Honey it’s official my hair is falling out. Here I am at the ripe old age of 22 with clumps of hair in each hand, absentmindedly plucking stray grey hairs out of my ‘aging’ scalp. No, no this is not what I signed up for, not at all. How the hell can a 22 year old who looks like a 12 year old be sitting there with chunks of curly frizzy hair malting like some freaking overgrown cat? I mean it is everywhere, in the bath, in the sink, sometimes lurking in more inconspicuous places like the fridge (namely the butter). I honest to God feel like I am a human cat wafting around the place and marking my territory with hair instead of piss. It sounds strange for me to discuss hair loss when I evidently have so much hair still on my head but I fear that by the age of 30 it would have all fallen out and that is not what my 10 year plan had in mind. So here I am contemplating wigs and potions when I should be thankful, in fact grateful that my hair loss is not noticeable, at least not yet. But why am I so against losing my hair? As a young kid my hair was hacked at, shaved at and at one point people couldn’t tell the difference between me being a boy or girl. So when I finally had a say over what length I wanted my hair to be I kept it long. My hair frustrates me at the best of times- long,frizzy and curly- but its thickness means that there is plenty more hair where those tangled clumps were found. My point being is I am very fortunate to possess such a wild lions mane because even when it annoys the hell out of me I know there is plenty more hair where that clump came from. But studies show that I am not alone; it is reported that 18-24 year olds are experiencing premature hair loss because of heightened levels of anxiety and stress and boy are they right.
Amidst this Brexit reform us young un’s are financially, socially and emotionally insecure and its all because rich old politicians who couldn’t give a crap about young people decided to royally fuck over our generation and make it virtually impossible for us to find jobs, housing and be offered guidance and support. But I didn’t come here to whinge and moan, I came here to talk about Harley Street Hair Clinic dedicated to reforming and changing the way we, especially the 90’s and millennial kids view hair loss. I feared and still fear growing older, aware that over the years my body will change and become ‘riper if you will’. I will get wrinkles, my skin will start to sag and I will begin to lose control of my physical and mental capacities. But above all my hair will start to thin and go permanently grey, something which I am scared could happen sooner rather than later. But I shouldn’t be scared, I need to change my negative approach to growing older and realize that change is good, even if it is change that I am not necessarily used to. We should embrace our bodies as we get older and learn to accept that our flaws are what makes us beautiful, even if we don’t dare believe it ourselves.
And its true, I want to be able to accept that aging is not negative but a testament to how many years we have spent on this earth. Come on people it’s a celebration of life! And I am not the only one celebrating; Harley Street Hair Clinic celebrates hair loss by offering unique FUE hair transplants to make us all feel confident at any age. Because that is the thing, hair loss is universal and affects us all but you don’t have to lose sleep over it. Thanks to FUE, you could see a new lease of ‘hair’ in as little as seven days with only minimal bleeding. Greater results than a normative hair transplant, FUE works by transporting individual follicles in unaffected hair loss areas to the area of the scalp that needs attention. Reputed as the Leading Hair Loss Specialists, years of intensive training make it possible for operators to carry out FUE hair transplants without putting you to sleep. What’s more because FUE is a minimally invasive surgical procedure you will remain fully conscious, with only a local anesthetic to numb the scalp. I don’t know about you but I hate not knowing, as weird as it sounds what is happening to me and all the huff and puff of putting you to sleep is a pain I would rather avoid. FUE ticks all the boxes and with little recovery time and guaranteed results you will be a happy bunny in no time. So I am sitting here with my bowl of Frosties wondering if it is madness for me to contemplate future hair loss but then I think to myself it is always better to come prepared. Thanks to Harley’ Street Hair Clinic, I know that growing older doesn’t have to be as daunting as society makes it out to be. So embrace the old and reject the new because growing older has never looked more promising.
Have you ever had a hair transplant before? Did it change your perspective of growing older?*Disclosure
Please note this post was sponsored by Harley Street Hair Clinic but all opinions, research and data are my own. If you wish to learn more about my disclosure policy please contact me via the contact form provided.
I’ve never had a hair transplant before, although i have read about them before x
Hair transplants? Who knew? I haven’t had the problem of hair falling out as I’ve gotten older (thankfully!) although I’m going to pass your post along to a friend.