It seems like only yesterday that I started blogging; becoming a blogger was an unfulfilled dream of mine that I knew would be the stepping stone to a bigger and brighter future. Sure I was academic and book smart but I knew that I was creative too and I wanted to share that passion with the whole world. What started as a personal style blog evolved into so much more and for many readers it became an honest haven where they could be free to be themselves without judgement or condemnation. As I broadened my content, my role as a fashion blogger developed and I became a fully fledged writer who was confident enough to share her vision, her passion but most of all her story with the world. Yes I could put an outfit together, critique articles and write essays but what else could I do? I used to write diaries as a child but stopped half way through my teens because people would read my stories and it made me feel vulnerable and exposed. Yet when I started blogging I realized that what I had been through past, present and future might help another reader to find the strength and courage to be themselves.
So I did it, I wrote personal diary entries alongside my fashion and lifestyle content and it proved to be wildly popular. My personal diaries ranged from detailing my struggles with depression and anxiety to having the confidence to live out my dreams when I had lived much of my life with fear. While I might have held back as a child, now as a twenty three year old adult I had nothing to lose and the whole world was going to know it. I was abused as a child by my step mum, bullied as a child right through to adulthood and had crippling perception of self that led to a disorder known as body dysmorphia, something I struggled with for a while but never acknowledged until recently. Starting a blog was honestly the best decision I ever could have made and not only has it shown me how much I have been through but it opened my eyes to a new world of creativity where other talented writers and visual artists come together in perfect harmony.
Blogging made me realize how difficult running my own business was but everyday there was a new reward waiting to be claimed and I loved it. I loved the freedom, I loved the creativity and above all I loved the community. They say that blogging is a cut-throat industry and to some extent they are right. I had trolls send me horrible messages on social media and on my blog but I never paid them any mind, they were just keyboard warriors after all and couldn’t hurt me. But some went for the kill, bloggers that I knew in groups came for me because they were hungry for their next kill. I was told my content was rubbish and that they didn’t like it, I shouldn’t have let it bother me but it did. It bothered me because these people to my face had been sweet as pie but decided I was no longer worth their praise and decided to turn the other cheek. It was upsetting but there was light in the darkness; I found a community who would bend over backwards to help you make it in the industry, I found love and hope during dark days and a sense of unison that would seem forced if it wasn’t so obviously real.
Blogging was more than just an occupation or a hobby, it was my life and something regardless of monetary credit that I would do for the ‘love of loving’ and not the ‘love of money’. By day I do a job that I dislike because it pays the bills but in the quiet hollows of the night where the world is still I hear the tip-tap of the keyboard as I pummel it with my passionate words, imprinting my message in every sentence. Tomorrow will be a new day and back to work I go but for now my keyboard remains attached to my fingers, bleeding out creativity like its my very lifeblood. And in a way it is, without blogging I don’t know if I would still be here. When I was sick during my third year of university I felt low and weak, too tired to go on, even after I had graduated with a fantastic BA degree. Starting a blog was not a passion but a necessity and slowly I watched myself rise from the ashes like a Phoenix and it was magical.
In August I celebrated my first year as a blogger and the floodgates opened. So much had happened in one year that this will be the one year that I will remember for the rest of my life. I graduated, won two awards for my blog, lost two angels, met best blogger buddies and continued to live out my dreams without being told what to do. There was the good, the bad and the ugly but I never gave up on my blog, even when others had lost their confidence in me. I was never a quitter and I wasn’t planning to be now even if the odds were stacked against me. But something changed, I began to lose my passion and instead of enjoying my blog I would get frustrated. I wasn’t necessarily churning out content that I wasn’t happy with and in fact my posts were better than ever, it was something I had grappled with from the beginning and it was becoming far more evident as time went on.
But what happened? Tune in Next Week to find out.
Shop The Look
It makes me smile when I read that bloggers keep on going even when all odds are against them 🙂 Keep doing your thang girl <3
I love how you share personal stories with your outfit posts – it makes your blog so much more than just fashion, it’s a real insight into your world!
Blogging is such a challenge but a rewarding one. I am so sorry you have had trolls. We all get disillusioned on times. Looking forward to the next instalment.
Ana! This is SO powerful! I am very much sharing this. Sometimes as bloggers we second guess ourselves and you made it through that. You blogged about struggles alongside what you normally do and that gives me so much courage to do the same! Thank you for this post!
