Casual Dating: Yay or Nay?
When it comes to dating– excluding my university years- I have always been a fan of ‘commitment-only’ dating. I would enter relationship, after relationship in search of the one, only to find that the dates had been doomed for the very start. You see for one I was attracted to guys who were notoriously known as the ‘players’, B. were total arseholes and C. had no self-respect for women. But for some unknown reason I kept coming back for more, because in my childish ‘eyes’ they were ‘hot’ and therefore could make me appear more desirable, even if the guys were only using me for sex. In a sense we were both using each other; they might have been after one thing but I was using them as a ‘trophy’ to be showcased in my ‘personal collection of boyfriends’. But contrary to what you might think, I was never malicious about using guys and in reality, I had no idea that it wasn’t just the men but me who was playing a dangerous game.
During university, freshers became known as the ‘sex pit’ where friends would hook up with random guys and take them home, but for some reason I was never entirely comfortable with the idea of one night stands. After all from a young age I had been in long term and short term relationships so the concept of casual dating or hook ups scared the living s**t out of me. Besides, wouldn’t it be awkward waking up next to some random and having to do ‘the walk of shame’ as they called it? I admit, before I had one night stands myself I was a little ‘judgey’ about my friends or people I knew having sex with a lot of different people, especially when I was so used to having sex with my partner and not different people at the same time. After all how on earth were you meant to keep tabs on who was shagging who? Admittedly curiosity had got the better of me so at one point I was hooking up with random guys before I met my last ex and weirdly enough it felt kinda good. I transformed from being judgmental to someone who thought that casual dating was pretty fun and it made me feel like I was finally in the loop with my university friends.
But what are my thoughts on adult dating now? Well, being no stranger to one night stands and being a sex positive blogger, I see no harm in having fun but casual dating taught me that the ‘concept of no strings type sex or dates’ always leads to someones heart getting broken, invariably mine. I had a friend who would be ‘friends with benefits’ with this guy called R, who she liked more than he liked her. She was in love with him but he would always play the field, because he ‘just wasn’t that into her’ and was just using her for sex. What started as a casual no-strings affair became heartbreak for S (the friend) because ultimately her feelings got hurt in the long run. That being said not all casual dating turns into a relationship or friends with benefits; friends often turn to ‘adult dating hookup sites’ when they have what I like to call the ‘itch’ and feel momentarily satisfied after. In all honesty, when it comes to online dating I am not after a ‘hook-up’ and only go on dates with guys who say they are after a relationship, because that is what I am after but should you want to try a hookup and don’t fancy Tinder, there are plenty of hook-up sites available.
The main issue with online dating is often not their consensus on hookups vs non-hookups nor is its inability to filter out unwanted dick pics ( am I the only one who finds them a turn off rather than a turn on?) but the audience that it caters to. Many online dating sites, specifically the ones centered around ‘casual hook-ups’ is often targeted at an audience between 18-34, which in dating terms seems a little ironic. After all you can be dating no matter what age you are, yet online dating seems to exclude single parents and over 50’s, because they feel that they are not in the target market. For my aunty who is now in her 40’s and has been single since she was 25, she is the ‘single parent demographic’ who online dating sites often fail to target . After all as she jokingly quipped ‘she has needs too!’ My aunty was married at a young age, before getting divorced and meeting the father of my cousin P, who she split with after finding him cheating on her with another woman.
For women like my aunty who are not in the over 50’s demographic and are classed as a single parent,have found that single parent dating can be hard. In fact men surveyed in an official dating stats test declared that they were more likely to swipe left, if the woman had a child which seems unfair really. After all no ones swiping left because you are a massive arsehole are they…oh wait. But back to the issue, single parents are often given a bad rep if they choose to date- ‘think about your child for once’ said man who has never birthed said child- or are called ‘sluts’ if they even dare to have a drunken hookup. Let’s get one thing straight, no woman or man should be called ‘sluts’ or manwhores for wanting to have fun ya know. Besides since when did we put an expiry date on single parents, since when did people like my friend L who has a child and is a single parent at the age of 20 become ‘un-desirable’ for having a child? And single parents aren’t the only demographic who is getting a bad rep for having one night stands or going on dates…
Meet the tricky age quota of the ‘other 50’s who according to society and other appropriately titled arseholes, are ‘past it’ because they should know better. I mean hello noone wants to think of our parents or even grandparents having sex, but they do, get over it. I used to work as a community nurse during my third year of university and many of the elderly I tended to, who were well into their 60’s, 70’s , 80’s and in some cases 90’s had pretty active sex lives until their health problems started kicking in. After all as they would chuckle ‘there is such thing as Viagra you know’ and I would laugh too, because I was happy at how sex positive they were regardless of age. Some of them were quite ‘naughty’ as they would call themselves and used to tell me about their sexual cohorts. ranging from ‘sex saunas’ to swinger parties and I would listen in awe. Where were the dating sites that were catered to over 50’s, where were the casual dating sites that would allow them to feel young again?
