Regular readers of my blog will know that I am open with my struggles with depression and anxiety and as much as I would like to pretend that I have been ‘completely fine’ recently, the truth is I am not. I have been struggling to stay happy and it frustrates me that I feel this way. After all I have so much to be thankful for; I am in a job that I love, have readers who I adore and was placed as 33 in the top UK Blogs. I should be grateful that I have had so many opportunities come my way but I am struggling to show gratitude, especially when my life seems to be falling apart at the seams.
I am overwhelmed and struggling to stay afloat but those who know me understand how I still fight for my happiness and will keep on fighting no matter what. Some might criticize me about talking about mental health issues– and indeed I have had horrible comments in the past- because people don’t want to hear what real life is like, but no matter how dark my posts can be sometimes, I always want to be real, with you my readers. And I want you to know that if you ever need to talk, my virtual door is always open, no matter what time of night it is. But I have a lot to be thankful for and when times get rough I think of the things that make me happy like pugs and cats, I watch cat videos and laugh at RPDR memes and most of all I seek out activities that give me that feel good vibe, whether that be eating donuts or watching shows like Bojack Horseman. We all go through rough times that much is true but when the going gets rough, nothing cheers me up more than a feel good list. And who better to turn my frown upside down than Prezzybox?
From inflatable swans to unicorn candles, Prezzybox always sends me delightful gifts that make me smile and I am so grateful that they stretch their hand out to me when I am in need. So quit feeling sorry for yourself Ana, because despite all the painful personal situations you have been going through, there is also a lot of good in this world. I want you to focus on how you reached 10 K on Instagram yesterday and how proud you should be feeling that your hard work came to fruition. I want you to recognize that you are living your dream and know that there are people out there who care about you. And besides, working with cool brands like Prezzybox never fails to bring a smile to my face and its the feel good vibe that I need this autumn.
Often this time of year has previously been ‘associated’ with bad memories; as my birthday is often a day I usually wish to forget and then there is the issue of Christmas… But on a more positive note, the crunch of the autumn leaves underfoot, as you clasp a pumpkin latte is a beautiful experience to enjoy, not to mention how I love layering in autumn. After all who doesn’t love autumn fashion, its by far my favourite season of fashion and I adore pairing burgundy and pumpkin together, the colours synonymous with autumn. Because the winter months are often a time period that I struggle through-due to my mental health issues- I curated a ‘feel good’ autumn/winter list of Prezzybox goodies that I either already own or would like to own and yes, there might be a unicorn or two, but hey its my feel good list so anything goes! So put on an episode of Ru Paul’s Drag Race, get out that supply of hot chocolate and tuck into my ‘feel good list’ because honestly you deserve it.
- A Unicorn Candle To Make All Your Magical Dreams Come True
I swore that I would never be part of a ‘hype train’ but then unicorns happened and I was hooked. From unicorn shower caps , to the aforementioned unicorn candle there is something so magical and ‘feel good’ about bringing a touch of the sparkly unicorn into your life. And who better than Prezzybox to make all your ‘unicorn dreams’ come true? But why unicorns? Since I was a little girl I always loved reading and a particular genre that I coveted was ‘fairytales’, where I would be transported into a magical world of mystery and adventure. The leaves would twine around old crumbling mansions and it was like stepping back in time. Grand gowns in sumptuous red velvet, would hang in abandoned coffers and half eaten plates of food were scattered around medieval castles, that were in disuse. But over time, it wasn’t just Princesses that would enter my fantasy but mythical creatures too. There would be mermaids dazzling in green, while fairies whispered dreams into the ears of the waiting children. But then there was unicorns; they were pure, mythical and roamed through wild fields, trampling on daisies underfoot. And its their purity that draws me in; they are untouched by ‘negativity’ and seem to emulate positivity. So naturally on a ‘feel good’ list, nothing says ‘positive’ than something that does not exist? Besides when something is imaginary , it is easier to create a feel good experience, than something that is real and has been touched by the bad in the world.
So why a unicorn candle? Candles are soothing and when you are having a bad day, there is nothing more calming than watching a candle flicker longingly in the dark. But a rainbow coloured candle shaped like a unicorn is magical; you are transported into a multi coloured world, where the boundaries between ‘reality’ and ‘fantasy’ merge to create one spectacular dream come true. In short, I would quite like everyone to own their very own ‘unicorn candle’ and see how freaking awesome it is. And yes I do have a unicorn candle. But if unicorn candles are too magical for you to handle, don’t worry I have included a range of other candles below that might tickle your pickle instead. Just click the photo and your dream candle awaits.
