In another lifetime she had been brought up with holiday cheer. Bubbles of mirth escaping her lips, rosy cheeked like a cherub. Her hair unfurling like rose petals, cascading down her back. She was the ‘belle of the ball’, the Princess of Christmas. Resplendent in a red velvet dress, a tiara wedged in thick wavy curls. Earrings twirling from earlobes, shimmers of gold trailing past her shoulders. She would sit at the table, a tablecloth adorned with reindeers that smiled. Holding hands with loved ones, let the Christmas feast commence. Engorged bellies pooched from eating. The memory of the crispiest of roast potatoes still haunting her mind. Bubble and squeak and all things nice. Carrots, broccoli, peas and cabbage. A Yorkshire pudding that was light and fluffy. Swimming in Bisto gravy. Leftovers for days, a magic that continued into the New Year. Loved, seen, heard. Part of the family. Except, for the longest time, this wasn’t her Christmas reality. She didn’t have a unique Christmas gift or holiday cheer. Instead, there was emotional and physical abuse, neglect, and trauma. A child who was abandoned, who was mistreated by those who should have taken care of her. The only gift she wanted? To be rescued, and escape the horrors that she dealt with 24/7. She was lucky, she made it out alive. She was even luckier that she was still here today. But when she was taken into foster care, everything changed. A safe home, a roof over her head. Food, warmth, love. Indulgent Christmas gifts. Memories of laughter, even in times of sadness. And yet, even then, her relationship with Christmas was still complicated.
She felt like an outsider looking in. Like a ghost that was half there, a spectre hidden in the shadows. She never felt like she belonged anywhere, the festive season tinged with sadness and despair. A loneliness that engulfed her hungrily. Discomfort that chewed her up like a snack. And yet, in the last three years, the Christmas season changed. She found her joy again. Realizing that just because she didn’t have the perfect family dynamic, Christmas had to be sour. It wasn’t about how many people she had around her. Nor did she need vaildation from others. Christmas was about celebrating love, and she did have that in her life. She was no longer that unloved, unwanted little girl any more. She was a thirty year old woman loved by the people that mattered most. Her partner, who she met almost five years ago. Who loved her unconditionally, who had her back always. Her Aunty who was her Mum, Dad and Aunty all rolled into one. Who never let her down. Her three beloved cats, who were her emotional support animals. Her best friends, and her cousin who felt more like a brother. This was all she needed. She no longer felt like she was missing out. Nor was she an outsider in someone else’s world.
When she fell in love with Christmas, she began to see the world differently. Like poetry, the words came to her. The quiet stillness of winter that forced her to slow down. The plodding of Christmas that felt reassuringly needed. No 14 hour days, endless hours glued to her laptop. Her back cramping, her stomach aching. Instead, there would be calm. Calm like she hadn’t felt in months. Telling her mind and body that it was OK to have a rest. That it was OK to go at a slower pace. She needed to recharge. The gifts would be wrapped in shimmering red printed paper. Clumsy bows unravelling, the name tag fading. But even though a unique Christmas gift would make her smile, it was the little things that mattered the most. Focusing on holistic self-care and love. Doing not just what made others happy, but her too. She would lay submerged in the bath like a mermaid. Hair sinking into enveloping steam. Reading her favourite historical novel, words unfurling on the page. Words like whispers, a portal carved in ink. Outside, the heavens would weep, a celestial release. Droplets trickling down the bathroom window sill. Cleansing the winter Earth, new life before Christmas. The rain stilled, and a smile licked her face.

This unique Christmas gift guide has everything from food and drink to fashion. You will find something for everyone!
For Christmas had revived her spirit. A season of not only love, but self-compassion and forgiveness too. Reminding herself that she was worthy to feel this joy. That she deserved to feel this happiness. Even if her body didn’t think so. Often trapped in frozen paralysis, skin crawling with fear. Impending doom in her blood. Trauma locked in her chest, spreading down to the cramping in her stomach. Shallow breaths racking her body, swallowing air. The muscles frozen with tension in her back. Her shoulders locked in. Yet, day by day, Christmas or not, she was teaching it something different. That loving yourself after years of trauma was OK. That it was OK to feel scared, alone, anxious and depressed. But at the same time, it wasn’t a bad thing to feel joy. She felt emotions strongly, no balance, no in between. All in or nothing at all. And yet, she was trying to change her perspective. To realize that there was no shame in being emotional. This was who she was. Take it or leave it. So she would recalibrate. Change her mind one day at a time. Holding onto that Christmas cheer, let it wash over her.
She focused on the small things. The promise of snowflakes like ethereal white shadows. In frost-kissed realms where angels danced. The air perforated with tempetous winds. The deep rumbling purr of her oldest cat Loki, stretched out on the bed. Tangled in creased sheets, emerald eyes half-closed, begging for strokes. A hand, her own feeling the folds of fur, massaging his head, the purrs touching her heart. Christmas had moments that taught her to live in the present. Hours spent wrapping presents, the TV on in the background, envisioning surprised faces. Slipped into gift bags, writing names with concentration. Marvelling at the love that Christmas would bestow. Planning the Christmas feast, for her, and her loved ones. A Christmas without her partner, but he would be there in spirit. Vegan steaks for her, drenched in piquant peppercorn sauce. Creamy, laced with peppercorn sauce. Broccoli cradled in lemon and garlic. Kale massaged with olive oil. The carrots with thyme, and oregano. The potatoes handmade, a dash of cinnamon and confit garlic. The crowning glory? The glass of red plunged into a hearty wine glass. The taste of winter slipping into her waiting throat. Memories that would last a lifetime.
And so her unique Christmas gift ideas for holiday cheer danced on the page. A blank canvas filled with festive poetry. Block letters tapped out like a magic wand. Spilling thoughts, emotions and creativity in a whirl of fun. A love letter to Christmas, spanning skincare, food and drink, entertainment and fashion. Vegan chocolate lollipops in the land of sugared dreams. Her childhood self awakened, the version of herself she wanted. A whimsical delight, a sticky essence, a kaleidscope on the tongue. A calendar counting down the days, smiling at collages with photos of them. A personalized chocolate calendar unravelling joy. A savoury girl who somehow had a sweet tooth at Christmas. Vegan bars that her brain would choose. Soul food in snack size. Apple and cinnamon, sustained mind and body energy. Laughter ringing out, echoing in the hall. Wrapped in hues of rainbows and flavours galore. Savouring each moment, senses overrun. Drinks next up on the table, stirring almond milk into hot chocolate. Laced with a lick of vegan cream. Sprinkled with glitter, almost too good to eat. Her hands round her Frida Mug, embracing new memories. Living in the moment, proud of who she had become.
At night, glasses of red wine would appear. Like a painter’s vibrant stroke, a swirl of ruby and burgundy. Holding it gently, feeling the nectar coat her throat with ease. Intoxicating notes that teased her tongue with glee. It wasn’t the only one. Mini tasters of Rum from Madeira, her parent’s home country. Distilled potions of liquid warmth, the soul of sugarcane. A warming spirit on the tip of her tongue. Flashbacks to illuminating sunbeams and flashes of tropical rain. Her partner would come. The leadup to Christmas, celebrating their own couple’s day. Honeyed kisses stolen under fuzzy blankets, lost in each others touch. Losing track of time and space, here in the now. They would host a game night, one of their specials. Board games, card games, silly games. Spluttering with naughty joy. Teasing each other, seeing who would win. Colourful games that would make the perfect unique Christmas gift. A game of chance. A game of luck. A game of randomness. A game of strategy. No matter what they played, or where they were, they were happiest with each other.
Quirky Food And Drink That Is Feel Good
There were times where she had very little. Where she had to ration the food and drink that she did have. Squirelling it away, stretching it out as far as she could. Little to her name, in debt, ashamed to ask for help. Years spent in toxic houses, violent housemates, house fires and arguments. Not wanting to be home, cooking in silent moments. A complicated relationship from food from when she was young. She loved it, she was a foodie. And yet, she could recall memories where it became like poison to her. Being starved as a child, not having enough food. Feeling like she didn’t deserve to eat, that she wasn’t allowed. It was strange, given that her dad was a chef. But how she could feel any differently with the abuse that was happening at home? Bad years at university, finding it hard to look after herself. Sick, but even sicker. Not eating well, sleeping well or living well. Even in recent years, when the money was little. She would hold onto food for as long as she could. Making every penny count. Things were different now. A support system in place. Changed her lifestyle three years ago now. Not going without. A meal always. Being kinder to herself, more compassionate, all the treats she could eat. She never had an eating disorder per say. She loved food, couldn’t live without it. And yet, there was a trauma there from childhood. That she had to hoard, and make it last. Living in that same broke girl mentality. And yet things were different now. Food that helped her tell a story. That nourished her mind, body and soul. Drinks that awakened memories, that showed her it was OK to have treats. No longer a live of rationing, even when she had little. Her priorties different, her health more important. Older now, wiser.

Looking for delicious food and drink? This unique Christmas gift guide has it in spades.
Vegan Chocolate
NOMO Vegan Chocolate Collection
She watched the skies rain with cocoa dreams. Melting on the tongue, unleashing joy in sugary streams. Sandwiched in foil, in wrappers, in paper. Vegan chocolate for adults and kids alike, sweet indulgence in every bite. She would sit in the moment, feel the chocolate dissolve in her mouth. It was rare that she had quiet moments like this. Like the yawning of a cat unfurling from sleep. And yet, she hung onto the memory with a warm smile. Her eyes lighting up like the cerebreal constellations that littered the skies. Though darkness lingered, and the sun was becoming rarer, there was joy. In a unique Christmas gift of chocolate that lured her into a tranquil haze. To some, the taste of chocolate was a tender sin. But to A, it was a reward. A reminder of so many times she had missed out because of others. Not any more. She was worthy. She didn’t need other people’s opinions to validate that. For chocolate of yuletide’s cheer tasted even better. With every nibble paradise circling her senses. Hugging the embrace back, as it warmed even the coldest of nights. After all, cocoa was a magic that had been written for centuries. Our own personal chocolate. Scents individualized. Our tastes different. Senses heightened. Our own unique experience. But, she chose to share it with others. Enveloped in fleeting bliss. Where time flew too quickly. The New Year edging closer.

