Its July 20th 2015 and as I collect my degree I look at the hordes of people waiting in the wings, clapping and cheering. But I don’t feel elated, I feel broken inside and the cheers ring false in my ears. I am congratulated and given well wishes by people I know I will never see again but in that moment we feel connected, we feel alive. Except the reality soon hit and that broken feeling that I had felt was only a pre-cursor of what was to come. I was burnt out, tired and sick and as I chronicled in ‘living with an invisible illness‘, I was fighting a battle that seemed dangerously close to the edge. The doctors didn’t know what was wrong and told me I was fine, despite me being in constant pain and throwing up any meal that I ate. Coupled with acute depression and anxiety and surrounded by toxic friends its safe to say that I was stuck in a dark voluminous rut and I couldn’t find my way out. I needed to unlock the key but the only key I found was a lesson on how to spot toxic friends. When uni finished I was stuck, I wanted to do something with my life but being sick prevented me from working and I was constantly surrounded by negative energy. I had a friend called A who sent me nasty messages and made me feel like s**t and after three years of friendship I knew I had to cut the strings loose.
That summer of 2015 was the year that would change me and in August I decided to do something I had been dreaming of since I was 16 and that was to start a blog. I had no idea what I was doing but I knew that I needed to take control of my destiny and stop letting others control what I did or said. I needed to stand up for myself and be a bigger person but it was a scary transition to make. But I did it, that one warm summers day, while friends were out relaxing in the sun I spent weeks setting up my own website and watching my dreams come to life. I didn’t expect any traction at first, after all I was barely known but within a few days I already had my first collaboration and by week two I saw visitors outside of my friendship group and it made me glow with pride. No one could tell me what to do and as my own boss I learnt through trial and error how to become a successful blogger. It was hard at first, dipping my toes into the virtual waters of blogging but hearing the praise heaped on me by other bloggers made me feel happier than I had in a long time. I used to journal as a kid after being abused and bullied and often chronicled my years in foster care, but stopped around the age of sixteen after my diaries were getting read. I stopped writing for a long time after that and outside of academia the rare poems and stories that I wrote were brushed off to the side, because I never felt that they were good enough.
I had low self-esteem and never saw myself as a ‘good writer’ , despite good grades and affirmations from friends and family. Meeting other bloggers and joining other chats soon helped me change my perspective and now I realize that this writing malarkey was something that I was destined to do from the moment I was born. I had always created stories but today I share my stories with you, my readers and that is the greatest gift of all. When my diaries were being read as a child I took to secreting my stories and journals in school books, so that I could preserve my memories in a safe place. I guess having my privacy violated was one of the main reasons why I always found it hard to trust but being able to blog ‘freely’ and choosing what I share with my readers is a beautiful, liberating feeling. As soon as I started blogging I encouraged friends to start their own blogs because the relief I felt sharing my story with the world was unpalatable and my own therapeutic outlet. For the first time I could talk openly about my struggles with overcoming my past and not be ‘called out for being a drama queen’ because you all understood. Hell some of you even had some pretty awful s**t to deal with too and being able to support each other through times of need was a lifeline I did not know I needed. At times when I felt low and thought that the whole world was against me I blogged and when I cried so much that the tears blurred my vision I read other peoples blogs, who shared similar life experiences to me and demonstrated how regardless of past we could all survive. And I did survive, here I am today a changed woman, who has blogging to thank for saving her life.
There were times when I thought I should end it all, thought the only escape would be through popping pills and ceasing the wildfire that rang in my ears during my lowest moments. But I never went through with it because I couldn’t give up, my time had not come and I wanted to survive. The voices in my head would try and urge me to do bad things but I resisted and wrote until my fingers cramped and my eyes grew heavy. When the nights drew on and the darkness seeped in I would write, even if it was a load of crap I wrote because it was the only way that I could feel better about myself, because my pen and keyboard never judged me. Where my laptop went I followed and when my laptop couldn’t join me, my notebook would be the solace I craved during dark moments. Eventually over time I became better and although I still have depression and anxiety, being able to blog changed my perspective and showed me how to appreciate life and live in the moment. I had spent so long pre-blogging feeling sorry for myself that I was numb to what was there around me and that was a support network of people who were just one click away.
