Another Tomorrow
‘Dreaming of another tomorrow I stumble into a new world where hope exists,
No more children caught in the trap of injustice, no more bereft adults with empty stomachs,
I sit and ponder at the lake of social change where fish metamorphose into greedy politicians,
They sit with their hands rubbing in glee, pulling puppets left right and centre and bending them to their will,
Is there freedom? No they cry? Social absolution? Definitely not? Equality between men and women? Hell no. But the winds are changing and their plots are discovered, the people revolt-freedom for all they chant with their heads held high- against the greedy fish-men,
Plucked and trussed political overule is overturned, health care open to all, my dream of another tomorrow is here’
What if there was a world where social injustice did not exist and all that was left was a world full of compassion and wonder? Would there be war in a utopian vision? Would there be bloodshed and would there be dreams turned to ashes as the souls that dreamed a dream were dead and gone? I am dreaming of another tomorrow where the people we once loved and lost come back to us full of life, where the tears of orphaned children are frozen in time and where those filled with sadness experience happiness at last.
Each day I switch on the news, another person dead, another soul claimed and it makes me wonder. Is this the price we have to pay for being alive, a debt to the world we continue to destroy despite its lamentations? A life for a life some may say and who can blame them when we have feasted upon our own like the vultures feast upon its prey. When humanity first began was this really its plan, to attack their own like they eat breakfast? I am full of questions to those who continue to kill, to discriminate and throw hatred towards minority groups whose constant misfortune is initiated by the people they call neighbours, friends and family. It begs us to question who can we trust when the people we once called friends are the thorns in our sides, like vipers waiting to attack.
In a world centered around violence and greed I dream of another tomorrow where we can live in harmony and hold our cups in unison reminiscing over memories we shared and loved. There would be no segregation between races or religions or sexualities and in my vision all forms of love would be equal. When the LGBTQ community come under fire for being true to themselves I would stand with them and fight for their right to love. Because love is the most wonderful thing and no matter what age, race, gender, sexuality, identity or differences you may have we are all entitled to basking in its never ending glory. But it saddens me that there are still communities who ostracize those who are ‘different’ because the truth is they are one of us and the only difference they have is daring to challenge the social norm. And that is an ethos we should all hope to achieve.
I know that happiness cannot be in place overnight and that my dream of another tomorrow may never happen in my lifetime. But I do know one thing; there are many (including myself at times) who have ignored the plight of those in need and sometimes it is an unconscious reaction, with many of us blind to how we have treated those clamouring for help. It can be easily done, a homeless person pleading with their cup of small change, stomachs growling as they dream of another tomorrow where people don’t pass them by and turn up their noses at the poor persons suffering. What about that woman who suffered abuse because of the way she dressed, how many of you half agreed with what the men were saying and were judging her without knowing who she was? So many of us are guilty of ganging up on minority groups or not having the confidence or courage to speak up for others and that is ok. Because it is never too late to dream of another tomorrow where we embrace those we once vilified.
Let us break gender labels, shred cultural stereotypes and be more open minded about the people that share our breathing space. Reject dictatorship and media indoctrination and focus on becoming a better YOU. Appreciate the little things and give more time to those who need it the most. But most of all be the bigger person and be braver about what you believe in because the truth is there are many people like me and you who struggle to voice their opinion but are all thinking the same thing. The winds are changing and with that gust of wind comes a new dawn, no fighting or war is needed, only blissful silence as society moves in unison. So will you join me in fighting for a better world governed by peace and gratitude? Will you fight back against the bullies who made your life a living hell? And will you be more honest from now on without fear of judgement or misrule? Let us finish the dream of another tomorrow and create a legacy that our children& grandchildren can be proud of.
Are You Dreaming Of Another Tomorrow Or Is A Utopian Vision Just Wishful Thinking?
Photographer: Jumanna Khanom
Tutu Midi Skirt: Lydia Bright
Heels: Primark
Bag: Lollipop
Jumper: Amazon
Sunglasses: Quay Australia
I am always dreaming of another tomorrow, I think the day we stop dreaming is the day we lose hope. You look AMAZING here, that skirt and those shoes are just stunning!