Ever since I was a young girl, I have been dreaming of a better smile. The imperfect smile that I see before me would be transformed into a smile that radiated a ‘pearly white glow’ and I would no longer be hounded with memories of being ‘nicknamed Bugs Bunny’. You see growing up I would be called names and made fun of, because I didn’t have that perfect Hollywood smile and for years this affected the way I would pose in photos. I wouldn’t smile because I was worried about ‘having an imperfect smile on camera’ and would gaze in envy at the model esque types who would shimmy past me, effortlessly flawless everytime they flashed their pearly whites. I wished with all my heart that I could afford cosmetic dentistry to ‘fix my teeth’ so that I wouldn’t be haunted by the memories of childhood bullying and even today as an adult, I am still self conscious of my smile.
When I go on dates, I worry that the ‘image that they see online’ might be different to what they see in person, because I know that in reality I am ‘gawky and socially awkward’. But over time I have come to accept my imperfect smile and you might have noticed that I am starting to smile more in photos, especially ones taken in more candid shots like selfies, because I have enforced a newer, more positive mindset about life and the way that I view myself. I am never going to be a ‘conventional beauty’ but that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t appreciate what I have been given. So you might be wondering as to where this leaves me in relation to the quest for a better smile? There is more to this story then you know and my journey to accepting myself for who I am and the dentistry I have had in the past, is something that I would like to chronicle further in future posts. But I will tell you this, my teeth might not be a dazzling shade of white and I might have a ‘crooked smile’ but there is always beauty in imperfection.
On the other hand, I do still struggle with overcoming my fear of being photographed or videoed, which is why you might notice that it is very rare that I will post videos of myself on Insta stories or social, because I control every aspect of how I appear online. When I am at my most happiest and laughing with complete abandon I almost shudder at the faces I pull and grimace at the fact that I am never going to be one of those people who look ‘effortless when they laugh’, but somehow I almost think that having crooked teeth, is something that still makes me self-conscious. But that’s ok, we are all entitled to our own insecurities and because my journey of positive thinking and exploring ways that I can show myself ‘self-love’ is still new, I know that there is still going to be moments where I will compare myself to others or feel self-conscious about the flaws that I do have.
For a long time I considered having cosmetic dentistry done, but unlike the ‘elites ‘ that went to my school, I didn’t have pockets lined with cash to make my dream of a better smile come true. As a child, when I was too young to know any better, I had braces fitted and a few teeth removed, (that had created overcrowding in my mouth) and was so pleased when a ‘straight, un-crooked smile’ looked back at me. But within six months, several of my teeth had become crooked once more and I became painfully shy about smiling , especially when bullies would point it out mercilessly. In a way having my teeth reverting to ‘Pre-brace Ana’ was my fault as I didn’t consistently wear the retainer and obtain the aftercare that was needed to keep my teeth straight, so on one level I do wish that I had been more responsible as a young girl. Then again everything happens for a reason and there was a moral at the end of the story; having an imperfect smile taught me to not ‘hate’ what I had been given but to be more responsible and wise about the decisions I made later in life.
Over the years I have thought about various cosmetic dentistry procedures like ‘teeth whitening’, porcelain veneers and even desired ‘invisible braces’ like invisalign, all of which I believed would help me get the better smile that I had always dreamed of having. Which is where Harley Street Clinic comes in; not only do they offer you free consultations that can determine what ‘dental work’ would be the best fit for your mouth, but they also give you a fee estimate of the time needed to achieve your dream of a better smile and even estimate all the costs, before you have your first appointment. When I was researching different dental procedures, I was most set on Invisalign, which were invisible braces that would not only include a complimentary tooth whitening procedure but would also use a 3D scan to create invisible aligners that would take you one step closer to your perfect smile. However at £1,200 + I am not in a financial position to be able to afford a ‘straight up payment’, so I have considered a more budget friendly payment option, where I could pay in monthly installments.
While I am open to other cosmetic dentistry procedures, it wasn’t until I came across Harley Street Clinic, that I realized that options like ‘porcelain veneers’ or ‘gum sculpting’ could all help me achieve a better smile too. I was drawn to porcelain veneers because it was a ‘quick dental procedure’ that would help you get ‘straight teeth’ without having to wear braces and that seemed like a very attractive concept to me I have to admit. I was worried that ‘ a quick fix treatment’ would only have temporary results, but according to my sources, I have found that 85% of patients are happier with their smiles, post veneers.
So how does it work? With you only having to go to ‘two pain free appointments’, with each appointment lasting on average for 90 minutes, the teeth are all whitened so that you have a dazzling smile in no time at all. While I am still exploring my options, I know that having a better smile will give me the confidence to smile (and laugh) a lot more in photos and videos and give me the confidence boost that I need to feel good once more. But for now, me and my ‘imperfect smile’ no longer give a f**k about what other people think, only I have the grounds to decide how I do or do not want to look. Amen.
Have You Ever Had Cosmetic Dentistry Done Before?
Please note this is a sponsored posts but all thoughts are my own. I have also been researching dental clinics prior to this sponsorship and will continue to research treatments that can help me feel less self-conscious and improve the condition of my smile.