Looking for a unique Christmas gift for chocolate lovers? NOMO is the perfect find.
NOMO understood the assignment. Feel good vegan chocolate that meant no one had to miss out. Chocolate bars, and novelty bars. Chocolate lollipops and sharing boxes. Kids boxes and ones for everyone. No matter what age, chocolate that transcended centuries. Slipping eager fingers into an Orange Crunch sharing box. Textured mini slabs toying with her tongue. Infused with the tangy zing of juicy orange, layered with crunchy cocoa nibs. One of the most popular festive flavours, a real crowd pleaser. Not Terry’s Chocolate orange, but the memories came flooding back. Sat on her foster’s mum sofa sharing orange chocolate together. The taste lingering, long after the chocolate was gone. But it was the Cookie Dough Chocolate Reindeers that stole her heart. Almost too good to eat, picturing the majestic creatures in her mind. With antler crowns that edged through frozen mists. In luminous nights, beneath the moons embrace. Treading snow, gracefully gliding. And yet, these reindeers were almost comical. Cartoonish chocolate confections, the crunch of cookie dough. Nostalgic, a taste she couldn’t quite place. Home in a bite. Love in a gulp. Happiness when it was all gone.
The Kids Selection Box was just as special. A unique Christmas gift wrapped up in love. Blue and yellow. Green and red. Happy bursts of colour dancing with glee. Nomster Lollies a fun vegan stocking filler. With lopsided grins, a chocolate treat inside. A myriad of sensations, milk rivers flowing. A symphony of tastes, unravelling one piece at a time. But the Crispy Mo was utterly adorable. Like a rice krispie encased in chocolate. Soft, yet solid. Crisp and light, transformed with sugared alchemy. A chorus of crackles, music in her throat. Whipering secrets of a unique Christmas gift that had only just begun. A new obsession, tiny air bubbles floating on by. Vegan chocolate that made her burst with happiness. Counting down the moments until it would touch her lips once more. She fell in love with chocolate, again and again. The number one sweet choice for A during the festive season. A warm hug in velvety cocoa, traces lingering in her bloodstream. An ode to love, a celestial creation. Fashioned by the Gods of Christmas themselves. Nurturing hands that fed her like she was royalty.
Cookie Dough Chocolate Reindeers 20 x 30g £18
Orange Crunch Sharing Box £5
Kids Selection Box £4
Nu:tropic Taster Pack
There were times when she never felt full. Stomach gurgling with discontent, blood sugars dropping. Feeling like she was ravenous, despite how much she ate. Mouth crying out for more, full but not full. Then at others, she felt her stomach in her chest. The cramping that had her holding on for dear life. The nausea, the vomiting and the dizziness. The acid that ravaged through her body. She was in state two today, a bad flare up, a week in already. Struggling to get through work, waves of pain numbing her senses. Going through the mechanical motions, only the plainest of foods staying down. Losing the sense of taste, her sensations dulled. But even though her stomach was bloated, her brain was hungry. Starved of motivation, productivity dissipitating. Begging for some respite from the pain. She took some time out, her hand on her stomach. Closing her eyes. Letting the discomfort wash over her like a purging cleanse. She was never one to let anything stop her. Her tolerance for pain high. And yet, even this was testing her limits. The room spinning, the familuar pull of black threatening to pull her under. It was one of those days. A diet of plain foods, the only things she could keep down. Plain sourdough toast, lightly buttered. A grated carrot and ginger broth seeped in tumeric and garlic. It was a far cry from her usual exciting and varied diet, but she could barely keep any food down.

Nutropic has a range of vegan bars that make a unique Christmas gift. Perfect for a conscious festive choice.
And yet, there was one snack that was an exception to the rule. Nu:tropic‘s range of vegan energy bars, loaded with brain nutrients. Gentle on the stomach, kind on the mind. Ultra-clean, ultra-convenient, feeding her hungry brain. Fast, functional brain food, with enough flavour to keep her going. Plain enough to caress her stomach in kneading massages of love. She would feed it the fuel it needed on days where she couldn’t stomach much. No artificial flavours. Complex carbs, healthy fats and protein. Laced with delectable Norwegian Black Oats, and gut-friendly prebiotic fibre. Richer in essential fatty acids, and Omega-3s sustainably sourced from microalgae. The right level of sweetness, four flavours to choose from. Apple & Cinnamon with its warmth like Christmas pie. Imagining a flaky golden crust, layered apple inside. Tasting the nostalgia on her tongue, the Salted Caramel just as poignant. Not cloying like treacle, a tranquil dance of flavour. With hues of amber like faded autumn, cascading upon tongues like sweet wines. The Raisin & Almond her personal favourite. The raisin tender and plump, offset by delicate almond. A flavourful duet, lingering in her mouth. Like dappled sun spreading love. The last, Maple & Pecan, a caramel kiss, a honeysuckle plea. Liquid gold, a treasure trove, sweet nectar of the tree.
Price: £8.99 instead of £9.99 for the taster pack
Advent Calendars
CEWE Advent Calendar
She still remembered the way she felt when she got her first advent calendar. Each numbered door a gateway to delight. Treasures lurking behind each square, chocolate, toys, makeup too. Beauty, skincare, no shortage of trinkets. Whispers of cheer, what would she get next? But it was the anticipation, as Christmas edged ever closer that stole her heart. The countdown from day one to 25. A sweet reminder of a tradition that began in her childhood. And yet there were many years in between where no advent calendar graced her life. No countdown to the big day. No hidden treats waiting to be found. But this year, she had a lot to be thankful for. Advent calendars in their special place, away from the cat’s prying eyes. As frost painted patterns on the windowpanes. The Advent calendars carving whimsical art behind closed doors. It turned out that all roads led to chocolate. Where the food story began, and where it would end. Tiny treats of edible joy, plunged into bobbing mouths. She would envision opening the first door, crading the tiny world within. Enchantment dwelling, where dreams came alive. Joy blossoming, happiness thriving. Intoxicated with the calendar’s whispers that lured her into its minature world.

CEWE’s range of personalized Christmas calendars make the the perfect unique Christmas gift.
But CEWE had an advent calendar like no other. A personalized Advent Calendar that she would design using a template. Tony’s Chocolonely’s cocoa treats lurking behind. A surprise for her partner, a countdown they could share together. 25 days of chocolate heaven, memories every time they touched it. She picked out three memories that would make him smile. Three photos at restaurants and bars that cemented their love. The first, a vegan Indian feast at OMNOM. Him in a navy blue shirt, her in a teal floral kimono, smiles licking their faces. Her 29th birthday. A spa day followed by vegan food. She could think of no better day. Samosas layered with potatoes and green peas. Spices wrapped in a crispy golden pastry, plunged into chutney. Vegan Lamb Labbadar in a rich tomato gravy. Spices tingling, cashew nuts plunged. Sopped up by Jackfruit Birayani Rice laced with mint, coriander, and basmati rice. The second memory, at Rule Zero. A games bar in Hackney Wick, not far from Stratford. Chomping down on chicken burgers (veggie for her), card games at the ready. And who could forget the third memory? A theatre and dinner date near last Christmas. Pumpkin ravioli swimming in peppered cream sauce. Her in a dusky blue floral wrapover dress, doing what they loved best. A personalized calendar that brought them joy everytime they looked at it.
The chocolates were just as memorable. 27 fairtrade Tony’s Chocoloney’s in 10 different varieties. Milk Chocolate the original in a bold red wrapper. Smooth and creamy, sliding down the throat. Extra Dark Chocolate, vegan cocoa bliss. 70% cocoa, for a bittersweet hit. Milk Almond Honey Nougat who would forget it? Creamy chocolate laced with sticky honey and almond nougat. A rainbow on their tongues. Dark Milk Pretzel Toffee a revelation. The crunch of the pretzel, enveloped in dark milk chocolate. A sweet toffee crunch. But White Chocolate? It was like stepping back in time. Her favourite chocolate growing up. A better version of a Milky Bar, sweet, yet balanced. Still, when it came to their favourite chocolates from the calendar they were divided. Her, Milk Hazelnut, velvet rivers of cocoa, a taste of delight. Creamy nuances, a chocolate sonata, a duet of sweetness. His Dark Almond Sea Salt, that just happened to be vegan. Salty whispers blend with nutty allure.An orchestra of taste, an experience pure. Three more chocolates to caress their palettes. Dark Milk beneath an onyx cloak, secrets etched in cacao. Milk Caramel Sea Salt where amber rivers cascaded in gentle streams. A molten sunrise in a marriage of cocoa. Igniting taste buds like a sunken sand. White Raspberry Popping Candy, a celestial secret. Tiny crystals popping on her tongue, passion sparked.
Non Alcoholic Drinks
Rude Health Vegan Milks & Granolas
She drank deeply, vegan milk a potion of ethereal grace. In a transluscent glass, beige-white liquid. A symphony of oats, pure as shucked fields. Gently cascading down her throat, a compassionate drink. A message of mindful progress, it had been a long time since she drank real milk. Vegetarian since she was 17, who ate largely vegan. Her love for animals that knew no bounds, their hearts beating with her own. Campaigning for animal rights now and always. The vision of her three beloved cats with her, the driving force behind her passion. With every sip, a smile licking the corners of her face. A taste that nourished, yet set her free. Living a cruelty-free lifestyle, wearing clothes made from animal free materials. Vegan in all but diet, using products not tested on animals. Conflict-free makeup, skincare that was kind. No meat or fish, no exploit or neglect. Remembering the souls deserving of love and kindness. Plaintative cries still ringing in her ears. She couldn’t bare the thought of animal cruelty. Longed for a world where they were revered like the stars that they were.