Shop Prezzybox Candles Below *
Contains Affiliate Links
- Unicorn Candle Prezzybox
- Love Heart Tealights Prezzybox
- Flamingo Candle Prezzybox
- Pyro Pet Kisa Candle Prezzybox
- Pyro Pet Hoppa Candle Peach Prezzybox
- Cocktail Mojito Candle Prezzybox
2. Unicorn Shower Cap
Yes I know another unicorn but hear me out. When I am feeling down and want to escape, one of my favourite things to do is to stand under the shower and just feel the water trickling down my body, steaming hot. The heat clouds my mind but at the same time there is clarity and I feel purified once more. The steam is detoxifying and I can feel the toxins leaving my body. The negativity washes away and I allow the tears to fall. But I smile through my tears, because the shower makes me feel human again. It reminds me that I should take care of myself more often because when I do, I feel good, I feel better. And that is a blessed feeling to have. Self-care is something I have always struggled with in the past, after all we might go through the daily motions of life, taking a shower, eating, sleeping but are we doing it with care? When I eat, I am always conscious of being on a strict timeline, when I sleep I am aware that there is only four hours between darkness and sunlight and when I shower, I rush through the motions. But taking time out of our day to enjoy things at a ‘slow pace’ and not worry about how many hours we have in a day can help us live our lives with meaning and purpose. Plus the ‘unicorn’ is a bonus; I was never one for shower cap, but being the unicorn enthusiast that I am – I describe myself as part unicorn-part time mermaid- the unicorn shower cap was the feel good ‘shower tool’ that I needed to brighten up my bath times/shower times.
Sadly for you my lovelies the unicorn shower cap is now out of stock, but don’t worry the ‘cupcake’ or ‘Queen of the Shower’ cap are just as cute; after all who doesn’t love a kingdom to reign as her own? Queen of the Bathroom much?
Shop Shower Caps & Shower Goodies Below
- Cupcake Shower Cap Prezzybox
- Toast and Jam Bodywash Prezzybox
- Queen Of The Shower Shower Cap Prezzybox
- Bath Crayons Prezzybox
- Zombie Shower Gel Prezzybox
- Real Ale Shower Gel Prezzybox
3. Pusheen Teapot and Mug
For those of you who have read my 10 things that make me happy list, congratulations because you know that I love cats. But in case you don’t allow me to give you a case study. I once had a family friend who would rescue cats and dogs and had over 40 cats and dogs, all in one house. And before you ask how that is possible, houses tend to be open plan and much larger in Madeira, so she technically had 5 floors, including a garage so there was literally animals clamoring for my attention everywhere. But that was my happy place and whenever I went to Madeira I would visit her and get lost in a world run by cats, dogs, kittens and puppies. It was magical and when she died from Dementia two years ago aged 60 it broke my heart. I never found out what happened to the animals that she had cared for but knowing the- and I wont mince my words here- terrible animal care, due to a lack of charities like RSPCA, it is likely that the animals went back to roaming the streets as they once had, But as usual I am waffling; my point being that I love animals, so as part of my feel good list it would make sense to have something ‘cat themed’ to help me smile again. And who better than the adorable Pusheen, part of the awesome animated web series and ruler of the cat world. While Grumpy Cat might be ruling Instagram, no cat sells more goodies than Pusheen. And what a goody this teapot and mug set is.
Combining cats and ‘tea’ is one of my favourite hobbies- god knows why I haven’t made my way to a cat cafe yet- so naturally sipping a delicious decaf or herbal tea and dreaming like cats sounds like a perfectly acceptable autumn pastime. Am I right guys and girls ?
