It seemed like only yesterday that Ana’s Aunty was in Jersey, a Channel Island so small and quaint, that you couldn’t help but fall in love with its charm and grace. The Bailiwick of Jersey held a special place in M’s heart, reminiscing how she landed in Jersey twenty years ago, when she was just 21. She hopped off a short flight from Madeira that summer, with trediptation and glee. It was her first time away from home, but she needn’t have felt scared, big blue coastal eyes that glinted in the piercing summer sun. The golden rays reassured her that everything was going to be OK, her first taste of romance far from home, stumbling across romantic date ideas in Jersey, that would make her heart sing.
Despite the passage of time, Jersey still held a special place in M’s heart, remembering how different things were back then. Dates were romantic, hopelessly so, swept into a coastal island where beauty radiated in nature. There were no mobile phones, couples idly plastered to phone screens in an alienating trance, nor was technology what it was today, modern folk a puppet of artificial intelligence. Instead there was quality time spent with other halves, caressing curly hair, pressing kisses on sleeping heads. M smiled wistfully, times had changed, smooth sands pebbled with mottled rocks, an analogy for the advancing of age, that crept upon M and her family. Where did time go?
Ana, her inquisitive niece always asked M questions with unbridled excitement, a traveller at heart. It reminded M of how she loved to travel once, letting the white tinged waves wash over her in a refreshing dance. There was sunset on the horizon woven from soft, pale lights. The mild and mellow tinges of reds and yellows cascaded across the fading sky, as she passed the travel baton on to her niece gladly. Freshly pink from the romantic paradise Guernsey, A was itching to travel again. Was it any wonder that she craved an escape from the big city of London?
And so M told a story of fairytale and folklore, weaving Ana into her narrative kingdom, where Jersey in the Channel Islands would quench her traveller’s spirit. There were romantic sunset picnics at Corbiere Lighthouse, where the crows gathered, eagerly eyeing the couple’s picnic basket with ecstacy. On top of a craggy rock face, the lighthouse swam in amethyst, the sea beneath hushed into a melodic slumber. The curved slippery fin of dolphin could be seen in shallow waters, as they rode a boat out into the magnifient Jersey coastline, effortlessly entranced.
M turned to Ana, and taught her patience, slowly allowing A into her picture perfect world, where couples could experience a staycation close to the UK. She conjured up a magical island escape, recomending Ana and her boyfriend Dan to go to Jersey without so much as a thought. On the UK ‘Green List’, there would be chances to go island hopping, to explore Jersey’s neighbouring islands, Guernsey, Sark and Saint-Malo too.The Écréhous, Les Minquiers and Carteret in oblivious harmony, Herm and Chausey, hidden gems. It was the perfect afternoon.
The sunniest spot in the British Isles by far, together A and D, with her Aunt’s blessing imagined themselves riding Neptune’s watery realms. Hands outstretched to save the mermaids who clambered onto their mystical ship, the turquoise marge below rippled, melancholy waters made up of mermaid tears. A took a single tear in the palm of her hand, gazing into its teary depths, it foretold their future as a couple. Would she dare look? In the near future they would come to Jersey as a family, the pitter patter of kid’s feet imprinted on golden sand.
She smiled whimsically, hastily jotted romantic date ideas in Jersey scrawled in her imperfect notebook. Pages crumpled, words crossed out, scribble scrabble of black ink etched onto lined paper. There would be adventure dates where they would clamber onto a seasafari trawling Jersey’s honest seas, acrid sea salt spraying onto dry, sun-hardened lips. Hours would be spent walking to the top of Mont Orgueil Castle, their eyes wide as saucers, reliving the travel stories of Jersey that M had once shared with her. If only time could be paused in this moment.
A weekend away would never be enough, choosing a lazy staycation outside of the UK that was still close to home. Jersey was a coastal lover’s fantasy, a couple’s wet dream, natures bounty blessing them with thousands of kisses, all night long. They felt closer than ever, the midas touch upon them, gilded in gold and untouchable, sadness and depression leeched out of them, until only happiness was left. And boy did they feel happy, paddle boarding St Brelade’s Bay, drinking wine poignantly at La Mare Wine Estate. When it came to Jersey Dating, it was like technology had ceased to exist, caught up in the natural world, where the only thing that mattered was the here and now.