Regardless of age, income, background or martial status there is no harm in casual dating and while I might prefer relationships, it is good to know that there are sites out there that do offer no strings dating. If you are 50 and want to find the one then go for it or if you are new to online dating and want to test the waters then why the hell not? I like to think that I am pretty open minded about sex and believe that if you have a kink, want to date despite your age or have children and are looking for the one, then who is stopping you? As long as you are a good person, own up to any mistakes made and do not cheat on anyone then all is fair in love and war!
What Are Your Thoughts On Casual Dating?
Please note this post was compensated by ‘No Strings Dating’ but all opinions, experiences and research are my own.
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I am not too keen on the idea of casual dating, if I want to go out for a one off meal or night out I have friends for that. To me dating is getting to know someone and meeting on a regular basis and enjoying each others company as a commitment.
You and me both. I don’t mind if others do it but I have moved past the stage of one night stands. I am more of a relationship type girl but it is interesting to see everyone’s thoughts on casual dating x
After my divorce, casual dating was a thing because I was not ready to go all in again. There is nothing wrong with casual dating as long as you know it going in, and you inform your date. It is all too often that we are so serious and forget that dating is simply supposed to be fun.
Casual dating is not for me, but I have many friends that like that type of relationship. Everybody should live their lives the way that it makes them happy! P.S. Cute outfit 🙂
Well, Im
Married right now but I used to have no problem with casual dating as in France (french people you know😊🙈) it is so common! Some fun never hurts !
Gorgeous outfit! Love the post it made me laugh 🙂
I don’t have any opinion when it comes to cadual dating. I believe everyone has the right to make their choices. But straying away from negative people and saying No often saves plathora of bad experiences. Btw cute outfit! 🙂
During the seasons I’ve been single, I didn’t mind casual dating so much. It was nice to have someone to go to the movies with or make dinner for. The problem was I couldn’t bring myself to sleep with them unless it was something far more serious. One of two things seemed to happen. Either we’d part ways, or they turned into wonderful friendships.
I’ve never tried casual dating myself but I don’t have anything against people who do either. I think it’s probably just up to the individual person and what they feel comfortable with.
1. These pictures of you are gorgeous. 2. Casual dating was never much for me. I am married & have been with him since 18yo, so that may also play a factor. The idea wasn’t ever one I really wanted to pursue though. I am territorial and so commitment was more for me. I am down for everyone doing their own thing, though. It’s your life, do what makes you happy.
Although I’m single, I’m really not a fan of casual dating. I’m more of a relationship kind of girl x
I’ve never been a fan of casual dating – I was always looking for ‘the one’. I have nothing against it at all, it was just never for me 🙂 x
Personally Ive never had chance to do casual dating. I was in a relationship from 16 to 21 an 22 to now and Im 30 now. I like the idea of casual dating when your young and care free though.
Nay. To be fair though, I’ve never been a fan of dating 😉 You look fab btw in this outfit. The top suits you 🙂 x
I never got into the whole casual dating thing to be honest I never saw the point – I either liked someone or I didn’t otherwise it felt like a waste of time but hey….everyone’s different and whatever floats your boat!
I am happily married so this is not something that I would do, but talking on behalf of friends who are single, single parents and over 50’s, why not, there is no right or wrong way of dating and as long as both sides are happy what does it matter to anyone else x
Eh, casual dating probably wouldn’t be for me. I was always looking for Mr. Right and you need a more meaningful relationship for that.
I agree with you that casual dating often (or always) ends up with one of both beeing heartbroken. Often girl think that he will change his mind, that he willfall in love with her, but when a man says he just wants fun, then we should believe him and don´t hope for the best….
I have never tried casual dating as it’s not something very usual in Portugal but once I moved to England I started to learn more about it and I met my husband so never tried, but I think it’s a good way of meeting different people.
I think it really depends on what you’re looking for at any given time! It’s not really for me, but I can understand how it works from others! xx
Dating sucks!! lol. I’m nomadic and move every 3-6 months so dating for me has been very difficult lately. Props to the people that casual date on a regular.