When people would question what I did as a blogger and tell me it was a silly hobby, I would bite back and defend my sisters ย and brothers. I would tell them how blogging was more than just a creative outlet, but a coping mechanism and regardless of its merits as a business, the strengths of blogging lies in its ability to change lives. I am not the only blogger to see the world through new eyes and I wont be the last, blogging is so much more than just ‘a vanity fest’ as we are so often portrayed and regardless of our niche we all have a story to tell. Blogging changed my life because it allowed me to be open with who I was a person and not have to hide my true self for the sake of ‘preserving face’. For others their content might not be as personal but they all have a story to tell and that is the beauty of blogging-Being able to re-invent and share who you are with the world and connecting with like minded individuals. Many people outside of the blogging world judge who we are, because we ‘receive freebies’ (god I hate that word) and believe that ‘blogging is the easiest occupation in the world’ but it’s not. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for but blogging taught me how to be more business minded and showed me how to edit, create good SEO and SMO content as well as refining my time management and writing skills . My point being is that blogging didn’t just change my emotional state of mind but it also taught me transferable skills that could be applied to other occupations . Without blogging I would have no clue how to create a site or even have the idea to run my own Facebook groups and those who said I would not achieve anything in the past… well eat your words because I am bloody proud of myself.
I am and will always be proud to call myself a blogger; through blogging I have met friends like Anna-M (On The Edge Blog) , Christine (Xtine Loves) , Virgit (Preppy Fashionist) and Lucy who have become some of my closest friends and their intelligence, compassion and humor will unite us until the end of our days. Because lets face it blogging wouldn’t be much fun without the people you meet along the way and through blogging I have made friends for life. They would offer me advice and feed me food and have me in stitches of laughter on days where I needed them most. I didn’t have to ask them to read or like my content but they did regardless, because we bloggers support each other through anything, thick or thin. I am so proud to not only have created my own website and business but be able to celebrate and congratulate the success of some of my closest friends. When I saw Virgit work with Coach and reach 90+ K followers on Instagram I was elated, when Lucy had the courage to start her own channel and create opportunities for herself I clapped in admiration. When Anna began a Masters Degree in Psychology and still have the time to run a successful blog I felt like a proud mother and when Christine was chosen to host her own radio show and be featured on top brands pages I danced. Success can be found through blogging and no matter how big or small you are, the opportunities that you get make all the hard work worth it.
How Has Blogging Changed Your Life? If You Are Not A Blogger, Would You Ever Consider Blogging & Why?
Shop The Look
Looking flawless sweetheart – I love your dress! Of course I love your post…Blogging changed my life too! I can fully understand <3 Sending a lot of love!
What an amazing blogging story. You look great too!
What a great post. Blogging is amazing and has absolutely changed my life too – I’m so glad I started!
I’m coming up to my 9th anniversary of blogging and think I’m more addicted than ever. It did take me a while to come clean about being a blogger but now I don’t care who knows! So pleased that blogging has taken you down some great roads and looking forward to seeing where your blog takes you in the future.
i love reading other bloggers backgrounds and why they started / what its lead to. great post. xo
Blogging saved me in a way too, it gave me an outlet when I was fighting post natal depression and at a very low ebb. I’m glad it did the same for you.
Blogging is something I’ve wanted to do for so long and finally had the courage to start last year. So glad I did. It’s opened up a whole new world. Plus bought some great new friends into my life. Loved reading about the start of your journey.
You are so entitled to be proud of your blogging accomplishments. People that have never blogged before don’t realize how much work and time can go into blogging. Very few people succeed with blogging. Some get bored or frustrated and leave the blogosphere altogether. Blogging challenges you in ways you never imagined. And yes, the best part of it all is probably the connections made!
I am so glad that blogging has meant so much to you. I feel blogging has given a voice I never had before, also a great hobby that means I am not just doing nothing at night all alone. I also have meet so many fantastic new people, which I think is the best part.
thanks for sharing your story. ๐
You look incredible as always! Blogging has definitely changed my life as well- through blogging I’ve been able to become an entrepreneur doing what I love everyday. Creating content that inspires other’s is such a blessing!
