3AM. The witching hour, hands sweaty, heart racing. Her mind in overdrive, as she woke from yet another nightmare. Trying to dull the pain that squeezed her mind and soul. The tension in her back, she felt the walls closing in. Then came the noises. Where headlights piercedthe darkness of night. Like fireflies dancing in an endless sweep. The loud thrum of car engines spluttering down the high street. The raucous laughter of friends. The squeal of a fox who was demolishing the rubbish. But there was one sound that stood out above them all. Snoring. Watching him sleep, seeing the rise and fall of his chest. Knowing what would come next. At first, a gentle rumble escaping his lips. Softly at first, but then a thunderous roar. Tossing and turning, trying to escape the sound. Wondering if the sweet release of a better night’s sleep would be on its way. Sometimes, the snores were like a freight train, sluggishly chugging through the dark. At others, it was a gentle breeze, puncturing the night. He lay oblivious, the frustration rising. The bed swallowing her whole. Lost in the claustrophobia of being over-stimulated. But it wasn’t his fault. If they had known the best anti-snoring hacks sooner, maybe sleep wouldn’t be so broken.

The best anti-snoring hacks starts with the type of bed that you have.
But they weren’t there yet. Her eyes rimmed with charcoal smudges. Her face drawn, a gray pallor etched on her cheeks. Walking through the day like a zombie, her actions not her own. Sure, he didn’t snore every night. And yes, she had problems with insomnia even when he wasn’t snoring. But they both knew that lately his snoring had got worse. They sat down together, on their Firm Mattress, feeling her coxyx dig into the springs. Poring over her laptop, wondering what they could do to improve their sleep. She tried to block out the noises around her. She tried to ignore the familuar clench of anxiety, that chowed down on her muscles hungrily. But it was easier said than done. Finding things that worked. Things that made it worse. Slowly, but surely, they came up with solutions together. It wasn’t a miracle cure, but did it have a high success rate? Yes. It did.
Watching the sleep trickle back into their lifes. Curled up in a ball, a smile licking their faces. Dreams, not nightmares, bathed in golden light. Fragments of memories seeping into their consciousness. But what did they do to change the narrative? They would practice good sleep hygiene. Paying homage to healthy habits, behaviours and enviromental factors that would boost their sleep. Saying yes to self-care, nourishing their bodies with love as they slept. Their hope? To create a kinder, more happier relationship with sleep, where all their troubles would melt away. From changing their sleep position, to throat excercises, they were surprised by the hacks that they found. Though it worked for them, they were aware that it wasn’t a one-size-fits all approach. Just like with managing depression and anxiety, what worked one day, might not work the next. Some days, just changing his sleep position helped open up his nasal passage and chest. Other days, a calming humidfier would relax them both. In the harder times where frustration took over, they reminded themselves to be patient. To understand that this was an ongoing journey. That he had been dealing with this for a while, and it wouldn’t just disappear overnight.
Best Anti-Snoring Hacks For Sleep
Invest In An Adjustable Bed
There was no denying that Adjustable Beds were made out of dreams. Surrendering to a night where snoring didn’t exist. Instead, the sweet cloud-like formations of dreams would suck anxiety out of their bodies. Hashing together the small parts of dreams they could remember. Her, the person who was often plagued by nightmares. Waking up from a sleep that felt like manna. Remembering cradling her three cats in the most beautiful forest. Him, getting a promotion at work. Yes, an adjustable bed was on their wishlist. Excited to reap its many benefits. Elevating the head position of her partner, to open his airways. To prevent the tongue and soft tissues in the throat from collapsing backwards. For those who had sleep apnea, an adjustable bed would give them the elevation they needed. But most of all? There would be customized comfort that they could both benefit from. Raising the bed as low or high as they wanted. Her partner, raising his head, to allow her to sleep more soundly. Could it be that it was the answer to all their nocturnal problems? It wasn’t just snoring that it helped with either. From insomnia, to anxiety, breathing problems and even digestion, an adjustable bed was an all-round health booster.
Change Your Sleep Position
It was coming up to National Stop Snoring Week (April 22nd-28th 2024), a new addition to their calendar. Circling the event with an optimistic heart. Hoping that all their sleep woes would be reduced by then. After all, snoring was a threat to human health. Associated with poor sleep, an increased risk of coronary artery disease, and depressive disorders, it was time for change. He used to sleep on his back. The base of his tongue and soft palate collapsing to the back wall of his throat. A vibrating sound during his sleep. As for her, she would sleep on her side, curled up like a cat. Rarely snoring, except for when her sinuses were blocked, or she was chronically tired. He would try sleeping on his side too, a body pillow supporting him. His airways opening up, the snoring quieter. A soft purr. By repositioning his body to an inclined position, it changed the way he would breathe while asleep. Granted, he still snored. But even a fraction less was an achievement and a win. Some days were better than others. It turned out that he needed to train himself to sleep on his side. He would use pillows to block his ability to roll over, hugging it tight. Other nights, sleeping against the bedside cupboard, his hands against its smooth surface.
Practice Good Sleep Hygiene
They were guilty of poor sleep hygiene. Watching cartoons in bed to try and fall asleep. The blue light glowing, the sound reverberating round her mind. Technology in the bedroom. The pulsating vibration of their mobile phones lighting up with notifications. Was it any wonder that she had a hard time falling asleep? That she would wake in the night, thoughts racing through her mind. Trudging through her days, with lethargy on the brain. It was clear that their sleep environment and behaviour affected their sleeping patterns. They weren’t consistient with their bedroom routine or forming healthy habits. But things would be diferent. They would follow a strict sleep schedule, and cut out technology before bed. They would optimize their bedroom for sleep creating a calm and relaxing environment. As far as the best anti-snoring hacks went, sleep self-care was up there. They would start priortizing sleep. Letting go of external factors like work, socialization and technology. Most of all, they would create a routine that fostered tranquility. A bubble bath with a good book. Unplugging from electronics. Focusing on relaxation techniques that would prep their minds and bodies for sleep.