I’ve never been a fan of casual dating – I am in for the long haul I guess x
I’ve been married for over 16 years, so I have to admit I don’t really give dating any thought. But hey, to each his or her own – and as long as everyone’s being honest and no one gets hurt then why not!
I feel incredibly blessed to be married during this time when 20-somethings, like my daughters, often struggle to find their perfect mates. Social media makes it harder for the millennial generation as opposed to generations past as everyone posts up images of perfect moments in their life that often make others feel they are missing out on something great. And when it comes to relationships, social media images make it so easy to compare yours to others you know. This can definitely bring about a feeling of lackluster. And then it begins – the wanderlust for a new and more fabulous relationship. The sadness here is that much of it is based on half-truths of what life is really like for those you may admire most.
I think casual dating is a great way to narrow down exactly what you’re looking for in a partner without feeling stuck. I know too many people who got into serious relationships that were toxic simply because they thought being committed was more respectable.
New fan! I love your positivity and acceptance on this topic. I am not single right now but am a believer that monogamy is not the ONLY way and maybe not the best way. I am all about casual dating, and getting to know people however best suits you. I love dating. LOVE LOVE LOVE the excitement and even the horror stories are fun to share.
I may not a fan of casual dating but its upto people what they prefer.
I have been moving abroad a lot when i was a student so having a serious relationship was absolutely out of the question. Thus I was quite keen on casual dating and it was so relaxing and feel good that I loved it. But I think there is a time for everything and I am now happily settled in a relationship and would not want to go back into casual dating. xx corinne
Casual dating is fine if you’re up to it. And it’s always important that both parties understand that clearly. I am not one to date people casually when I was single. I just didn’t like the idea.
Before I had my little one I would be fine with casual dating, and whilst I still like the thought of it I’m now more gravitating towards commitment as I know that’s best for my life right now. Its everyojes own choice at the end of the day.
Jordanne ||
I think casual dating or even “one night stands” are perfectly acceptable for those who desire to date this way. In a perfect situation, both would be only looking for that casual date or “hook-up” but I think more often than not, one person is more invested in the “relationship” and ends up getting hurt. “Hookups” were never the way for me, I was more interested in finding a person I could have a long-lasting committed relationship with, and it sounds like that is the stage where you are at as well.
I’m not a fan of casual dating. I appreciate it can be fun and exciting but I don’t like the unknown. I’m a girl who seeks comfort and security and I don’t feel casual dating offers that. I much prefer long term relationships where there’s boundaries.
I’m married, so dating isn’t something I do or have done in many years but I do believe people should do whatever makes them happy 🙂
honestly im far from a fan of casual dating . It’s just not in my personality . Id rather stay single n not looking until the one magically appears (which has has btw 🙂 lol )
anyways great post and you look BEAUTIFUL btw
Thanks for sharing your opinio on this. Also, your photos are amazing
I’m married now but I’ve never been one for casual dating.
I’ve never really done the dating thing but I certainly wouldn’t be up for it being casual
I have never tried casual dating, but I think as with everything there is no right or wrong. What works and feels right for one person won’t be the same for another. As long as people are happy and consenting, it is very much down to individual preference.
I did do a little casual dating (and, to be honest, casual hookups) when I was in my early 20s, but for most of my life, I was a commitment dater. I don’t think there is anything wrong with casual dating, though. I think that some people need to see and experience as much as possible before they find the right person for the long haul. That’s totally fine, as long as they are happy!
I’ve done both casual and commitment dating and both had their perks but also casual can throw up some major problems especially once you start getting to the serious stage.
I met my husband at 17 years old and have been together ever since. The thought of ever having to date again worries me as I wouldn’t know where to begin.
Interesting read! I’ve been in a long term relationship for quite awhile and really happy with that. I couldn’t imagine life any other way but I’m all for people doing whatever feels right for them!
To be honest been there done that. It was a phase during university and I don’t miss it. I am totally monogamous as it turns out and I love my hubby and the stress free conditions that come from loving your partner.
I am against casual dating. Personally I believe that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity and casual dating defies that. But if people are for it and if people are not emotionally hurt, then go for it!
Well, as you know, I can’t really say much about this topic but I know that when I start seriously dating, I don’t think I’ll do any casual dating to be honest but i love your attitude towards it. x Stunning by the way, as always babe xx
Casual dating is not for me. I’m happily married now anyway. But I wouldn’t judge anyone for it – as you say, as long as you are a good person, all is fair and each to their own.