Go Paddleboarding At St Brelade’s Bay

St Brelade’s Bay, was a golden haven, the star of many picture postcards sent by locals in Jersey. It was almost like a shining jewel in Jersey’s crown, a rich tapestry of blue tame waters, towering green palm trees and yellow sand, a mirage in the heat. An iconic beach, A was delighted to find that it was voted in the top three best UK beaches in 20219 by Tripadvisor. It was a mecca, a south-facing Jersey beach dripping in personality, loved by tourists for its impeccable picture-perfect looks. A couldn’t help but agree, squeezing her partner’s hand in adoration.
They began people watching, readying themselves for the adrenaline rush of paddleboarding. But for now they were content to watch the world go round, families lifting toddlers who were doddling towards the sea, squeals of laughter punctuating the air. To their left was an obviously new couple who had just gone on their first date, awkardly adorable as they attempted to make conversation. A smiled, she remembered her dating days before she had met her soulmate. She hoped that the Jersey Dating Site had found them their perfect match.
In any day and age dating was hard, but she couldn’t help but think that Jersey was the ideal romantic backdrop for couples new and old. As the tide stretched out for eons, they walked bare foot, feeling the wave-soaked sand ridges underneath their toes. The wind was picking up, but it mattered not, while the sea underneath was tucked into a sandy blanket, they explored until they could explore no more. The sea was crystal clear, a far cry from the brown muddled waters that UK beaches often had, it was almost like they had wandered into Portugal.
The mermaid’s were back, and they had brought paddleboards with them, a gift from Absolute Adventures that radiated fun. Whether you were after stand-up paddleboarding, a high-speed RIB tour or a coasteering adventure, Jersey’s leading watersports and adventure centre was the ultimate day out for couples. Instructors were in co-horts with the mischievous mermaids, ready to share their love of the sea and island life with their trainee adventurers. Paddleboarding would be their water mission while down in Jersey, A eager to improve her skills.
A paddleboarding novice, A’s last attempt at stand up paddleboarding ended up being a ‘laughing stock’ moment. She fell into the water, legs like Bambi, as D watched on, visibily cracking up. But now there would be instructors, coaxing A into confidence, letting the young couple play in the ocean, as though they didn’t have a care in the world. And in that moment they didn’t, an hour of incredible adventure, where they got to see Jersey through its coastal lens. It was poetry in motion, gliding across the Jersey seas until the Bambi legs became sturdy.
Time slipped through their fingers quicker than they would like, already forlorn at leaving their boards behind for other couples to paddleboard on. After all, when it came to paddleboarding in Jersey, St Brelade’s Bay was the cream of the crop. A was curious about the other water adventures that Absolute Adventures had, but that would be an excursion for another time, tired out by their romantic day out in Jersey, where the sea was their best friend. Blokarting stood apart from the rest, where karting met sailing, but on the sand, propelled by the wind. If only there was time to do more at St Brelade’s Bay, but alas, the amethyst soaked sky had transformed into inky darkness, littered with stars.
£30 for adults and £20 for under 16’s. You can also hire a board which is £10 for 30 minutes and £16 for an hour. This is for stand up paddleboarding. Other water sports prices vary so please check the website.
Explore Natural Wonders At Plemont Bay
Though Ana felt like she was repeating herself, she couldn’t bring herself to not mention another beach, especially when it was Plemont Bay. When it came to romantic date ideas in Jersey, Plemont Bay oozed natural beauty, the rugged North West coast brimming with caves, shallow sea water and hidden bays. Shouldered by high cliffs, A and D took the road less travelled onto Jersey’s most striking secret beach.
In the golden days of summer, the sun would sparkle onto the sea, as you watched from afar, cuddling your boo. You stood on the cliff, grass and gravel a contrast to the glittering temptress that lay below, the sea deep in sleep under the teal blue sky. It felt like you had entered a different world, quiet and tranquil, a sweep of golden sand and rock pools at low tide, when you looked down beneath you. It was here that you prepared a vegetarian picnic, cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches, vegan sausage rolls and veggie scotch eggs too, gobbled up in a flash.
As you both ate, crumbs fell onto the grassland, where hungry birds swooped in and ate it, almost a smile in their eyes. They thanked you with a spirited chirp and flew away, leaving you and your lover to sit cross legged on a tartan blanket. The silhouette of Plemont Bay was gorgeous, a sheltered crescent shaped paradise flanked by the islands largest caves, popular with locals and tourists alike. Families came to keep their kids entertained, searching for crabs in swirling rockpools, with a gentle touch. They would come at low tide, the water far out.