Blogging is a way I can connect with other military spouses across the world. It also became an easy way for me to show my family what I was doing half way across the world from them.
Wow you look absolutely incredible!! I’m loving the dress that you’ve got on. So lovely to read about how blogging changed your life. You’re such a lovely person, in real life too and I’m happy to have been able to meet you xxx
Thank you so much Laura that really means a lot, I am so glad to have met you too as you are so down to earth and was really kind to me. Do let me know when you are next in London xxx
You’ve done so well! You should be very proud! I started blogging when I had two babies under two years old. It made me so much happier as I needed my own space and creative outlet at the time and I found it on the internet!
I think it is so wonderful how many people have begun blogging as a way of coping with issues in their lives, as a creative outlet. or to share their stories and have fallen in love with it. It has changed their lives and along the way, it has become successful businesses for so many people. I’m so happy that blogging has had such a positive impact on your life x
i like that you have shown courage to write about your life. many people will relate to your story. it will give them hope in fighting with their life problems. i find this inspirational
If people are not bloggers then I just think they sometimes don’t get it, until you do it, I think it is quite hard to fathom.
Thank you for sharing your experience, there is so much I can relate to! Getting my store out there has also helped me a lot. Continue to be an inspiration to others!
Blogging has given me more focus and something I can get my teeth into and call my own. It’s completely transformed my life very much for the better. Fabulous pics as always x
What a great and moving post and one that I can certainly relate to in more ways than 1. Blogging has opened up some great friendships and so called great friendships tonhave come to an end. Thanks for sharing x
Such an honest and amazing story. Its amazing how much joy writing and sharing our ideas and interests with like minded readers can bring. Thanks for sharing!
That outfit is stunning on you. I’m glad you made the decision to start a blog because I enjoy reading your post and seeing your style and fashion picks. And boy can I relate to toxic friends.
Thank you for sharing your story. Perhaps it will inspire someone else. I started blogging about a year ago and it is just starting to open some new opportunities for me. I have enjoyed the journey but it has also been a lot of work.
Blogging has given me an outlet again, one I list (like you) around the age of 18. I kept diaries but stopped writing when I was 18 and I didn’t realise how much I missed it until I started my blog. It’s also given my family, especially my son, opportunities that wouldn’t have come our way without the blog. I’m glad I started it, even if it’s bloody hard work.
Wow what a heartfelt story!!! I’m very inspired by you lovely, so glad you found something to pull you up. I love your blog! Xx
Firstly I just wanted to say you look stunning! I also suffer from anxiety & depression and blogging has really helped so much! Last year I left work to focus on my blog and realised how much work was affecting me and not having to be off work with pain etc but still being able to work and earn has transformed my life. Its still v early days for me but i really hope it carries on. Thank you for sharing your story, you are amazing and well done for ridding the toxic people from your life, i works wonders! xx
It’s just heartwarming to read what blogging has done for you. And encouraging too. I don’t share much personal stuff any more, but I like to feel I can if I need to.
Well done for following your dreams! I love writing and blogging is a great outlet for me to talk about the things I am passionate about. I just need to find the balance of writing for the love of it versus being sucked in and thinking I need so many thousands of followers to be deemed ‘successful’.
You’ve found strength in yourself, after all the struggle. and it would seem that writing is a great outlet for you. I don’t blog much myself now, which is mostly down to time and commitments in life. I have a close friend that chose blogging as a way of coping with being able to talk about themselves, from bullying to talking about their sexuality. And it has worked so well for them. Like a release.
I love everything about this post. The backstory, the blogger-friend promo, the love for this craft. The honesty. The photos and how smashing you look in that dress. All of it.
What a great read! It’s good to here about how blogging has changed things for the positive for you!
Blogging has helped me bag my dream job which is amazing really x
Blogging has done a lot for me as well! I have my own place to write about anything
Hurrah to this! Blogging is a massive game changer for so many but it can be hard when others on the outside don’t get it but it feels so good when they have to eat their words!
Love how strong and courageous you have turned out to be! blogging definitely helped me come out from a dark place as well! x
I always enjoy reading your post and looking at your outfits! this is such a great story and congrats for your achievements!