I don’t think it’s something I’d do myself but I can understand the attraction. Especially for the over 50s. Casual dating is not something I’ve ever done.
For me personally it’s not my type of thing and I am happy with my partner but I am sure it works for others and thats fine, whatever makes people happy.
The thank all things good that I am no longer dating. I can say that I am happily married and would not wish the dating scene on anyone lol!
i am NOT a fan of casual dating but it does seem like the gay community – at least in the area i live in – is – which can be challenging
I am not a fan of casual dating. I need to feel safe and understood. Don’t think I can get this out of casual dating but I appreciate that it exists. How boring would the world be if we all were the same.
I love your honesty! Reading this makes me so glad that I’m past this stage. I am married and remember those dating days. It was fun, but also work at times. I’m very open minded, whether one wants to casually date, online date or whatever, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, I don’t see anything wrong with it. 😉
love love love, this outfit. while i don’t think casual dating is for me I know a lot of people like it. i really like your attitude towards this, i think we all go through that phase at some point or another.
Before I met my now husband, I was a bartender and all about the casual dating life. Now, I don’t even know how I did it. I love being married and having a family, guess we all grow up eventually lol
I wouldn’t be a fan of casual dating. It just seems like a waste of time to me. I can understand why some people would like it though!
I enjoyed reading your post because it speaks of nothing but the real dating deal. I went on casual dates a few times, some of which were actually group dates. I was young then and was terrified of commitment or of getting pregnant. I think it depends upon the person if you would go from casual dating to serious dating.
I am hands down a serial monogamist, and casual dating was something I was terrible at when I was younger. Being in a relationship definitely suits me best which is probably why I love married life so much!
I am fine with casual dating as long as for people to get to know one another and a step to serious dating. Interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
XOXO //SINCERELY OPHELIA | NYC Petite Fashion Blogger
It was not something i considered many moons ago when I was single but I guess it is ok – depends what you want from life
Casual dating , I never heard that but based on your article I understand what it’s . But I will never agree with this kind of relationship . Why should ? I have good family , happy life , my wife is the most beautiful and understand about me .
I have been married for ten years but I do remember well these stages of my life. Casual dating is easy and hard at the same time – less stress but more confusion. Great post as always lovely x
While I have no problem with others casually dating, I tend to need a bit more structure and I am quite a monogamous person so I don’t like to share :p
I think casual dating is fine as long as both parties are 100% happy with this. I think in the modern day a lot more people decide to casual dating as online dating opens up a wider range of people to talk to x
Casual dating can be great, as long as both parties know exactly what they’re in for or someone will most definitely end up getting hurt.
I am not a fan of online dating. But I do agree it can be handy for others. You look fab by the way.
Being brought up in a strict environment, I couldn’t stop myself chuckling while going through the post.. Would be dead nervous while going on a casual date every single time.. Lol..
I think casual dating is just fine as long as both are single and available. If you go into it eyes wide open, then go for it!
I have to admit that my first boyfriend was my now-Husband. I went on couple of bad dates in University that went no further than the doors of the Starbucks we’d met at. I was considered frigid and that was fine as that was how I was with dating and finding the one. I think everyone should be able to date how they feel comfortable and how it works best for them and if Casual is good for both parties then why not?! Great post!
Ellie |
to be honest I have never even dated. I had 2 boyfriends when I was a teenager, then met my husband at 18, been married ever since and I am now 32.
Some people say that casual dating is fun, effective or helpful.. but I still don’t know if my teenager mind and soul back then will love it. Not sure! Anyway, we have different perspectives.
Lol…you are not the only one who is not a fan of unwanted dick picks. Every woman I talk to is not a fan of them. I think casual dating can be fun, but it is tricky. You will probably get hurt, but you’ll get hurt in a relationship, too. Pain is inevitable. Might as well do what you want.
I’m married now but casual dating was never for me! I’m too emotional! Lol I overthink and while I tried to not get too tied was too much on me emotionally.
I ended up meeting my husband at a very young age. We started dating when I was 19 and I was married at 20. I kind of skipped past the casual dating phase.
I know people who have been in relationships with the same person since they were 16 and others who are serial online daters. I dont really have any thoughts either way..each to their own I guess. X
As you said that everything is fair in love and war, Casual dating is fine until it becomes the cause of someone’s life and death. At the end of the day, everybody wants to be happy!
