She swam through the portal of pixelated dreams. Where mere mortals became heroes and villians, immersed in the magic of gaming. Traversing surreal landscapes, half-way between reality and fantasy. Escapism from the real world, from enchanted castles to cosmic flights. Through joysticks and keyboards, dancing through quests in forgotton realms. A flickering screen, a refuge from reality’s incessant chase. By day, a fractured soul, tormented by anxieties that kept her in a chokehold. But at night, silence would descend and the games would begin. From free online money games to retro video games, she held onto fairytales. Holding hands with her gamer boyfriend, as they battled against each other with glee.
The rainbow-saturated brights of Fall Guys on the X-Box, finally a master after months of practice. Her a deep purple bat, a caricature. Him, an original, with a unexpected tartan belt. With playful hearts they embarked, their eyes meeting in a mischievous dance. A’s competitive side unleashed, hours spent trying to win crowns. A chance to forget the worries of the day past. An opportunity to discover their inner child. Retro games like Mario Kart prevailed, but it wasn’t just video games that piqued their interest. A deck of cards cut roughly, The Queen of Diamonds, strong and bold. The King of Spades, a sombre soul. The Jack of Clubs, a joker like A. The Ace, a shining beacon of light.
Yet, on her own, she went for something different. Free online money games, that made her think. That challenged her perceptions of gaming. An endless scroll, click and search. To find the games that were like a sparkling charade. Her throaty laughter would echo through the halls, three felines mewling too. A symphony of sound, as the four clowns engaged in a playful jest. Her, transfixed, giggling over a computer keyboard. Them, revved up on her infectious energy, in michievous beguile. Born in 93, the games brought back memories. Her first Gameboy, the Nitendo 64. A PSP, and her first Playstation. When she played these computer games, it reminded her of a simpler time.
Gone were the HD graphics, and realistic gameplay. These games were cartoonish, in a pixelated trance.Roughly drawn, with choppy frame-rate. Yet she didn’t mind. Drifting into a vibrant world of make-believe. Whittling away the hours, until she could find happiness again. It was the small things. The reward that gaming on your computer gave you. The break from reality. The chance to explore, and try something new. Idle games, and games of skill. Games for adults, that equally kids would enjoy too. Money trees flourishing in abundant wealth. Supermarket sweeps, testing your reaction speeds. Bitcoin bubble shooters, and lucky Casino slots. A stock-broker come to life, a hidden money finder in Squid game.
She was not money-driven, by any means. Instead she thrived in creativity, purpose and meaning. Yet she often dreamed of a story of bank notes. That danced with promises untold. A key to freedom’s gate, a passport to adventure. A tool to build empires, a community to be fufilled. But there would always be balance. She wanted not too much, and not too little. Something that was just right. For now, while she was building up her future, the games seemed like the next best thing. It seemed stupid. After all, it wasn’t real. And yet, games like Money Tree, felt nostalgic. Reminding her of that saying ‘money dosen’t grow on trees’. She was told it often growing up. A sentiment she agreed with until this day. But wouldn’t it be nice just this once to pretend?
Bitcoin Bubble Shooter
It was ironic that she was gravitating towards money games, given how much they stressed her out in real life. But here, things felt different. Where in the universe of numbers and encrypted might, the dance of coins began. Marching to the beat of gold’s allure, enveloping the human spirit in joy. There was a richness in gaming, a steady routine. An activity that kept you grounded, despite what the naysayers said. A chance to unwind, compete, or just have fun. Money themed games were no different: a new currency forming. A unique kind of treasure to call their own. Not real, of course. But still, playing pretend was the best kind of fun.
And so, she flexed her fingers, and straightened her back. Getting ready for a mini-gaming session, where she could forget, even just for a second. A trivial splash into the world of bitcoin. That arose like a tantalizing dream. Virtual currency designed to act as money. A form of payment outside the control of any one person, group, or entity. No third-party involvement. But here, in the kingdom of free online games, it was all in their imagination. A Bitcoin Bubble Shooter was the flavour of the month. An 80 stage bubble shooting game themed after cryptocurrencies.
