t think I would be here, so I totally understand how you feel about it xxx
This is such an honest post. Thank you for sharing. Music is a big part of my life and it’s a great tool for coping with the bad stuff and also embracing good times. I love music.
I’m so glad that you have found something that can help you through some dark times of your life. Sometimes we need something to focus on when we are finding things difficult or are going through difficult times.
I’m pleased that music has played such a big and positive part in your life. Music plays a big role in my life. I love to sing although I don’t have the confidence you have to sing in public.
Music is life.
So many of my memories centre around music – gigs, clubs etc.
I hope to instil a similar love of music in my children!
Music is such a powerful thing. It’s definitely gotten me some really tough times as well. Stay strong and keep fighting!
Great honest Heart felt post. I can relate! I suffer from depression and often find music helps me. It’s a great therapy tool…
when my dad died Mariah Carey got me through it in the 90s. When I had break ups etc I got through it with Moloko and Skunk Anansie. I always find solace in music but I also find celebration in it too x
This post has shown me that music should be in every bodies life. After marriage the kids and day to day activities I have lost that urge to listen to music. My daughter has reintroduced music to me and we listen when we are in the car.
They say music is the soundtrack to our lives and I really do agree with that. IT’s been there for me when I’ve been happy and wanted to sing and dance and it’s been there comforting me when I’ve been upset and down. It really does help you through the tough times!
Yes, music has helped me through the darkness and music has caused some darkness. In the short of it, I would say music has helped more than hurt.
Thanks fpr sharing, Ana. Music has been a huge part of my life as well. It’s been my outlet especially for the past year. Every time I’m going through something, I have music to help me cope.
I love how emotionally raw your words are. Yes music has helped me get through some dark sh*t! I will say that music can also drag me down a hole when I’m not feeling good too.
Love the honesty and transparency in your posts, Ana! You are such a fighter and a brave woman, glad you have put all that s*** behind you and moved on. And totally agree, music is really the best therapy!
xx, Kusum |
Music is food to my soul. I can listen to music all day. Love this earphones. I use mine all the time.
Beautifully written 🙂 I’ve been trying harder to listen to more music during the day. Lately I’ve been really into this Nature Sounds album on Spotify. It is soooo relaxing.
Another great deep post. I think everyone needs to know that they are good enough, and they are worth being loved!
Music has got me through many dark days. It’s amazing how a song can stir up so many emotions inside you. Music is the soundtrack to our lives for sure. Jo x
It’s amazing the ability of music to make us feel certain emotions! Can you just imagine a world without music? Movies without soundtracks and sound effects that set the tone of the scene will be completely different. Life would be completely different.
Great post!
I am so happy that you were able to find music during some hard times! I know when I broke up with my previous boyfriend music was..well my boyfriend LOL This was ages ago but music still comforts me.
Ivelisse |
Music has picked me up no end of times! Whenever I needed a lift me up it was there. The only consistency I have
Music is such a positive force at the times when you need it most. I actually love listening to my old favorites when I’m feeling down. Give me 90’s pop music…Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, NSync, the music that made me smile when I was a teen. It always seems to lift me.
This is such a powerful and honest post. Music has helped me through more than I care to remember. It has been there when I was at my lowest and had no one else to talk to. I was able like you, to channel my anger and grief through it. I totally understand what you mean. I still use it and probably always will. I am so glad you found your happiness through musical theater!
Music can be great for all sorts of things. I am glad you figured out how to deal with your situation.
I really enjoy reading your posts there always so heartfelt and personal. Thanks for sharing your honest look at life.
Music is so powerful. Another beautiful and honestly written post. Anna you need to write a book x
I find that music has helped me so much too, it’s such a big part of my life! xo
Although I look at it a little more positively lol. I agree completely that music can smooth over rough patches. Sometimes I put my earbuds in and a song will even make me walk differently through the city streets. You can’t tell me that I am not moving fluidly or just as cool as any rock star or famous actress. I guess its like I have my own soundtrack to both the good and the bad. But I think I remember the good ones so much more than the bad ones. I have a song for when my hubby came back from Afghanistan, one that reminds me of our marathon in Paris, one that makes me smile because my baby brother used to JAM to it more than 20 years ago, one that reminds me that I am my own free spirit and several that I crank up in my car and roll back the sunroof when I’m chasing the sun. I have them all in a playlist that uplifts me when I need it. And they make me smile every time I hear them.
Music brings back so many memories for me…whether good or bad, like yours. Sometimes as soon as a certain song comes on, I can think of something that goes along with it.
Music is undoubtedly a wonderful outlet for things we go through. My taste in music have evolved as I went through different stages in my life. Theres a reason why people with brain injury use music therapy to rewire and help heal the brain. It is a natural therapeutic way to get through life.
I love how music has the ability to really connect with its audience and help people through some of the most difficult times. Lyrics are so powerful! xxx
Music improves visual & verbal skills, keeps an aging brain healthy, and makes you happier.