Rude Health’s range of vegan milks and breakfast granolas/ mueslis are a cruelty-free unique Christmas gift.
Rude Health believed in animal rights too. Turning the tide, dairy-free drinks and food that had won 23 Great Taste Awards. Nothing artificial, quality ingredients. Cruelty-free food and drink found in fridges and cupboards all around the world. The No Sugars Organic Oat Drink her personal favourite. A creamy milky river that cascaded across her taste buds. From golden fields where grains swayed in the breeze, the humble oat spinning verses. Nurtured by sunbeams and kissed by the rain, it was hard to believe there was no sugar. Poured into 5 Grain 5 Seed porridge, a gentle earthy flavour. Two kinds of linseeed textured delight. Laced with sunflower seeds and poppy seeds too. Barley flakes and rye flakes slipping into her mouth. She would have a different vegan breakfast everyday of the week. A healthy morning start to the Christmas season, her senses enlightened. No Sugars Organic Almond Drink, naturally sweet. Organic Italian Almonds blended with spring water. Carob seed flour to keep it smooth and creamy. Poured into The Ultimate Granola, with the tastiest multigrain base. Infused with rich date syrup coating light puffed amaranth. Roasted Hazelnuts and Roasted Almonds that made her feel special, no better start to Christmas.
Three more treats, a unique Christmas gift that would last all year round. An Organic Almond Drink creamy, and smooth. Crushed almond blended with rice, silky sweetness. A dash of cold-pressed sunflower oil, pure mountain spring water. A gentle alchemy, like morning blush. A liquid gift decanted into Apple & Cinnamon Instant Bircher Muesli. Soft, digestible, all the flavours of Christmas mulling in her stomach. Apple crisp, bathed in winter sunshine. Nature’s bounty, like forbidden allure. Cinnamon, one of her favourite festive spices. An aromatic tango, a spicy breeze. Memories of a homemade apple and cinnamon cake, a spoonful of hot custard plunged into yellow depths. Last but not least, the stand alone. Coconut Drink Organic, nutrient rich. A refreshing alternative, whipped up until silky smooth. Blended with rice and pure mountain spring water. A pinch of sea salt. Her favourite milk in a vegan hot chocolate. Each sip, new memories unfurling. Darkened chocolate, with a coconut hint. Numb blue hands fading into red. Soothing, warming, like a cozy blanket on a frosty morning. Melting like whispers that warmed her body. Savouring a creation so sweet and pure.
(Via Ocado)
No Sugars Organic Oat Drink £1.72 instead of £2.30
5 Grain 5 Seed Porridge £2.95
No Sugars Organic Almond Milk £1.53 instead of £2.30
The Ultimate Granola £4
Organic Almond Drink £2.30
Coconut Drink Organic £2.30
(Via Waitrose)
Apple & Cinnamon Instant Bircher Muesli £2.30 instead of £3.50
Pentire Drinks
A memory floated by. Catching waves until the darkness of night changed the mood. Azure crescendoes tinged with frothy white, turned into inky blue. Illuminated by the half crescent moon, hanging like a silver thread. The splash on the golden sands, slipping through her fingers like time. The wind tapped at the air, and the skies howled. And yet, a strange calm came over her. She was the Goddess of the Sea. A summer girl caught in the icy grip of winter. The sea foam like delicate lace sprayed onto her fingers, melting into skin. Tracing the sands with delicate imprints, despite the thunderous roars. Kind and gentle. Fierce and protective. Untamed, the ruler of waters, a tempest brewing. It seemed strange to talk about the sea and Christmas. And yet, like all of the natural world it inspired her. The cliffs that were once verdant with green, an icy carpet. Looking over crystalline shores. A tapestry of slate, a poet’s dream. Crashing waves against the cliffs. A silhouette against the steel-gray sky. The jagged edges, weathered by the years. The haunting melody of night touching her heart. The sea had captured her heart once more. Hands clasping its cerulean soul. The bitter cold invigorating, kindling the flames of poetic desires.

Pentire Coastal Spritz is one o the best non alcoholic drinks I have tried in a long time. I highly reccomend it for a unique Christmas gift.
If anything reminded A of her love for the sea it was Pentire. Whose range of non-alcoholic coastal inspired spirits lingered long after it was gone. Sustainable, vegan, a celebration of the power and beauty of plants. Sharing and experimenting with flavours they found in the coast. She could taste it too. The vision coming back. Pentire Coastal Spritz, a non-alcoholic aperitif. Blended with Zesty Blood Orange, sweet nectar flooding her senses. Balanced out with Sea Rosemary, resilient and strong. Storytellers of the open waters, verdant leaves in the salty breeze. Oakwood, that finishing touch. The perfect balance of natural bitter flavours and refreshing coastal tones. Created in collaboration with the world’s best bartenders, celebrating the great outdoors. Poured into a wine glass with melting ice cubes. A dash of light tonic, fizzing gently. A wedge of orange, the taste of the sea in her mouth. The Pentire Margarita just as nostalgic. A pre-mixed non-alcholic cocktail, coastal botanicals blended. Zingy lime slurping on sweet agave. Sea salt sparring with a dash of Mexican chilli. A fresh and spirited cocktail with botanicals native to their local coastline in Cornwall. Sustainably sourced, rich in vitamins and flavornoids. Salt on the tip of her tongue, crystalline and bright. Tinted nectar cascading, a swirling sensation. Hard to believe it wasn’t alcoholic, a zesty liberation. Each sip, a taste of her beloved sea. Cool waves of citrus caressing the palate’s song.
Pentire Margarita £22.50
Pentire Coastal Spritz from £22.80
Alcoholic Drinks
Pergola Drinks
She burrowed deeper into the blanket. Cradling her gently like a murmering stream. Her hands rigid with ice that wrapped around her fingers. Her cheek splotched with angry dashes of red. Her lips blue, a herbal cinnamon and ginger tea brewing. Hands enveloped around a blue mermaid cup, the first sip warming. As much as she tried to embrace winter, her heart would always be with summer. She would unravel, sprouting out from underneath the ground. Like a Strelitzia Reginae in fiery orange and regal blue. With feathers of petals, delicate and bright. Hordes of admirers watching from afar. Raining dopamine blessings, a smile for anyone who saw it. She would transform from a flower into a mermaid. Lounging by the poolside in a white and blue ruched swimsuit. A hat plonked over her face, riveria style. Teal painted toes dipping into artificial blue waters. The present tried to call her, the thunder crackling in the dark gray skies. And yet, the reverie bubble hadn’t bursted just yet. Sipping cocktails by the pool, make up free. Bronzed from the sun’s serotonin glow. Hours trickling by, time slowing down. Melting into sunset, stroking the canvas of the evening sky. Flaming clouds in crimson and gold, fading into night. The stars unfolding their shimmering shroud.

Pergola’s range of tequila cocktails took me by surprise. I am not a huge fan of tequila normally but this showed why it was a unique Christmas gift.
She wasn’t ready to get back to reality just yet. Pergola, her summer in winter drink. Premixed cocktails, like sunshine in a bottle. Poolside, a classic with a twist. A unique Christmas gift that had her reaching for warmer climes. A teal blue teetering on green, laced with yuzu. Its skin cloaked in a tangerine hue, lost in the pool. Plunged into liquid, a bitter sweetness, an oxymoron. Balanced out with a hint of mint. An elixir of serenity, in a devilish bottle. Sour, invigorating, a hug in a bottle. Poured into a wide rimmed glass, tinged with sea salt. A drink that even in winter would turn up the heat. In summer, by its namesake, sunglasses blocking the sun. In winter, at home. A themed Christmas party, something different. Jackfruit tacos with braised red cabbage. A dash of lime, unveiling new flavours. Nacho tortillas slathered in sour cream, a homemade tomato salsa. Guacamole peeking through. But Sunset was her favourite, Pergola’s take on a Tequila Sunrise. Mixed with carefully selected cognac and a special blend of citrus juice. A hint of pomnegranate, a tropical sunset. An elixir of fire on a cold winter’s day. Orange nectar coursing through her veins, her adrenaline kicking in. She burst a Queen olive in her mouth, stuffed with pimento and confit garlic. An explosion of flavour, that flirted with her senses. She was never one who played by the rules. A summer girl, bringing heat to winter. Casting a spell, its drinkers falling in love. Imagining vermillion skies like liquid gold.
Price: £28 per bottle
Diablo Wines
She remembered the first time she had a cheese and wine night. How she fell in love. In hues of golden sun, and burgundy wine. An orchestration of flavours taking flight. A spectrum of textures, a fragrant room. She laid out the cheeses with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. Camembert as soft as moonlit summer eves, caressing palettes. A taste that would never leave. The feta salty and tangy, like rolling azure seas. The mighty mature cheddar slapped into rough chunks. Stories in every piquant bite. The Gorgonzola engorged with veins of royal blue. Aged to sublime, a treasure forged in the sands of time. For cheese and wine was a secret bond that must never be broken. A sip, a journey to distant lands. A nibble, an escape from hum-drum reality. The wines came, laden with Christmas cheer. A liquid alchemy, the reds robust. Warming like the crackle of a fireplace, gathering flames. From Carbernet Sauvignon to the royal merlot, a symphony of tannins, a chorus of flows. The whites, like those summer-drenched petals unfurling in a twirl. Chardonnay like buttery golden velvet. Riesling that danced with citrus. Cheese and wine, a timeless love affair. That transcended Christmas, climbing its way into the new year. Mingling palettes, a sensory explosion. But for now, she sat in the present. Raising her glass, with her best friend in tow. To cheese and wine, a festive moment to be.