Shop Teapots And Mugs Below
- Pusheen Mug And Teapot Prezzybox
- Personalized Rose Teacup And Saucer Prezzybox
- Fowl Language Mug Prezzybox
- Personalized Cupcake Tea Cup And Saucer Prezzybox
- Iris The Unicorn Travel Mug Prezzybox
- Personalized Floral Bird Tea Pot Prezzybox
4. Chocolate Tea and Truffles
People think I joke when I tell them that I am secretly a granny trapped in the body of a 23 year old but its true.I prefer nights in to clubbing, would rather watch a movie and get pizza than babysit my drunk friends and much prefer to eat chocolate then drink all night. Now I like a drink or two, and we all know that mojitos are my favourite cocktail but nothing makes me feel more good then a cup of tea or coffee with cake or chocolate. Wickedly delicious am I am right? And what could be better than truffles and Belgian chocolates that are shaped like tea cups? Plus, what could be a better evening in, than one filled with chocolate and tea, after all its nearly autumn so its perfectly acceptable to never leave your house. I don’t know about you but when I can see the frost settling on my windows and the wind whipping up a storm I’d rather not go outside, unless by some miracle I became glued to my blanket and was immune to the cold. But i’m not, so no cold weather for me thank you!
Shop Chocolate Below
- Truffle Tea And Chocolates Prezzybox
- Chocolate Golf Balls Prezzybox
- Mini Chocolate Pizzas Prezzybox
- Personalized Unicorn Chocolate Bar Prezzybox
- Chocolate Biscuits Prezzybox
- Nutella Cookbook Prezzybox
5. Barista Coffee Machine
For a long time I have been desperate to be able to afford my own coffee machine and to be able to make lattes and cappuncinos to my hearts delight. Sadly a coffee machine costs almost as much as my rent, so for now it has to be a ‘forever wishlist’ item, but a girl can dream can’t she? And what a beautiful dream it would be, with unicorns waltzing over the rainbow, wrapped in a fluffy blanket, sipping on fresh homemade pumpkin latte and sighing in ecstasy, nothing sounds more feel good than fresh homemade coffee. Imagine the smell of rich coffee beans, wafting under your nose, as you scurry through the kitchen, in anticipation of autumn nights in. For me coffee is not just a personal preference but its also ‘social’, me and one of my good friends Mal, often go to cafes together like Grounded in Aldgate East and while I tend to drink ‘tea at home’ freshly made coffee is very much something that me and Mal do on a regular basis. But if I had the coffee machine that I craved, I could make her favourite flat white coffee and make myself some very delicious chai latte, which is one of my favourite Autumn drinks. Now off to find me a sugar daddy that will buy me the coffee machine I so crave… haha.
Shop Coffee Machine & Coffee Goodies Below
- Barista Coffee Machine Prezzybox
- Personalized Definition Mug
- Emotive Poop Coffee Cup Prezzybox
- Personalized Coffee Hamper Prezzybox
- Coffee Mug And Socks
- Personalized Bistro Latte Glass
6. Lamb Knitted Booties
I actually can’t remember the last time that I wore slippers, it was so long ago. But the feeling of soft fluffy slippers and a dressing gown to match, is a self-care ritual that we (including me) should all partake in. Set the scene- the cold blustery wind whips through the trees and you shiver absentmindedly, sipping on the fresh brew of coffee that you just made. You’re wrapped up in a fluffy blanket and the dressing gown is on, but there is something missing, you can’t quite put your finger on it but your feet are frozen to the bone. And then you have cracked it; when was the last time that you treated your tootsies to some fluffy slip slips of their very own? If I recall, I have a hazy memory of these gorgeous snow white fluffy slippers that were given to me by my foster mum five years ago and they were complete bliss. But being the awkward person that I am, I had to jump a couple of shoe sizes ( I am a six in case you want to buy me some slippers!) so sadly the slippers had to find a new forever home and I guess I haven’t found the perfect slippers since.
But hold on, stop all traffic because I have found what I think is the cutest slippers or booties known to humanity and they are cruelty free! Double bonus! Designed to look like little lambs, I have an urge to just slip these bad boys on and walk outside, without a care in the world. And quit staring, I know you would wear your pjs outside too!
Shop Booties & Slippers Below
- Lamb Knitted Booties Prezzybox
- Fuzzy Feet Owl Slippers Prezzybox
- Knitted Owl Booties Prezzybox
- Hot Water Bottle & Grey Slippers
- Bear Claws Slippers Prezzybox
- Microwaveable Scented White Slippers Prezzybox
What Would You Buy From Prezzybox To Create A Better Self-Care Routine This Autumn?
Me too with the shower trick! A few years ago I was listening to Dr. Laura and heard her say that whenever she’s feeling overwhelmed or anxious, she gets into the shower and lets the warm water wash over her. I started doing it, and it truly works. Sometimes, if my husband comes home and there’s no hot water he’ll ask “Having a bad day?” xx
Keep on charging ahead,don’t let anyone bring you down. Some of us have no idea how tough it is to have mental health issues. And go to a cat cafe….