I love singing and music, there’s always a song which helps get me through whatever situation I’m in.
Ana I hate the shit you have put up with but so glad you realised you are worth so much more. I think music is important for an escape
Yes – it’s something that I hold dear tbh. I spend a lot of time in hospital, and listening to music whilst laid up saves my sanity.
I too find music therapeutic and use it for relaxation when I have had a really stressful day. It really helps me to unwind.
Thanks for the reminder about music and its healing power. It’s what I need right now, as I’m going through a dark period myself. I should listen to some tunes and get in my zone!
That’s great that you have a musical talent. I have none. I started taking piano when I was four only because my mom made me, but I don’t think I ever really had any musical talent lol….more like forced ability lol.
music is really very healing and gives one a outlet to all their emotions and feelings, how long can one bottle it up inside, there are many musical therapisits healing depression like diseases with music . great post as always and cheers
I love how music can do so much. My husband is a musician and music has always helped us get through different things. It’s also what attracted me to him at first!
A beautifully written post. My husband doesn’t ‘get’ the power of music, when we have the radio on and I say what does this remind you of he always looks at me blankly. But music holds much memories for me!
Music is still my way of getting away and escaping, it has really helped me through some tough times xx
This is a subject that’s so close to my heart. Music is my life, and the closest thing to a religion I have. It’s most definitely saved my sanity, if not my life.
I always think its incredible how listening and watching performances from live musicians can really lift a spirit.We are going watching our middle daughter playing in a concert tonight – just know I will be bursting with pride!
Music is such a great way to get you out of a funk! Def a mood changer
I love this post- you’re so right about how helpful music can be. It’s so therapeutic.
You’ve gone through a lot. I believe it’s not easy but I am glad that you made it. I agree that music really helps. It’s as if we are going to a different world when listening to it.
Music helped me through my depression back in 2014. I mostly think because I played instruments growing up that I appreciate music more and listen for more than just lyrics. To this day I still use music and other lifestyle changes to keep my depression at bay. Music is definitely my savor.
Music can mean so many different things to different people and with so many genres its a really great tool to relax or get out what you’re feeling! I was like you, I use to write lyrics when I felt a certain way and try to make up my own songs! Music definitely stays with us!
Music is so important to me, and certain songs have real memories behind them.
You’re such an inspiration to share your experience. The good, the bad, the ugly… Music can be really therapeutic. A bit of AC/DC always gets me through the tough times 🙂
This was a beautiful read! Music has definitely helped me too, but it didn’t make me gravitate towards performance. Instead, I was drawn to music journalism, and now I travel up and down the country meeting bands and talking to them about the joy of music.
It’s not as glamorous, but I’m still so grateful to be a part of this world, and to get to immerse myself in the creative process.
Great post! Love how honest you are in your posts!
Music is such a powerful tool, we can relate it to so much in our lives from the good to the bad. I find certain types really life my mood on duller days. Another powerful yet insight post lovely x
What a great, honest post! This is why the arts are so important and it breaks my heart that they’re being cut like they are. For many kids having a way to express themselves through music and theatre is so, so important. I wish the ‘budget makers’ could read this!!
Wow this is such a beautifully written and honest post. It’s amazing how healing music can be!
Music gets me through everything. Regardless of my mood, music just does it for me.
This is such an honest and open post. I’m so glad you found something to provide you with comfort and get you through those dark times. Music can be so powerful and healing xx
I admire your honesty and strength, it’s so amazing to see how far you have come – from what I gather from your posts and I am so happy to follow your journey on social media. Such a beautiful written post and I guess we all have something that helps us in need and when we fell down xx
I always have music playing in the background as I hate silence and I even listen listen to soothing music as I fall asleep and yes there are ceratin songs that I play at various times in my life so yes music certainly does help me
Music is an incredibly powerful way to touch people’s souls. We are a very musical family and it always amazes me the differences we all have in our music choices.
I love music….I mean who doesn’t? Music is life; it is the shortcut (and answers to problem, at times) to loving life. It helps you connect to sweetness. It’s helped me a lot. I listen to different music at different mood. Thanks for sharing your experience
It’s funny how much music can get us through, and how it can bring us together. I know that if I find someone who likes the same obscure bands I like, suddenly they’re my best friend. Music definitely got me through a lot of tough times.
Music has always been my best friend!
You have had such incredible hardships in your life, I am always amazed about how well adjusted you seem to be despite all of what you have had to go through. Music is an amazing thing always. And there is always a soundtrack to our lives. Probably why I love the film High Fidelity because it makes me think about all the music that was important to me during different times in my life.
Music has such a powerful way of saving you and getting you through so many situations. The power of music is undeniable. I’ve taken music therapy and it’s such a wonderful experience that I would recommend to any music lover as it gives you such a deep insight into the link between your emotions and music.
Music definitely heals. Trance has been my all time gives me enough drive to do techno stuff:)
An inspirational post. Thank you for sharing your life with us and how music has been a sanctuary for you. I agree the music you listen to defines who the person is.