At high tide there was no beach, so the couple made sure to check the tide timetable, eager to check out Jersey’s largest caves. They weren’t disappointed, a dark oasis shielded in blacks, browns and grays, neutralizing the bold teals, yellows, greens and blues that the beach and cliff offered visitors. A shower of light lit up the front of the cave, revealing a sandy beach smooth as glass, stumbling across a natural waterfall, achingly poetic. It came as no surprise that it was a favourite spot for photographers either, creating moody silhouette shots from inside the cave.
It was hard to believe that the caves did not exist at high tide, but that night they watched the beach get swallowed up by the rising tide. It opened its hungry mouth, and the beach was gone, bish bash bosh. But they weren’t there yet, making a pit stop in Plemont Bay Cafe, a family run business overlooking the sand. Vegetarian friendly, falafel burgers with homemade hummus made its way down hungry throats, washed down with a freshly squeezed juice, as they overlooked the bay. It was the perfect end to a glorious day, the tide slowly coming in.
Walk To The Top Of Mont Orgueil Castle
Mont Orgueil, like Castle Cornet in Jersey was a medieval castle entrenched in history, casting its shadow over Gorey for over 800 years. Located in a beautiful fishing Village, Gorey’s castle was one of the finest examples of a medieval fortress in existence, a symbol of Jersey’s national identity and independent character. Managed by the Jersey Heritage Trust since 1994, Mont Orgueil was a breathtaking sight.
A and D delved into a network of staircases, towers and secret rooms, hoping to uncover hidden treasures that would make all their money worries go away. But alas, there was no gold to be found, excepting for the views of the glorious French Coast basking in undivided attention. A’s curious mind sought out the history of Mont Orgueil Castle, discovering the gruesome tales of war and battle that splattered the castle in grisly gore, climbing the turrets to find the medieval wheel of urine, what a surprise that was! Little did they know what lurked in the cellar…
Lo and behold was a ‘witchcraft’ exhibit, inspired by the witch trials that took place in Jersey in the 16th and 17th century. It was fascinating, ‘The Illusion of Witchcraft’ created by Mike Woods, highlighting the ‘witch hunt’ hysteria that overtook Protestant Europe in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Complete with a host of superstitious figures, and ways to create spooky noises, it was almost as though the young couple had been transported back in time. While history wasn’t for everyone, when it came to Ana, her love for the medieval era meant that Mont Orgueil was the personification of romantic date ideas in Jersey for history lovers.
A shivered, it was unbelievable to think of how many women were persecuted for being different, lives cut short by egocentric males. But on a lighter note, high on the battlements with their commanding view of the surrounding hillsides were toy wooden soldiers who ‘guarded the castle’. D was bemused, finding it a clever modern touch, in a castle that had seen centuries of soldiers come and go. It was a sweet little homage, if not a parody, but a loveable parody at that, the distant French coast on the horizon.
What A loved the most about the medieval castle, was the whole host of storytellers and characters that brought its wide-spanning history to life. From ‘Bess Cowper’, the herbalist and wise woman practising in herbal remedies, to the Castle Falconer, there was no shortage of entertainment at Mont Orgueil, AKA Gorey Castle. There was even a ‘Medieval Companie of the Duke’s Leopards’ on Sunday’s, finding out about bloody sieges and warfare, where you could watch sword fighting in a nail biting performance. From calligraphy to candle making, your introduction to 15th Century living was as real and as authentic as you could get.
Members go free, but adults (16+) pay £13.40, children (6-16) pay £8.70 and seniors (65+) pay £12. Students aged 16+ pay £8.70 and you can get a family ticket for £39.80.
Brush Up On Your Geography At Devil’s Hole
Ana and Dan descended down the winding path to discover the Devil’s Hole, an impressive and strangely eerie blowhole that had been eroded into Jersey’s coastline. A natural crater measuring about 100ft across and plunging 200ft down, it was caused by the collapse of a cave thousands of years ago. A watched the waves smash into the ‘Devil’s Hole’ with a shudder, sinister sucking sounds as the water was pulled down and out into the channel. Still it was oddly beautiful, despite the devil statues who guarded their lair, in gilded bronze.
There was something twisted, yet decidely peaceful, romantic date ideas in Jersey that went beyond your typical dinner date.Originally called Le Creux de Vis (the Spiral Hollow), its name was changed in the 1850’s, although noone knew the exact reason why. A found that theorists believed that its modern name was connected with the shipwreck of a French boat in 1851. Its figurehead was thrust by the tide straight into a hole, and a local sculptor transformed the torso into a wooden devil. It made sense therefore that this devil’s metal replica still stood in a pool on the way down to the crater. A peered into its eyes gingerly, a menacing sight, the devil measuring 20 feet high in an algae filled pond.
