Breathe in, breathe out. Fighting against the cloying air that had her in a chokehold. Resisting the rising panic that pricked her skin. She imagined anxiety as a million crawling spiders. Weaving its web, a tangled web of chaos. Her, stuck, with no way out. In a castle built of silk, drowning in its masterful thread. Her legs, once flaying, paralyzed in fear. For anxiety would eat at her mind, body and soul. Ferocious bites that drained her positivity. Looking down at her, with its hairy body from the top shelf. Her eyes were lined with fatigue. Rough lines crinkling with exhaustion. She looked like one of those charcoal sketches. Fragmented, deconstructed squiggles. All over the place. She tried to stay calm. Conjuring rainbow images of her cats swaddled in blankets. Soft purrs lulling her into quiet submission. A video clip of her, hand in hand with her partner. Laughing, make-up free, diving into the bristling cold sea. The dull hammering thuds stilled. For a moment, she thought her heart had stopped. But it resumed its rhythm. Tip-tap, boom, boom. Lup-Dup. But wait. What was this? A flicker of hope. A holistic vegan retreat that would boost her mental health. The Glass House Retreat, where the power of self-care wasn’t taken for granted. A staycation with her partner of five years, where they could heal together. Her, struggling with anxiety, and depression. Him, trying to navigate life with ADHD. Here, they would learn to love themselves completely. A couple’s retreat, that would bring them closer together. Where they would embrace self-care, mentally, physically, and spirtually.

Have you ever swam in a natural swimming pond? This one was -10 degrees but what an experience. Great for muscle aches and pains. A great way to embrace the power of self-care and try something new.
But, they weren’t there yet.
From Stress To Serenity: Day One
Stuck, on the motorway, a car tyre that had exploded. A journey that had gone wrong. A bus that didn’t come. An Uber that was exceedingly late. A loud bang, a startled jump. She copied and pasted a calm expression on her face. Tried not to show the rising terror that clung onto her clothes. Like wisps of smoke engulfing her in its noxious fumes. Her partner, having a panic attack. Comforting him, in her welcoming arms. She wiped his tears with a reassuring smile. Knew that once they got to the wellbeing retreat, their fears would melt away. They ran down the side of the motorway, trying to find a way out. Stopped by the traffic police. Explaining what had happened. Kind warm faces that wanted to help. Slinging her lime green suitcase into their boot. A novelty of sorts, having never been in a traffic police car before. They gave them a lift, to the nearest town. Theydon Bois, another Uber ordered. But they couldn’t shake the terror that sank into their bones. Mentally screaming, eyes wide open. The demons that followed them, even when they left London. But she knew from experience that Anxiety and Depression was a constant visitor. Just like D knew his ADHD was getting worse.
The retreat would be a chance to reconnect with serenity. Dreaming of sun-soaked mornings lounging in the hot tub. Effervescent whispers, in the steam’s soft glow. Tiny orbs of happiness, floating free. They held onto that image, eyes squeezed tight. The car driving into The Glass House Retreat, grey clouds above. They traipsed up to the room, taking in their surroundings. Two twin beds facing the car-park. Plain-white, scattered with brown geometric pillows. Large, and spacious; a mirrored desk, a footstool hiding.

The power of self-care began as soon as we arrived. From a welcome smoothie, to a herbal tea in our spacious room, he had a glorious time.
There was something about a minimalist room at a detox retreat. How calming it felt to escape the chaos of their home. Away from the clutter. A room that exuded peace. She padded over to the kettle, a glass mug filled to the brim. A tisane of Lemongrass & Coconut from Twist Teas. Bluish-purple liquid tickling her nose. Tart lemon, with the brightness of mint flavours. The sweet taste of coconut slithering down her throat. She sank into the bath, throwing bubbles into the gurgling water. Fanning her hair like a mermaid, letting go of the pain and trauma. Him, with the TV on, watching kittens frolick in daisy-strewn meadows. They came together, planning the rest of their self-care day. Day one would be relaxing. An introduction to their new detox and wellness plan. Focusing on physical and mental wellness, without pressure.
Using The Gym Facilities
Changing into their workout gear, they smiled collectively. D, bursting out laughing at ‘A’s casual dress’. She couldn’t blame him. A fuschia pink long sleeved crop top, and matching leggings. Chunky platform trainers, and matching socks. But the crowning glory? A ribbed satin headband, and drip-down tassel pink earrings. The gym might have been more D’s thing, but she was willing to try. Channelling on refocusing her panicked energy into calm. Letting the dopamine rush wash over her in a kaleidoscope of colours. She realized that excercise could be the key to unlocking the power of self-care. Restoring mental clarity, and emotional balance in both of their lives. Boosting their physical wellbeing, motivating them to be more active. Reducing their stress, and relaxing their tense muscles. She ran on the treadmill, paying her thoughts no mind. Ramping up the speed, losing herself in its calming routine. Run, pant, sweat. Drink water. Onto the next gym facility, where they would supercharge their wellbeing goals. Stepping to the challenge with the leg press. Muscles flexing, legs at the ready. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. Increasing the intensitity gradually. Imagining a song flitting in her ear, encouraging her to keep going. D, doing everything so easily. Her, struggling, still fairly new to fitness, determined to keep going. But the medicine ball would be her go-to. Something she used at home. To build muscles in her abdomen and back. Dealing with a chronic case of khyphosis, and athritis in the joints. Weak muscle tissue in her shoulders, compressed nerves in her neck. She had to be careful. But her competitive side always took over. Trying to do more than she physically could.