Diablo’s range of wines are some of my favourites. I regularly buy their wines for my bologneses, cheese and wine nights and as a treat! The perfect unique Christmas gift.
Their talks yawned into the early hours of the morning. Cradling glasses, cheeses half-eaten. A half-smile, half-closed eyes. Their very own wine tasting in the lead up to Christmas. The reds first, pouring nectar from a deep ruby stream. A swirling scarlet potion, whispers on their lips. Diablo Dark Red to taste, a wine that dazzled. Seducing their senses with black fruits, melting into creamy vanilla. Jammy, a tinge of sweetness. Bringing together the celebrated Maule wine region. Grapes plucked together at the exact moment of ripeness. Nothing short of extraordinairy, delicious dark fruit notes. They plunged into euphoria, laughter lines cascading. Paired with aromatic Pepperjack cheese that they slathered in tomato and chilli chutney. Spice like a delicate invitation, a teasing kiss. The second wine, just as flawless. Diablo Black Cabernet Sauvignon with its deep and intense flavour. Rated among the top 4% of wines in the world according to Legs cascading like enchanted laughter. Aromas arising, senses reminiscing. Hints of dark chocolate, laced with sweet spices. Christmas in a bottle, a zephyr’s embrace. Velvet textures enveloping the tongues shore. Paired with milky Roquefort, laced with blues veins. The devil’s own, tempting and sinful. Cradling sea salt and peppered crackers, in a tangy bundle.
For Diablo’s wines were the perfect unique Christmas gift. Whites and red, an angelic yet devilish marriage. Wines that crawled next to cheeseboards, and stayed the night. Bottles drained dry, remenants on the counter. Whites, L’s favourite. Diablo Crystal Sauvignon Blanc, pale yellow ambrosia. Fresh and light, delicate touches of white peach teasing. Enveloping sweet and creamy notes, a long and pleasant finish. Draped in a golden glow, on the nose like a hot summer’s day. A garden in full bloom, a tranquil escape. A new cheese to taste, Goats Cheese, one of their favourites. From sun-kissed winter pastures, once with emerald sheen. An ivory hue, like the silver thread of the half-crescent moon. Creamy and indulgent. Whispers of herbaceous notes, playfully mingling with the tang. But the Diablo Golden Chardonnay White Wine was her favourite. A pact with the extraordinairy. Fragile silky notes dancing into tropical fruits. Tart passionfruit licked by juicy papaya. Effervescent rapture, a serenade for the soul. A sonnet of joy, intoxicatingly whole. Paired with Brie and cranberry blinis, a festive combination. A velvety rind, with a cloak of ivory. Their wine tasting was complete, crumbs scooped up. Slipping into a content haze, a blurred canvas.
Madeira Rum Collection
Madeira, the jewel of the Atlantic, where her heritage hailed from. Her parents coming over to the UK when they were 17, and 20, a new land discovered. England, a stark contrast to the volcanic island best known for Cristiano Ronaldo. But it was so much more. Out of the delicate dream of the distance an emerald would emerge. Veiled in the violet folds of the air of the sea, a quiet cloud lingering. It had been twelve long years since she felt basalt sand between her toes. Memories fading, the older she got. But she knew that it would all come rushing back. Gliding through Levada da Riberia da Janela, a walk like no other. Navigating the aqueduct terrains. Through rocky gorges, tracing a path through lush Laurisilva Forests. Among ancient giants, she whispered secrets. Where nature danced wild and free. Porto Moniz’s natural swimming pools, engorged with sunlight. The azure ocean meeting the land. Volcanic rocks like ancient sentinels, gazing upon teal waters. Filled with crystal brine, guiding souls to dream. But even in winter, Madeira came alive. She cast her mind back to the last Christmas she was here. Nativity Scenes in Riberia Brava, beautiful sculptures of art. Made from natural materials, a shrine to its people. In the form of a staircase imitating a rocky grotto. The Christmas lights switch on in Funchal downtown. Christmas markets, and street food stalls. But her favourite memory? Dia De Reis, gathering with friends and family. Engorging ourselves on Bolo Rei. Round, with a large hole in the centre. Resembling a crown, filled with crystallized fruit. Finding the secret fava bean that was lurking within.

I feel blessed to have Maderian heritage. And even more lucky to have the Madeira rums as part of my unique Christmas guide. It is so important to me to celebrate my heritage.
Madeira was a treasure, their rums no different. Whispers of caramel and a warm spiced embrace. Born in vine-clad hills where enchantment would lie. Dancing on tongues invoking drawn out sighs. From barrels seasoned by the ocean’s salty breath. To the rum aged in oak wood, a liquid elixir. Five samples of rum nestled in a navy box slithered into her consciousness. 970 Madeira Wine Cask 7Y from Harold And Hansa. An elegant Agricole rum aged in a Madeira wine cask for seven years. She sipped, tentatively at first. Marvelling at the translucent bright golden colour. The colour of sunbeams and shucked wheat. The flavours washed over her. Salted caramel and candied orange. A dash of figs, it tasted like home. The nostalgia came back. Christmas in a shot. The aftertaste persisting long after it had gone. But it was the Balancal Madeira Wine Cask that would make a unique Christmas gift. A bold rum, aged for eight months in an ex-Malvasia Wine Cask. The first double distilled rum produced in Madeira. Subtle aromas of vanilla and biscuit. Notes of honey serenading tart orange peel. A langorous dry finish, that teased her senses. The Reizinho 3 Years another stand out. Distilled in a Portuguese pot. Hints of orange peel, and vanilla on the nose. Baked fruit teasing her senses. Sweet and salty black olives that she loved so much. Dried fruits dancing with vanilla and raisins. A grassy finish on the palette.
Each rum had its own character. Each rum felt like home. But no more so than the award winning 970 6 Years Old. Fresh sugarcane juice fermented. Distilled in a copper still. Aged for six years in French oak cask and Brazillianwood. Gold colour obtained from the aging. Smoky and woody, with hints of vanilla. A smooth finish on the palette. A social rum, was it any wonder it was awarded bronze and silver medals in the International Spirits Challenge? Last but not least. Balancal Double Distilled Portraits Of Rum. The first rum from a single plot still, then added to a hybrid still. Subtle fresh sugarcane, with floral and tropical notes. Balanced in the mouth, tropical and herbaceous aromas teasing. She imagined being under winter starlit skies. Where each sip cast a golden amber glow. A catalyst for storytelling in the night. A dance of intoxication, a touch of warmth divine. Tracing the lineage of celestial dancers in the dark skies. Cosmic musings, where history’s whispers filled the air. Her heart racing, the energy coursing through her veins. Transported back to her beloved island, where her parents once lived.
970 Madeira Wine Cask 7Y £104.90
Balancal Madeira Wine Cask £49.50
Reizinho 3 Years £49.90
970 6 Years Old £48.50
Balancal Portraits Of Rum £46.50
Trivento Limited Edition Wine Flight
She swam in a pool of red wine. Bold and untamed , a passionate fling, an unquenchable desire. Drowning in a crimson spell, a tapestry of stories untold. For she was someone whose love for red wine knew no bounds. A love affair from the moment they met, unfurling with each sip. Her heart beating faster, ruby rivers flowing through her veins. She drank the scarlet nectar, splashing onto her Christmas jumper. As time dissolved and inhibitions faded. Plunging into an alchemy of grapes, kissed by the sun. She looked out her window, grey wisps of clouds turning darker. Squeezing drizzle, a tiny shower. A far cry from sun-kissed climes where velvet wines lay in wait. Lingering on her lips, it enveloped her senses in a passionate haze. She licked the red off her tongue, warmth spreading through her body. Images conjured, red cherries plucked. Blackberries bursting juice. Plums juicy flesh, so tender and sweet. But the raspberry in its luscious crimson robes enticed her. Thorny guardians now ripened bounty. In twilights soft embrace, a symphony of flavours dancing. But it wasn’t just fruit that red wine reminded her of. Memories. Wine and Game nights, in the thrall of twilights tender touch. Where mysteries flickered, a celestial spark. Wandering through vineyards in Tuscany, a private wine tasting in Chianti. Pasta Bake drenched in her favourite red wine. Drifting into dreams of vivid reds and deep blacks. The devil on one shoulder, whispering secrets into her ear.

Trivento’s limited edition wine flight was a unique Christmas gift to keep me cozy this festive season.
With a gasp, her latest unique Christmas gift was here. Trivento‘s Limited Edition Wine Flight with three exceptional Malbecs. A kaleidoscope of tales waiting to be found. Where memories deepened, and colours got brighter. Trivento Private Reserve Malbec the esscence of Argentinia’s renowned terroir. Aged for eight months in oak barrels. Swimming in autumnal blackberry, a splash of plum. Black cherry toying with hints of vanilla and chocolate. Ripe flavours kissed by mist, tannins caressing in a mouthwatering melody. The glass half full, a Veggie Bolognese on the table. Notes of cherry tomatoes, paprika and all things nice. She took a strand, circled pasta around the vegan mince. A dash of parmesan, melting into paradise. Spiced notes on the tip of her tongue, drifting into a delicious haze. A different wine, a different day. Trivento Golden Reserve Malbec her favourite of the three. That encapsulated the spirit of Christmas, intense fruit aromas. Silky tannins slithering onto her waiting tongue. A deep-ruby red hue, the scent of home. Plums that danced with cherries, a surprise aroma of violets. A palette of layered flavours, blackberry and cassis. Sweet yet complex, a long and satisfying finish. Sensations that dribbled into her soul long after it was gone. She saved a glass for a Spiced Vegetable Stew. Laced with tumeric, cinnamon and cumin. A hug in a bowl. Chickpeas bathed in a spiced broth, chunks of sweet potato. Kale enveloped in garlic, grated ginger warming. Fire-roasted tomatoes, and borlotti beans dancing.
A third wine to close out the exploration. Trivento Reserve, a promise of indulgence, awakening the tongue. Sweet cherry jiving with tangy raspberries. Toasty vanilla notes, like a warm Christmas blanket. Pure alchemy, a whisper of a kiss. From renowned Chilean wine brand Concha y Toro, no wonder it was good. Malbec that revealed the hidden realms of night. A symphony of grapes, an oak-aged flight. Each glass a voyage to a soul that never stopped wandering. Where flavours interwined, evolved and rolled. A vegan steak on the table, her favourite from Juicy Marbles. Pulling apart like beef brisket, slathered in a smoky barbeque rub. With a hint of chilli, confit garlic dribbling butter. Cheddar and chive mash, light and fluffy. Lime and paprika corn on the cob, chargrilled. A side of creamy coleslaw, a small bundle of salad. Drizzled in pepper flakes, a dash of sea salt. Her wine flight had come to an end, her belly pooched with satisfaction. But the memories still idled. In warm embraces in laughters tide. Sparking an infectious joy, that coursed through her soul. But it was a seduction too. With silky words dripping like honeyed wine. A delicate web spun, a dance of shadows, entangled limbs.
Reserve – from £9.00
Private Reserve – from £10.50
Golden Reserve – from £16.00

