I don't know when I fell in love with Perspex heels but when I fell, I fell hard. They were so wrong yet so right and contrary to what many thought, yes perspex might be the marmite of the 'shoe world' but weirdly enough I liked that they attracted controversy. They were no dull ballet slipper nor were they a timid pointed flat; perspex boots had personality and they had flair. But how on earth did it get brought to a self-loving/chelsea boota-holic's attention? They were still a boot but they had sheen and came in all shapes and sizes, it was a love match made in heaven. That being said it might come as a surprise that it was Kim K who made me lust after perspex boots. It was ... read more
4th & Reckless: Perspex Boots
The Reality Of Living In London
It was the perfect dream or so I thought. I would be one step closer to achieving my life goals and carving out a legacy that I would be proud of for generations to come. Except it wasn’t like that at all, instead things had taken a turn for the worst. I lived in a tiny box room and sacrificed everything for my dream but it wasn’t enough. I had to work 16 hour days to even afford the rent and it would leave me exhausted and fatigued. No longer was I able to have free time and take time out of my day to ‘practice self-care’, instead every living moment was dedicated to working my arse off for what seemed like nothing. The hours would drag and my eyes would droop, testament to the 5am wake up ... read more
Franki & Baker: Embracing Serenity
In a pool of blue lies a trove of jewels, glistening with the weight of precious metals. All is calm and all is clear, no disturbance save for the gentle whir of waves lapping a'shore. Bringing back the bounty that the 'sea god' gifted them, the sea nymphs swim through the waves, slippery like dolphins bringing back the seas secrets for humanity to share. The humans feast on the jewellery with ill disguised hunger; never before did they see such precious jewels cast before them, radiant and serene. There is a little chill in the air as the humans huddle around the trove of jewels but they don't seem to mind. Bathed in a soft pastel glow the jewels glint materialistically, showy enough to ... read more
BlacksXScotts Festival Fashion
Festivals were on a slow burner for me during most of my life and apart from Glastonbury honestly I couldn't see what the hype was about. As someone who is claustrophobic, obsessive compulsive and has a severe anxiety disorder festivals would conjure up painful feelings that would make me forget how to block out all the noise and just enjoy myself. It took a while to ease myself into accepting festivals and not having a freak-out every time one was mentioned but one fateful day four years ago I went to Wireless Festival were some of my favourite artists were performing including Drake, Kanye West, B.O.B and Rudimental. Sadly Drake was ill so Kanye took over as headliner but amusingly his ... read more
Wish Upon A Pandora
In a castle nearby lay a princess deep in slumber, soft brown curls mapped out across the bed. Her breathing was shallow, her eyes were shut, in this magical world there was no room for waking up. Reality ceased to exist and she was trapped in the confines of her mind for many years. She thought she would never see the light of day again, never know what it was like to fall in love. At 18 she was caught in that precocious chasm between 'youth' and adulthood, unsure where her mind would take her next. She had been lost to humanity for so many years that even her parents had drifted away so long ago. But there was a ring once that she held and treasured, a ring named Pandora that she loved ... read more
Boutique Spa: Microdebrasion
Having learnt the Facial Truth at Acumedic Clinic the day before I was a little apprehensive about my Microdermabrasion treatment at Boutique Spa, thinking that no other treatment could compare. After all I have high standards and Sinensis Skincare managed to blow my expectations out of the water but I ventured into Boutique Spa ( Queensway/ Baywater) with an open mind nevertheless. Upon arrival I was greeted by staff who offered me a herbal tea while I waited and after telling them I had an allergy to caffeine, they found me a mango and strawberry twinings concoction that was a delicious start to the treatment. The waiting room was next to the nail treatment bars and I watched them give ... read more
We Train: Bloody Mary Yoga
Ever since I became ill I have been seeking holistic measures to deal with my illness effectively and without having to resort to taking scores of medication every day. Medication has some intense side effects and I began to lose sight of normality, stuck in the frame of mind of someone who was restricted by her illness. But in the last few months I ditched the medication, choosing instead to ground myself by practicing mindfulness and encouraging myself to embrace and be open minded about spiritualism. I admit I am a jaded cynic so it takes a lot to convince me that spiritual living could ever be helpful but with some well meaning advice from close friends I realized that part of my healing ... read more
My First Rayban’s
There comes a time in your life when your wishlist shrinks and quite like the bills that you so detest, you become infuriated with adult life and its ability to take away 'disposable income' . Suddenly shopping becomes that frantic sprint to the shops when you can no longer find underwear, nor are the holey tights deemed acceptable any longer and you realize that s**t this is it. Gone are the days where you pore over Depop scrolling for new clothes, bye bye student loan because real life doesn't quite work that way. Money doesn't grow on trees nor does it run fresh from the tap like that cocktail you so hungrily lapped up. Instead responsibilities loom close and I have forgotten the last ... read more
Hawes & Curtis: 80’s Revival
The 80's is often dubbed the 'experimental decade' whose outlandish neon brights, distortion of traditional silhouettes and experimentation with textural and print clashes made it an era that stood out. Despite what we may think, the exaggerated semblance of 80's fashion is not as disastrous as we may think; if we look beyond the neon makeup and lurid yellow fishnets there were the more fashionable inclusion of Rayban Wayfarer's, mini backpacks and Pussybow Blouses. The 80's has a fashion history charged by gender politics and largely many of the 80's trends were created by women to subvert stereotypes surrounding the representation of women in fashion. When it came to 'working' attire women ... read more
Swift Cover Presents Chris Ramsay
Laughter is the greatest medicine and I crave laughter like an addict craves their 'fix'. To me the greatest emotion that we could ever have is knowing the joy of what it feels like to laugh, to share that connection with a room of strangers, united by their love of 'laughter'. Its a truly magical emotion and no matter how bad my day is, a bout of much needed laughter is the antidote that I seek and crave.When I am down I watch comedy; from sitcoms to British comedy shows right through to stand up, the power of being able to laugh when you are feeling sad may not be the answer to all your problems but it is a temporary emotion that can make you feel a little more 'normal' again. If I had to ... read more
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