The power of self-care starts witin. From good vegan food, to state of the art facilities and incredible classes, The Glasshouse Retreat has it all.
She stretched out her limbs with the languid ease of a cat. The crunch of bones slipping out of their joints. Hypermobility they called it. One click, two clicks, three. A cable machine, and three weights later, they sat gasping for air. Focusing on the moment. Remembering why they were here. Today, was about self-love. Feeling at one in their own skin. Paying attention to their wants and needs. After all, excercise was a powerful form of self-care. Empowering them to take ownership of their health and happiness. Honouring their bodies as sacred vessels deserving of self-love and respect. Sure, it wasn’t a couple’s only retreat. But to them, they felt like they were in their own bubble. Laughter that didn’t seem forced. Happiness that came from a place of truth. From the moment they arrived, to the minute they left, they noticed the change. The sighs that left their bodies. The spasms soothed like a baby with its bottle. The gym was a good start. But there was so much more to The Glasshouse Retreat than met the eye. A picturesque health resort, that was vegan, eco-friendly, and caffeine/alcohol-free. Creative holistic classes to boost endurance, focus, and clarity. Delicious vegan-food that danced on the tip of their tongues with glee. Facilities that she hadn’t tried anywhere else. Staff that were kind, accomodating and endlessly friendly. There was no doubt about it. The power of self-care was alive and well.
It felt like home…
Calming Pilates With Dot
The first time she met Dot, she felt safe. She couldn’t explain it. This woman whose smile reached her eyes. Warmth, fuzzy around the edges, like she was being enveloped in a hug. She didn’t trust many people. A fact that would surprise most, given how friendly, and animated she was. But with Dot, she knew she could trust her. A complete stranger, whose aura shined in blues, and greens. She was warm, yes. But authentically so. Helpful, chatty, encouraging. The kind of person you knew had a good heart. But what did this have to do with pilates? All too often, A was timid about joining in fitness activities. Worried that she would be laughed at for doing things wrong. That people would think she didn’t belong there. The Glass House Retreat was less intimidating. Kind, friendly people who were positive and quick to praise. Dot, was no exception. Taking part in the pilates class. In awe of her flexibility and staminia. The ease as she carried out the movements with feline grace. Helping A relax into movements she had never tried before. Coaching her to relax her shoulders. Giving her a block, to help with posture. She felt her cheeks flush with red, when she was complimented on her flexibility. Her partner, giving a knowing smile.

There is nothing like pilates to emphasize the power of self-care. It boosts my mental health and improves my physical condition.
She had tried pilates in the past. But never like this. Memories of wonky workouts at home, wiped away. Recollections from an excercise class gone wrong, erased. Finding balance was never easy, but pilates felt like a start. D, also in awe, noticeably calmer. Hooked onto her every word, enraptured. Though, she was still anxious, it was a dull thrum. Like the gurgle of a TV at night, fading into the background. The snake that had wrapped around her neck, unwinding, slowly. It tried to wrestle back control. Pulling her into its dark dungeon, a stench of desperation. Locking the door, throwing out a key that never existed. Taunting her with its mindless rertorts. But the power of self-care was angelic. She could see that The Glass House Retreat was healing her already. Otherthinking less, saying no to repetitive thought patterns. D told her how he felt energized after the class. The exact words? Refreshed, energized and happy. She couldn’t agree more. Taking a quiet moment in The Holistic Studio where the class was held. Breathe in, breathe out.
Vegan Dinner & Restore Mindfulness
Their eyes were flooded with sepia-light. Yellow flooding into their consciousness. A contrast to the inky black skies, the sun snug in sleep. They were welcomed into dinner with a radiant smile. Once again, kind staff that were bursting with positivity. Every single person who looked like they genuinely loved working there. She could see why. Sure, the surroundings were beautiful. Set in seven acres of gorgeous Essex verdant green fields. The croak of birds tweeting. Crickets chirping in the darkness. The glow of the moon reflecting on the water of the natural swimming pond. But the aura was something that had no words. Abstract, intangible. The feeling you got when you came here. That you were being looked after. That a guardian angel was watching over you. It was something else too. No rules, no rigid formality. Guests who could go to dinner in their dressing gowns. Guests who came to eat straight after a workout. It felt freeing, them dressed up in contrast. Her, in an orange gingham jumpsuit with matching Converse trainers. An orange printed headband, and tassel earrings. A swipe of red across her chapped lips. A tangerine-hued crop cardigan, completing the theme. Him, in an all-blue essemble. A navy-blue shirt and 70’s style cordoroy trousers.