I totally feel you. It’s crazy how writing can help release all of those emotions we have been holding up. Many people spend a lot of time doing jobs that they don’t enjoy and hinder creativity. I feel like that is why so many people are unhappy, we are born to be creative! Then life stomps it out of us, resulting in unhappy adults. I’m glad you found this outlet to be creative, I feel very similar to you although our circumstances are not the same. I come and go with my blog (not the best strategy) because similar to you, the blogging would can be really mean and sad. I shouldn’t let it get to me, but it does sometimes.
I’m also the first to admit that I love freedom! I don’t know how… but in the future I will make myself financial independent when it comes to my blog/website etc. [Social Media]
I love that you’ve widened your blog from fashion to make it so very personal! Keep going!
It’s so good that blogging actually has in a way become your therapy. People can be vicious in blogging especially now the community has changed before it used to be super supportive but now it’s a mix bagged of what you can get but I’m glad you’re not letting the keyboard warriors get to you! x
I don’t understand after reading someones posts like yours people can be so mean, i love your blog and i think you are brave writing about your personal experiences and more so for carrying on despite the difficult times. Looking forward to reading more.
I love the look! The clutch is so pretty too!
Abby of Life in the Fash Lane
Ana you have travelled such a long way in your journey of life and you are living proof that nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. x
You have come a long way in just a year, I didn’t realise you had been blogging for that short a time. Your blog is very unique I haven’t seen anything like it at all and your writing is fantastic. Keep up the great work 😉
I’ve been reading your blog the whole time, I can’t believe you’ve been blogging only a year. I need to read your next post now!
I love that coat. So pretty. Blogging can be very hard, but the rewards are worth it.
Can’t wait to read about your exciting news Anna! I’m sorry you had bad experiences from trolls and bloggers. Sadly, bloggers can be petty, but to be fair though, most of them (us) are really lovely and supportive 🙂 Even though I don’t know your news yet, happy that you have a good one to share! ) xx
Another fab story to accompany another gorgeous outfit! I need that metallic dress in my life. I agree…change is very good….staying the same sucks the life out of you (well, at least I think so!).
A combination of fashion and personal stories is a winner. I always love a personal touch, which makes your blog unique and inspiring. It’s sad that you had nasty experiences with some nasty bloggers. I guess that’s inevitable, and clearly those people are keyboard bullies.
And if I may mention, the ring you’re wearing is sooo cute.
I know all too well how frustrating blogging can be and how you’re under the spotlight constantly when you talk about issues that are not sunshine and roses. I too have faced negativity, as far as hate mail and threats where the police were involved. I admit a large % of bloggers don’t interact with me but I have learned that sharing my own experiences, like you help so many others out there and that’s what keeps me going. You are extremely talented and I for one am honoured to call you a blogging friend. Keep doing what you are doing.
Blogger is no different than any other profession. It has its ups and downs. It’s the fun we have on the ride that makes it all worth it!
Loved this honest post! Your blog has done so well in such a short time! x
That is one of the most inspirational posts you have written. Fortune rewards the brave and you are one of the bravest people I know. I’m proud of being your friend and share this amazing journey with you. I know that one day all your dreams will come true because you made it happened by yourself. Love you buddy.
I love that you knew there was more out there for you! I’m excited to find out what adventure lies ahead of you! This is a great teaser post for what’s to come. Loving this outfit, too!
Very inspiring post! I think it’s awesome you mixed your personal stuff in with your fashion posts. I do something similar. It’s great to see it works for you.
I can’t believe some bloggers turned on you because they didn’t like what you wrote. Ignore all the haters, their just not worth your time. You keep doing what makes you happy. I love your blog and I think you are an amazing writer x
Congratulations on your BA, your Blogging anniversary and on keeping going. It will be an interesting story to follow through
I can so relate to this post.I too meet bloggers who once thought was my friends but it turned out they were talking negative about me. Ive learned to follow my passion and blog to the best of my ability in my own special way.Looking forward to your reveal :):)
I love your story about how you started. The downs of blogging get to me too but I celebrate the little advances that I make.
I am truly happy that you found a forum that helped you conquer your past and can now help someone else who might be going through the same.
I enjoy your writing and how you incorporate yourself into your blog
I have done quite a few things online, job-wise, but blogging has always been my passion. I get to express myself and earn money for my thoughts and experiences. It really is a great profession!
Genuinely curious as to what happened, and what happened next.
You have a great smile and I really like that dress. I used to write in a diary throughout most of my years in secondary school so I guess the transition from that to my blog also made sense.