I can’t speak too much on casual dating when I barely had 1 ex, dated 1 jerk, and now, in a long term relationship with my current boyfriend. But I can see where a lot of people coming from when it comes to casual dating, I mean it sounds all fun and all while you’re still young. However, as we all get older, we tend to seek for commitment and actual ‘love’ feelings rather than a ‘fling.’ And thank you for sharing your input, great article!
xo Tina
IG: @tinasweetheart
I never casual dated it’s not me. I didn’t really date anyone until I finished uni as my studies were too important and I married the second guy I dated. I know it’s harder now seeing friends struggling with men that aren’t worth the effort.
I must admit I’ve never tried it and I don’t think it would be for me. Love the jeans x
I love this post! I think as long as you’re being reeeeally safe, and reeeeeally honest and open, casual dating can work for you. It’s obviously not for everyone, but each to their own, I think 😉
I don’t think there is anything wrong with casual dating if that is what you are looking for. It does take the pressure off of having to worry about commitment, no matter your age. I do think it is something you need to be clear about to yourself and those you are dating.
Love the outfit and the post. I don’t know if I could do casual dating. I hated dating. After I lost my first husband when I was 27 it was weird years later dating again.
Casual dating is fine when you’re young. Like you said, freshers is crazy. Surprised to read that 70+’s are still sexually active? I thought it stopped working before then 😂
I think casual dating is really tricky. So in instances like your friends experience, if one person is more invested than the other, someone usually gets hurts. On the other hand I think if both people are 100% up front with themselves and each other about their feelings and intentions the whole way through, casual dating can work. Where it gets tricky is as you spend more time with someone, it’s easier to ‘catch feelings’ so even if the arrangement started out casual, feelings can change as time goes on. Before my current boyfriend Mike and I were seriously dating, I was casually dating him and a few other guys. I always liked Mike but he told me he didn’t want anything serious right from the start so I hung out with him but kept my options opened and went out on dates with other guys that I would meet. And Mike would see me out on these dates. Eventually after a couple months my bond with Mike got really strong and neither of us wanted to be with anyone but each other. I honestly think the biggest reason this worked was because I was honest with myself about my feelings for him and I didn’t try to change him. After all of that, my point is I’m all for casual dating as long as you can handle it and you’re honest with yourself about your expectations and intentions lol
Well being a single dad under 50 I can certainly appreciate your friends who are single and aren’t looked as desirables. There are a lot of single people out there and they just don’t know what it’s like to have a kid. Even people my age. And so these people want kids either want kids of their own and so feel weird about you having yours. Or they assume that there is something wrong with you because your marriage or relationship with the parent didn’t work. It’s sad but so true.
As far as a casual dating experience, I am not really into the casual dating because sex without relationships does not make me a happy person. I want someone I honestly connect to. I don’t begrudge needs. I just know what I can handle.
Great post, really enjoyed reading your view on casual dating. I honestly don’t feel like casual dating was my thing ever, even when I was single (married now) but I never felt judgement about those who prefered that. I believe dating should be about getting to know someone and dating different people while searching for “the one” it’s okay in my book. However, when I was dating, I was never intimate with any of those dates, only when in a relationship. Thank you for sharing Ana!
I met my ex of 10 years on an online dating site, after we broke up I went back to online dating and wont lie I shifted my gaze to casual hook ups only because as you said many social dating sites cater for that more. Not sure i will meet the one online but I am not giving up just yet. But for now, casual hook ups work just fine for me
I have never and not into causal dating. I can so relate to fall in love with the wrong person.
I have never done any casual dating or tried any online dating website. I don’t think it will be something for me but I can understand that some person use it.
Casual dating is not for me. I’ve never really done the one night stand thing. I’ve had a sex friend, but I had known him for a few years and we were always safe. Apart from that I’ve always been a relationship kind of girl. I get what you mean though about being attracted to those who are pricks but are so good looking. I ended up falling in love with one of them. I was damaged for a long time after that. But lesson learnt!
I think that casual dating when you are young is fine. I never had a chance because I got with my husband when I was 16.
All i would say: do what is right for you, whatever you want or need at that actual part of your life.
Also, be careful with the starting relationships usually the female member expect more maybe the guy just goes for some sex first and he will see, ya know… don’t stress about it, by the time you will see is it serious or just a one night stand…. at least you had some fun…. 😉
( Also i love this outfit…. I’m about to order that jeans…. 🙂 )
I have extremely mixed views on casual dating…on one hand I believe that people should be able to pursue what they want without feeling guilty or judged but on the other hand I strongly believe in committed relationships as well and young people nowadays never learn how to handle a committed relationship because they don’t get to experience them.