A few years ago I completely overhauled my lifestyle. Harnessing the power of self-care meant loving myself for the first time. Nourishing food was a big part of that journey.
The main event was here. Her nose wrinkled, sniffing the air. Like one of her cats, sensing food was near. Their mouths watered in unison. Anticipating holistic wellbeing from the inside out. Fresh, 100% plant-based meals, all made from locally sourced and freshly delivered ingredients. No processed substitutes. Just colourful seasonal fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains.Crafted by plant-based pioneer Miguel Gouveia, who had over 18 years of experience. Though he had recently left the retreat, the new head chef was just as talented. Bold flavours, and honest, clean food that enriched their minds and bodies. It wasn’t until the end of their stay hat A had discovered Miguel was actually from Madeira, just like her family! She reverted her attention back to the food. The starters plonked onto the table with a’plomb. A choice of three menus: Equilibrium for a detox where weight-loss wasn’t a priority. Lighter choices designed to help you lose weight. A Pure Juicing Menu for more intensive weight loss. The only thing A and D cared about? Which meals appealed the most to them. After all, the power of self-care was all about food that made them look and feel good.
A steaming bowl of Pea Arancini appeared as if by magic. Two balls plonked in a zesty tomato and pepper arrabiata sauce. Chunky blotches of red seeping out in a carefully arranged circle. Pea shoots and vegan parmesan scattered like art. It was the perfect starter. Well-balanced, packed with flavour, the freshness of the ingredients poking through. D’s starter, just as vibrant. Crispy spring rolls, semi-transparent. Carrots dancing with peppers. Spring onions hiding in its layered home. On its own beautiful. But the peanut dipping sauce made all the difference. Sweet, cutting through the savoury. The real stars? The mains. D’s, her personal favourite. The March Special. Rocket Pesto Penne laced with flavour that tickled their senses. Spinach cradled in roasted cherry tomatoes. Vegan parmesan slurping up cashew nuts. A large portion, A looking over enviously. Rich, and creamy, without being too much. D on the other hand, preferred A’s main. Smaller, yes. From the lighter choices menu. Lentil and Pepper Dahl, mildly spiced. Sweet potatoes lurking under lentils. Topped with coriander. But the flavour was mouthwatering. Washed down with a Dragonfruit Lemonade, ice cubes clinking.
The Glass House Retreat’s vegan food truly showed the power of self-care. Their stomachs pooched with contentment. An impish smile licking their faces. One more round waiting to be eaten. Food that was true goodness for the soul. A Lemon Pousset for her, small and dainty. Beautifullt zezty, and not too rich. A tangy lemon mousse with oat crumble, and dried lemon. His, a warm gluten-free chocolate brownie, enveloped in a hidden surprise. Raspberries consorting with naughty banana. Raspberries blowing bubbles. Dunked into lime and vanilla ice cream, it was hard to believe it was vegan. Their night was coming to an end, but there was one more treat in store. A ‘Restore’ class run by the lovely Dot. A meditation-style gentle yoga class in a glowing blue room. They closed their eyes. Letting the calming words of encouragement hug them with kindness. Though this was their first retreat staycation, she had never experienced anything as wholesome and loving as this. Hearing the thrash of the rain lash at the window pane, oddly soothing. The yowling howl of the wind, a tortured melody. As for the restore session? It was peaceful. A room with bodies on their own individual healing journeys. An antidote to the real world, relief from pain. With practice, gentle yoga poses and guided meditation could improve their sleep. Signaling to their bodies (and minds) that it was time to wind down. Sleep claimed them, the sounds of The Lion King in the background.
Finding Balance After Anxiety: Day Two
A Relaxed Morning Outside
Bleary-eyed, they stumbled out of bed. Her, half-asleep, awake since the middle of the night. Him, having the best night’s sleep he had in ages. Two different contrasts. But despite the poor sleep, she was in a good mood. Optimistic for the day ahead. Willing to invest in the power of self-care at The Glasshouse Retreat. The journey to holistic health didn’t come naturally to either of them. But A had personally had a huge lifestyle and diet change in the last few years. Prioritizing her physical and mental health, like she had never done before. Taking time to cook and eat delicious (and nutritious) meals. Making room for balance, even when anxiety dug its claws into her festering wounds. She watched the sun peep out from behind the clouds. Letting the optimism wash over her, as they bathed in positivity. They slipped into their swimsuits. Him in candy print teal trunks. Her in a green and red marbled print swimsuit, a signature headband in her curly tresses. Running away from anxiety’s labyrinth. Reaching the ultimate checkpoint: the Outdoor Hot Tub.

