As we move away from the bitter chill of winter and transcend towards the cusp of spring, we find our heart settling on new product delights. From our obsession with stationary as we ponder over new notebooks and pens, to sipping on warming herbal teas, while beating the winter frost, February is a time of contemplation, self care and clinging onto comfort. And who can blame us for our fixation with feel good products during winter, when the cold can be such a driver of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and trauma? After all with many of us affected by seasonal depression, poor sleep, ill health and lack of motivation during colder periods is it little wonder that we crave a ... read more
5 Fantastic February Finds: Products Galore
5 Anti Aging Tips For Younger Looking Skin
Contrary to popular belief, learning how to 'look after your skin' and protect it against the signs of aging, is not something that you start to think about in your 40's, oh no. No matter how old you are, whether you are 25 or 42, anti aging products, a healthier, well balanced lifestyle and facial yoga, can all do wonders to 'reverse' aging by decreasing fine lines, improving skin tone and minimizing dark spots which all come with the natural process of aging.While some might choose to look at surgical changes such as botox or fillers, if natural remedies to 'slow down' the aging process as opposed to 'stopping it' is more your cup of tea, then read on to discover the best 5 anti aging ... read more
The Ultimate Last Minute Valentines Day Gift Guide
Love is in the air, as the scent of roses wanders underneath your nose, freshly cut grass in the distance. For tis the season where couples and new lovers come together to celebrate love, passion and unity, as they sample delicious food, romance each other with stolen kisses and make love until the early hours of the morning, as they hold each other in a passionate embrace. But for us singles, the concept of Valentines Day makes us want to gouge our eyes out with a fork, as we desperately pretend not to hear the couples next door humping all night. And when the sight of the couples holding hands make us vomit in the streets, is it little wonder that Valentines Day is like doomsday, as we ... read more
How To Create Happiness At Home: Uplifting Interiors
Happiness Starts at Home: How to Create an Uplifting Interior When I say that happiness starts at home, I am not making some grand philosophical statement – I'm talking about cold, hard facts. There are many psychological studies to suggest that a few small tweaks to your interior can engineer some very positive changes in terms of how you feel in your own home. After all a home without happiness is like a human without a soul; without character, love and passion radiating through each crevice, nook and cranny, your home would be devoid of all the things that make a home, a home. Everything from colour to light quality to layout can subconsciously affect your emotions and outlook, which ... read more
A Divine Vegan Supper Club At Three Little Birds Clapham
Pink pleated skirts spattered with icy rain drops, rose gold court shoes sludging through muddy puddles, the skies clouded over with inky darkness. Red buses trudging through a network of cars, red and white underground trains zipping through narrow tunnels, a sequin bolero jacket draped over the lady in pink's shoulders, it shimmers brightly. Passengers bustling on and off trains, the tip tap of flat shoes on uneven pavements, the grating of a broken heel scraping the floor. But despite the topsy turviness, despite the weather's best intentions, and despite the momentous journey that she needed to take, the lady in pink would go anywhere where food was involved, breathing in the spices, ... read more
How To Get Serious About Your Financial Future
It’s time to get serious about your financial future. If you’re not the best with money, you rarely have anything left at the end of the month, and you haven’t even considered investing, then don’t panic. There are so many ways you can prepare for your financial future, and it’s not as scary as it sounds. Many people think that all of that can wait until you’re older when you have less on your plate, or you’re in a better financial situation, but that’s not the case. There is no perfect time to start planning your finances, but the sooner, the better. Whether you’re 21 or 51, there are some steps you can take to make sure that your future finances will be in great shape.First of all, you ... read more
4 Wardrobe Staples That You Need: The Dress Edition
When it comes to being the personification of 'extra' there is no other word that springs more clearly to mind, as you drink in my flower crown esque mermaid part unicorn fantasy that is emblazoned with magical realism and littered with happy sprinkles. I wear grandiose ball gowns to Tesco's, pose against vivid street art motif backgrounds in next to nothing while battling freezing, ice cold temperatures and above all am always and utterly inappropriately dressed for all seasons, because let's face it, I like to pretend like the cold doesn't exist. In fact in my fantastical vision, where the purple unicorns dance among the teal mermaids, the 'concept' of weather is cancelled. Let's re-phrase ... read more
Why Online Dating Can Lead To Finding ‘The One’
Finding the one can be what seems to be an endless journey, as you gallivant through 'boning central' and navigate your way into Love Shack Kingdom, where Cupid and his merry bandits await. And while all your friends have their tongues down their boyfriend's throats, you sit lonely as a cloud among the 1500 cats and dogs that you merrily welcomed into your burgeoning home, forlornly transfixed by the couples who get randy outside your window. You might not be a 'Peeping Tom' but even you can't ignore the feeling of 'wanting something tangible and real' with someone other than your ridiculously cute cat... is that too much to ask? Alas the 'concept of a soulmate' is as alien as the idea of ... read more
19 Vegan Brands You Need To Try This Veganuary
In just five short years registered charity 'Veganuary' has grown from 1,000 members, to over 500,000 sign ups worldwide, who have pledged to follow a plant based diet for 'vegan January'. With a record number of people signing up for Veganuary 2019 in 193 countries, it is clear that the rise of Veganism is no 'fad diet' but a movement towards compassion, empathy and healthier lifestyles. While some might choose to become Vegan temporarily, for others Veganuary becomes the stepping stone for a new Vegan diet, sometimes making the transition from vegetarianism to Veganism or even taking the plunge from eating meat on a daily basis to focusing on a plant based diet. While people's motives for ... read more
Do You Ever Wish You Were Back At School?
Do You Ever Wish You Were Back at School? In Primary School, education became my safe place and refuge away from home, in secondary school I dreaded lessons where we would have to choose 'pairs' and in University I found myself, and reveled in my quirky and unique point of view. For me at different periods in my life I found myself either loathing or loving school, as I was bullied, tormented and made fun of at secondary school for daring to be different. Yet in Primary school education became my solace from an abusive home and at university I found that people didn't care that I didn't fit the status quo nor were they particularly bothered about the way I dressed or the people I chose to ... read more
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