Blogging is sooo much harder than anyone can imagine! And you look amazing in that outfit 🙂
The past few year’s I’ve been trying to embrace change rather than being scared of it, as you said change is good. Sorry to hear what you’ve experienced with other bloggers x
So great that your blog has provided you with this outlet to explore who you are. Love the pictures as always.
Beautiful story Ana…ignore the haters and embrace the ones that love your content! I see you switched to wordpress….I am still on blogger..ugg. ha..afraid to make the switch as WP is not so friendly for the techy challenged!
Glad to hear you are carrying on…keep up the good work!
you are without a doubt the most innovative and interesting fashion blogger around. I love how you use your stories, your experiences, and fashion in such a connective way. Being brave and standing out of the crowd is essential for blogging success. I am not surprised, that you are successful. Blessings!
Blogging is a tough world – no doubt about it. Fashion is too. Super cut-throat. But, you just gotta keep being tough and carry on!
Change is always good! I love your headband so much. 🙂
I always love to read your posts. Your writing is page turning and obviously the images/outfits are fantastic. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more!
I love your word for trolls. Keyboard warriors and they can’t hurt you. Blogging like in life can be cruel but when you do find that community it is so amazing. You have such a beautiful way with words and I very much look forward to your posts!
You need to keep doing your own thing and stop worrying about what other people think. Because in the long run, it won’t matter one bit.
As always, impeccable outfit and writing. All change is good, especially if it comes from within. It makes us grow as individuals wether it’s good or not
Blogging is, indeed, worth all the bumps and obstacles we face. The rewards are immense and I am so glad you found your place in the blogging world. Continue to grow and change!
This was a great post, thank you! I also love the necklace with your outfit – so cute!
My blogging partner and I are always saying that we found us when we found our blog. I love that you’ve put it into words 😉 blogging is awesome for so many reasons!
I have been blogging for nearly five years now and there are definitely ups and downs. Times when I wanted to throw in the towel and times when I absolutely loved blogging!
When I first started visiting your blog, I honestly thought you’ve been blogging for more than a year. You write really well and you’re extremely talented! It’s been a long journey for you and i’m glad that you never gave up despite the challenges.
It’s great that you’ve been able to turn this journey into a haven of creativity and love. Sharing what you just did is not an easy thing to do, and most people won’t do it. That took a lot of guts, and I can’t wait to read the rest.
I am not sure if I love your writing, your sense of style or your photography the most. I love the metallic color on you and the bag is cute too.
Thank you for sharing your story. It’s hard to be so open about difficulties, but it can make such a difference for others. I’m glad you kept going and didn’t let the trolls stop you.
I think sharing personal stories is what makes blogs sow interesting to read.
Blogging is such a wonderful platform for creativity, isn’t it. People are only going to read our blogs if they want to, so we’re free to express ourselves as we see fit. I love it! Here’s to another successful year for you!
It’s so good that blogging has helped you become the person you are today and given you the confidence in yourself x
I think you have obviously been meeting the wrong bloggers Ana, all the ones I see regularly are just absolutely lovely x
Ana I’m honestly happy for you to feel so fulfilled! 🙂 Of course everyone has low periods… get negative feedback… but the Show Most Go On!! 🙂
I LOVE the dress… but I couldn’t find the exact same on the linked page. Hope will find a very similar one 😉
Congratulations on your first year in the blogosphere. Keep it up!
Congrats on your first year in blogging. I love the gold dress. xx
I am dying for your outfit!!! I also loved reading your blogging journey…. I just started, s o hearing someone else’s insights and stories always help me
Congratulations, what’s life without the trials and the joys?! Love that necklace you’ve got on, btw.
Lovely and honest post – I loved reading about your blogging experiences and journey.
Blogging has become pretty competitive. I do long for the early years when I used to blog in the early 2000’s – it was all about the community at that point, not really the business side of things. It is something that I love though, so even though there are trolls, I keep going forward, and you will too!
What a gorgeous outfit!
And you’re right: change IS good.
I can really relate myself with you.. although we blog in a different niche, we still have the same purpose when it comes to blogging…. Change is indeed the only constant thing in this world and it is really good to adapt with this changes as it make us evolve not just as a blogger alone but also as a person..
I really love how you merge your personal journeys with fashion and lifestyle.. find it so unique!