If you have never experienced a hot tub in the rain then I urge you to try it. The sound of the water lashing out at the patio. The bubbles in the tub. The crackle of thunder. The true power of self-care. Luckily, in this moment the sun was shining briefly
They sank into its bubbled waters gratefully. Watching the birds flit between the skies playfully. The sun playing hide and seek with mottled clouds. Tinged with gray, they knew the rain was coming. But for now, the sun bathed them in a golden glow. Splashing each other like children. Letting the warmth envelop them. The gentle jets relaxing tense muscles. It was more than just a luxury. Low-impact joint relief, kind to their mind, body and soul. A respite from the hustle and bustle of London. Here, they would stay in the moment. It would be the first dip of many, heading into breakfast, a grin on their faces. Wrapped in dressing gowns, their stomachs gurgled hungrily. Avocado Toast for her, drizzled in a tangy balsamic glaze. Smooth, ripe and creamy avocado slices, sandwiched in beef tomatoes. Ciabatta bread, like she ate at home. Washed down with a Strawberry Supreme, tinged with bananas and raspberries. D’s breakfast, another beautiful dish. Reminding them of the Chocolate Nesquik hot chocolates they had growing up. Banana Belgian Waffles glazed in agave nectar. Fluffy, and spongey, just the way they liked it. Coconut yoghurt ladled like art. Fresh strawberries and edible flowers, completing the masterpiece. It was a great start to their morning. Feeling more relaxed than they had in months.
Now though? They would take on a challenge. The natural swimming pond, for a refreshing morning dip. Where they would experience swimming in freshwater. The Outdoor Finnish Sauna, and sun loungers, just a few steps away. They had heard fables of the swimming pond. How it was -10 degrees. How most people they had spoken to had managed 45 seconds at the most. They had to pluck up the courage to go. A dipping a toe, tentatively, immediately freezing up. Taking a few minutes to try again. This time swimming into the pond, surrounded by algae. Legend had it that toads would frequent this spot often. But the blistering cold water made her obvlivious to anything else. Whooping comically, lasting 45 seconds if that. Yet, despite how cold it was, she felt energized after. An exhilirating rush of adrenaline coursing through her body. But D’s reaction? She was so glad she got it on video. Paddling like a dog. Running into the hot tub, the first chance he got. It was so cold, that his body didn’t register the warmth of the hot tub at first. They were both put to shame, when a lady did the pond for 7 minutes. They could hardly believe their eyes. Was she a superhero?
Trying Ariel Yoga For The First Time & Mindfulness
It was easy to see why The Glasshouse Retreat was a popular destination for spa days. Immersive facilities, creative and invigorating 100% plant-based meals, and holistic classes that brought joy. Mindfulness in the Outdoor Wellness Dome was no exception. The sunlight glinting off the custom-made geodesic dome. Sinking into weightlessness with blue beanbags that cocooned their bodies. To A, she had a mixed relationship with meditation and mindfulness. Some days struggling to filter out the noise. The incessant thoughts, the constant chatter. Multiple tabs open in her mind, the shallow breaths through the mouth. But on day two, she found her inner bliss. Healing in nature, as she tuned into her holistic self. Guided meditation with Shelley, was a unique and beautiful experience. Getting them to close their eyes. Imagining they were in a field. What did the field look like? Was it filled with flowers? How big was it? Hers was a large lavender field, filled to the brim with flowers. She could almost smell its calming scent, luring her into serenity. Asking them to imagine a cube next. What was it made of? What did it look like? How big was it? Did it have a colour. She visualized a large Rubix Cube painted in a rainbow of colours. In the centre of the sky, an almost-sun.

This was my first time trying an ariel yoga class and it was so much fun. I would definitely love to do it again! The power of self-care is all about moving your body in a healthy and loving way.
Next, they would imagine a horse. What colour was it? What was it doing? True to her kooky zany mind, it was a pastel pink horse with a long flowing mane. Dancing through the lavender, an impish smile on its face. The story wasn’t over just yet. Asking them to think of a ladder. Was it long or short? Where was it? Her ladder was made of fluffy pink candyfloss, strewn with flowers. Long, like a beanstalk, spiralling into the sky. Attatched to the sun/Rubix cube, whose rays were beaming down on her. Then, the weather changed. She asked us to think about a storm. Was it passing through? Or was it temptetous, and turbulent? As expected, A’s was a mix. The sun Rubix Cube still beaming, with thunder erupting. Rain swelling, lashing out at the ground, soaking the lavender. Surprisingly, the whole experience was calming. Letting the colours and images wash over her. D’s experience just as positive, despite his tortured vision. A burning field, mass chaos and destruction. But to him? It felt like calm. Hearing everyone’s stories, and experiences after the session was beautiful. An insight into other people’s minds. A chance to connect with a group of strangers. Remembering the soothing dulcet dones of Shelley’s voice, as she shared what each vision could possibly mean.