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Aimee Bradley says
I’m the same. I had braces for 4 years and didn’t wear the retainer properly so I’m back to pre brave aimee. I don’t hate my teeth as much as I did as I’m learning to live with them. I have considered teeth procedures but price is a big thing for me.
Natalie Redman says
Great post. My teeth have been grinded down due to doing it in my sleep and I can no longer tear cellotape with my teeth. It’s really embarrassing :l
Kayleigh Rose says
I’ve never had cosmetic dentistry, i’m terrified of the dentist so stay away as much as i can! Haha!
Lynne Harper says
I haven’t as yet but it’s been something I have been considering for a long time. My top row are perfect my bottom row are far from it. Misshapen teeth, my middle tooth is bigger than the others which I hate. It makes me so self conscious as well x
Sarah Bailey says
My teeth are a bit a nightmare, I did have a lot of orthodontic work as a teen as my whole jaw was out of place and they then straightened my teeth a little, I still don’t really like them though.
Linda says
I wouldn’t be brave enough for cosmetic dentistry and I have always had trouble with really sensitive teeth and TMJD but I agree it does make an enormous difference to someone’s self confidence. I do notice other people’s teeth but I have to say yours have always looked fine to me.
Rose says
I am self conscious about my teeth but it is what it is at this point. My oldest even got braces and my youngest may need them but, I’m not going to bother now. Good luck on your journey and if it makes you feel better then that’s all that matters.
Angela Milnes says
oh I wish I could get veneers. My teeth are horrible and it would be great to have a nice smile again. I do think about it from time to time but it is a cost I can’t afford just now. Maybe in the future or if I get a chance to review. 🙂 Angela
Melanie williams says
You look great as always. I have not had cosmetic dental works, but would consider teeth whitening x
Joan Cajic says
Never had cosmetic dentistry but I still have that thought of maybe I could use some help and I’ve been checking some out and would really love some whitening done. The only problem I have is I’ve heard horror stories about dentists and how painful filling in teeth and all is, but until I find that I really have to do something drastic, I will stick to all the toothpaste I can find, love me and accept for now.
Amber Myers says
I would so do cosmetic dentistry if I could afford it! I have crooked teeth because I didn’t wear my retainer. Shame on me :/ I regret it now. If I could afford it, I’d so get shiny, white teeth!
Starlight and Stories says
It’s great that these options are out there, I am for anything that makes us feel more confident. You are however truly beautiful just as you are.
Sheri says
Smiling is such a big part of our laugh, including laughter and I have a friend who is so self-conscious about her teeth that she never gets to really laugh and express herself. We are all conscientious about something.
Jessica Taylor says
The only big issue I have is this dang overbite. It isn’t horrible, but I’d love to fix it if I had the money
Jeanette Radmall says
You are so beautiful! My husband is a dentist and likes the methods you posted about! Your smile is lovely no matter what!
Cassie Mayers says
I have never really liked my teeth. Im not sure how I would fix it with a fear of the dentist though.
Tori says
I had two sets of braces but am definitely self conscious about my chipped front teeth. This is really useful information about the different options out there. Thanks for sharing.
Cristina says
Your smile is absolutely lovely! I’ve not considered any cosmetic changes to my teeth but will keep in mind for future
Leigh at Fashion Du Jour LDN says
I must admit to considering cosmetic dentistry and still do, as yup, I was called “Bugs Bunny” for my big teeth…but I like them in the whole. I do think I need a cosmetic tweak to make me happier, but Invisalign looks the best, non-invasive way for me!
Thanks for sharing!
Leigh at Fashion Du Jour LDN x
Dee Jackson says
I haven’t had dental surgery before. I do have other insecurities though which get in the way of me being comfy before video but I am stepping into the spotlight this year.
Folakemi says
You look absolutely gorgeous your smile is beautiful regardless. I haven’t had any cosmetic dentistry I’m happy with my teeth even though they aren’t perfect!
Jennifer G says
OH MY LANTA! I have so many dental issues that make me crazy. I want straighter teeth so bad.
Kara Guppy says
I hate the dentist so not cosmetic dentistry is for me – its bad enough going to see them annually
Blair villanueva says
I haven’t done any cosmetic dentistry, but I remember before I reach 12, my Mom sent me to a family dentist to fix my teeth. I remember having a 4 teeth in a session and to be honest it feels good. So when we reach our teenage years, no one have wear braces.
Hahaha i know, Asian Moms are sometimes cruel 😀
Rhian Westbury says
I’ve never had cosmetic dentistry but due to having my brace on really young I do think my teeth moved a lot so they’re not all quite as straight as I’d like so I’d be keen to have something done at some point x
Mayuri Saxena says
You are so beautiful and brave! For me getting any dental procedure is like going in a war and I hate it. I am glad that you mentioned that there is a “pain-free” option too. Let me find a cosmetic dentist in my area too.
Lauretta at Home and Horizon says
Everything has become so advanced nowadays. Cosmetic Dentistry is one of those developments. I have never done it though.