She climbed her way through the levels, aiming bubble shots with ease. Sets of three or more identical adjacent bubbles to remove them from the stack. Simple, yet effective. Bears, and Bitcoin symbols. Random creatures too, waiting to be knocked down. The higher she rose, the harder it got. A limited number of bubbles to reach the level goal on each of the 80 stages. Could she earn that 3 star rating? Yes, she could. Knocking off sets off the stack, watching as all the identical adjacent bubbles melted away. Power ups boosting her confidence, traversing through level 20 and beyond. Though she wasn’t at level 80 just yet, she had yet to meet a level that had defeated here. There were a few near misses. Bubbles dangerously close to her face. But then, in true A style, she had found a way, to keep the magic going again. Could she save the cryptocurrency from industry villians like SBF?
Available on: Mortgage Calculator
If there was one thing that the stock market reminded her of, it was the Wolf of Wall Street. The self-aggrandising convicted stock market trader, Jordan Belfort. But, stocks was more than a negative stereotype. There was ethical investing too. Striving to support industries that wanted to make a postive impact, rather than line their own pockets with greed. If she ever invested, she would be in this group. Striving to support changemakers. So, when she came across Stocks, she knew what to do. An idle clicker game, with a stock performance price graph. The goal of the game to day trade, or speculate on a stock to capture price increases.
It was here where she imagined something different. Visualizing an ethical business that she was buying, and selling stocks from. It would be a cruelty-free brand, who cared for animal welfare. Who was fast-growing, and deservedly so. Starting with an imaginary $500, she would play across 30 game days. Though the game goal was for her to liquidate her shares, and earn as much profit as possible, she did things differently. Taking her time. Observing the random noise in short-term market movements, rather than anything else. Sure, it might have been just a game. But to A, it felt like something more. A chance to expand her financial knowledge even on a simple level.
After all, she learned that most people who did well in the stock market didn’t day trade, but rather dollar cost average into index funds. Alternatively, they would hold positions for an extended period of time. Her mind reverted back to the game, looking at the current owned shares. Buying where she needed to. Selling when she had to. Towards the end, she would wind down holdings with a couple days left. Relaxing, instead of exiting positions at bad prices on final days. She could admit it. She was hooked line and sinker. In the stock market’s captivating play, she surrendered to the joy of gaming.
Available on: Mortgage Calculator
Money Tree 2: Cash Grow Game
With every click, she felt herself falling deeper and deeper. Like a siren call, luring her nearer. Day and night blending into one, eyes barely blinking. Jaw slack, limbs relaxed. For the first time in a while, she felt at peace. For here was no judgement, a world where she could enjoy her own company without feeling alone. An insatiable hunger for free online money games that enthralled her. That left her breathless. That made her beg for more. And beg she did, wrapped in its digital hold. Oblivious to the world outside her own bubble, lost in the game’s sway. And what game was that? Money Tree 2: Cash Grow Game, where she could imagine she was a ‘business tycoon’.

Money Tree is one of my favourite free online money games right now.
Living the life of riches beyond her imagination. A billionaire in the making, using the idle money reaped to build her own empire. Sure, in real-life she wasn’t driven by money. It would be nice if she had more, but she cared more about being happy. Still, in this game, it didn’t hurt to grow a coin or two. Growing wealth like trees, buying expensive cars, houses, yachts and jewellery. It made her laugh because in real life she couldn’t care less. But in the game, it was addicting. An endless idle game that helped her explore what she would do with unlimited wealth. If she had this money in real life, there was so much she could do. Start her own animal santuary, rescuing abused animals. Buy a house. Give money to friends, and family. But in this game, it was ‘wealth and fame focused’.