From meditation and mindfulness to a sound bath, the outdoor wellbeing dome was a joy to be in. The power of self-care is about tuning into your emotional needs without judgement.
To A, the power of self-care had helped her feel good about mindfulness again. Tuned into her bodies wants and needs. D, in agreement, his eyes lighting up with a shy smile. Trying Ariel Yoga for the first time was no exception. Just as euphoric as mindfulness, something new. Imagining the two of them twirling through the air, in silks and hoops. Suspended high, frozen in time. Climbing and twirling, with every twist and turn they would soar. The reality was different. Mostly trying positions on the floor. Stretching their muscles, so they didn’t injure themselves. Though they would have liked to try more in the air movements, it was great fun. A class to remember, the whole group in fits of giggles. Challenging limits, breaking free from their bodies. Engaging their muscles, in a hypnotic dance. Their final class before lunch, their stomachs gurgling in protest. Yet, in the moment, they drowned out the noise. Focusing on the present, letting their bodies take over. It made them want to try ariel out again. A fitness class that could boost balance, improve coordination and improve flexibility. Allowing their bodies, and minds to fully relax, sinking into a serene state of mind. Coming together as one, in the nature-inspired holistic studio.
Tasty Vegan Lunch And Dancing At The Cryro Chamber
They felt the hunger gwawing at their bellies. Working up an appetite after their Yoga Ariel class. A’s lunch a masterpiece, indescribable beyond words. Sweet Potato Gnocchi as though it was fashioned by the Gods themselves. Griddled orange ovals drenched in the dreamiest rocket pesto sauce. Fresh and zesty, flaked almonds for a nutty tang. Edible flowers and pea shoots sprinkled on top. Visually satisfying to look at, the taste was just as exceptional. Hearty, despite being a lighter choice. Filling, her favourite meal from the stay. Healthy, but it felt indulgent. A true treat. His, a warming comfort dish. The kind of meal you might serve on a Sunday. Root Veg Pie, with creamy leek, carrot and butternut squash. The sweet potato crust, the best bit, baked to perfection. Black carrot batons slightly crunchy. Cauliflower too. Drenched in a jug of gravy. They ordered drinks from the Deli. The Revitalizer, an energizing drink that tasted just right. A hint of pineapple dashed with mint. Balanced out with lemon and apple. They sat watching the sun play hide and seek. Disappearing behind storm clouds, as the rain lashed at the window pane. But it felt oddly soothing. Washing away the dust of the morning in a watery spray.
There was no doubt about it. When it came to luxury spas in Essex, Glasshouse Retreat was number one. Granted, it was their first ever retreat. But she couldn’t imagine anywhere else living up to the experience they had here. Collectively, they agreed this was their best staycation they had ever had in the entire time they had been dating. Why? It was relaxing, nourishing, and allowed them to give more to each other. The staff was incredible, the food was out of this world, and the guests were kind. A was particularly fond of a fellow colour lover, Kirsty, who radiated fun and joy. Rainbow hair, and a refreshing outlook on life, they connected almost instantly. Someone who had experience at the retreat, whose anecdotes left A in awe. It solidified their desire to come back again. Embracing the world of holistic healing in a warm embrace. Their session in The Cryro Chamber was no exception.Their favourite treatment, something different. They knew that cold therapy was popular in Europe at the moment. After all, she read that it could soothe muscular injuries, supercharge your energy, and improve mental wellness. A didn’t believe in miracle cures. But one thing she could say was that cryotherapy actually worked. The power of self-care was evident. Feeling more energy than she had in a long time. The feel good hormones running through her body at electric speed.

Cryotherapy was one of our favourite experiences from the trip. Imagine dancing to your favourite song in -120 degrees. The power of self-care is all about seeing what works for you after all.
D went first. Gloves on his hands. A headband in his hair. Crocs on his feet. Getting a chance to choose a song, before he went into the ‘Pre Chamber’. Calm Down by Rema, his song of choice. Encouraged to dance to keep from being too cold. She laughed at his Dad dancing, wondering how cold it was inside. A minute in the first chamber passed, onto the ‘Boss level’ chamber next. She looked at the temperature, -120, how was he hoping. But she could hear him chuckle, despite the icy frost that cascaded across his hair. After four minutes he came out, cold to the touch. Yet, he felt on top of the world. Refreshed, yet somehow sleepy. Tired, but energetic at the same time. The time had come for her to dance for her life. Choosing Fly Girl by Flo ft. Missy Elliot. Imagining she was a back-up dancer as she braved the cold. Yes, it was freezing. But somehow unlike the natural pond, this was more bearable. Fun, dancing her heart out, careful not to slip. Cutting shapes, in -120 degrees, having the time of her life. If she could do this regularly she would. Dancing with elation, as though she had no cares in the world. Eyes sparkling, despite the numb that had set in.
Vegan Chef Demo And A Relaxing Massage
After another dip in the hot tub, a vegan food demo awaited them. The chef showing them how to make vegan peanut butter and banana brownies. Surprised at how quick they were to make. Ready in just 15 minutes, an indulgent, moerish treat. Laced with over-ripe bananas that danced with agave and cocoa powder. Vegan milk doused with ground cinnamon. Melt in your mouth brownies that made her mouth water. Though D wasn’t a fan, she was secretely pleased. Polishing off his brownies with relish. The rich cocoa wriggled around her mouth, crumbs spilling into her lap. The centre, goeey, washed down with a signature Twist herbal tea. Sherbet Pip Tisane, pretty in pink. A fruity caffeine-free blend, with no added sugar. Crisp citrus fruits, hint of apple. Sumac berries dancing with orange peel. A slither of lemongrass. She felt the relaxation coat her bones in a hedonistic glaze. Her eyes drooping. Not in an exhausted way. But in contentment. The power of self-care folding her into its slumbering arms. There was the edge of anxiety, that lurked waiting. But she knew that her next treatment would drown out the noise.

