This year, it’s clear that more of us crave financial freedom. We are tired of being the middle man, and sucking up to a boss, that quite frankly is a bully. After all, I should know. I worked in a very toxic job where the boss made me cry everyday, and was insulting towards me on a personal, emotional, and professional level. He had a classic case of ‘small man syndrome’, and took great delight in making me feel inadequate, worthless, and unwanted. But not once has blogging made me feel like that. Not once has learning how to make money freelancing online made me feel like I was doing something wrong. The freelancing community welcomed me, it didn’t make me feel like an outcast. I was wanted here, I was needed. And I am not alone, many of us want to be our own bosses, and set up our own companies. I don’t blame them. I too believe that being self-employed and starting your own business, is the most rewarding career move that you could ever make. After all, for me personally, blogging is a legit way to make money on the go.
What Is Freelancing?
Working as a freelancer might sound scary, but it is the best decision I have ever made. Why? Well freelancing is when you work for yourself, rather than being employed by someone else. As a freelancer you can offer, promote and sell your services to interested parties, and get hired on either a short-term, or long term-basis. For me, freelancing works because I am in charge of my career. I have a say in the opportunities I choose, and can write about the topics that I want to write about. Although my speciality is writing, I have learned other skills like social media, e-marketing, SEO, reporting, and influencer outreach, because it means I have more to offer my clients.
Having this skill-set didn’t work for me when I was employed, and I will tell you why. Yes, it was handy to have all these skills, but it also meant that the bosses would rely on you to do a lot more than your job description granted. This meant juggling a workload that you couldn’t manage, being seriously understaffed, and getting underpaid. It was long hours that didn’t make you feel happy, and a constant questioning of whether you belonged in this environment. The answer was no, something I should have realized, when my anxiety, and depression became worse. In freelancing I understand my own value, and try not to undersell my services, and what I can do.
Why Is Freelancing Popular?
Knowing how to make money freelancing, opens a whole world of opportunities. You have financial freedom, can choose your own hours, and best of all, get to do what you love full-time. For me, I love freelancing because it gives me validation that I am doing something right in my life. I feel like I have accomplished something, and know that my own hard work has paid off. You can ditch the 9-5 hustle, become self-employed and if you need time off at any point, you can take it. Another big draw for me was not getting involved in office politics. I found that it was completely damaging for my mental health, and made me feel miserable. One of its biggest selling points, is that there are infinite possibilities as a freelancer. You don’t have to stick to a niche if you don’t want to, have the power to choose from a variety of freelance gigs, and can decide what clients you work with.
For example, let’s say that you were earning passive income from crypto, and wanted to teach people how to invest in cryptocurrency. From bitcoin, to NFTS, and cryptocurrency, you could freelance as a ‘digital teacher’ who offers legit workshops, that teaches people to make money the right way.
Sounds good, but what is in it for me?

Want to know how to make money freelancing online? You need to understand the basics first. Figure out what you want to do, what type of lifestyle you want to have, and what services you can offer.
Some of the biggest reasons why people go self-employed include:
– You are in control of your own career destiny
– You set your own hours and work
– You have the freedom to work from anywhere
– Your earning potential is limitless
– You can become more digitally literate
So what’s the catch?