A scenic spot on the rugged coast of North Jersey, the Devil’s Hole was part of the National Trust for Jersey’s protected lands, surrounded by pastures with grazing sheep. It created a unique dichtomy between the ‘eerie devil’ at the head of the trail, and the coastal views, sheep absentmindedly minding their own business, chomping down on grass. With a viewing platform added for a birds-eye-view, A and D were taken aback by the tulmotous blowhole, which at high tide was undoutably impressive. They were pleased that it wasn’t low tide, as it would have been a rubble of jagged, fragmented rocks.
Only a short walk, they had their most sensible footwear as it was a wild, windy day, Boreas, Zephyrus, Notus and Erus whipping up a frenzy.The minor Greek Gods of wind were a tempetous bunch, and A thanked their lucky stars that they were actually dressed practically for once, a wind breaker protecting them against the fierce winds that tried to scald their faces. Within ten minutes, their steep walk down to the hole had commenced, reminding Ana of the natural lava pools in Porto Moniz, Madeira, tinged with white waves.
Enjoy A Peaceful Walk At La Mare Wine Estate
A and D craved something tranquil, where they could taste, relax and explore to their hearts content. Boy did they know that they were on to a winner when they discovered La Mare Wine Estate. Jersey’s only working vineyard, when it came to romantic date ideas in Jersey for couples, this gem in St Mary’s was on their travel bucket list. Established in 1972 by Robert and Ann Blayney, the estate combined historic buildings, and beautiful manicured gardens. There were endless vineyards, plump grapes ready for picking on the vines, and seasonal orchards.
Achingly charming, engaged couples would come here to have their dream wedding, overlooking the country parish of St Mary. Adjacent to the Jersey National Park, happy couples were blessed to see 5,000 acres of history, steeped in agricultural and natural diversity. It was a wonderland plain and simple, where natural flora and fauna flourished, home to rare wildlife species, that were native to the channel islands. The Estate itself was pretty spectacular as well, a winery, function rooms, distillery and estate kitchens in its arsenal, effortlessly sublime.
But it was the La Mare experience tours that appealed to them the most, an exclusive behind the scenes view of the estate winery, production area and chocolate kitchen. They ambled slowly, taking their time, luxuriating in the summer heat, enjoying the kitchen tour where they were able to see delicious food made. Jersey black butter, chocolates,biscuits and fudges too, washed down with a fortified red wine, spicy on the tongue. The best part? The apple brandy cream liquer was fiery yet sweet, deliciously flamboyant, ending with a G&T overlooking the gardens.
While La Mare Wine Estate was an idyllic tour for couples, it was also family friendly, with children welcome. The children on their tour were given a complimentary apple juice, chocolate lolly and a vineyard trail quiz, which they all seemed delighted about. It wasn’t just the gorgeous tour that gave the couple a romantic day out, but The Vineyard Restaurant and Terrace was a real treat too. Overlooking the peaceful vines, bees and wasps flew idly around the vineyard, eyeing up couple’s delicious dinners, with a definitive glint.
While the vegetarian menu was decidedly small, the award-winning head chef Marcin Ciechomski had created delicious vegetarian dishes ladled onto your plate with love. The Puy Lentil Ragout was exquisite, spring vegetables on a bed of garlic bread, doused in yoghurt, while the Mac and Cheese was a definite favourite, laced with garlic, garden herbs, mozzarella and sun-dried tomatoes, served with a house salad. But it was the desserts that were stand outs, Jersey Black Butter Cheesecake, brandy cream engulfing red berries, chocolate truffle and black butter ice cream.

Go Island Hopping Around Jersey’s Neighbouring Islands

Ana would never get enough of the breathtaking Jersey coastline, a glittering pearl in between England and France that sparkled. Blue tailed mermaids, half-fish, half-human dipped in and out of the waves, smiling secretively, as they told the tale of Jersey’s neighbouring islands. They implored the young couple to try something different, island hopping between Jersey’s neighbouring islands, reefs and French seaside towns. As they spoke in their mer-tongue, the soft lilt of sea lamprey swam alongside them, entranced by the mermaid’s Pied Piper ways.