You will never get bored at The Glasshouse Retreat. Whether you are here for a spa day, a few days or a week, there is so much to do. The vegan chef demo showed that the power of self-care can be wholesome.
A deep tissue massage, that they paid for seperately. 55 minutes of rejuvanation, chatter, and connecting with her therapist. Debbie, a kind spa expert, and friendly masseuse who ticked every box. Sharing stories of how she came to work in the beauty industry. All the different beauty procedures she could carry out. Why she loved working in beauty. Though some preferred quiet massages, A was of the latter. Someone who struggled to relax, and was often tense. Preferring a pressure-free environment, where she could connect with her therapist. For those who preferred a quiet session, it could be requested. For A, who had allergies too, Debbie was kind and accomodating. Using natural ingredients that wouldn’t aggravate her skin. Working across her whole body, noticing the knots underneath her skin. The weak muscle tissue, and the right shoulder raised higher than the left. The kyphosis causing rounding in the shoulders. She reccomended a combination of hot and cold therapy. In the morning starting off with a hot shower. The last minute, braving it in the cold, to reduce inflammation. In the evenings, a hot bubble bath, to soak her aching muscles. A hot water bottle, and a herbal tea before she sleeped. It was things that she did already. But it recemented that she was on the right path to healing.
A Gorgeous Vegan Dinner And Mindfulness
If there was only one thing that A could say was her favourite activity, it would be eating. Something which The Glasshouse Retreat nurtured with maternal love. Meals so fresh, she could almost taste its origins. Colourful plates that made her fall in love with food all over again. D, was of the same mind. Taking time to eat his meals, without the hazy blare of the TV in the background. Phone in his bag, his full attention on his meal. The Pea Arancini with chunky tomato ragu, she had the night before, as a starter. A creamy and light Pea And Mint soup, served with Flaxseed crackers. It was strange, she wasn’t a huge fan of peas normally. But here, nearly every dish she went for had peas. And it tasted darn good. A soup that warmed her bones, and lit up her soul. Pureed green, a visual feast for the senses. The mains just as delectable. For D, Enchiladas, just how he liked them. The vegan edition, with three corn tortillas. Stuffed to the brim with rice, and vegan mozarella. A tomato crust that was divine beyond words. Cheese that was almost too good to be vegan. Drizzled with tangy guacamole, and a sprinkle of mayonaise. Morrocan Tagine for A, in a cloche-like plate. Lifting the lid. Letting the aromas of lemon, paprika and tomato drench her in happiness. Baked lemons wedged into steaming tomato sauce. Poblano chillis deseeded, wrapped on top. Chunky tomatoes braised with chickpeas and peppers. A hint of spice that danced on her tongue with love.

The food at The Glasshouse Retreat is some of the best we have had on a staycation.
They were almost too full to have dessert. But A saw eating as a challenge. Never one to turn down good food. An Apple & Rhubarb Crumble for her, engorged with cinnamon. A taste of Christmas, in the heart of spring. Spiced apples stewed with seasonal rhubarb, topped with a crispy oat crumble. Drenched in a creamy custard, sweet but not too rich. A date and ginger sponge for D, submerged in a sticky toffee sauce. Moist, not too dense. The subtle heat of ginger cutting through the sponge. They gulped through their last few mouthfuls. A Mindfulness evening session awaiting them in the lounge. An unexpected change in location, but a beautiful one at that. Dimming the light. Letting the guide’s words seep into their consciousness. Yet, try as A might, she couldn’t switch off. Struggling to concentrate, to say no to the noises that were shouting in her head. Despite her anxiety taking over, she fell asleep easily in her partner’s arms. The inky darkness sweeping them away into welcome oblivion.
The Journey Back Home: Day Three
The Last Breakfast, Saunas & The Swimming Pool
They couldn’t believe that it was their last day. Wishing they could stay here in this cocoon of loveliness. No responsibilities, no worries, a world away from the usual chaos. They would make the most of their stay, living in the moment. Heading down to breakfast in their robes, trying something new. Corn Pancake Fritters for D, that were savoury and sweet. A drizzle of lemon and coconut sauce, fritters that were light and fluffy. Sprigs of tarragon, for soft, citrus flavour. A on the other hand, opting for something sweet. Odd, given she didn’t have a huge sweet tooth normally. But at The Glasshouse Retreat, the sweet treats were an exception. Healthy Gluten-Free Pancakes that winked at her. Round and fluffy, with a creamy vegan yoghurt. Fresh blueberries and raspberries coddled in agave nectar. Dusted with icing sugar, it was almost too pretty to eat. Though it was healthy, it was indulgent and filling. Something that would keep them going until lunch time. Bellies full, they braved the blustering winds outside. The rain trickling, as they ran to the trusty hot tub. Attempting to take a photo, before her tripod fell on the patio. Laughing, as they sank into its warming ripples. Watching the skies deepen into a charcoal gray. The clouds, like smudges drifting on by. Squeezing tortured tears that drenched the ground in its vengeful wake.
From the moment they arrived, it was clear to see that The Glasshouse Retreat was more than just your average staycation. Beyond the typical spa weekend, or weekday break. It was a lifestyle, a moment. One that would encourage them in the kindest way, to adopt healthy wellness practices. The state of the art facilities were the cherry on top. Slipping into The Finnish Sauna, shrugging off their robes. A blue and orange printed swimsuit, with flip flops on her feet. They sat at opposite sides, the gentle glow of the natural heated sauna rekindling their warmth. Deeply breathing in the comforting scent of the wood panels. Allowing their bodies and mind to reconnect. D let go of the tension in his muscles, visibly more relaxed. His cheeks suffused with a rosy pink glow. They stayed here for a few moments, drinking cold water. Letting the sweat dribble down their bodies. Centering their minds. Though it was passive heat therapy, the benefits were renowned. Boosting their immune system, accelerating the body’s detoxificaton process. Clearing congestion in the respiratory tract. Removing dead skin cells and relaxing tenses muscles. It wasn’t a miracle cure, sure. But it was a gorgeous holistic space to embrace themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually.