Its great to read your blogging journey again. Brilliant that you didn’t give up when things were harrowing.Getting through the tough times make the rewards all the more fruitful. Love the outfit!. Take care x
A change is good :)I love being a blogger and how creative it has made me. I wonder how I filled my days before blogging !? Love your outfit Ana and that necklace is gorgeous :):)
Keep doing your thing! It’s incredible what you have achieved and your blog is great. 🙂
I, too, had a job I disliked. Writing is my firm of therapy. We are a lot alike. got me! I want to know what happened! Happy blog-a-versary! Blogging is one of the best things I ever did 🙂 Love your outfit,!
I’ve loved watching your blog grow over the last y ear! I think you are amazing for sharing so many vulnerable parts of yourself- that takes strength and courage to reach out to others living the same way. I always look forward to seeing the amazing street art you include in each post! Keep going!!
When I started blogging it was same with me.SO many thngs which were stopping me and incorrging me.But am glad i didt give up
Congratulations on all of your blogging accomplishments. It’s amazing how many wonderful things happen when you put time into your passions!
Isn’t it amazing how blogging turns into a great platform to express ourselves and let our voice be heard? I always admire your authenticity and your honesty. You inspired your readers, Ana.
These are all reasons why so many people stop doing what they love. Great inspiration here!! Love the look too, perfect for the holidays!
Congrats Ana! I can certainly relate to blogging being first and foremost a creative outlet. Earning extra on the side is just icing on the cake so to speak 🙂 And there’s really nothing like a blog to remind you that time flies eh? Can’t wait to hear about what happens next. Only great things from here.
I think you have a great blog! I love reading it for sure!
It is so much fun to be able to blog. Blogging has opened up so many doors for us, it is amazing how much of an outlet it can be.
Blogging can be tough. I think that you can find a way to share your fashion and yourself as separate things in your writing.
Wow, this hit me right in the feels. And this is what I actually always tell people…. That change is something we shouldn’t be scared of, because it is good for us, and it’s only for the better. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂
Your story is very good. Your outfit looks so classy and the accessories are very pretty..
I have always enjoyed your blog. The images are interesting and the outfits well put together but, for me, the words have always carried the most weight. I always look forward to reading your posts, they are honest, moving and relevant.
I have followed your blog, and admire you from the start, I hope whatever it is doesn’t stop you lovely. Kaz x
Thank you for sharing this with us. And well done for keeping going despite hard times. It’s important to try and muddle through. Keep up the great work.
I love articles about why bloggers started and keep up their blog. Everyone writes for different reasons, but it’s such a common thing to find a good community from having a blog.
I’ve always liked how you’ve written your posts. I have had trolls this year too 🙁 looking forward to reading what happened next x
I think we all go through ups and downs with blogging – some weeks are better than others, but if it’s what you enjoy I say stick with it!
It’s always great reading your posts. I am so glad you started blogging and that you have already won two awards. Well done, you!
I honestly love your blog, and I’m so glad it has helped you so much. I love that you combine beautiful outfit photography with raw, honest writing. It’s amazing, you are so talented.xx
I couldn’t agree more that change is good! Proud of you girl that you already won two awards. Good to know that you’re doing what you love.
loved the honest post!! So glad that you found your passion in blogging! Your outfit looks amazing! That metallic dress though!
Congrats on following your dreams of being a blogger. Your photos are beautiful.
I love that blogging has helped you so much. I know blogging for me has really helped as well. 🙂 I am glad to be someone who regularly reads your thoughts here 🙂 Keep it up!
Keep doing what you doing and loving. In the past before blogging grow up I write more personality but right now I write liefstyle, beauty, fashion (sometimes personality)
Beautiful outfit for going uit of party
It’s a shame you’ve encountered so many negative people, I can’t understand what they hope to gain from being so nasty all the time! It’s amazing how blogging can change your life – I’ve been blogging for a year now and can’t remember what it was like before anymore! 🙂
I love reading your blog, whether it is fashion or your honest hearfelt personal thoughts, dreams and tragedies. Keep up all your hard work, it really is paying off and you are reaping all the rewards you deserve. Can’t wait for your next post!!
This is such an inspiring story. I have also found great comfort and fulfillment in blogging and met some wonderful people. Great article.
What an inspiring story, your blog has done really well in such a short space of time x
Thank you so much, I am so happy with what I have achieved so far and it has all been through hard work and support from you guys 🙂
Ana.. all i can say is thank you! I have been thinking of quitting blogging altogether because I have had no yield from it as of yet but reading your post is making me stay strong and continue it!
You definitely are amazing xx
Aw hun, so sorry to hear that you feel like that, it is a real shame, you should not quit because you have far more to offer! Stay strong lovely xxx
I really like reading your posts, it’s more than just clothes and fashion. Your pictures and outfits are all so beautiful too.