Craving an epic island adventure, the mermaids reccomended the fantastic Jersey Seafaris, that would help the young couple experience the true diversity of the Channel Islands, in all their majestic beauty. A was entranced, each island peppered with its own personality seasoning, a once in a lifetime day trip, where they could elope to otherwordly realms. They would begin with a tour of Les Écréhous on an exciting RIB adventure. Reaching thrilling speeds on the water, A let out a whoop of excited laugher, pods of dolphins and seals surrounding the boat.
A 2-3 hour trip, The Ecrehous was a small group of islands and rocks, part of the parish of St Martin, in Jersey. A wetland of international importance, the reefs were key locations for marine biodiversity, fishing, leisure activities and held cultural and historical significance. Beautiful during low and high tide, a whole world of coastal possibilities were found on this channel hopping trip. At low tide reefs, large boulers, fields, shingle banks and sandy beaches were exposed, poetically stunning, rock pools for curious couples to explore.
Les Minquiers was another slice of heaven, Britain’s most southerly spot. The largest island, Maîtresse Île, was exceptional, a glimpse into coastal life, fisherman crowding outside a cluster of small cottages. They spent half their trip exploring the main island, jumping off on the incredible outer sandbank that was teeming with activity. There were adventurers on paddleboards, riding the open seas, while couples fed each other strawberries in a sentimental beach picnic. But it was landing in Sark that had the most impact, stepping back into the past.

The Ecrehous Islands are the most romantic date ideas in Jersey for couples who want to go island hopping.
It felt decidedly traditional, exploring Sark by foot, bike or horse and cart, no cars to be seen. The pace of life was quieter and calmer here, a safe haven, away from the city lifestyle that had nearly broken your spirit. They took a morning dip in Dixcart bay, legs ‘a’ dangling, breathing in the fresh sea air in a meditative trance. They felt happy in this moment, suspended in time, cycling down scenic country lanes, marvelling at the beauty that lay before them. But nothing could compare to stargazing under the naked skies, luminous stars lighting up the night.
The Jersey Seasafaris left the couple spellbound, hastily adding it to their romantic date ideas in Jersey list, as quick as can be. They wanted to share the magic of the Jersey neighbouring islands, an illuminating discovery, where culture, natural beauty and adventure collided in perfect harmony. You could even charter the boat for a more personalized experience, ideal for couples who wanted an intimate adventure around Jersey’s stunning islands. As the silvery crescent moon brightened up the night, the couple fell asleep, tired out from their channel voyage.
Prices vary depending on how many hours your seasafari is, as well as your age. For example for 1.5 hours it is £35.99 for adults, whereas 3 hours is £50.99 for adults on The Ecrehous trip. Different islands have varying costs so please check the website.
What Romantic Date Ideas In Jersey Appeals To You The Most?
Please note this is a collaborative post but all thoughts are my own and are not affected by monetary compensation. I hope that this comprehensive travel guide gives you romantic date ideas in Jersey, for couples, first dates, second dates and even as a beautiful honeymoon destination. Want me to add another breathtaking romantic staycation idea in Jersey? Sound off in the comments below!
PIN ME: Romantic Date Ideas In Jersey For Couples
I am a Jersey girl here! I absolutely Love your date ideas and all the pictures! Beautiful x
Great date spots! My boyfriend and I are always looking for new date ideas and spots.Jersey is a great shout!
I haven’t considered Jersey for a romantic holiday before but you have made it sound so magical!
I Love Jersey so much! Its so beautiful in summer and nice and quiet in Winter! You’ve made me want to go again!
Lovely pictures and descriptions of date ideas in Jersey! Thanks for sharing!
I am so inspired to visit Jersey after this post! I have been to NY many times, but never Jersey, Channel Islands. It’s time to fix that.
Such beautiful places! I love your recommendations for date ideas in Jersey!
I thought you were talking about New Jersey and then I read your story and saw the photos! Wow – this place is gorgous.
Great date ideas! Jersey sounds like a romantic place!
Ah Jersey looks amazing, so many wonderful places like Plemont Bay.
What a wonderful post. This just made my day, as a native Jersey girl, this post puts a smile on my face.
Wow, there are some amazing date ideas for Jersey listed here. I’ve never been there but it sounds like an amazing place to spend some time with your significant other.
Oh so beautiful! I went to Jersey as a child and would love to go back 🙂
Beautiful photos for inspiration..I would love to visit Jersey someday!
Never even knew of this place before your post. Great to see so much beauty in the world as well as fantastic places to visit with my husband.
Gorgeous images, Jersey is a little world all of its own isn’t it? I had no idea that The Channel Islands had a history of witch trials, that’s really interesting. I’m intrigued to learn more about that! Great post, beautiful blog.