We love a spa day for our physical and mental wellbeing. A sauna is a great way to invest in your self-care the simple way.
A always saw swimming as a cathartic release. Memories of paddling in Madeira’s open waters as a teenager making her smile. Remembering how they gave her the nickname ‘Pequeno Pato’ as they glided through the water. Despite learning to swim late, not much had changed. Relishing how the water held her with ease. How safe she felt, despite traumatic experiences as a young kid. You wouldn’t have guessed that she had almost drowned as a child. So at home, and at one with the water, that time ceased to exist. This heated swimming pool was just as calming. A small stretch of water that they paddled through, head above water. They cast a few laps, splashing each other with undisguised glee. Watchers on bemused, a blue and yellow shower cap enveloping her hair. They slunk out of the water, mermaids on land. Shaking the water off their skin. Heading into the Himalayan Salt Block Sauna, glowing in neon blue. Small, but cozy, beckoning them closer. Pouring water onto the hot coals, careful not to burn themselves. Breathing in the salty air (halotherapy), absorbing the trace minerals through their skin and respiratory system. An experience that would loosen their muscles, and promote healthy skin.
If anything personified the power of self-care, it was the steam room. The faint scent of eucalyptus drifting in the air. Closing the door, they watched the steam engulf them in a hazy fog. Not as hot as the steam room back-home. Just right. With every breath inhaling deeply. Clearing their minds, calming their souls. Feeling whole for the first time in a while. They let the silence surround them like a well-loved friend. Lingering in the steam, finding peace. A moment of tranquility, much like the rest of the retreat. Another dip in the pool, once last hurrah in the swimming pond. Gradually getting used to its icy waters, but still cold. The rain adding a new element. Finding one of those fabled toads that others had spoken about. Watching it wriggle around the grass, getting ready to swim. A few seconds more, than they managed yesterday. One last dip, before their final lunch. Ending their glorious morning in their favourite hot tub. No concept of space and time.

You’ll be spoilt rotten with gorgeous views rain or shine at The Glasshouse Retreat. This was from the hot tub just before the rain and it was utter bliss. The power of self-care was never more evident than this moment.
Vegan Lunch & A Couple’s Soundbath
Mindfulness was so important. But the key to locking mental wellness was easier said than done. It was easy here, holistic practices at their fingertips. But at home, how would they navigate mental wellbeing? They mulled over this as they drooled over their final lunch. Dan revisting an old favourite. The rocket pesto penne with roasted cherry tomatoes. Washed down with a Dragonfruit lemonade. A, something different. An Asian Sushi Platter, her second favourite meal. Presented in the most charming bento box, unravelling secret treats. Healthy, yes. But zippy in flavour. The perfect marriage between spice, and sweet. Sweet chilli breadcrumbed cauliflower dancing with soy sauce. Kimchi, Carrot, Edamame and Pepper Salad in a vibrant peanut marinade. Crispy onions with chopped chillis, a touch of wasabi. The sushi wrapped in holistic goodness. Dragonfruit and Nori. Avocado and vegan Sashimi. Imagining the work it must have taken to put this together. Sushi, like she had never tried before. She couldn’t lie. She wasn’t the biggest fan of sushi. But here? It was well-balanced. A large portion that was filling, bursting with flavour. Though it was coming to the end of their stay, they had one last treat to try. A couple’s sound bath with their favourite Dot. Something they hadn’t tried before. An activity that A had been desperate to try for the longest time. Sad that they would miss the sound bath at 8, they booked a private session.

This vegan sushi bento box was in my top three meals from the stay. It was that good. Fresh, and healthy. The power of self-care in one meal.
It was unlike nothing they had experienced before. Remembering the colours that seeped into their consciousness. Teal blues tinged with firey reds, a hint of yellow. Visions of the rain cracking down on the outdoor dome, as though it was throwing a tantrum. The shake of the rainstick. The thrum of the gong, each vibration a warm caress. But they weren’t there yet. Meeting the in-house talented Photographer and Videographer Justin. Whose portraits were creative beyond measure. Playing with light and colour, embracing the blossoms that cascaded across the trees. D, in a pale green linen shirt and relaxed fit trousers. Her, in a green floral strappy dress, with green mules and tassel earrings. A rare photoshoot together, a spur of the moment. A few photos before the soundbath of dreams. Dot, waiting in the dome. Crystal singing bowls framed in white. They closed their eyes, perched on cobalt blue bean bags. The clouds pregnant with stormy gray. It would rain soon. Watching the shadows flicker like abstract shapes. She felt the struggle with her two selves. The sun-soaked sepia tones of blue battling against the angry oranges. An emotional release, she felt the turbulence rising up inside her. The anxiety that engulfed her mind, body and soul. The depression that weeped on open sores. But there was sunshine too. The laughter that twinkled like fairy dust. The crooked smile that told a thousand stories.

