Since I began blogging last summer it has been a dream of mine to go blogging full time. To be able to create my own unique brand and voice would give me both monetary and personal satisfaction and would help me become the person I have always dreamed of becoming . I have always been a grafter and from a young age I would work day and night to be able to afford to go to university and achieve my dreams of becoming a writer. Being a writer naturally led me to consider blogging as an occupation but it wasn’t until I graduated last summer that I believed I could truly make it as a blogger. Blogging is a notoriously hard industry to crack but I am determined to be able to blog full time without having to do four other jobs to afford my ‘lifestyle’
Being a blogger has expenses of its own and although I earn a little money from part-time gigs and sponsored posts it is still not enough for me to rely on blogging alone and I want to change that. I want to wake up every morning and not worry when my next pay cheque is coming in and I want to live in the moment where I blog and do nothing else. I work hard for my money but it is still not enough and I know that realistically I cannot support myself on blogging alone. I work various jobs on the side centered around digital media, social media management and up until recently was tutoring and nannying children to fund my travel and lifestyle costs. Suddenly that money has stopped and whilst it scares me that I have so little in the bank account I know that all my trials and tribulations will reward me in the future.Networking and meeting other entrepreneurs has become an important part of my social diary and I attend as many events as I can to be able to better myself as a blogger and a journalist and be able to take the plunge into full time blogging. Essentially the hours I put into crafting my blog content, creating visuals and planning posts has the markings of a full time job without the payment and in a sense it is liberating. I may have little funds to my name but I am doing the job that I love (with extras) and that is more than most people can say. How many of you were stuck in jobs that you hated before you became bloggers and realized what your true destinies were?
Becoming a full time blogger is more than just a hobby but a passion and a spiritual medium through which I can express myself without judgement. I chose to be a freelancer because I do not like to be controlled and there is a burning song inside me bursting to be told. Why should I be enslaved to a system that tells me what I can and can’t write when I have free will and the ability to speak my mind. I think myself very fortunate that I am able to speak my mind without political action but there are so many people out there who are too afraid to speak the truth. So you see, I feel that becoming a full time blogger is essential for me; to be able to speak about social issues and campaign for social equality in environments that are oppressed is a dream come true. It takes time to get a reputation and build up following but I am so pleased with the progress that I am making so far. Recently I won ‘Best British Blogger’ in conjunction with The UK Blog Awards and Debenhams and it was proof that I must be doing something right. Never have I felt more confident about a role than becoming a full time blogger.Alongside my role as a blogger I am a Freelance Journalist, Social Media Executive and Creator, Proofreader, write for multiple companies and media mediums, Brand Ambassador and until recently was a Nanny and Primary/Secondary School Tutor. My plate is what some might call ‘full’ but I now do promo work alongside all my other roles to be able to afford living costs which I spoke about in ‘Confessions of A Spendaholic’. Juggling multiple occupations may seem a lot to handle but in the long run I know that someday I will become a full time blogger and be able to rely on my blog for income alone. But why do I want to become a full time blogger so badly? Well I am glad you asked, I want to change societies perception of blogging and prove that being a blogger is more than just curating a hobby. I want to be a full time blogger because I believe that with hard work all your dreams come true and I want to be able to spread the word on a global level. I want to be a spokesperson for social minorities and show them that together we can fight against inequality, abuse and negativity. I want to show my haters who is boss and not have to justify or defend my words because I have spoken the truth.
It all boils down to changing the world and while I may be a small fish in a large ocean, there is no reason why my ambitious dreams have to stay underground. If I could give you all one word of advice it would be to find strength; find strength in negativity and allow it to become your weapon against the vipers who circle your blog, find strength in your followers who love and support you and above all find strength in the affirmation that you will be a somebody and that noone not even your worst enemy can take that away from you. If I had listened to friends, family and peers opinions on what I could and couldn’t do I would have not passed my GCSCES, A-LEVELS, got a BA Degree or become a blogger because and that is why I always follow my own instincts. If those I love cannot believe in me then I will believe in myself and prove everyone wrong. Who is with me?
Are You A Full Time Blogger?
Awww .. you’re so inspiring. It’s so easy as a blogger to get discouraged not only with other people’s perceptions .. but trying to build an income .. and managing a million different things. The super cool news is there’s life on the other side. I really believe it’s possible to get to the point where one is blogging as their full-time career. Your post should be required reading for everyone who wants to chase their dream