Summerton Whisky Club is the perfect subscription box for a unique Christmas gift.
Price: £50 per delivery
Eccentric Entertainment Gifts That Are Fun
Without her books, she didn’t know where she would be. Without her games, a part of her was missing. And without her writing, she wouldn’t be complete. For entertainment was her bread and butter. Her life-saving oxygen, that anchored her during hard times. Cleansing her in its rose-tinted lenses, trauma seeping away. Imagining herself in a movie, underneath a velvet theatre sky. Dark inky blue littered with the pale silvery thread of a thousand stars. The moon, like a gemstone illuminating the night. Despite the weight of anxiety that clawed at her heart, she felt free. No longer trapped in the confines of her body. Away from the skin-crawling sensation, that left her gasping for air. She would read fantasy novels, bathed in voluminous heat. Bobbing in a bath tub, hair scraped back in a shower cap. Minutes, sometimes hours lost in the sway of a read in the bath. Games, a more social event. Playing board games and card games with her partner, in the lead up to Christmas. As for writing? It was the only thing she was truly good at. The one thing that reflected who she really was. Hopes and dreams cascading across a blank notebook, scribbled out errors. Tears mingling with joy, a sigh of relief. For there was no other unique Christmas gift than one that made you lose sense of time. Suspended in flight like a ballet dancer, memories found.
Bright Midnights
She felt the familuar darkness from a young age. Yet, at the time, she didn’t have a name for it. Her visitor, whose rough scratches left her broken and bruised. Gasping for air, punctuated lungs. The darkness that threatened to pull her under, told her there was no point of trying. Sat on her chest like an impish Cheshire Cat. Strings holding her down, she couldn’t get up. Depression. She didn’t know it then, but she sure knew now. The darkness from trauma, ingrained from a young age. The parents that left, the family that abused. The friends that took advantage. The relationships that went down the pan. A cycle of abuse, neglect and not belonging. A story that began the day she was born. Hard to break the pattern, trying to find a way out. Then, there was the anxiety too. Though she faced the darkness head on, it jeered at her. Their whispers laced with venonmous allure. Obsessive thoughts that thrived on chaos. Untamed essence, with wicked grins and twisted delight. But there was something else too. In between the anxiety, the depression and trauma. The missing piece. She had no answer. And yet, reading gave her hope. Books that brayed at the tormentors, leaving scars that spoke. Guilty pleasure reads, where everything seemed simple. Historical fiction, going back in time. Dystopian, and fantasy. Real-life, and philosophy. Books that took away the pain. That made her forget.

Bright Midnights is one of my favourite new books. I definitely reccomend buying it as a unique christmas gift.
Bright Midnights by Lexy Delorme was one of those rare books. A subversive paranormal romance that teered on dystopia. The first word, the first sentence, the first chapter, that lured her in like a siren. Her dark brown eyes widening, her heart racing. A rough red sketch on the apples of her cheek deepening. Swept into Amelie’s world, unveiling secrets that went beyond teenage angst. Amelie being drawn to others, the tragic consquences of their interactions inevitable. Her own struggles with abuse, touching A’s heart. Knowing a thing or two about being used by the people who were meant to be your guardians. And yet, despite Amelie’s appalling upbringing, she is strong. Finding her own reality, escaping into the solace of her dreams. Different times, different places. Clovis lying in wait. But would he reveal her secrets to the wrong people? Was he what she seemed. A’s eyes remained glued to the page, transfixed, unable to stop. Rooting for the young characters, a sense of foreboding tingling. Her world turned upside with each plot twist. Her mouth parched at the anticipation. Who would make it out? It was a love story masquerading as a ghost story. A young Adult Novel, with complex adult themes. Rich, poetic lyrial words that teased her long after it was read. Hard to put down. Even harder to console herself when there was no third book to read.
The second entry in Delorme’s Limerent series, she was left wanting more. The best novel she had read this year, an indescribable impact. Amelie was a protagonist who she saw herself in. An age difference, but similar life stories. No touch of the supernatural in her life. And yet, she was someone who drew the good and the bad to her too. Bad apples like vultures feasting on her vunerabilities. Taking advantage from a young age, unable to fend them off. But she was different now. She stood up for herself. Watching Amelie’s progression and character arc, made her feel proud. A teenager, who was realizing her self-worth. Who had found her voice. Distancing herself from the world that caused her pain. And yet, despite her mind shields, the bad got in too. The incubuses, and a forbidden attraction. Being hunted down. Her interactions with adults, and family, who tried to control her. Her yearning for real friendships. A relationship-driven urban fantasy, that would make a unique Christmas gift. As the last words drifted off the page, and into her consciousness, she smiled. A book that promised the arrival of another. A novel that made her want to read CAIO, number one in the series. Praying for a 10-parter, stories from other people’s perspective. Favourite characters back again. New ones that took her breath away.
Price: £12.95 on Amazon Prime
Ten Steps To Us
She cast her mind back to her teenage years. Ridiculed and singled out for being different. For being weird, for not fitting in. Bullied by the people who were meant to be her own friends. Tormented for being ‘too nice’. She was a people pleaser and a push over. Seeking validation from people who didn’t deserve one ounce of her kindness. And yet, she craved to be noticed. Hoping one day the bullying would stop. Praying that people would see her for who she really was. Toxic friendships defined her teenage years. Called names, insulted, her school belongings destroyed. Unpopular, there was no doubt about it. Very few actual friends. Sure, that changed as she got older. People understanding who she was. Liking her authenticity. And yet the same person still lurked within, no matter how much she pushed it down. She was getting better at choosing friends that were real. Understanding that she didn’t need to change herself for others. She liked who she was. Her friends did too. After all, she lost her identity so many times in the past that she wouldn’t let it happen again. She remembered crushes that got outed. The laughter and the humilation. Self-confidence that went downhill, even when she tried to fight. Secondary school was one of the most difficult periods in her life. But there were good times too. Love kernels that she held onto, when she tried to see balance.

Ten Steps To Us was heartwarming and poignant. If you are looking for a debut novel to add to your unique christmas gift wishlist, this is perfect.
It’s why she related to Aisha, the protagonist of Ten Steps To Us. Someone who had been bullied at School for being Muslim. Who fell in love with a boy outside of her faith. Being someone who used to be Muslim, she could relate to that feeling of being stuck between two cultures. And yet, even as a non-Muslim now, she related to Aisha’s experience. Of feeling invisible, unnoticed and unseen. Of liking people who didn’t like you back. An honest and nuanced story of living as a Muslim teenager, and the complexities of friendships, relationships and gender roles. Anyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or religion could identify with Aisha. Whose connection to Darren brought equal joy, and fear. The chemistry between them electric, a strong narrative voice that drew her in. Each twist and turn captivating her, leaving her wanting more. A coming of age debut novel by Attiya Khan that made her laugh and cry. Frustrated at times, spellbound at others. A book that she finished in one sitting, so different to her expectations. A teenage experience layered with adult themes. Around the complexity of faith and intimacy. How difficult your first real love can be. For Aisha, a devout hijab-wearing Muslim, loving Darren was forbidden. She looks to others for guidance. But as time goes on, she begins to question patriachal perceptions. Does she make the right choice for her? The ending was abrupt, leaving A hopeful for a sequel. Desperate for news of a second book. For it was a unique Christmas gift that was thoughtful too. A book that was out of the ordinairy.
Price: £7.65 on Amazon Prime
Sarah Needs Saving
She couldn’t remember the last time that her life was perfect, if ever. But she didn’t mind that. There was something about navigating chaos, and finding beauty in its flaws. Seeking the highs and lows, the balance between the two. At times it seemed like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Juggling her personal, work, emotional, and social life all in one breath. Laboured gasps, the anxiety coursing through her. The familuar tingling in her fingers, the racing of the heart. And yet, despite the anxiety, she saw the good in messiness. It showed her how to live a life that was unabashedly flawed. Not caring what people thought, learning to lower her expectations. She found it hard to be out of control and embrace the unknown. Particularly when she had a strong vision of who she was, and what she needed. But sometimes unplanned moments created the best memories. In work, a last-minute photoshoot idea on the spot when the original didn’t go to plan. In personal accepting the messiness of her physical and mental health, going with the flow. In social, being more flexible. In emotional being kinder to herself. Sometimes she needed to learn how to let go, in order to live life fully. It was about confronting fear head on, something Christmas was no stranger to. Doing the things that frightened her. That had her spiralling. Challenging herself to come out of the safe zone, and try something new.
Sarah Needs Saving was the ultimate example of embracing the chaos, not always for the best. Sarah the protagonist who once had a neatly ordered life. Typecast as a two-dimensional housewife, who didn’t fit in her husband’s family. And yet like any good DCR Bond novel, there was so much more. Accidental involvement in a drug ring in North Devon. Uncovering family secrets that she wished would stay hidden. Slowly but surely, her perfectly curated life unravelling. A read on in surprise. Sarah, a people pleasing, respectable, multi-tasking mother, turned drug accomplice. Who tells a lie to keep the family safe, a untruth that frankly A thought could be avoided. Everyday, she lives with the consequences of her decisions, leading a double life. The narrative spiralling the more she gets involved. People getting hurt, people dying. But where did she fit in the bigger picture? Combining themes of love, deceit, drug use, taking care of the elderly, and dementia, it was a multi-faceted novel. With frenetic pacing and confounding twists, A read it in one delicious setting, the words spilling into her mind. Granted A preferred Emily’s Algarve Escape. But Sarah Needs Saving was the perfect family drama with a gentle hint of noir. It wasn’t quite a beach read, but it was definitely a ‘bath read’, watching the sky turn into inky darkness. As for the plot twists? They had her on tenterhooks. The perfect unique Christmas gift for avid readers.