I love this post and I totally agree with you! Casual dating rocks as does being in a relationship. You just have to do what’s right for you at that particular time in your life. I enjoy both, although, not at the same time!
I’ve never been on lots of dates and I don’t like casual dating because it feels like my efforts are wasted. These days though, it feels as if it’s getting more and more common for the younger generation.
Casual dating is great if you feel like you’re not yet ready to be in a committed relationship. I’ve never done it though. I wouldn’t exactly call myself conservative or traditional, I just don’t like wasting my time on people and I want to date someone who’d be serious about dating me.
Random but I’m a psychology and justice studies major so most of my college time was spent in classes about the mind of serial killers. Online dating is terrifying to me and I’m so happy I was married before this really took off!
I’m not a fan of casual dating or relationships (no judgement I’m just past that stage in life) I find online dating so hard tho, as a 30-something single mum not interested in hook ups there doesn’t seem to be anyone out there for me. We can keep looking though can’t we 🙂
I think casual dating is fine as long as you are both being honest with each other about the outcomes and intentions
I have no issue with casual dating as long as both parties feel the same way and are honest and open about their intentions. Personally I am too emotional for casual dating, I fall way too easily!
I’ve never been much of a fan of casual dating. I’m married now, but in my younger days, even in college, I preferred committed relationships. It’s not that I opposed casual dating if that’s what others preferred to do, it just wasn’t my thing.
I think casual dating is important. I think it helps you try people on to see what works and what doesn’t work. I get easily attached so I felt like casual dating wasn’t always my thing, even though that’s what I really did with everyone until I met my husband.
Nice post! All my life I’ve been a monogamous, commitment dater. But after a recent breakup I looked back and figure I’ve been approaching dating the wrong way and now I want to step back from commitment play afield and widen my chances of finding the right person. Casual dating is what I preach and practice now 🙂
I am not into casual dating and I’ve never been into one. It really scares me to think that I’d give a part of me to someone who would never value it.
I’ve never cared for casual dating even when I was in college. In this climate of diseases that can kill us, I’ll gladly pass on such a tryst.
Casual dating sounds fine to me. I feel it’s a pretty common thing these days. No harm in a little fun
I don’t think casual dating would be for me as I’d rather go out with my friends for the odd meal here and there. If I’m dating someone, I want to be dating just them xxx
Call me old fashioned but I was never a fan of casual dating. I don’t see the point of going out on different dates to test the waters. I always preferred getting to know a person well before committing to anything.
I’ve been with my boyfriend for 6 years so I skipped that whole thing. It’s for some people but not for all.
I can’t believe Freshers week was called the sex pit!!!!! Casual hookups are not something I’ve ever been into my by best friend at uni was with a new guy practically every night for a few weeks. She was having fun so who am I to judge! As long as people are having safe sex, they can do whatever they please.
I have found that casual dating is not for me. But dating right now is so hard period. Whether it’s commitment or casual. Of course everyone should do what feels right for them.
I don’t understand how some people do it like I broke up with my gf a few months ago but she was so hard to find and perfect.. I don’t consider myself really picky but there has to be a vibe in between me and my partner, I’d say. That’s why I can’t do casual dating.. I can’t act fake just for a one night stand.
I’m not keen on causal dating myself. like you said it often leads to heartbreak (which would be on my side). I’m not interested in casual hook ups instead if I date its with the intention that it will lead somewhere and progress. However, i’m not against others who casual date! I think if that is what they’re into then good for them!
I am totally ok with it! The only problem is as you wrote is that there is always person getting hurt! I know a lot of girls when I grew up (and myself) had sex with boys just to feel wanted, love and accepted…even though it last just for awhile. Then afterwards you keep hoping that he will call you, that perhaps he is into you after all. When he doesnt, you just try to lie to yourself that it doesnt matter, it was just a one night stand.
If i hadn’t found my partner when I did ten years ago I would of been open to casual dating , why not? Have fun while ur young!
I have never been okay with one night stands or casual dating, that being said I am also not the one who would like to waste time neither mine nor my date’s. So if I meet someone (not that I am looking for it, happily married) and find that they aren’t my type, or they lied on their profile or they are not who they said they are; I’m more likely to call it off immediately. However, I think it’s a shame the online dating demographics are limited when it comes to age.