The power of self-care couldn’t be more visible in our couple’s soundbath. Educational, inspiring and thought-provoking, it is a unique experience like no other.
A gentle rumble next to her, she heard her partner snoring. Watching him drift into the land of nod. The vibrations bathing him in manna-like worship. Bringing him the emotional, mental and physical healing that he needed. For A, it was an experience like no other. Dot, using sound waves at different frequencies to realign the cells in their bodies to their natural vibrational state. Her senses were heightened like never before. Tasting the salt on the tip of her tongue, biting her lips. The crackle of the rain that gushed down the dome with thunderous applause. The scent of fear that she trampled on, determined to coax her body into submission. She could almost cry, feeling the emotions crowd around her. But it was beautiful. Healing, reconnecting with herself. No judgement, letting the thoughts float by. The sound of Tibetan singing bowls in the background.
The rain stick was going now, combined with Dot’s soothing voice. Transported, almost lost in its dulcet tones. She was hyper-aware, the jangle of the chimes like piano keys in her mind. When D described it to her afterwards, he mentioned how he felt like he was floating on currents. She could see why, a smile of bliss etched on his russet face. She marvelled at how they could be at the same sound bath, but have completely different experiences. She embraced the different sound frequencies, listening to how they corresponded to each of the 7 main chakras. The Heart Chakra what they felt most aligned to. Embracing love, compassion and connection. Dot noted the way they were around each other. How loving they were. Later down the line, Dot would share insight into all the chakras with her. The Crown Chakra that represented unity, enlightenment and consciousness. The Third Eye that was imaginative, and insightful. The Solar Plexus that embodied power, will and self-esteeem. But she couldn’t help but wish for more ‘root’ in her life. Grounding, security, and survival. She felt like she fought her whole life just to keep her head barely above water. But there was always the Sacral chakra, which emphasized the importance of emotion. A sprinkle of creativity and sexuality too.

From sound baths, to meditation and mindfulness the power of self-care can be healing.
The time had come to leave The Glasshouse Retreat. Their hearts tinged with sadness, wishing they could stay a bit longer. Picturing coming back, trying all the things they hadn’t tried before. The morning walks and the aqua classes. A personalized cooking class, as they attempted to make delicious Asian cuisine. A lava hot stone treatment at the spa, a joint couples treatment. Reconnecting not just with each other, but with the world around them. Immersed in nature, hearing the chirp of the crickets, the squeak of the rabbits. The ribbit-ribbit of the toads. She looked at her uber window longingly. They would be back, there was no doubt about it. In the midnight hour, she sank into grateful sleep. Slipping into the velvety underworld of make-believe. A universe that teetered between the abstract, and subconscious longing. Visions of ghostly apparations like memories, of the moments they shared. Giggling in the hot tub, as the wind whipped at their hair. Gorging themselves at breakfast, as the clouds burst with bullets of rain. But they were here. Back home, where reality hit them square in the face. A million shared responsibilites, the tension seeping into their bodies once more. She drowned herself in a dozen memories, holding onto the wisps for dear life. One day, they would give up their real lives. Embracing their higher selves. Where nothing else mattered but the here and now.
But they weren’t there yet….
What Does The Power Of Self-Care Mean To You?

2024 is the year I invest into the power of self-care. It is more than just a fad. It is a lifestyle that can nourish us mentally and physically.
Have You Been To The Glasshouse Retreat Before?

As a couple we discovered how the power of self-care can bring us closer together.
Please note we were gifted a two night stay at The Glasshouse Retreat in exchange for this blog post and social content. All thoughts are my own and are not affected by gifting. I couldn’t reccomend it more. The best staycation we have been on to date. I don’t know how it will be topped. A true reset of the mind, body and soul. We discovered the power of self-care through 100% plant-based food, holistic classes and incredible facilities.
We stayed in the Premier Double room which is £278 per person, per night. Included in our stay was use of all the facilities, access to all fitness classes, mindfulness classes and use of communal spaces. It also gave us three vegan meals from dinner on the day of arrival to breakfast on the day of departure. You get complimentary herbal teas from Twist throughout your stay, get gifted a logo bag and bottle, and even have a motivational space. All facilities close at 7pm, apart from locations used for mindfulness/restore sessions. There is even a mobile safe for a digital detox if you would like. Please note drinks are not included apart from breakfast, where you have a complimentary juice or smoothie. We also had a complimentary Cryotherapy session which can be included as an extra as part of a two night stay. We paid for our non-alcoholic drinks, deep tissue massage treatment and private couple’s sound bath. I wanted to write about the power of self-care because of my personal experiences with my physical and mental health issues.
Couples Sound Bath: £60
Deep Tissue Massage: £8
Price of drinks varies between £5.50-8.00 at The Deli
You can pay for cooking masterclasses too. A group masterclass is £75 per person per class. A private group session is £85 and a one to one is £145 per class.
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