I feel like blogging can really make or break a person. It takes a certain strength to be able to take in the criticism that sometimes come with being online, but it also shows you how strong and powerful you can be. Plus, it also give a lot of us a sense of community and belonging, which is always great!
Blogging is a really great outlet for some creative writing and sharing of ideas. Its amazing when you also form friendships through it!
I love to blog, I’ve been journaling/blogging since I could write and then get online! I remember using online journaling sites like xanga, livejournal, etc and loving it! It is an important self-care hobby of mine and I don’t know how to manage all my feelings and thoughts without my own blog!
its an amazing story to be able to tell and you should feel proud tat youve overcome it all by using blogging as a way to do that x
wow that is truly an inspiring story… I’m glad that blogging helped you in so many ways much like how it helped me as well… like you I grew up having with low self esteem and confidence and blogging has become a tool for me to express my feelings and to exert out what I really am… it helps me a lot in so many great ways too!
Blogging has been an incredible outlet for me as well. I too struggle with an invisible illness…panic disorder, a bit of OCD and depression, and my blog has been an incredible source for me to release some of the thoughts and energy those bring to my body. I’m happy to hear that you also have had so much success with your blog and the help it’s given you.
Thank you for sharing such a powerful story. Oh and you look amazeballs! <3
Thanks for sharing your personal story. Hopefully it will be an inspiration to others. So glad you found something that you love to do and provides you fulfillment!
Blogging changed my life too. I’ve been doing it since the term existed and I can’t stop, won’t stop. The connections I’ve made, the outlet it affords is just unparalleled. Freedom in creativity and freedom to speak your truth. ๐
I think there is a reason that so many of us bloggers have health conditions, be them physical or mental. Blogging is a creative outlet that we can access from anywhere. It allows you to express yourself and also (like in your case!) to find people who just ‘get it’ without any need to make excuses for how you feel or who are you. I am so glad I started blogging all those years ago, in so many ways it’s saved me, and I can see from your post you feel the same in your blogging journey. Beautifully written and congratulations on all your well deserved success! xx
So glad that things have turned around for you. The blogging community are a great bunch! You will always have support ๐
i have faced something similar , went into depression after my postprtum… now i have started blogging from last 25 days and am gaining a good response from people which make me want to write more blogs and the best thing is am liking it and am HAPPY. truely blogging changes everyone’s life ๐
I can so relate to your post. At different times in my life I’ve found myself surrounded by negativity and it’s a complete suck on everything .. time .. energy .. you name it. It’s tricky too because it takes you a while to figure out what it happening. I also understand your love of bogging and how it helped lift you out of a dark place .. and has become a beautiful part of your life. Thank-you for your words
So glad you have been able to blog and that it has helped you work through some tough times in your life. I’ve been blogging for nearly 10 years now and took a few years off but been going strong for the past year. For me it is a way to help others and I guess the compliments I receive help me in a small way too.
You should be very proud of yourself your blog is amazing, keep it up girl!
so glad blogging has helped you! i have been blogging for a good year now and can’t imagine not blogging anymore
Thank you for sharing your personal story as a blogger. Blogging has changed many people’s lives. Bravo for standing up for your dreams! Plus you look STUNNING. Gorgeous.
I agree we need to be constantly celebrating the successes of those we love! We are all in this together. Love your photos as always you look fierce.
You should be so proud – blogging changed my life too and has given me the best job and opportunities in the world. Kaz x
You should be so proud of yourself, what an inspiration. Blogging is such a unique platform, you are completely right in that the strengths of blogging lies in its ability to change lives. In my darkest days of PND, I discovered the blogs of other mothers and found I was not alone. Keep going lady, you are amazing! x
I was dreaming of starting a blog for many years. I finally did it! Almost a year ago, I created my blog and a couple of weeks ago, I also started a second blog, in Greek, my native language. Blogging changed my life! It gave me a reason to be happy and a unique way to communicate with other people. It takes a lot of hard work, but it’s worth it!
Blogging can really help open doors to new opportunities and you are doing an amazing job your blog has grown in leaps ad bounds since i first started reading it.