If you are looking for a fast paced thriller you should add Sarah Needs Saving to your festive reading list.
Price: £8.99 on Amazon
After Dinner Games For Adults
She never thought she could fall in love. She thought there was something wrong with her. Why were her expectations so high? But nothing ever seemed right, she never found the one. Until now. Nearly five years on, living with her soulmate. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Her, the girl who thought she was emotionally stunted. Immune to love, wondering what all the fuss was about. Don’t get me wrong, she thought she had been in love before. Yet she realized now, that wasn’t love. Love where she didn’t feel safe was poison. A lethal elixir on scarlet lips, that crept like ivy. Love where she was tangled in mind games, an insidous sign. Euphoria that collided with bitter pain. Love where she felt like she had lost herself, belittled and ashamed. Put down and exploited, a ghost of her former self. But what she had now was real. The kind of love where he would always support her no matter what. Even when others gave up on her, he never did. A relationship of equals, built on trust. No jealousy, no hatred, no mind games at all. The only games they played? The ones that reminded them of the honeymoon dating period. Board games where they would reinvent the wheel. Three person card games where they would change the rules. Video games on the XBOX, cheering each other on. A constant in their dating life. Games for not-so-responsible adults, twists on old favourites.

A unique Christmas gift that has over 100 possibilties? After Dinner Games has your back.
Their new After Dinner Games from Card Factory, was their saving grace. A game to play with infinite possibilities. 64 forfeit cards, 100 game cards. A one minute timer that put their nerves to the test. Three games that would make them laugh, tears streaming down their faces. With each chortle, their bond drawing ever closer. A contagious rhythm, a sweet repose. Draw Me A Clue the first game to play. Playing against each other, not in teams. Each player holding a pen, competition engineered. He began, selecting a game card. An impish smile tugging at his russet bearded lips. Drawing a man on what appeared to be a unicycle. Neither one of them the best at drawing. Least of all with a timer. Their stomachs hurting from elated giggles. A segway was the first answer. Retirement the next. The element of surprise the hardest one to capture. The Queen of Hearts somehoe easiest to guess. But the funniest? Her drawing the Bloody Mary. Both the cocktail and the Queen. The cocktail which he thought was a kebab. The queen the missing element that he got. She won that round but would he win the next? Fuzzy Duck, a game she remembered from his Greenwich years. Fuzzy Duck, Fuzzy Duck, Duzzy to revert the round. Ducky Fuzz, Ducky Fuck-oops. A forfeit card scooped up, a poem made up. A story of the man who she loved being eaten by a duck. They had a twisted sense of humour.
The forfeits came fast and furious, him losing every round but one. Sucking on a lemon, doing three press ups. Kissing a pillow with every inch of passion, like it was his crush. The third game, last but not least. The classic Cups ‘N’ Dice with their own twist. Rolling a two, nothing to be seen. A five next, the player to the right drinking. They did one better. A drink and a forfeit. Him with an ice cold bottle of cider, dry and aromatic. Her with Malibu rum, drenched in pineapple, an easy drink. She decided they would tell a truth. Naughty, whimsical questions for the funniest answers possible. Discovering more about each other than they ever knew before. A four, another truth or drink. Three, a pause in time. But six? The ultimate round. Down the drink, or a dare, picked from the forfeit card. Endless hours of fun enveloped in each others arms. The stolen kiss, sweet with mischief’s touch. A playful dance, in stolen breaths. From the kisses that were sweet and gentle, whispering secrets profound. To the ones that ignited urgency, developing something more. Games that were just for them. A testament to love that never grew old. Timeless, eternal. Long after they were dust, the memories would still linger.
Price: £7.99
Chicken VS Hotdog
Life was about being silly. Letting laughter dance free. Unafraid to make a fool of yourself. Not worried about what others think. For A and D were one and alike. A couple who poked fun at themselves (and each other). Comedy their saving grace, their therapy. Letting the silliness inside them frolick. With a playful grin and whimsical eyes. Teasing the mundane, bidding it goodbye. The jester of their aching hearts. Flipping reality on its restless head. Even at Christmas, their exuberant energy was the same. Drowning dullness in whimsy, in shades of white, red and green. Silly shattering the chains of the ‘normal people’s wrath’. A vibrant burst of joy that titililated their senses. Everyone had a bit of silly within them. Their own inner child. Unveiling the magic, wonder coursing through their soul. A gentle breeze in a winter storm. The antidote to the snow that was surely on the horizon. Tickling the cosmos, painting humours tapestry. Belly laughs like fireworks, bursting with glee. For they would embrace the silliness that was in them both. A way to feel alive again, hearts filled with sunshine. After all, was there a better unique Christmas gift than playfulness?

Chicken Vs Hotdog had me and my partner howling for hours. A unique Christmas gift for game lovers.
Chicken vs Hotdog was a game that embraced the silliness that made them whole. Freedom untamed, laughter ringing in their eyes. Two characters, what would she be? Chump The Chicken in teal and cobalt blue. Franklin Furter the hotdog of dreams. She went with the chicken, the jester in her had to say yes. Each player handed four bidding cards, putting down a bid. They kept the cards hidden, unveiled the challenge card to see what was next. A superflip was asked of them, who would win the bidding war? They put down threes, each would have a flip to see who would take part. He got it in 7, her in 3. But alas, the super flip was out of reach. The point transferred over to him. A point to the Hotdog, one of his picture cards turned over. Round two, she bid a one, him a three. Would he be able to spin the hotdog around twice in two goes? Alas, it was not meant to be, a point to Chicken. The silliness continued in round three. Him a one, her a four. The challenge card where she had to execute a two handed flip. Much to her surprise, it landed perfectly. Her cheeks flushed with excitement. Evenly matched throughout the game, until at last, a winner would be found. Down to the wire, could she take it? A short novelty game that had them on tenterhooks. But alas, it wasn’t her night. For the Jester had been crowned, it was her love. Reigning supreme, holding his hotdog in crowning glory. Lording it over her, she would demand a rematch. There could only be one Jester for Christmas. She would make sure it was her.
Price: £24.99
You Can’t Say Umm
There was nothing like a games night with friends. A group of amigos sat around the table, time standing still. Illuminated by the candle’s gentle glow, casting dusky shadows on the wall. For the fragrance of friendship was beyond compare. Keen minds filled with commaderie, spirits unbound. Plates in the middle, before the real fun began. Homemade nachos slathered in salsa, a dash of sourcream. Their own guacamole splashed with lemon. Beers all round, a ramekin filled with green olives. Barbeque Cauliflower wings drenched in sauce, piquant spice. Now, it was time to let the games begin. All competive in their own right. Winning a bottle of wine if they came out on top. A marathon of games in the countdown to Christmas. Quizzes, board games, video games too. Drawing games, and guessing games. Drinking games, and something a little naughty. The table a banquet of strategizing minds. Sometimes in teams, sometimes alone. Monopoly’s streets a battle to own. In Trivial Pursuit searching for knowledge. The tension of a Jenga tower, don’t topple over! Cards Against Humanity, the naughty game they all loved. Cascading giggles as they executed Charades horribly. Uno’s skip, reverse, draw two, never ending fun. But here was something a little different. That should be a classic. Where smiles and stories were shared. Souls intertwining like vines that would drape. Victories to catch up on, who would win?

Big Potato Games have a unique Christmas gift that will leave you laughing all night long. You Can’t Say Umm is the perfect crowdpleaser.
You Can’t Say Umm, the final game of the night. Each team given six rule cards. Discussing among themselves which cards they would give the other team. Discarding the other three. Three cards face down next to the game board. One team flanked by a pink block, the other a black block. Not allowed to look at the rules they were given by the opposing team. Next came A and B cards, seperated into piles. The opposing team going first, drawing a card from A and B. Her, flipping the timer, the button at the ready. They described the two words, they got it in a flash. A Mouldy Toaster, points to the other team. But wait, what was that hesitation that she heard. Ringing the bell everytime she heard the word ‘ummm’. Moving the blocks forward everytime the describer got their cards answered. A point to the other team whenever there was a lull. No hesitation on her part, points for the team, easily leading ahead. The words got stranger. A ticklish oven and a bald pickle. Creepy bubbles and stretchy nuggets. Her team landed on the yellow first. What did their rule cards say? She wasn’t allowed to say words beginning with S. Minding her tongue without hesitation. Her cards were strange too. A bouncy worm, and a sticky vicar. A dusty fart and a lonely squid. At the last second, the other team caught up. As the rules got harder, words getting sillier. Until, the rightful team won. Her team, a bottle of wine, to share between. Merry laughter echoing into the silent darkness of night.
Price: £19.99
Block Party
One of D’s favourite things about A, was how curious she was. An inquisitive roamer, with eager steps. Asking questions, seeking knowledge to quench her thirst. Watching the world unfurl, her soul set on fire. She would seek mysteries, her head in his lap. His hands massaging her scalp, tendrils of hair trickling down. Talking into the early hours of the morning. About nothing and everything. Yearning to discover more, an insatiable hunger. He liked to tell her that she always had her eyes wide open. Embracing the idea of being comfortable with the unknown. She would chase shadows and uncover secrets, clasping them to her chest. Through vivid dreams, unveiling wonders in a distant realm. Unlocking doors to the extraordinairy, knowledge the key. She would be forever curious, life a guessing game. Seeking answers to stories yet unwritten. Head in the future, one step of the curve. He was inquisitive too, but it was different with A. Someone who always had to know, who couldn’t be kept in the dark. A person in control, unravelling deduction of logic. It was one of the things she loved about games. Teasing her questioning mind. Dancing with ideas both old and new. Traversing the boundaries of make-believe, with nimble fingers and an eager heart.