I love to cheer myself up with the little things, like a nice cup of tea while watching a feel good film. So the pusheen teapot and those slipper socks would add to it. I also really like that unicorn candle, that could cheer anyone up.
I love the gifts on prezzybox and the unicorn candle is so nice as it’s pretty and colourful x
That Unicorn candle is so cute!
The chocolate tea and truffles look so tasty and would make me feel good having them! I love the unicorn candle it’s super cute. A good cup of tea and a book always cheers me up x
There’s nothing like a good shop around Prezzybox to cheer you up – I am loving the Unicorn candle I keep meaning to buy it but forgetting, I’m going to have to add it to my Christmas list.
I like the chocolate tea and truffles the most because I love to entertain. I do like that you look for things that make you smile and feel good. Managing depression is a big step so I commend you taking that step. I know exercise also helps people who suffer with depression too. 🙂
I always think the little things can make a big difference when you’re down. Simply treating yourself to a small something (doesn’t mean you’re materialistic) can often do wonders! I know that ‘Tea for me’ mug/teapot would!
Kayleigh x
I am loving this prezzybox, those Belgian chocolates are absolutely delicious and yummy looking I need some asap
It’s the little things that do make us happy and I am all over that little Pusheen tea set and Unicorn candle!!
Ahh I love these things and especially that they are to make you feel good. I would definitely feel good about all of these things, the unicorn candle is super cute and those slippers too! My husband would love the coffee machine!
Prezzybox items are beautiful and very cute. Lamb booties are so cute and every child would love them to have in winters. Unicorn candle is also unique and lovely. Chocolate tea and truffles are beautiful and looks yummier.
I had no idea they have such a huge selection. Totally love the look of a flamingo candle.
All these products are soooo cute and the ycan definitely make a difference in the way you feel, put a smile on your face! I am not a unicorn kind of girl (I’m more of a cat lady but shhhh). The Pusheen tea pot would be such a great accompaniment to my cat one. I love the cup underneath it.
Prezzybox really got tons of awesome stuff and that Pusheen Teapot and Mug looks absolutely adorable.
Omg, that unicorn candle is adorable! I love Prezzybox and buy most of my gifts at Christmas from there 🙂
You had me at slippers! OH HOW I LOVE THEM! And there is nothing wrong with wanting a cuppa and a cosy night in…in fact I prefer it too and am well on my way to being a grumpy ol’ lady. As for your mental health, this is your space on the internet and you get to choose what you share and with Mental Health being a real life topic and the fact yours isn’t on top form you have every right to talk about it. I much prefer the ‘this is me, deal with it’ approach than the false mask of some. <3 x
Oh my goodness that unicorn shower cap…LOVE! I need a new shower cap and if someone bought me one of these as a gift it would literally make my day. Lots of other fab items here…loving the little booties too so adorable!
I am not sure I would ever lit that unicorn candle. It looks way too cute to set alight lol. I am right there with you about staying in than going out- plus those truffles- so worth it!
Oh I love all of these, I have never shopped with Prezzybox before but I will check them out as I know my teen would love some of these x
Those chocolates are so cute and a fun twist on receiving chocolate as a present 🙂
What cute items. Candles, cosy slippers and chocolate are definitely a favourite for self care this time of year.
Oh darling, I just need to see you and give you a massive cuddle. As much as I love this post, I am a little bit sad. You are such a shining star and I just want you to be happy always and forever.
You are a really strong person and I admire your strength with dealing with the problems in your life. The prezzy box sounds like a lovely box.I love the teacup and teapot. Its perfect to cheer any one up
With all the success that you have, can’t believe that you are struggling with depression and anxiety.. Just be strong girl and surround yourself with positive people that would uplift you.. Regarding the prezzybox, the microwavable scented slippers is something that I would love to own..
Thanks for sharing. These are all awesome and remarkable gifts.
I super agree that these are feel-good items! I don’t mind having the barista coffee machine, the teapot, and tea cups!
The barista coffee machine is the best gift idea out there!
I love their selection of products and will definitely take a further look. Love the unicorn candle (they are my favorite)
How cute! The unicorn shower cap is too funny! I think my niece would love that. Thank you for sharing these ideas!
All really cute ideas! Especially the unicorn candle.
I really love these ideas and plan to send this blog to my husband haha!