Going self-employed will help you make money freelancing online whilst being legally compliant.
Why Can Freelancing Be Scary?
It can be hard being productive at home, especially in the early days when you don’t know what work you have. I still have days like that now, and riding the wave of uncertainity can be difficult. I always use quieter days to work behind the scenes of my blog, whether that is taking photos, editing, tweaking old posts, fixing broken links, or improving my blogs SEO. However, it is completely reasonable to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. After all, you can often work harder rather than smarter, and it can be hard to find a balance between ‘work and play’. This is why setting boundaries when you are working from home is so important.
There is also financial instability, and sometimes it feels like you are living pay cheque, to pay cheque. I am not going to lie, and say yes, every month is incredible, because that’s not true. I am still fairly new to the freelancing side of things, and still struggle to find companies who pay me, at the rate that I want. Why? Because many other freelancers are underselling themselves, something which I did myself for a very long time. But I realized that my time is precious, and so is yours. I learned to work smarter, and align myself with clients who offered regular work, paid a reasonable fee, and made you feel good.
So how can freelancing put you off?
– It is not a ‘quick fix make money quick scheme’, it takes time to build an income
-There’s no paid time off, or ‘sick days’
– You have the risk of not being paid on time
Still, freelancing has changed my life, and can be a great source of passive income. As long as you remember to diversify your income streams, connect with the right people, and are sure of the direction you want to take your business in, it can be successful. Obviously it is not as easy as that, but it is well worth it regardless.
How Do I Make Money Freelancing Online?
Obviously, there is no right or wrong answer. This all depends on what type of freelancer you want to be, and what services you want to offer. Some freelancers like myself specialize in writing, social media and photography, while others have their own clothing brand, make money from affiliate marketing, or sell their own products. For example let’s say that you have just left your job as a merchandiser, but want to start your own clothing brand. Of course, you can make sales from your own brand through direct purchases, but you can also host your products on other platforms such as Etsy, Ebay, Amazon, and other online marketplaces.
There are also a number of websites which you can use to find freelance work, which I will get into later. However, before you truly make money online, you need to understand your decision.
Map Out Your Goals To Understand Your Freelancing Needs
Before you start, it is also important to map out your goals for freelancing. It is all very well saying you would like to earn passive income, but what direction will you take? First of all, why do you want to become a freelancer? Is making money from home, a financial, lifestyle, or passion goal? If we look at blogging, I chose to blog as a hobby primarily. It was a passion project that allowed me to express myself, in ways that I had never been able to before. While it began as a fashion blog, I realized that I had so many stories to share, and it evolved to the colourful, and vibrant lifestyle blog that it is today. Now, in 2022, my passion project is also my full-time job, and allows me to work from home, and on the go. I was never suited to the 9-5 life, and found that blogging full-time helped me create a business that was making money each month.
Now I am not rich by any means, but I have always had the philsophy that as long as I am happy, and have enough money to pay my rent, and bills, it does not matter how much I earn. Because you know what, the potential in freelancing is there. Which is why it is also important to set financial goals, to evaluate how much money you want/ need to earn, and whether you intend to freelance full-time, or develop a side hustle.
Here are some other types of goals that you should consider:
Lifestyle Goals
– Do you want to work from home?
-Do you want a hybrid working from home vs office approach?
-Do you want to make passive income that allows you to earn while you are away?
Time Goals
– How many hours do you want to do per week or month?
– What kind of workload can you handle or need (I will talk more about this later)
– Are you time sensitive and juggling a lot of responsibilities?

Freelancing does not have to be scary. By determining your goals, you are one step closer to knowing how to make money freelancing online.
Whether you go cold-turkey, or freelance part-time, it is important to bear in mind that learning how to make money online freelancing is challenging. You are not going to make money overnight, and it is important to not put your eggs all in one basket. Take it from me, I have blogged full-time twice now. The first time, I was ill-prepared, and immediately thought that because I had earned money, I was set for life. I was wrong. I quickly went into debt (even though I was very careful with money), and at times, was choosing between food and travel. There were times I would go without, and I hated to admit that I had not lived up to my expectations. However, the second time round made me realize how I had not diversified my income before. Sure I was blogging, and had an events company, as well as a few other ventures, but I did not have enough diverse income streams to rely on. What’s more, the events company had to be folded, and I soon found that other work had dried up.
This time round, things were different. After losing two full time jobs during the pandemic, I knew that I needed to give the ‘freelance gig’ another shot. Now, I don’t just blog, but I also offer freelance services including copywriting, journalism, social media and email management, influencer outreach, ad-writing, event speaking, and so much more. I still have a long way to go, but this time I am using multiple income streams to have enough money. I sacrificed a lot in the past, so I really wanted to make healthier, and more holistic choices where I was being mindful of my physical and mental health. With that in mind, how do you know what to offer your clients?
Decide What Services You Can Offer

Before you make money freelancing online you need to know what services you will offer.
Sure, you might already know what you want to do. For me, it seemed like a natural progression to offer writing, journalism, social media and influencer services to clients, because it is what I do. However, for some people it is not that clear cut. If you are new to being self-employed, and working for yourself, how do you know what freelance gigs are right for you. Well, what do you already do well? Are you highly organized, data driven, and love maths? Or maybe you are super creative, and love drawing, painting, and designing illustrations. Although you can freelance in areas that you are less comfortable with, I always think it is important to start with what you know.
It’s also important to do something that you are passionate about. Learning how to make money freelancing online, should be fun. It should be something that you want to get out of bed in the morning for, something that makes you feel motivated. It should boost your mood, make you happy, and feel ‘completely right’.
Sounds Great, How Do I Start?
Create Your Packages And Pricing