Absolutely gorgeous photos – and don’t let blogging get you down, everyone has been there! The best thing to do is just take a breather and then jump back in!
It sounds like an absolutely amazing year! You have really accomplished a lot. I love your beautiful pictures too!!
I love your blogging style. Sorry to hear you have had bad experiences with trolls and other bloggers, unfortunately haters gonna hate. But who gives a toss, look how far you have come 🙂 x
It’s important not to give up especially if you have found your passion – a way how you can impress yourself and enjoy life at the same time. There are always people who doesn’t appreciate what you are doing but that’s their lost.
I am such a big fan of your style. It is very classy even though you have very unique style. But the way you share snippets from life makes your blog very relatable. Wish you all the success dear.
I’m sorry for what you had to go through when you were younger, but it looks like things are going better now, and I’m glad to see that. My mom was abusive too, and it has messed so much with me. Keeping a diary (online on my blog as well as a more personal one offline) and going to therapy is helping me deal with, and I’m glad to say things are going better for me as well right now.
And I must say, I love reading your blog posts, they’re usually very personal and I like that. Looking forward to read the rest in next week’s article 🙂
Blogging can be such a challenge if you’re not prepared. It’s kind of like skydiving without a parachute. However, I’ve learned to take risks because of blogging. It’s a weird cycle.
PS: love your dress.
Congrats on so many achievements hun! You have doing such a great job.
xx, Kusum |
I can’t wait to hear what’s happening! Love your outfit by the way.
Congrats! I’m eager to hear what your news is! I’ve been blogging for a few years now and I love it so much!
I 100% agree with you. I don’t blog for the money (if not I would have given up already), it’s definitely a way to release and grow.
I am glad that things are looking up for you. I find blogging is a great release, especialy when you’re talking about personal things.
I love reading your blog Ana , I feel with each post I get to know a little bit more about you! xx
I have always loved how your posts are not just about fashion, but are also a diary. Good for you for not feeding the trolls (they are everywhere and ALWAYS hungry). Congratulations on your accomplishments and here is to many more years of blogging.
I salute you Ana, you have showed such determination despite the struggles. And you look fantastic.
Yay you!!!! So awesome when things go your way! I swear the older I get, the less I worry about what others think
I love reading your blog. I know some people come on your blog and dont read a word they just see your beautiful smile and amazing style and bypass your words. Your words are honest and more and more I see deeper into your life and I am sorry for the abuse you went through that traumatized you. Look forward to hearing the rest of this…I get blogger burn out every other month so I can relate.
Thank you hun that honestly means a lot because while the photography might be good I want people to read what I have written too. Visuals help us to see what lies beneath and yes blogger burn out is definitely a common thing. Sometimes we don’t know when to stop!
You have done so fantastically well with your blog and your own personal growth. Don’t worry what other bloggers think, it’s your readers that count and they clearly love you. As always super stunning photos!
I love that you have pushed forward. Love to see where you go next.
Love this post! Your blog is fantastic and its clear from your posts all the time, effort and passion that goes in to all of your posts! xx
love this outfit Anna, I am really interested how the story ends 🙂 you left me curious 🙂
Love the new layout! Great that blogging has really changed your life and it seems to be progressing really quickly to me!
Change is definitely good thing! Love your seasonal look ! R
Love your outfit and I also seriously love your posts. I love the fashion element but I love getting to know the real you too. So many of your posts have helped me and have been so relevant to my life. Keep doing what you’re doing. You are definitely helping so many others.
Writing is a hard thing sometimes, but so incredibly worth it.
Thank you so much for sharing this journey, as hard as it has been, with us. It’s inspiring to hear.
A big fan of your outfits!However what you’ve said covers a lot of frustration a blogger regularly faces. It is hardly the easy life people make it out to be and its definitely great to have people like you around who reaffirm that what we do is relevant and worth it on some level 🙂 Keep up the great work!
Those are some amazing achievements in your first year of blogging – well done 🙂
Oh I need to read what happened next in your amazing blogging journey. You have came so far in your first year as a blogger x
Love this look!
So many thoughts as I read through your post. When awful things are happening around or to us .. it’s so easy to think we’re all alone and it’s never happened to anyone else before. You’ve taken some truly unfortunate circumstances and are using them for good. I guarantee you there are people who’ve read your blog for whom your words have hit home. Thank-you for being brave and sharing parts of yourself. You just never know what will happen when you throw a pebble into the water ..