Looking for a unique Christmas gift that you can play as a couple? Block Party has your back.
Block Party by Big Potato Games was one of those rare guessing games. Magical, two player, or as a team. Building blocks unveiling stories, would they guess each others theme? The game board flipped around to two player. A green block placed on level one. A red block in the lives bar, on number ten. Selecting an individual building card, hidden from each other. A building mat to mark out their building block designs. She laughed, like sunbeams whispering on a Christmas morning. She looked at her card list, bemused at once. Going for something easy. That she could create in a minute. Blue raindrops falling from grey and white clouds, he guessed it immediately. Surprised, not an artist by any means. His, a banana, that familuar yellow a welcome hue. A point to them both. Level two, one of the funniest rounds. 45 seconds to create the earth. A hodgesplodge of green and blue, him stumped. Giving him one word clues, a steel card on the board. At last, it came to him, but still he lost. Her, getting Pacman the instant she saw his board. They raced through the levels, wearing smiles like cloaks of gold. Before they knew it, at level five. Only allowed to use 12 blocks, they had to choose wisely. Her, a heart, him stealing some of her red. A heart made out of red, pink and green, a rainbow delight. Him, a Santa’s Hat, surprisingly good. The nailbiting finish, the last building card left. 15 seconds with 2 lives remaining. Only using three blocks. It would be impossible…or would it? Somehow her best round yet. Her, with a sad face. Him losing lives. All down to her. Would she guess right? A Palm Tree she got it in one. One green, two brown blocks, clutching the victory.
Price: £24.99
Alderdoodle D&D Deck Of Many Things
She was someone who always had her head in the clouds. Where daylight would dim, and shadows would softly sway. As the mind drifted into a neverland far away. Where the mundane became the most extraordinairy of things. On a journey fueled by the power of her overactive imagination. Daydreaming was her release, her cathartic cleanse. Disappearing into the confines of her mind, the boundaries stretched. Wandering amongst the stars in celestial grace, until she found her own enchanted space. It was her sanctuary of calm that kept her grounded. Learning how to disappear into fantasy worlds without time and space. Where she would traverse distant lands, some that were nameless. Made up in her mind, forever craving more. Chasing elusive desires like butterflies in a summer breeze. Suspended in moments where there were infinite possibilities. Even in winter, her fantasy daydreaming had wings of whimsy. Manifesting ice castles in translucent hues, where reality would bend. Frost-tipped dragons cascading above, a pastel unicorn on its tail. She opened her eyes, the melodies of her mind’s symphony unfolding. Letting her thoughts paint a canvas of dreams with colours so bright.

I was new to D&D but these beautifully illustrated cards showed me how to be a true D&D master!
Alderdoodle’s D&D Deck of Many Things knew how gratifiying living in fantasy could be. Including all the usual D&D suspects; balance dancing with flames. The Jester teasing The Void. She wrapped her hands around the black velvet pouch. Feeling the power of what lay beneath. Cards ornately illustrated with an ornate border. Gold foil glinting in the blue winter light. The different phases of the moon within, that left her spellbound. After all, who could know what chaos the deck would unveil. She declared how many cards she would draw, drawing them randomly. Each card being drawn no more than an hour after the previous draw. Would she get the chosen number? Alas not, the remaining number of cards flying from the deck on their own. Taking effect all at once. She drew a balance card, her mind suffering a wrenching alteration. Her alignment changing as lawful became chaotic. Good became evil. The Void, another memorable card, one that spelled out disaster. Her soul drawn from her body, contained in an object of the Dungeon Master’s choice. Where one or more powerful beings would guard the place. When her soul was trapped in this way, her body would be incapacitated. Though a wish spell couldn’t restore her soul, the spell would reveal the location of the object that would hold it. No more cards drawn, the game coming to an end. A unique Christmas gift that swept her into an ethereal realm.
Price: From £30
I Work Hard So My Cat Can Have The Best Life Notebook
Before her laptop and her phone, her notebook was her biggest confidante. Where thoughts took flight, with every stroke of faithful pen. A poet’s sword, creating montages of word and sound. Her books were her best friend, but her notebooks came pretty close. Tattered journals, covers weathered by the imprints of time. Turbulent passages of time, a testament to trauma, a childhood broken. Splotches of ink, angry scribbles on the page. While others discovered tippex, she let the mistakes stay on the page. Angry scrawls in the moment, angst dripping like venom. Pages and pages of stories and reflections, capturing the fragments of a wandering mind. She had no journals now, lost in the hands of others. Notebooks with to-lists. Notebooks with previous jobs, littered notes. Not lyrical prose like she frequented in her creative writing. But unconscious ramblings, letting the words drip off the page. She would mark the blank canvas, carrying the weight of emotions day and night. But that was the old her. Everything was online now. Words tapped out on a computer screen. Squeezed into social captions. When was the last time she tried journalling? Fed ideas into lined pages? An ocean of thoughts swirled like waves in her mind. Smiling as light seeped from the darkest corners.

As a cat lover I can safely say that my new feline themed notebook is the ideal unique Christmas gift..
A new notebook changed things. Emblazoned with her favourite feline friends. I Work Hard So My Cat Can Have The Best Life Notebook, poignantly heartwarming. A unique Christmas gift from Card Factory, making hearts rejoyce. A pen at the ready, thumbing its gold embossed depths. A gateway to her heart’s core, doing it old school again. The fresh smell of a new pen staining blank pages. Where dreams were given a voice. Liberating her soul, truth forever bold. She closed her eyes, felt the thoughts wash over her in a hazy rush. Buckling under overwhelm. Feeling the familuar crush of anxiety engulf her lungs. And yet, the words gave her hope. A symphony of language, a melody. Shaping worlds with written verses. Breathing life into the barren blanks. Her subsconsciousness leaking life into pages once bare. She felt a weight leave her body. The crushing tension in her back dulling. The squeezing in her stomach loosening. Limbs relaxing, mind now clear. For words were her trusted allies, no matter what time of year it was. Before she knew it, her new notebook was half-full. Navigating uncharted seas. Going back to basics, in a mapless voyage to parts unknown. Even when the world rested on her shoulders, she returned to her refuge of solitude. Healing art, where she could find solace. A respite from the chaos and despair.
Unique Skincare Gift Ideas For Joy
She heard the morning melody before she saw it. Awakening her skin in colours that would soon glow. The rising sun illuminating, on a rare festive day. Trudging to the bathroom, rubbing her eyes from sleep. Dark shadows like charcoal sketches, imprints of insomnia. She washed her face in cool water. Dewdrops of freshness, like winter’s first kiss. In gentle cascades, came water rivulets. The elixir of life. She squeezed out the remainder of her trusty face wash. A foaming gel, massaged into blemished skin. With gentle whispers, expert hands kneading. Nourishing her skin, purifying her mind. She traced the acne that had ravaged her face. Placing one of her Dots for Spots stickers, to avoid picking. Watching the translucent circle become mottled with white. Carefully peeled off, the spot shrinking. Redness on her skin abating. Later, she would step into the shallows of a bath. Watching the water fill up. Plunging into the tranquil depths of solitude. The youngest cat, the Tabby, jumping onto the ledge. Purrs of contenment like a soothing balm. Invigorating the mind with a gentle calm. Skin slathered in potions and lotions. Moisturizing, exfoliating. Gentle on sensitive skin. Her chattering mind stilled, lost in the routine of bath time. A book propped up, well thumbed. Water in a glass waiting. As fragrant bubbles swirled and dissolved. The temperature of the water cooling, now tepid. For the countdown to Christmas was her skincare mecca. Moisturisers and body lotions. Body polishes and face washes.