Creating connections by unlocking managers to help manage your empire. Multiple personalities to be found. Celebrities to be hired to help manage endless cash flow, to invest in a range of luxury items. She never dreamed of being a billionaire but if she did, this would be the perfect clicker game. She collected the cash via clicks, increasing the trees rank, size and number of branches. The amount of money produced by the tree, and the speed of the accumlation of cash. There was a secret thrill, the more she grew. For once she felt lucky.
From time to time, there would be breaking news stories. Weaving a tapestry about the tree’s magical properties. An alien money tree dropped by a comet into a suburban backyard. There would be power rain too, increasing the speed of the money’s growth on the tree using a multipler. If she watched some adverts, she could increase the speed from x2 to x16! As her tree grew bigger, the power rain increased monies. A bird carrying money and diamond bags in the height of the storm. But you had to be quick. Otherwise those diamonds would go down the drain. As she progressed, she unlocked more achievements. Until lo and behold, her tree started producing strange fruit. Mobile phones, and piggy banks. Whatever would there be next?
Available On: Android, I-Phone, Web- Crazy Games
Squid Game Hidden Money
There was nothing more tantalizing than a puzzle. Like whispers from a forgotten past, it unveiled secrets, lingering everlast. A tapestry of enigmas begging to be solved, shrouded in mystery yet to be shown. Testing the mind, expanding the cortex. On a journey of logic, and skill. Decoding the answers in a hedonistic dance. When she came across Squid Game Hidden Money, she knew the ultimate puzzle was yet to be found. Simple, but increasing in difficulty. Eight levels to find the hidden money in the specified images. It seemed easy at first, the bank notes, slightly visible. But it got harder.
In the actual Squid Game, the stakes were higher. A top prize of 45.6 billion won (around USD 35 million). But just like the real Squid Game, elimination meant death. She raced to find the 10 notes. And yet going too fast cost her. Mistakes made reducing the time by an additional 5 seconds. Before she knew it, she was back to square one. Eluded by something that should be simple. And yet it was deceptively difficult. Hidden in unexpected places. A note in a sleeve, in a trouser pocket. Inside a gun. Could she make it to level 8? With patience she sifted through each corner with a delicate eye. Searching for a myraid of clues, as she navigated the game.
The elusive eighth level was in reach. But time, and time again, she was eliminated. What was she doing wrong? She was missing one. How could something right in front of her continue to evade her. Poring over the same image time and time again, until at last, she uncovered its secret. Hiding in plain sight, the ultimate puzzle solved. When it came to money games, a clandestine tango of intricacy unveiled.Puzzle, crypto, casino or otherwise, these free online money games would entertain, and test your mettle in equal measure.
Available On: Free Online Games
Las Vegas Baby
Did she consider herself lucky? Not really. The kind of person to fall flat on her face. Who embarassed herself on a daily basis, rain or shine. Who was clumsy, unfortunate, and definitely cursed with bad luck. Yet in gaming, things were different. With perserverance, and an eye for detail, she was blessed. If only her gaming luck transferred over to her real life. But bad luck was the flavour of the year, following her every strides with malice. Weaving its tapestry of jest, enveloping you in its tangled web. But briefly, for a few moments only, her luck was on the up. Why? She had free online money games to thank.
One game in particular made her feel particularly lucky. Las Vegas Baby, a vintage-themed casino slot machine that made her smile with joy. Here she would win big; aided by her animated charm friends. A friendly pig, and a cute little chick. A Pegasus and a rich money cat. She rubbed her hands in glee, what sorcery would she conjure? Three oranges in the first, second and third row. Identical symbols that matched in the middle row. Three watermelons diagnonally, she couldn’t believe her luck. 70,400, with a 90, 816 charm bonus. How could it be?