Amy says
I have never had cosmetic dentistry before but I would love to use a teeth whitening kit at some point. x
Ali || Veggies by Candlelight says
I had regular braces and then Invisalign because I didn’t wear my retainers. But now I wear them. I would like to get my teeth whitened.
kirsty says
I never even realised you had a crooked 2 front teeth until you mentioned it which goes to show I don’t look at the flaws in people. I had a terrible time with my teeth as a child as my 2 baby front teeth didn’t develop properly so I needed a brace at the age of 6 to push them forward and another brace at 13 to straighten them out. The veener process would have been much better I think rather than the pain of braces.
Baby Isabella says
Celebrities had porcelain veneers and my mummy would love to have that quick fix – but there is a price for it. Maybe she could save up and have them done 🙂 We like the way you smile x
Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes says
You have a beautiful smile! I totally agree only you have the right to decide how you want to look. Great that you’re doing plenty of research 🙂
Nichola - Globalmouse says
I think your smile looks beautiful, I would like to have my teeth whitened thoguh and I think my older son is going to need some work done so it’s good to read this.
Emily Leary says
Being confident with your smile is such an important thing so I hope you manage to find a treatment that suits you!
Agentszerozerosetter says
I find your smile so beautiful and white, love it! I am obsessed with my teeth… They never look white enough at my eyes, maybe is just me… Ahahah! Currently I only do a whitening professional treatment/year, can’t wait to repeat it in April!
Hannah says
90 minutes isn’t too bad! Definitely something I would consider x
Annie B says
I have two slightly crooked teeth at the front, and I was in a Colgate commercial – so you start to think actually it makes us unique. Like you I’ve always thought of getting them straightened though it’s just so expensive
Oyinkan Ogunleye says
I haven’t had cosmetic surgery but braces have been suggested as a kid before. Times have evolved and there are many options now.
Ali Rost says
Isn’t it crazy how expensive dental (anything) is? When my daughter needed braces I gulped more than a few times at the cost. The cool thing is, it’s never too late. A true story: when my stepmom was 52 years old, she told me she was getting braces. I couldn’t believe it. We call those years the soup years because it’s pretty much all she ate. Now her teeth are straight and she smiles all of the time! x
a says
Braces are the worst. I had mine for 6 years because I had a terrible orthodontist. I love the outfit, BTW!
Kiwi says
I contemplate sometimes too to get cosmetic dentistry done. I have a gap and I would like to close it with veneers but I am not sure still.
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen says
I think you have a beautiful smile. I’ve never been confident smiling showing my teeth because I don’t think I look good when I do.
Hannah says
When i was younger i used to have braces on my teeth. Im much more happier with the way they look now. My mom used to pressure me to have them whitened too, but i wasnt too bothered about the color of them as i was happy as they were
Michelle says
I have a gap in my teeth that has just appeared and I think I may have to get braces.
Jennifer L says
It’s sad how bullying can have lasting effects on us and even though we’ve grown strong, those lingering moments can filter sometimes. I’m proud of you for dismissing the voices and old haunts and feeling more comfortable smiling. I’ve also thought of fixing a bottom tooth that’s crooked and my teeth don’t naturally sit but at the end of the day. I’m happy with my smile.
David Elliott says
I have thought about having cosmetic dentistry done before. I have had friends who have done it and liked the process. Although 1200 does sound a bit much, even if it’s for really good work. Then again most dental work is expensive. I do have to say this. I think your smile is amazing and beautiful. And it’s you. I bet you have the most amazing laugh to go with it. I always say this about anything you want to do for yourself. If it makes you feel better then definitely do it. But I think you are amazing just as you are.
Jenni says
I haven’t had cosmetic dentistry before but if I could afford it I would do, I have enamel damage that i wiuld love to cover/amend x
Wanda Lopez says
I wore braces when I was a teenager and have been considering teeth whitening. Your smile looks great. One of my kids had braces already and the other one is next.
Hannah says
Oh Ana I think you have a lovely smile! I had braces when I was younger too and it was the best feeling having them taken off!
Dannii says
I have never liked my smile, which is why I don’t show my teeth when I smile. I have so many different types of braces when I was young.
Louise says
I hate my smile, but I can’t afford cosmetic dentistry. I would love to get them sorted one day, though. And just to let you know, I’ve always thought you have beautiful teeth 🙂
Louise x
Kim says
I have not had cosmetic dentistry, but I do make it a point to visit my dentist regularly. Congrats… you got some great results!
Gerome of G&D Blog says
I love my smile. Not perfect (not that white), crooked, but it gives me something vibrant to my face. If you’re following my blog, I recently tried a teeth-whitening system, and its working so far. Everyone’s wanting to have beautiful set of teeth, but at this point, we need to see if we can afford it or if we can invest on it.
Lisa says
Love your smile and your outfit. Your boots are AMAZING. The color of you hat and cardigan make your smile pop that much more.
Laura Dove says
I think you have a beautiful smile Ana! I have always been lucky to have very straight teeth but I have noticed they aren’t as white as they used to be. I’d love to have them professionally whitened!
TheWelbeck Clinic says
Thanks for sharing such a valuable information i will share it