I love reading your blog. Your posts are so well written you have a real talent. Keep going I will be following your journey.
Wonderful piece of writting. I’m so glad you spotted the toxic friends around you.
This is the best thing I’ve read in a long time. I can really relate to this. Blogging has helped me with my postnatal depression in so many ways. You are an awesome blogger and you write so beautifully x
I love how Blogging has given you a positive outlook on things and the fact that it changed your life at such a poignant time. I’ve only started out blogging and I can’t wait to see what I’ll be saying about the experience a year from now. Thanks for sharing such an inspirational story. p.s you look super super gorgeous!
I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and I felt inspired about your entries regarding what you went through in life. It’s awesome that you decided to blog and that you continued to do it despite the challenges.
What an amazing post. This echoes my sentiments completely! Becoming a blogger was the best decision I ever made, and I absolutely love my life. Thank you for sharing!
Megan at Lush to Blush
You have done an amazing job on your blog. I have enjoyed reading your blog this year!
Blogging is also one of the best things I did. Like you said blogging is a creative outlet but so much more.
Blogging is so inspiring! I love being able to scrapbook my children’s lives and connect with other parents.
I love this. I am so glad blogging has helped you so much. It has done the same for me. I’ve always said that it helps keep me sane and I love that it’s a platform to share what you are passionate about.
Really inspiring! Glad you found the thing you were destined to do because today, so many people lose themself in life’s distractions until it’s too late to fulfill their dreams.. keep it up ๐๐ป๐
Blogging opened my world. I am acutely aware that the USA isn’t the only place on earth! I love that I have blogging friends from all over the world and all over the US. Your dress is gorgeous!
Blogging does wonders especially for people who need an outlet, a space to call their own. I think it’s awesome that you took that step forward and started blogging. You’ve been quite an inspiration from clothes to life!
“Appreciate life and live in the moment” is something I have to tell myself everyday. Depression is a tricky little thing that sneaks up out of nowhere. Thank you for sharing your story!
I love how you are never afraid to share your personal stories with us. These things in our life happen, even though we can’t see the brighter picture at the time. I am so glad that blogging has made a positive impact on your life!
Blogging allows me to express myself in words and it helps me relax and have an outlet. Often times people blog to release whatever it is that they can’t say verbally. I think it’s great that you decided to join the blogging industry. You’ve come so far!
I love your style. You always have the coolest outfits. Blogging has changed me as well. I feel as time goes on and when you start to grow as a brand you can succeed at anything. For all we have to do and the opportunities that can transpire can be endless.
Great story & you’ve done so well in a relatively short time frame, you have to feel good now!
You look absolutely beautiful girl! I love your blogging story and how your journey has affected you!
You look wonderful as always! And your story is beautiful, I love reading how blogging has changed people’s lives – it must have been a rocky journey but you’ve done so well and your blog is amazing!!! x
Great post Ana. Blogging has changed my life completely for the better. I love what I do.
I’m so glad you found an outlet that let you be you and regain control of your life again. Blogging has changed my life in some ways x
Very well written and so glad that blogging gave you a way to show your talents; we all need that outlet, for sure. I love blogging, even though it takes up SO much of my time – I have always considered myself with no artistic flair whatsoever, but blogging has made me realise that although I can’t draw to save my life, making beautiful things to eat and taking reasonably good pictures of them IS art, and I love that!
Blogging can definately change your life. I love your dress
You should be proud, your blog is amazing & I love your story! xo
Okay, firstly. HOW are you so gorgeous?! I’m in love with that dress on you. Also, I really enjoyed reading this post and I could identify with it a little since I’ve just started blogging.
Blogging changed my life and direction of my purpose. I can totally relate to this. I on the other hand felt elated for months after graduation coz I had a job after uni and i thought the world was my oyster. I didnt feel such elation on my masters graduation…I was more tired as a new mom!
Sorry to hear you were not yourself then and glad you have found a purpose and passion in fashion and Blogging!
Wow, this has been amazing to read! Basically blogging has saved your life. I’m so glad that you are here. You are inspiring to me as a fellow blogger. You are so open about your story and it’s so cool to see how other people connect to it.