Calculating rates for your services will help you make money freelancing online, and have a clear idea of what your services are worth.
Unlike traditional jobs, when you freelance, you can set your own rates. But as a newbie, how on earth do you structure your pricing? There are four ways that you can price your services: you can set an hourly rate, set a day rate, set a weekly rate, or if it is a long-term project, how much you want to get paid for the project per month. For example, let’s say that you are a Freelance Photographer, who wants to do a mixture of editorial, street style, and studio shoots. Your day rate might be £800-1,000 for large brands, and magazines, and £350 day rate working with bloggers, influencers, and small businesses. The larger rate is for brands who usually shoot in studio, and editorial, while creators will usually be outside. You might then add an additional fee for editing, and retouching.
Or if you want to do an hourly rate, you might say that you charge £90 per hour, and usually do 1-3 hour shoots, with additional charges for overtime. Of course, if you are a student photographer, your fee will be less given the experience. As a student you might charge £20-50 per hour, or £100-£200 day rate, but this is dependant on what you offer. Just think about how much time it will take you to complete each project, and what you should be paid.
As a multi-award winning writer, with 7+ years of experience, I work with a mixture of small, and large businesses. My rates depend on the brand, but I usually prefer to set a ‘fixed fee rate’ as opposed to an hourly rate, and I take into account how much time the project will take. Of course, as we all know in blogging, people don’t want to pay higher rates, but its important to charge what you feel you are worth!
Now that you have a rough idea of what you should be charging, what are some freelance job ideas?
Popular Freelance Job Ideas
Below are some popular freelance job ideas, that are in high demand, especially in 2022.
– Writing articles, Copywriting, Journalism, Editing, Blogging, ad-writing, Ghostwriting, bookwriting ect.
– Being a Virtual Assistant, PA, Social Media Manager or Online Tutor
– Working in Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, NFTS ect
-Website designer, Graphic Designer, Programmer, Web Developer
– Photographer, Photo Assistant, Photo Editor and Retoucher
– SEO Specialist, Marketer, Influencer Manager, Agency Owner
– Starting your own business i.e. fashion brand, photobooks, accessories,
– Business Coach, personal development, Tutor and Teacher,
And so much more!
Where Can You Find Freelance Work?
That’s all very well, but where do you find freelance work that is legit. And yes, Upwork, and Fiver, I am looking at you! Below are some platforms, methods, and hacks that I have personally used to find freelance work. Please bear in mind that when you use platforms your fee is likely to be smaller, but you do get regular work. When you work directly with companies it can sometimes to be a one off project, on a short-term basis or on a long-term basis, it just depends. It is vital that you work with a range of ‘different client types’, to diversify your income. For example, if we look at blogging, that is working with SEO agencies, marketing agencies, small businesses, large businesses, Influencer agencies, blogging and influencer platforms, and more. As another rule of thumb, I am not going to reccomend brands like Tribe (where you have to purchase the product, without guarantee of even getting chosen for your work, or paid). Instead, these methods all pay varying amounts, but most importantly, they work.
Blogging Platforms
These are blogging platforms that pay you to blog, and in some cases create social media posts, but more on that later. My personal favourite out of the below is Get Blogged, as they offer you regular work, and you can set your rates. However, as is the case with many blogging platforms, some brands choose ‘the cheapest people’, so I have been told many times that my rates are ‘too high’. I just ignore them because I know my value, and worth and so should you. However, I have seen many people criticizing people who accept ‘low payment’, and it’s a catch22. On one hand, I completely agree, that some rates are just taking the piss. On the other hand, some people need this to survive on, and have little choice. My point is, brands should raise their rates, and pay people what they are worth, so that they don’t have to accept god-awful pay. This is not directed at Get Blogged by the way, this is for influencer and blogging opportunities in general! What I will say is, the reason why I love working with blogging platforms is that they help you build relationships with clients, which you can then work with directly. I also love that you get paid on time, and get regular work, depending on the platforms.
So what are the best blogging platforms to get regular work?
Get Blogged
Get Blogged is a blogging and social media marketplace for paid opportunities. Rates usually depend on your domain authority, or traffic score, and range from £20-£350. On average most payouts seem to be between £50-100, which is lower than I charge. You can also set your own preferred payment per assignment, and if a brand wants to work with you, they will accept your application. Never be afraid to charge what you feel like your work is worth. I have been told by some people that my rates are too high, and that’s OK. If anything I know I undercharge considering my traffic, engagement, DA and following. They have a range of assignments for bloggers across genres like travel, food and drink, home, interior design, fashion, and so much more. It is an easy to use platform, that has regular assignments, and you even get a chance to make commision from the website as well!
Bloggers Required
Bloggers Required has a range of paid, and gifted opportunities for influencers and bloggers. While there seems be more gifted, than paid opportunities, there is paid work available. I would reccomend signing up to the newsletter, so you have an overview of their paid, and gifted assignments available. Each assignment gives you a clear overview of what the assignment involves, including deliverables, compensation, and a chance for you to send a pitch to the brand themselves. Rates vary, and depend on the brands who are offering payment. Many of the paid opportunities seem to be ‘ affiliate campaigns’, but there are some brands who pay on a fixed fee basis.
Blogger Programme
Blogger Programme has a mix of paid, and gifted opportunities, where you can work with brands like Tesco’s, Top Cashback, and Diamond Whites. Most opportunities are gifted (grrr), but there are some brands who do pay. There is a great mix of brands ranging from health and beauty, finance, fashion, home, and so much more. Different brands have varying deliverables, but there is always the opportunity to negotiate your fee, and deliverables. Sometimes when I think that the rate is way too low for the deliverables asked for, I will either decline the campaign, or see if we can compromise on the rate. Some brands are more willing than others to match your financial needs, but it is always worth a shot. It is largely tailored towards social media influencers, rather than bloggers.
Find Your Influencer
Technically a UK influencer marketing agency, Find Your Influencer matches influencers, and creators up with brands who need promotion via blogs, and social media. They execute and manage the influencer campaigns, and payment is higher than the UK industry rate. Some of the brands that they work with include Aldi, ITV, and Love Island. They work with a mixture of micro and micro-influencers, and you can even reach out to the brand directly if you want to. They believe that bloggers and influencers deserved to be paid, and I for one completely agree! From lifestyle, to food and drink, travel, home and more, there is a campaign for everyone. It is hard to be chosen for campaigns, but when you do, expect to be paid well. They select a certain number of influencers for each campaign, and then divide the budget accordingly. Most campaigns have a budget limit of 5,000, which would be 1,000 per 5 influencers, £500 for 10 influencers, or £250 for 20 influencers. Other campaigns are between 1,000-2,500, which for 10 influencers would be £100-£250.
Zine is another influencer marketing agency, and platform, that gives creators paid and gifted opportunities, as well as a made-for you media kit, which comes in handy. You have all of your insights in one place, and they work with brands like Phillips, Holland & Barrett, and Invisagilin. Alot of their opportunities are gifted, but they do have paid opportunities. It is hard to give an average rate, as I haven’t had many opportunities with them, but there is some good paid work. You can categorize collaborations under paid, affiliate, product or event, and find the right collaboration for you. Payment is made in 30 days, but make sure you read the small print. Some brands say it is a paid collaboration, but they just want to pay you in ‘products’.
An all in one influencer database, Intellinfluence gives you access to paid opportunities from brands like HP, Ghostbed, and Capriotti’s. There is a mixture of paid, and gifted opportunities, and while some opportunities don’t pay well, others do. I have been able to get between $500- $150, depending on the brand, but most opportunities are between $15-$100, which is low. That’s why I always stick to the budget I know I am worth, and try and ask for more money. I know that I can convert traffic, engagement, and reach, plus create original content, with unique images, so I deserve more, and so do you. There are some gifted opportunities here which I avoid, and some brands even want you to pay for some of the product, which I never agree to. However, the brands I have personally worked with, have been fantastic.
Of course there are other platforms for paid blogging opportunites, but these are the ones that I have personally used.
Freelance Platforms