But still, she aimed higher. Dreaming of winning in real life. What positive change she could create. A small animal sanctuary, her own charity. A community fund. A new home for her partner and cats. If only she could grab the money through the screen… For Las Vegas was the district of neon lights. A playground for the daring and the bold. Where fortunes were won, and lives were changed forever. Even playing online made her feel like her luck was about to change. Her coins rising with each spin, her treasure chest filled with gems, and money galore. There were other casino games too. But nothing beat the mystical allure of the Vegas themed slot machines. Embodying dreams both big and small.
Available On: MSN Games
Funny Shopping Supermarket
D, A’s partner would laugh at her often. She was a semi-awkward clown character who had learned to embrace her goofiness. She was never going to be cool, and quite frankly she didn’t want to be. Instead, she embraced herself quirks and all. D would argue that her quirky personality was more apparent than in a supermarket. Surrounded by a wonderland of food, flinging groceries into the basket. Getting excited over new launches, squealing with excitment. Turning each shopping trip into an adventure. A modern day buffet, wafting aromas. Dancing among aromatic spices, the scent of fresh-cooked bread. Sliding down the freezer aisle, swathed in air-conditioned breeze.
But what did a supermarket have to do with free online money games? Well, Funny Shopping Supermarket captured the exact nostalgia she defined. A colourful, vibrant, cartoonish game to help Hippo and friends find all products on their shopping list. A list of goods to be found, before putting into grocery bags. Going to the cashier to pay. Using cash or card, cutting the receipt. Making customers happy. Red and green swirly sweets in transperent bags. Vegetables, and fruits packed in brown paper bags. But one wrong move, and the food must be discarded. Start again, make the customers happy.
Though she had never worked in a supermarket before, she had worked in hotels. She knew that good hospitality was number one. It seemed strange carrying that over to a game, but it was a fun one at that. A game that was silly, and yet taught you patience. Comical but heartwarming. Quick, but somewhat tranquil. Far from the reality of working in the retail and hospitality industry! It was game that was suitable for all ages. That rewarded you with achievements for completing tasks. ‘Whacking Foodstuffs’ for finishing all the fruits and veggies. Unique Outfit for finishing getting all the clothes.
Available On: Crazy Games
Money Movers
Brainteasers kept us agile, stimulating our cognitive abilities. Improving our ability to stay focused on one task. When A did a brainteaser, she felt reinvigorated. Thinking outside of the box to find a solution. She could concentrate more, her memory improved. Testing her brain power, and reducing day to day boredom. Money Movers would be no exception. The mother of all free online money games. A game of trivia, skill and logic. A challenging puzzle platformer that tickled her brain. She would control two brothers concurrently, helping them to reach the exit in each of the levels. And yet their escape was no easy feat. Battling switches, lasers, moving platforms and more.
After all, there were in a prison. Infamously clothed in orange, sneaking around. She tapped on the keyboard. Small Bro using the keys WASD. Big Bro with the control keys. Two bros on a heist that would be century defining. Though it was the most secure prison, somehow the bros (with her help) managed to escape every single time. No amount of traps, security guards or cameras would catch them out! With 20 levels, together the three musketeers had to work as a team. The small bro agile, and fast. Big Bro, strong and capable of throwing objects. Herself, the one with logic and creativity. Who had the ability to solve problems.
With practice she found that to complete the levels, she had to use both characters. After all, one could reach the places the others couldn’t. All together, they created the perfect heist. They would collect money too, until all the bags were found. Once completed, there was even a bonus level to help the brothers escape from the prison with all the riches. Who would have thought that breaking out of prison would have been this much fun? But getting caught? Game over. Her magical money game journey was coming to an end. Dawn approached and the shadows started to fade. The game world regressing, frayed magic hanging on by a thread. Their controllers, keyboards, and consoles getting a well-deserved rest. They smiled, the memories tucked away in their pockets like secrets. For in those fleeting moments where the world was dark, they played.
Available On: Crazy Games
Please note this is a collaborative post but all thoughts are my own and are not affected by monetary compensation.
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