L’organiq has a range of gift sets that are vegan and made with natural ingredients.
L’Organiq Invigorate Daily Duo Gift Box
She outlined the angry red spots that perforated her back. Starting in the middle, gliding up to the top. She twisted her back, and gazed in the mirror. A tanned olive canvas marred by red. A crimson landscape, tender to the touch. Lumpy cysts that she struggled not to touch. It was something that she had in waves. Sometimes clear, other times ravaged. Sensitive skin, like a fragile veil. The same spots were dotted on her chest (though not as bad). Flaws and scars in skies that weren’t so clear. And yet, she was hopeful that the imprints would fade. As clear as the skin wrapped around her legs. No blemishes but birthmarks, a story of beginnings. It took all her willpower not to itch, the spots waiting to be popped. She would bathe it in cool water. Feel the droplets invigorate her skin. Though her back was scattered with bacne scars, she turned her attention to the rest of her. Using lotions and body washes that were gentle on sensitive skin. Natural ingredients, that were sustainable. That would nourish her imperfect skin. Careful not to inflame the constellation of spots that threatened to overspill. A mellow caress that would cleanse her from within. In the countdown to Christmas, her skin began to clear. Not quite perfect, her imperfections a story to save.
L’Organiq had a story of its own. A sustainable, women-built skincare brand, from tough beginnings. A founder who had cancer, whose treatments affected her skin. Creating a premium natural brand that was accessible, and inclusive. No age range dismissed. Vegan, and cruelty-free. No additives or fillers. Gentle on sensitive skin. The Invigorating Daily Duo had something to say. A cleansing Invigorating Body Wash, and a creamy Invigorating Body Lotion. Wrapped in a duck-egg blue ribboned box. A self-care treat that would be kind to her. It would be the perfect unique Christmas gift for beauty lovers. In the shower or bath, a mecca awaited. The Body Wash rich and rejuvanating, massaged over wet skin. Infused with natural oils, a blend of zingy ginger dancing with tart grapefruit. Vetiver like dry grass on a warm day. A taste of summer in a Christmas wonderland. She heard the sleet shower, saw the skies darken. Her skin silky and smooth, a mellow cleansing experience. Enriched with Aloe Vera, the cherry on top. She stepped out the bath, shaking droplets free. Wrapped up in towel, gently patting dry. The Body Lotion to finish her holistic me-time ritual. Stroked into skin for instant softness that left her walking on air. Stimulating circulation and blood flow. Applied once a day. Best of all? It didn’t irritate her sensitive skin. Still slightly red and angry, but less so. Like a tantrum subsiding, slipping into acceptance.
In 2017, her whole world changed. Discovering what it meant to be cruelty-free. Her love for animals knowing no bounds. Vegetarian since she was 17, a passion for animal rights. But little did she know that the everyday things were just as important. Cosmetics that tested on animals. Skincare that exploited animals for human vanity. It broke her heart. Articles read; documentaries watched. Weeks of research, a heartbreaking revelation. In sterile chambers, their fragile bodies confined. Screaming out in pain, no empathy to be found. Cold cramped conditions, a dance of agony. Where darkness dwelled and suffering thrived. Their eyes once bright with the dawn’s embrace. Now dimmed, the light fading. As needles pricked their flesh and cruelty took flight. Was it worth it to see them suffer for the sake of human gain? Not now, not ever. Cutting out the brands whose products still tested on animals. Whose products still sold in countries where animal testing was legal. Six years on, and her view remained the same. Not wearing animal materials or using animal products. Vegan in all but diet. For A could think of no better unique Christmas gift than human compassion. Saying no to animal testing. Saying yes to being cruelty-free.

Odyliques range of skincare is the definition of a unique Christmas gift.
Colourful Fashion Gifts That Are Dopamine Approved
It seemed like another lifetime ago when she clung to neutral hues. Browns, and navy blues. Khaki greens, and monochromatic black and white. Classic colours, dark not bright. When exactly did she discover the joy of colour? As the passages of time wore on, her tastes became more eclectic. Brighter hues of pinks, and purples. Greens and reds, yellows too. Monochromatic all in one colour. One day orange. The next day teal. Complementary hues of reds and pinks. Blues and oranges. Greens and lilacs. In 2023, her wardrobe was dopamine approved. Happy bursts of rainbow colours that lifted her mood. Doses of much needed sunshine in frost-tipped winter. Green her colour of the moment. Lime greens like Key Lime Pie, pleated irridescent trousers and acid green boots. A plush green verging on mint coat. A beret like a bright green Crayola. It wasn’t just colours that she gravitated to either. Prints too. Floral psychotropical blooms, and summer approved watermelon patterns. Polka dots on a deep purple dress, paired with orange long boots. A pearl red beret, and a red and pink strawberry print jumper. Even her bags, and accessories had the same treatment. Socks with colours that made her smile. Cooking aprons in a hodge-podge of patterns. Phone cases in her favourite colours. For Christmas lent itself to hues like royal blues, and deep forest greens. Dark chocolate browns, and silver and gold. Then again, A was never one to follow the rules. A unique Christmas gift that could be used all year round.
Lucy & Yak
She woke up from a dream of satorial embrace. A dance of colours where silhouettes whispered. Patterns painting the air. Garments breathing stories, demanding she would share. Like an alchemist the narratives came thick and fast. Self-expression, embracing the beauty in evanescent impression. A mirror that told of the creativity that lay within. A joyous light to combat the darkness. A tapestry of emotions that overwhelmed. She yawned, her youngest cat imitating her. Rolling out of bed, morsels of sleep still feeding at her eyes. Trudging down to the kitchen, trying something new. Baking Christmas cookies, a surprise for her partner. Laced with chocolate chip that melted on the tongue. Icing sugar like a snowy blanket drifting across countertops. Cats making footprints in the sweet edible snow. For her unique Christmas gift guide might be coming to a close, but her enthusiasm still remained. Burrowing indoors making cakes and cookies, a new hobby, a release from the cold. The kitchen warming with scents of gingerbread spice and all things nice. A dash of cinnamon, flour on her shiny red face.

Lucy And Yak has a range of colourful clothes and accessories for dopamine lovers this Christmas.
But wait, what did this have to do with dopamine fashion? Baking and style? That didn’t seem right. And yet Lucy & Yak‘s Ada Apron reverted that stereotype. Made from Deadstock fabric, in a pick n mix print. A teal green that verged on blue, with abstract doodles that felt nostalgic. Splodges of sky blue and squiggles of violet. Chunks of rust orange. Lines of amber yellow. Like the colours of the sweets she would get down the seaside. The memories flooding back. She turned her attention back to the Christmas cookies. Her very first attempt. Wrapped in warm spices, a hint of chocolate orange. Crisp edges melting as dough met fire. Chocolate chips oozing into molten flesh. Out of the oven, a smile licking her face. Cooled on the side, waiting to meet her partner. Her feet felt like ice blocks, despite the warmth from the oven. Pulling on her new Jojo Checkerboard Socks, emblazoned in orange pink. Made from organic cotton, that hugged her feet. Fitted ankle socks, slipped into orange print slippers. Almost as whimsical as her unicorn pair that watched with green envy.
She didn’t want her new apron or socks to be consigned to the kitchen. Packing cookies in a box, slipping on clothes for a shoot. A slim-fit slinky orange turtleneck peeking out underneath the apron. A cobalt blue bucket hat on her head. Cerise orange on hooded eye lids, laced with rust red. A pop of blush on dimpled cheeks. A flash of highlighter dribbling down. Red on winter-chapped lips. Cobalt blue pleated trousers, orange long boots peeking underneath. An apron but make it fashion, a winter’s day with a pop of colour. Crumbs of icing sugar scattered across her clothes. Cookie crumbs brushed off trousers. But the socks deserved a chance to shine too. Taking off the now cookie stained apron, popping it into a waiting bag. Swapping boots for trusty orange converses, socks peeking out. The same outfit, different socks, different shoes. Perched against a red, blue and orange street art wall. Passersby looking on bemused. A tripod lined up, a quick flash of photos. The cold traversing through her lungs, cough cough. An orange teddy bear coat buttoned up, meeting her partner in Brick Lane. His smile that felt like warm honey, taking her cold hands in his. His eye roving over her outfit with appraisal, praise in his words. Unleashing the cookies she made earlier, his eyes lighting up. Nutty kisses, in a cocoa hug. Cookies like portals to his open heart.
Prices: *Both items are sold out
The Dairy Phone Cases
It was hard to remember a time before her mobile phone. A gateway to stories that only she knew. Pictures with friends, photos with her partner. Thousands of memories of her beloved feline children. Videos of her favourite meals at resturants. Apps, low on storage space. Scrolling through social media. Pages open with questions she recently asked. A wallpaper with one of her favourite memories. Walking along Southbank with her love. Her in a teal kimono, that blue and purple flower crown well-known. Him in a black shirt, and black shorts. Smiling for the camera, the sky fading into sunset. For her phone was both work and pleasure. No seperation between the two. The lines blurred, no boundaries. Through pixels and sound, painting a tale. In fingertips dancing, with every swipe a universe awakening. It brought her joy and sadness in equal measure. Anxiety and calm, two emotions that shouldn’t walk side by side. She would lose hours, obscured by her screen. Her mind in a daze, lost in the infamous blue tinted taze. A digital ballet with texts and calls. Whatsapp notifications, transcending long-distance. In a connected world, Christmas no different. Pops up from people she hadn’t heard from in a while. Crawling out from the woodwork. A spiel of words in an electronic maze. Uncoding hidden meaning.

The Dairy has both colourful and minimalist phone cases so there is something for everyone this Christmas.
She might as well do it in style, no stranger to The Dairy. Illustrated phone cases, little snatches of serotonin blessings. A unique Christmas gift for Androids and I Phones. Seeking human touch, in printed guise. Lost in shapes and colours only creativity could dream up. Two phone cases waiting to be used. The first, ‘Solidarity’, from the Aboriginal artist Ryhia Dank. Drawing inspiration from the Gudanji/Wakaja people’s traditional storywork. A phone case that celebrated the joy of ‘Nardurna’. Small circles of cerulean blue, a rainbow of lilac and cerise orange, dotted with white. Squiggly lines of cobalt blue, orange constellations . Pale silver diamonds, a secret splodge of pink. Yellowing peeking out like sunshine. A winter phone case that transcended all seasons. Her second phone case just as joyous. Cherry Rose, exactly as it sounded. Plump burgundy-red cherries, flanked with green leaves. Kissed by candyland pink. Designed by Australian artist and illustrator Kerrie Hess. A lover of watercolour and fashion, beautiful florals too. Slipped into her red Snow White Clutch, weathered by the clutches of time. Watching the rain painting emotions on the streets. Splashing grey on mottled pavements. Winter’s watery embrace, no sun to be seen. A splash of colour in her bag, ready to be unveiled. Phone cases an antidote to the rain. A tapestry of hidden desires, wrapped up in a unique Christmas gift.
What Are Your Favourite Unique Christmas Gift Ideas?
Please note this is a collaborative post but all thoughts are my own and are not affected by gifted products. I would love to know what your idea of a unique Christmas gift is.
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