There are so many ways that blogging has changed my life, and it makes so happy when I read stories like your own. There’s nothing more than being able to truly take control over our lives and do what we want on our own terms. I am so happy for you and wish even more success!! x
I have loved blogging since college…16 years ago ๐ It has always been a creative outlet for me, and a way to be in community as an introvert. After finally taking myself seriously after having two small kids, it became my lifeline – that support that you can find is very helpful in times of struggle!
I am still new to the blogging space, but I can definitely relate to the therapeutic feeling that blogging provides me. It has made me a better writer, a more disciplined investor and a happier person in general.
Blogging has also taught me manny entrepreneur skills that I would have never learned.
Thank you for sharing your story. I hope there are others who need this out there that will read it and feel inspired. You are strong, and you are doing great things.
Blogging really changes someones life. It makes you to become a frequent story-teller. Reaching others people lives are also one of the best things about blogging.
Blogging really is truly amazing ive got talking to some other bloggers who are really lovely and gained so much as Well as it being therapeutic.
I also love having my blog, it’s great to have our own space online! ๐
Blogging has changed my life for the better. It has enabled me to stay home with the kids, given them experiences we would never have had otherwise and even the chance to travel more than we could afford plus some very good friends too
Blogging has been very life-changing for me too! It’s great to have your own space in the online community ๐
I think it must be about 18 months since I first came across your blog and I knew from the very first post I read that you were a born writer. Whatever the subject matter your way with words gives a unique perspective on the situation. One that I always look forward to reading.
As per usual you look stunning! I wish I could have your wardrobe!
Hey Ana,
I can very much relate. Blogging has a therapeutic effect on my mental health too. It’s one of the things that actually helped me in my darkest days.
Thank you for sharing your personal experience with becoming a blogger. It looks like you are putting a lot of effort and work into your posts. Keep it going, you’re great!
Blogging has definitely changed my life too. It has given me some networking and friends that I never knew.
Your stories always inspire me. You have strong personality and beautiful sense of fashion. It is a winning combination.
You look stunning! I totally get you, I absolutely love blogging. Not only does it bring such exciting opportunities, it brings so many new friendships too. Just awesome ๐ x
I’m so glad you found an outlet for your creativity and that blogging is such a release for you. You have an amazing talent and it’s great that you’ve found a way to harness it that you love!
It’s great that you have used your blog in such an expressive way and how it has allowed you to connect to others and inspire them!
I always love reading your blog posts – they are always so different and beautifully written. You are so brave in what you share too and inspire me to share more with my own issues with depression, anxiety and own problems. I started blogging after being unemployed a while and feeling like i couldn’t do anything productive in spare time. I was also feeling guilty for any money i spent so it was effectively a FREE hobby to do x
Beautifully written Ana! Yes I’ve had a blog for many years. Not always about the same subject and honestly I’ve struggled to “put myself out there” and I know I hide behind a veil sometimes. I love the way you aren’t afraid to be you, because it empowers others, Even those like me who are almost double your age! Keep going girl!
I have been blogging for many years now….10 to be exact! Crazy how blogging has certainly evolved through the years. I do use it as a creative outlet and it has also evolved as a business, but just like what you stated, it has become an avenue for me to express in my own authentic voice.
Blogging changed my life when I had back injuries. I never look back ever since because blogging is fun and it keeps my mind occupied. I really enjoyed reading your amazing story. So proud of you, girlfriend!
I agree with you, blogging has been a coping mechanism for me, too. I loved learning your story.
Thanks for being so open and honest. I obtained my PhD and didn’t even attend my graduation, I hated going to all the ones before so when the time came for my final one I decided to just skip it. I understand the feeling of emptiness . Blogging for me has also been a great outlet for how I feel and help make me feel better about myself and what I have experienced.
Blogging for me started out as a creative outlet and now it’s turned into a way that I can contribute to my family! I love that I get to stay home with my babe and do what I love!
Amazing post. You should be bloody proud of yourself! You’ve come so far in so little time, and it’s amazing. I am so glad you took the plunge and started blogging. You’re a fantastic writer and an amazing blogger. Don’t let anyone tell you any different xxx
I love reading posts like this. I’m a part-time blogger myself and hate when people say blogging isn’t a real job. Um, totally is!