A roundup of my personal favourite ways to make money freelancing online from vetted freelance platforms.
Alarmingly, there are very few freelance platforms that I have personally used, and would reccomend. It might be because I have more expertise as a blogger, and might not be aware of many freelance platforms. However, remote working, and freelancing is extremely popular, especially in 2022. I already said that I wouldn’t reccomend Fiver, or Upwork, but one platform that is amazing is Yuno Juno. You get paid well (albeit less regular work, as there is a lot of competition), and get paid on time. They are transparent about payment, and usually offer contracts up-front, so you know that it is a legit freelance platform.
YunoJuno is an all-in one platform where freelancers can find freelance work opportunities in their field. I have used it for both blogging opportunities, and for freelance opportunities, but it is generally a freelance platform. For example as I am a freelance writer, some of the opportunities include being a freelance copywriter, content writer, content strategist, lead creative, and entertainment creative. It also has opportunities for designers, marketers, PR’s and so much more. A great thing about Yuno Juno, is that you can also refer a client, and get £500. They get 50% off, if it is their first booking, and you get paid too, so it’s a win, win all round. I will say that there is a lot of competition so it can be hard to get booked, but when you do, you get paid well. For example, a couple of years ago I got paid 1,050 for a blog post for a high-profile brand, but brands don’t normally pay this amount. I usually see them offering a day rate between £250-£450 per day, which is still fantastic.

