For the longest time, Christmas would fill her with dread. Memories of being abused as a child, seeping through her consciousness. The bruises, yellow-purple mottling, fading over time. The silvery scars blending into pockmarked skin. Poisonous shadows throttling her, lacerated throat. She would tremble, a raised hand, a venomous voice. Stripping away her confidence, her self-esteem no more. Wondering if this was what life would be forever. Hiding in the darkness, afraid of what would happen next. Words like weapons, sharp and cold. Her spirit sold to the highest bidder. The woman who robbed her of her childhood innocence. Forced to grow up, tiny feet in too-big shoes. Learning to bury questions, and not ask why. To wear a mask, a careful smile. Teeter-tottering between anxiety and depression. Pretending the pain was just a trial. All year round, but Christmas stung the most. Her peers showered with love and presents. The validation they needed without asking. A Christmas tree lit up, an angel and star. Christmas dinner laced with happiness. She didn’t know what it meant. To have a feel good Christmas. To know love, without begging for it. It was all her fault. Or so she thought.
Christmases between the age of 6-10, were like looking into a fractured mirror. Feeling like she was walking on eggshells. Afraid to be her true self. Sleepless nights, the paralysis demon suckling on her flesh hungrily. Pain, like broken shards puncturing her skin. A mouth trembling, tears leaking from reddened eyes. Days where she had fear coursing through her veins. Wondering if she would wake up the next day, bleeding and tortured. Learning not to trust, wary of the people around her. Scared to confide, worried her words would be used against her. At Christmas, she’d sit, scraps on the plate. Watching her youngest sister be lavished in the love that she craved. What was wrong with her to be treated like this? She’d hear the carolers outside. Inter-generatonal voices, a choir of hope. Stories sung of times retold. Of peace on earth, of love divine. But there was no joy in her heart. Not when love was scarce, even if her Dad tried his best. It wasn’t his fault that this was happening. He was being abused too.
The ache stayed, but in the dark she’d dream of light. Where love was soft, not hard. Where she could sleep, not scared that she wouldn’t wake up. No longer a broken doll. Sure, gifts were scarce too. They didn’t have much growing up, but she didn’t resent that. She would have rather have had a million kisses, than having her hair pulled. Warm hugs when she felt sad. Not beatings that destroyed her mind, body and soul. She wished for a feel good Christmas, made to feel special, like she belonged. Knowing that although the scars may never fade, she would be better. But still the words poisoned her ears. Her mouth taped shut. Her eyes leaking ‘weakness’. Ridiculed for crying, told off for being emotional. Happy, sad, frustrated, angry, or anxious, her emotions were never valid. Why aren’t you happy when its Christmas? Why are you always looking for attention? But how could she be happy when she was abused for even breathing?
It took a long time for her to even enjoy a feel good Christmas. To celebrate it, to embrace the small joys. To not pretend for the sake of other people’s expectations. But now? She was healing. Creating a new version of Christmas that exuded light, happiness, and joy. It started aged 10, when she went into Foster Care. Her Foster Mum, and family taking her under their wing. Showered with the love and gifts that she had always craved. A silver PSP, she cried when she saw it. Cards, and games. A Christmas dinner made with love. She would never forget how her foster mum had saved her. It would be a lifelong journey to heal, but going into foster care kickstarted it. And yet, despite the love, there was trauma too. Emotional baggage from a childhood that left her permenantly scarred. Growing up with a traditional foster mum, who was strict, she wasn’t used to that. Feeling like she didn’t belong, a changeling looking in. It wasn’t her foster mum’s fault. She did her best to redefine her story. But some scars couldn’t fade. Getting worse in time. Avoiding Christmas when she could. The older she got, the more she would avoid. Serious mental health issues, even to this day. Trying to get help, ignored, abandoned. Forcing herself to function, even when she had nothing left to give.
Now? She could truthfully say that she enjoyed Christmas. Decorating their mini white Christmas tree, a thoughtful hand-me down from her Aunty. Unboxing ornaments, a tabby cat jumping into boxes of tinsel. Red baubles dancing, a black cat with green eyes mischievous. The slightly crooked angel, toppling off the tree. The tortoiseshell, with flecked ginger ripping at the wreath. Her helpers were cheeky, but their presence made her feel warm. A treasure chest of stories, each Christmas decoration a memory shared. The angel and Christmas tree her Aunty once had. The wreath and baubles gifted by a friend. The tea lights her partner and her brought together. The tartan blue and red blankets, that became a fixture all year round. They would shop, for once not caring about money. The one time of year where they would forget about finances. Living in the moment. Sliding across Asda floors, humming under their breath. A green trolley collecting groceries. Potatoes, crispy and fluffy. Parsnips begging to be doused in honey. Yorkshire puddings stuffed with vegan chicken. Homemade gravy ladled over steamed broccoli. Garlic and lemon kale, feel good Christmas dinner. A pudding, a chocolate yule log plunged into double cream. A glass of rose prosecco, pink bubbles.