Honestly, blogging has been life changing for me. After years of not knowing what I wanted to do in my life, I finally found it in blogging!
you are a brilliant writer and have a beautiful style, therefore, you are a fabulous blogger and I’m glad this impacted possitively in your life! x
I love reading about how other people started blogging. I started because I hated by job after my degree. I never thought it would turn in to a full-time job.
What a great post! You are such a strong writer and everyone blogs for different reasons. We blog as a creative outlet and a hobby. And others do it as a coping mechanism, like yourself. You are so talented we wish you all the best on your continued blogging journey and success x
I love the opportunities that blogging has brought me. It is definitely an awesome hobby to have, or career!
Your story is so inspiring! Writing can help in so many ways and it has helped me a lot in the past. P.S. – That dress is to die for and looks fantastic on you!
This was so lovely to read! I started anonymously blogging, knowing that no one was reading, in order to let go of feelings whilst I was being bullied by some of my closest friends. It was the best way to release the anger and jot down any thoughts about the world I had. Soon after I started up a normal blog to talk about my holidays simultaneously. Eventually everyone found out about the anonymous blog and bullied me even more so I had to stop altogether. It wasn’t really until I was on my gap year I took it back up and started taking it seriously and now it had become something I’m extremely proud of and love doing!
I totally agree with you here ๐ Blogging has changed my life too and gave me so much.
Keep up the amazing work, girl!
What a touching post! I am so happy for you that you found your passion in blogging and that it helped you so much! Blogging does really help with finding out who you are, essentially it helps with finding the BEST you ๐ I suddenly got much more creative through blogging and really enjoy photography now ๐
can’t agree more with you ana, blogging has brought me lifelong friendships in different corners of the world, just like you and i hope will they last till my end!
I like your post ๐ blogging has already changed my life and I’ve only just started!
Girl, you are killin’ it in that dress. I think you are such an engaging writer, and your blog posts + photos are always interesting and entertaining to read/view. Blogging has changed my life because I have an outlet to speak my mind, share my opinions, and connect with others when my introverted self wants me to hide away.
I always love reading these type of stories! Blogging has changed my life in my ways, especially deepening my love for photography.
Such a moving, inspirational story, thank you for sharing. Your photographs look amazing ๐
Such a wonderful, honest and personal post! I love reading your blog, and for me Blogging helped save my life too and gave me wonderful friends and adventures.
Here’s to the next milestone in both our blogs xx
Loved this post Ana. I sometimes feel like “is this real life?” I love how my blog is doing and love how is making me feel a lot better about myself, and even helping me with my anxiety and panic attacks. I thank everyday for every new follower or even like because I get to be creative and share my creativity with the world
Blogging is massively therapeutic isn’t it? It feels like escapism – and I love that.
Thanks for sharing this and I am so glad blogging has given you so much. I have found blogging has given me something that I do for me other than being a mum. It gives me a bit of an escape where I can share things I have on my mind rather than just keeping them in!
It is always nice to read the blogging journey of a fellow blogger. I can totally relate to you Ana, as blogging changed my life too!
Blogging has changed me in so many ways. I found the voice that I kept suppressed for the longest time. Blogging is freeing, it is my own little world where I can say what I want, and say it to the whole world, for all the care. It has also given me friends I have never met personally, but the bond is surreal.
I resonate a lot with this post and wonder if you too have the same illness as me (gastroparesis). Blogging helped me to address my demons and my feelings due to my poor health. Through it I’ve made other friends and have had support from other spoonies. But not only that, blogging allowed me to connect with people worldwide on topics I’m passionate about.
Blogging changed my life too. I am so grateful to have met so many new people online and I feel so proud of what I have achieved, building a website and all that.
You look stunning as usual. Have a great weekend!
xo Sabine
I love blogging as it’s my little bit of me in an otherwise busy world. I think it’s hard for those who don’t blog to understand it all fully x
You know this is very inspiring! I feel a lot more confident myself after blogging and in fact it gave me the courage to start YouTube too! ๐ xo
Jadirah Sarmad at Jasmine Catches Butterflies สฯษ
I love these kinds of posts. Reading the backstory of bloggers and how they battled adversity is always inspiring.