YunoJuno is one of the best paid freelance marketplaces in the business. A viable way to make money freelancing online.
Guest Bloggers Wanted
Guest Bloggers Wanted has been around for a few years, but was temporarily offline for a few years. This is because the owner went into a new career, and it was sold over to somebody else. Bela, who owns it now, has turned Guest Bloggers Wanted into a freelance marketplace, for writers, or bloggers to sell their services. Whether that is copywriting, copyediting, or anything else, it is a website for freelance writing opportunities. It might be that you need to write LinkedIn articles for a business brand, need to do a website refresh, or simply offer a ‘guest blog post’, in exchange for payment. Some projects are on a on off basis, and others are a long-term project. It is hard to say what the average rate is given that it has been newly rebooted, but from personal experience you can expect £50-£200 per article. Please note that as this is a platform, there is a fee taken from each project. For example let’s say that you are getting paid £100 per article, it would become £80,with fees.
Contra is a platform that is fairly new to me, but it is working great so far. You can find remote, and flexible freelance work, that is paid well. Here you don’t get paid via commision, you get a fixed fee, for the freelance lifestyle that you really want. From engineers, to writers, and speakers, Contra is a platform for all. You can create and monetize your new project-based, collaborative professional identity, and get paid projects with services. For example let’s say you are a writer; you can standardize what you are best at, gain more leads, and ultimately get paid work. You set your own rates, and brands or individuals can decide whether or not they want to work with you.
Ok, i’m with you, but what if I don’t want to use these platforms?
No problem! I hear you. There are plenty of websites, forums, and of course social media that you can use to find freelance opportunities. You can create lists of prospective clients, and pitch them for paid work. You can also build relationships with companies that you have done ad-hoc work with, and offer more of your services. From utilizing the power of social media, to e-marketing, outsourcing, and even networking events, here are some tips below.
Use Social Media To Find Paid Opportunities
I have found that social media is an amazing place to find paid work. Although you have to sift through the ‘legit’ and not so legit opportunities, you can find some amazing projects. I personally think that Facebook is the best platform to find paid work, because of its blogging and freelance groups, but I have also found great oppportunities on Twitter as well, through hashtags like #bloggerswanted. So what are the best social meida platforms for freelance work?
Social media websites for freelance work
– Youtube
– Facebook (Meta)
Ok, now that you know the best social media platforms, where do you go from there?
Join Facebook Groups For Freelance Opportunities
I have found opportunities for both blogging, and freelancing, on Meta, formerly known as Facebook. For starters, it is important to join groups where you get good, viable opportunities. One of my personal favourites for ‘influencer, and blogging work’ is UK Influencer opportunities. However, if you want to make money freelancing online, then No1 Freelance Media Women has a range of job opportunities for freelancers. Some are part-time, ad-hoc, or long-term projects, but all oppportunities are filtered. Below are the best Facebook groups, that you should join.
Blogging Groups For Paid Work

A roundup of the best UK Facebook groups to make money freelancing online.
UK Influencer Opportunities
UK Influencer Opportunities has a mix of paid, and gifted campaigns. Featuring opportunities from brands, individuals, PRS, and agencies, there are oppportunites for bloggers and influencers. Paid Blogging opportunities normally have a rate defined by your DA or traffic, while Influencer opportunities that are paid, seem to be based on following, or engagement rate. A lot of opportunties are gifted, but each post signposts what type of collaboration they are after. Some brands ask for your details via a Google form format, but most brands just ask to drop your blog, or social media details in the post thread.
Official UK Bloggers
Official UK Bloggers run by Sarah Bailey, is a fantastic Facebook group where you can ask for expert advice on blogging and social media. Whether that is tips on being self-employed, going self-hosted, or learning to make money freelancing online, there are a wealth of resources available. One of its biggest selling points is of course the paid opportunities that it has available. Though it does not post as many opportunities as UK Influencer Opportunities, it is great as it prevents against Phishing and Scams. You must not leave your emails in any post threads, and brands usually attach a Google Form, so all your details for the paid collaborations are private.
Creative Gal Gang: UK Influencers & Content Creators

