When I became a vegetarian, I was constantly questioned by peers who were 'curious' to know what I would eat. In their 'medieval vision' they envisioned a 'rabbit food' diet and was perplexed that I would 'even give up meat' for a 'lifetime of carrots' as they would put it. But here's the thing, being a vegetarian shouldn't make your dining choices limited. I mean sure being dragged to a Steakhouse is not my idea of fun and don't even get me started on 'chain restaurants' vegetarian options. And by options I mean cheese on crackers, not cool. Which is why I happen to be so obsessed with Thai and Indian cuisine; their menus are full of flavour, have tonnes of vegetarian options and are ... read more
Tasting The Vegetarian Menu At Mango Tree Belgravia
26 Fashion Staples You Need This Autumn
As we settle into long autumn nights by the open fire and watch the flames crackle, we sigh with satisfactory content. Our feet are encased in soft faux fur lined slippers and the blankets that we stole from our mothers 'secret stash' envelop us in warm delight. There's a pot of pumpkin soup simmering gently on the stove, while the scent of autumn makes its way through the house. While the days might be getting shorter and the nights be getting colder, there is no excuse to not make an entrance everytime you enter a room. Sure, you might get some odd looks walking to the shop in your Bug's Bunny onesie and people might be crying inside as you rock a sequin dress wishing that you had some ... read more
How A Caress Gave Me Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
A Guest Post By Elizabeth Brico When I was 20 years old, I was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is an intrusive mental health condition that causes a host of disruptive symptoms. Many of them are debilitating. Imagine wanting to go out and get a slice of pizza down the street, but instead staying in and having a PB&J because the idea of being around people makes you too anxious. That happened to me last night. Imagine staying up until dawn because your sleep is haunted by nightmares that re-enact the worst moments of your life. That was how I spent my summer. Imagine having to quit your job because every time you saw a six-foot white guy, you hallucinated the ... read more
Nailing The A/W 2017 Boot Trend With Public Desire
As the skies transform into a cloudless grey and the nights turn into an endless solitude, the crunch of nearby leaves is the only sound that I can hear outside my window. I pick the leaves up and marvel at how the green blooms from summer have now marbled into a greenish orange and I let them fall underneath my high heeled boots, delirious at the feel of autumn underfoot. For autumn is the season where I sip on pumpkin soup and watch the steam rise from my bowl, enveloping me in a heady comforting aura, autumn is the season where I pull on my knee high socks and put on my warm velvet boots to keep me stylish during the cold and autumn is the season where fashion comes alive, where like the ... read more
Its 2017: So Why Aren’t We Period Positive Yet?
I never had what I would call a 'positive relationship' with periods growing and after getting my first period aged 14, I found it hard to embrace my unwelcome visitor. But here's the thing, I was never taught that 'having periods' was a 'good thing' and when my periods would last weeks, sometimes months - yes that is a thing, I felt 'gross'. And when I would hear my friends moaning about how they had to endure a '5 day period' I felt like asking them how they would feel if their vagina never stopped bleeding. Heck when I told them that the average length of my 'period' was 14 days and heavy, even on the last day they looked at me like I was some sort of freak and truth is I felt like I was ... read more
How To Deal With Debt After University
It was at university that I found I didn't need a boyfriend to make me happy, it was at university that I made friends that I would keep for life and it was at university that I learned how to be more self-sufficient on a budget. But if you had asked me five years ago whether I wanted to go to university, I would have laughed in your face. The sixteen year old me was taught that life after school did not mean further education, but it meant that I would have to buck my ideas up and go into full time work. You see, my role models were quite traditionalist and believed that education was only beneficial until a certain point-that being GSCES- and that full time work was the pathway I should ... read more
Faded Spring’s London Fashion Week Lookbook
A few days ago, I was all set to fly out to my holiday in Tuscany, when the unthinkable happened and I was forced to cancel my first holiday in five years. Sure I was upset at first and my mental health was at an all time low, but a talk with good friends and some much needed laughter soothed my wounded spirit. But it struck me that all the events and shows I had turned down because of my holiday, might have been a blessing in disguise and I set about re-contacting the event management teams to explain that circumstances had changed. I am a firm believer that 'things happen for a reason' and 'what is meant to be, will be', so perhaps the holiday not going ahead was a sign that maybe this ... read more
It’s Ok To Have Mental Health Issues
We all go through life being told to ‘chin up and smile’ because positive thinking can cure all your troubles. Depressed? You will be right as rain in no time, lost a loved one don’t worry time is a great healer. No matter your predicament there appears to be a solution for everything. The truth is ultimately a lot darker and when it comes to grieving, mental health or other related issues I believe that society chooses to turn the other cheek. Now hear me out, how many of you have been told to smile because it will make you feel better only to realize that you are just acting out the part of a character that is not ‘you’. How many of you are forced to pretend you are something you are not, ... read more
Feel Good With Prezzybox This Autumn
Regular readers of my blog will know that I am open with my struggles with depression and anxiety and as much as I would like to pretend that I have been 'completely fine' recently, the truth is I am not. I have been struggling to stay happy and it frustrates me that I feel this way. After all I have so much to be thankful for; I am in a job that I love, have readers who I adore and was placed as 33 in the top UK Blogs. I should be grateful that I have had so many opportunities come my way but I am struggling to show gratitude, especially when my life seems to be falling apart at the seams. I am overwhelmed and struggling to stay afloat but those who know me understand how I still fight ... read more
4 Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking For Stoptober
I remember aged 14, surrounded by friends in a circle playing a game of truth or dare. A 'ciggie' was lit and passed around the circle and we were all dared to take a 'puff'. I remember rolling it through my fingers and taking it in my mouth, feeling the dustiness of its open flame cascading away from the circle. It was the first and only time I ever tried smoking and in my own words at the time it was 'f**king disgusting' and I never touched a cigarette again. But for some it's not that simple, friends who were in that circle, nearly 10 years later are still smoking, while some people have been smoking like a chimney from a young age and even now, aged 75 is a woman, who says that 'she ... read more
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