Good sleep hygiene is so underrated. The best anti-snoring hacks are about looking after yourself, and practicing good sleep habits.
Open Your Nasal Passages
She knew better than most that congestion and blockage in the nassage passages could force you to breathe through your mouth. How? Because ever since she could remember, she suffered with sinus problems. D, her partner on the other hand, would snore often. But what was his nasal blockage caused by? Though he had asthma, it did not cause snoring. Yet, he was getting over a nasty cold, and both his nasal passages were blocked. His nasal tissue would swell during a cold, meaning the airflow through his nose would be restricted. He would battle against the walls of congestion. Clogged with muscus, turning restful nights into restless days. She reccomended a saline nasal spray, that she used for sinitus and allergies. Sterimar Isotonic Nasal Hygiene Spray that helped her breathe better at night. He tested out the spray. Her waking in the wait, waiting for the rumble that never came. Claimed by the sweet solace of sleep once more. But the best anti-snoring hacks wouldn’t be complete without nasal strips. He would apply one across the bridge of his nose. Feeling it open up his nostrils slightly. The plastic splints embedded in it acting like springs, increasing airflow during the breathing process.

My partner has found that nasal sprays are one of the best anti-snoring hacks that are affordable too.
Invest In A Humidifier
In the quiet corner of the bedroom, a whispering friend spoke. With a gentle hum and a misty embrace. A humidifer filled the space. Water swirling and churning, a blend of lavender and chamomile. Releasing vapour, injecting the air. Begone dry air, that irritated the throat and nasal passages, leading to snoring. With every breath, the air becoming bright. Laboured breathing with squealing snores quietened. But why was a humidifer so good? Dry air could cause mucus in the nasal passages and throat to become thicker, and stickier, making it harder to breathe. The humidifier would help thin out the mucus, making it easier for the body to expel congestion. It would also reduce inflammation, and throat irritation by keeping the throat moist. It wasn’t just helpful for snoring either. Dry air leading to moisture loss from the skin, causing it to become dry, itchy and irritated. The humidifer helping to keep the skin hydrated, preventing dryness. Faster healing from respiratory illnesses. Preventing dry eyes and a sore throat. Reducing sinus headaches and coughs. Though they had a humidifer for some time, this was the first time they were using it in the bedroom. A whimsical humidifer in the shape of a cartoonish animal, glowing in the dark. Blue, yellow, purple and green.

I have problems with my sinuses and have found that humidifiers help me breathe better.My partner has also added it to the best anti-snoring hacks for his health too.
Try Throat Exercises
It seemed like a strange thing to say. Exercising your throat? What did that have to do with the best anti-snoring hacks for better sleep? Oropharyngeal muscle exercises could improve obstructive sleep apnea and reduce snoring. By strengthening the muscles in your throat and tongue, it would prevent them from collapsing during sleep. It would encourage breathing through the nose, instead of the nose. They didn’t expect to see results straight away. After all, most good routines took a few months to get results. He would practice at least three times a day, in the hope that it would reduce his snoring within three months. Only time would tell. He would try two simple exercises. The Tongue Slide, his personal favourite. Placing the tip of his tongue against the back of his top front teeth. Slowly sliding his tongue backward, with the tip moving along the roof of the mouth. Repeating 5-10 times. The second, known as the Tongue Stretch. Sticking his tongue as far as he could. Trying to touch his chin with his tongue, while looking at the ceiling. Holding for 10-15 seconds, increasing the duration gradually. Repeating 5 times. Though it felt strange, he got into the rhythm of it the more he practiced.
Speak To A Specialist
For some, speaking to a specialist would be the best way to combat snoring. An ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist or otolaryngologist would examine the nose, mouth, throat, palate and neck using a fiberoptic scope. The specialist would be able to determine whether it is caused by a nasal allergy, infection, nasal obstruction or enlargement of tonsils and adenoids. They would look at your medical history, risk factors for snoring, and reccomend diagnostic tests. A sleep study can assess the severeity of the snoring and rule out sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea. Though D didn’t have sleep apnea, his snoring was a long-term issue. They were looking into consulting a specialist, alongside what they were already trying. Hoping that the treatment could suggest lifestyle changes, reccomendations for oral appliances, or in severe circumstances, surgery. The throat specialist would monitor his progress, and adjust his treatment plan to ensure optimal results. Whether this was follow up appointments, continous positive airway pressure therapy, or removing excess soft tissue, there were endless solutions.

A throat specialist might have all the answers you need. If you are looking for the best anti-snoring hacks that are longterm, consult a specialist.
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