A really inspiring piece Ana and I think when we start blogging, no one really knows where it is going to take us or what avenue we may be taken down!
It’s pretty amazing isn’t it? I have been lucky enough to work with some amazing charities and not-for-profits and been able to visit Ethiopia, Belarus and the US to blog on their behalf and spread the message. Mich x
Thank you so much for sharing your story, I really enjoyed reading it. You’re a stunning young lady!
That’s awesome that you were able to overcome all the negative criticism. Your tale is definitely inspiring. I wonder what my blog will become as it develops.
This is a great story to read. Your blog is really amazing and you must be proud of it. ๐
I would really appreciate you for choosing such a wonderful platform. Such an inspirational write-up. Blogging has in many ways been an eye opener for me too. Glad we chose it!
Blogging will always make me feel awesome, it’s a great way to voice out my thoughts and at the same time reach out to inspire others. It’s both an outlet and a place where I can just be myself. I’m glad that blogging has changed your life for the better.
lovely silver dress. it was nice reading that
You have such a powerful story!!
I have changed so much since I started blogging. I became more confident and embraced by body instead of hiding it, writing became my way out of every bad situation and I started loving myself.
Your blog is an inspiration to so many people who would be facing the same sort of pressures and turmoils. It is a reminder that we can find outlets even when we feel like we are in our darkest hours. You have an amazing blog and you should be so proud of where you have come today!
Wow! What a moving piece of writing. I can identify with some of what you say about anxiety and I started logging to give myself a hobby for in the evenings after my kids were fast asleep.
Hi lovely
Such a brilliant and well written post. Thanks for sharing it. I had the same problem with explaining my blog too. A lot of people just say ‘it’s a hobby’ or ‘ughh not another blogger’. I blog full time so I get 10000000 questions about ‘so how do you even make money?’ – It’s so rude! I’d never ask someone that!
Hope your self esteem is much better now, you should be proud of yourself and your blog. You’re doing a great job.
Holly x
I used to write stories too, and when I started blogging I started to share my own story. And like you, blogging has a huge part of my life. Friends changed, people changed. Today you have a friend to share your life with, the next day they’re gone. Thanks to blogging for becoming an outlet. I love your dress, by the way.
Such a beautifully written, raw and honest post thank you for sharing so openly with your readers!
Blogging has changed my life so much – the majority of my friends IRL now are bloggers who I met in the past six years who live in my area. My job came about through blogging. I’ve had so many great opportunities through blogging that I wouldn’t have had otherwise, its changed my life so much too x
It is so good to read about how blogging had changed your life. Blogging is an amazing journey.
Beautiful dress. Blogging has changed. I know – I’ve been doing it for 18+ years. If you think about 10 years ago we didn’t have the technology we have now. Blogging is my job and i wouldn’t change it for the world. xx
This is a fantastic post and it’s absolutely incredible to read about all that you have achieved, not just personally but also in your writing and business goals. Blogging really is special and I also find writing therapeutic and liberating too because I often find it hard to verbally articulate what goes on in my head. Writing allows me to express myself. I really love your blog and admire how you write and create beauty.
Blogging has opened so many doors for me. I am thankful to have been blogging for years because it made me experience a lot of wonderful things in life.
I think blogging as a hobby introduces us all to new, wonderful and weird experiences, people and products. Without it I would never have been as fortunate as I am to try new amazing products almost weekly.
I finally blogging relaxing. I love the though if helping other moms know they are not alone in motherhood.
Another amazing heart felt piece, great as always and thanks for sharing hun ๐ x
Glad to hear you are fulfilling something you dreamed of doing. Great achievement
This gave me everything I needed today! I just came home from my part time job feeling icky about life/future and was finishing my promoting tasks for the day and then I read this wonderful post. I love how your words tells a story and paints images in my head as if I was there with you! This post gave me the motivation I needed to continue doing what I need to do to see success in this game and I hope we can be awesome friends in this thing lol. You literally inspire me !! xxx