Creative Gal Gang is one of the best groups for learning how to make money freelancing online.
Creative Girl Gang, like Official UK Bloggers, is not exclusively for just opportunities. It is a safe space offering no bulls**t advice on the ins and outs of the influencer industry. You get access to documents like ‘what to charge for Instagram posts’ for free, and is run by Kelsey Heinrichs. She firmly believes that all work should be paid (agreed), and the group only accepts paid opportunities. There are zero gifted collaborations in this group, and very much emphasizes the mantra that noone should work for free. Kelsey herself does not accept unpaid work, and regardless of following she believes we should all do the same.
Freelance Groups For Paid Work
No.1 Freelance Media Women
No.1 Freelance Media Women is a group for people who identify as female in the media. From designers, to copywriters, PR’s, Journalists, and Photographers, this is a safe space for all. Paid work from staffers in the media is offered here, as well as a Pitching Hour, and PR hour, where you can pitch a piece that you are working on, to place it in the media. It is a friendly group, and while it is largely for pitches for media publications, I have got some paid work from this group too, on a freelance basis. I have managed to secure paid writing, and editing work, on both an ad-hoc, and long-term project basis.

No.1 Freelance Media women helps you make money from freelancing online with regular job ads.

Freelance Copywriters And Content Writers
Looking for a Facebook group for paid copywriting and content writing opportunities? Freelance Copywriters and Content Writers is a group for networking, asking questions, useful resources, and finding paid writing jobs. Opps can be in sectors such as social media copywriting, freelance content writing, digital and sales copywriting, and SEO copywriting to name a few. It is hard to know average rates, as it is dependant on the person offering the job, but be aware that some jobs are well-paid, and some have a low fee.
Of course you can see that the groups I have highlighted are largely for writers, based on my profession, but there are niche groups for all freelancers.
Search Twitter Hashtags For Freelance Work

Using Twitter hashtags can be a great way to find freelance jobs and make money from freelancing online!
Twitter hashtags are another helpful way to find freelance paid work. Why? Because PR’s, brands, and agencies post requests looking for freelancers, and bloggers on Twitter, almost everyday. The four main hashtags that I use to find paid work include #bloggerswanted, #bloggersrequired, #prrequest and #journorequest. Out of the four, #bloggerswanted helps me find paid blogging opportunities, and #prrequest is a mixture of blogging, and freelance work. Other hashtags for freelance work include the following:
– #blogging
– #writingjobs
– #freelancejobs
– #freelancer
Using social media is all very well and good, but what about websites where you can find paid opportunities?
Websites you can find paid freelance opportunities on:
Indeed Jobs
While we might use traditionally use Indeed Jobs for full-time jobs, it is becoming a marketplace for freelance opportunities as well. You have to sift through the low-paid opportunities, but there are jobs that pay up to £75 per hour, £440 as a day rate, or a monthly salary up to £2,200. There are some opportunities that pay per project, but I tend to avoid these opportunities as a writer, as they are normally not well paid. For example a company might want a blog writer, and say that they pay £20 per hour, but what they actually mean is they want to pay you £20 per article which is a no from me! However, there are some great freelance jobs available for writers, SEO experts, designers, and other freelancers.
The Dots

The Dots is one of my favourite freelance creative platforms to make money freelancing online.
The Dots is a fantastic place for creatives to connect. Through The Dots, I have found photographers, connected with fellow creatives, and even discovered freelance work opportunities in writing, social media, and influencer outreach. Some of the opportunities on The Dots are unpaid, but there is a section for paid opportunities under freelance, and curated. With opps for designs, content producers, photographers, merchandisers, and so much more, there is something for every creative. Again pay depends on the company, but you have the freedom to choose which work you can take on. You can even add a portfolio to your account as well, to show examples of your work.
99 Designs
99 Designs by Vista Print, have a range of freelance opportunities for designers, and writers. I myself have personally submitted written content on 99Designs, and am currently working with them now. On a writing basis, their opps depend on their social calendar. This will be my second time freelancing with them, and they are amazing to work with. They tend to work with you based on your project specialism, and I think that their rate is great. It might depend on the writer, so I won’t disclose the fee, but I do think it is fair. They also have opportunities for freelance designers. You can list yourself, and your portfolio, and be invited to work, or you can participate in a design contest.
Of course there are so many ways that you can make money freelancing online. However, it can be time consuming finding the right opportunities for you. After all, how do you know whether you are going to get a job out of it? Well, nothing is ever guaranteed, but something that makes it easier is a freelance job newsletter!
Freelance Jobs Newsletters

The best Freelance paid job newsletters to make money freelancing online.
One of the best ways to find paid freelance opportunities, is by signing up to newsletters, that give you the latest jobs. Some show starting out jobs, mid-level jobs, and senior jobs, while others are focused on niche freelance jobs like travel, food and drink, and fashion to name a few. The newsletters below are all ones I have used successfully, and have helped me find freelance work! Obviously, I am a writer so these are catered more towards writers, but you will be able to see which newsletters work for you.
Freelance Writing Jobs by Sian Meades Williams

Sian Meades William’s has great tips to make money from freelancing online.
My personal favourite, Sian’s Freelance Writing Jobs is a newsletter with writing jobs that pay a decent fee. Jobs for ad-hoc pieces, can range from £100-£400 per piece, while there are also freelance jobs with day rates (i.e. 220-400 per day depending on role), as well as part-time gigs available. From content co-ordinators, to freelance gig writers, there are plenty of writing jobs to choose from. If you are looking for something really exciting, there are even poetry prize opportunities, which can pay up to £3,000! There are also spaces for pitches for magazines, and online publications, and it is completely free. However if you want priority membership, it is just £3 per month, and you get access to subscriber events, and an early newsletter.
Journo Resources by Jem
Jem Collin’s ‘Journo Resources‘ is another fantastic newsletter. Jem offers a mixture of Journalism jobs including starting out roles, next step jobs, and freelance gigs. In the freelance paid gigs section , you have gigs that are one-off projects, short-term jobs, or long-term rosters. The jobs are writing based, hence the name, but you can work with some pretty exciting companies like Indy Voices, BBC and Bustle to name a few. What I like about this newsletter, is that it categorizes jobs, making it inclusive to anyone, even if you are just starting out. When it comes to learning how to make money freelancing online, Journo Resources is super helpful.
Write at Home by Alasdair
With Alasdair’s Write at Home newsletter, you can get a one month free trial, and have access to Journalist, and Writer jobs. It is split into sections like ‘Freelance Journalist calls for pitches’, Permenent (ish)/ ongoing journalist jobs, and Content writer/ copywriter/ blogger positions. You can decide to pay monthly (£3.50 per month), or annually (£33.80), to receive job opportunities in your inbox. I like that Alasdair usually includes remote only freelance opportunities, and lists the rate of each opportunity (if known).
There are countless newsletters that you could subscribe to, in order to make money freelancing online. However, these newsletters have the best opportunities, and come into your inbox regularly. It saves freelancers the hassle of spending hours trawling through social media, and websites to find jobs, and you know that the jobs highlighted are 100% legit. What’s more, this comprehensive guide helps you make money freelancing online, the right way. It covers streamlining prices, and packages, helps you understand your freelance services, and gives you websites, platforms, and apps that are designed to help you earn from the comfort of your own home. Every single tip, hack or resource, is something that I have used personally.
How Do You Make Money Freelancing Online?
Please note this is a collaborative post but all thoughts are my own and are not affected by monetary compensation.
I can totally relate to this! Living in multiple countries and traveling around the world for more than 11 years has lead to plenty of interesting experiences and introduced me to plenty of interesting people along the way. Leaving that 9-5 opened the world to me. Yes, it was a tough decision but so worth it! I pursue my passion of exploring the world. I write about the psychology of personal freedom, exploration, and location independent business. Money certainly is a big factor to consider before taking that BIG leap so make sure you are able to make side incomes for extra support like SEO writing, copywriting, marketing (email, social media, lead generation), platform know-how (ex. WordPress) etc. Weigh everything so that you’ll have no regrets whatsoever. And yes, you can do it, too!