For the first time in two years, her and her partner would spend Christmas alone. Her Aunty, cousin and girlfriend on a cruise. Yet, although she felt sad, she reminded herself that she still had family. Her partner, and her three cats. Their very own feel good Christmas. Cooking together, smeared gravy on their faces. Hair limp, messily tied back, not a scrap of makeup. In PJ’S that had seen better days. Their home once organized, a chaotic mess. But, she would put aside her perfectionism and embrace every moment. Cuddles in bed, a tender lingering kiss. The purr of three cats waiting for their Christmas breakfast. A pitiful mewl, where you couldn’t help but smile. Christmas Movies she pretended she hated, ELF, Home Alone, Love Actually. Freezing feet shoved into fluffy slippers, the heating turned on. Snow, but not the fluffy kind. The hailing sleet that threatened to knock down their windows. The raging winds, and the howling storms. Despite this image, she couldn’t think of anything she wanted more. To have a feel good Christmas that was small, but mighty. Where they didn’t need anything else but each other. Falling asleep on the sofa like a Christmas pudding. The rest of the season a blur of contentment.
And the gifts? Oh how they would make them dance. Slabs of organic dark chocolate with toasted coconut flakes. A grown up Bounty, dancing on her tongue. Dark as night, bitter notes, a hint of sweetness. With a apple and cinnamon herbal tea. Hands clutched around a personalized mug. Their faces peering out at them, they laughed at the memories. A birthday meal at a vegan Carribean restaurant, vegan fish and chips. A trip to Rome, two heads at Trevi Fountain. Their cats in the most comical positions. Day would settle, a hankering for a cheese and wine night. Ruby red, mulled wine, laced with cinnamon and star anise. Bobbing orange slices. Poured into fancy clarets with a soft, rich sigh. A liquid sunset, a velvet stream. Each sip a hug, a warming cheer. A cheeseboard set up with their favourite cheeses. Creamy bries and pungent blue cheeses. Smoked cheddar, and cranberry stilton. Juicy grapes, begging to be plucked. Sundried tomatoes drenched in olive oil. But her favourite part? The Fresh Chilli Jam, slathered on sea-salt crackers. A touch of heat, cheeks reddened.
The scent of amber woods, and tonka beans would drift across the living room. Relaxing into a cozy stupor, one leg propped up. The crooning of Mariah Carey in the background, much to her chargrin. And yet, with her tabby cat in her lap, she was cozy. Orangatuns on her socks, green and orange. Numb feet warmed, wriggling her toes. She shifted her position, her tabby looking at her with unveiled disgust. Tail fluffed up, stalking across the sofa. She picked up the rainbow blanket, messily strewn across the sofa. A book pile to the side of her, what would she read next? The Ghosting Academy, Book 4 in The Limerent series. Where consciousness was currency, and morality was shackles. No death, lies and deception. A deliciously gothic, magical realism novel, losing track of time. Her partner prodded her, bored, wanting to play a game. A feel good round of Mario Party, competitive energy taking over. Struggling to wipe the smirk off her face, as she won again. Birdo vs Monty Mole, Toad and Toadette. Her reign was victorious.
Their gifts would be generous. Sweet treats to make their heart sing. Savoury delicacies that put love back into Christmas. Visits to the theatre, and date nights at restaurants. Cocktails fashioned by the goddesses themselves. Games where time stood still. Books that transported them into alternate universes. Skincare that defined self-care, makeup that made her glow inside, and out. From food and drink, to entertainment, cosmetics and fashion, there were feel good Christmas gift ideas for everyone. Dopamine boosting, colourful, a splash of serotonin. Small, big and everything in between. For her partner, and herself. Her pets, and family, friends too. She couldn’t think of a more wholesome Christmas round up. Where scars were half-healed, a fragment in time. The mind showered with praise. The body nourished with compassion. She reached into the cupboard, what feel good Christmas gift would be first?
Feel Good Culinary Treats
Bennetto Organic Dark Chocolate Gift Selection Box
There was something so wholesome about chocolate at Christmas. The feel of it. The taste. The sounds. The scent. Complementing the season’s theme of indulgence, joy and comfort. Bennetto was no exception. Their Christmas Gift box a treat for the senses. Wrapped in a pale blue greenish box, packaged like an envelope. Robins perched on crooked wood. Some with pearl necklaces, a comical touch. Others with jaunty fedoras. Sprigs of holly, and fir pines, she had never seen a chocolate box look this beautiful. She unveiled the feel good Christmas chocolate with care. 6 bars, just as beautiful as the next. Dark Salted Caramel, with crunchy brittle pieces. Almonds laced in dark organic chocolate, it was almost sinful. 60% cocoa, chocolate that made the world a better place. Natural, Fairtrade Certified, doused with mouthwatering sea-salt. Chocolate that made them fall in love. Raspberries in Dark, a tantalizing surprise. Tangy raspberry, slightly sour, balanced out with rich dark chocolate. A bar framed in pink, a pair of wedded birds.

Need feel good Christmas gifts for a sweet tooth? Benneto’s Dark chocolate range is ethical, vegan and sustainable.
She knew which bar her Aunty would go for, the 82% Super Dark, a healthy treat. Pure Madagasgar, home to rare birds and animals found nowhere else in the world. Proudly supporting the MaMaBay Conservation Through Cocoa Project on the peninsula. Aiming to regenerate 200-300 hectares of deforested land back into the Tropical Rainforest. But her personal favourite? Toasted Hazelnut, made in Switzerland. A sentimental part of the holiday celebrations, washed down with frothy milk. It reminded her of celebrating Christmas at her Foster Mum’s. Leaving chocolate on a white plate, cookies on another. A glass of milk, and carrots for Rudolph. She smiled at the memory. Perhaps the most surprising was the Orange with Chilli. Sweet orange zest, a delectable hint of chilli. Orange oil and vanilla beans dancing in cocoa butter. The chocolate’s cacao flavor profile brings out the richness of the spices. A tingling sensation that intensified the flavor. One last treat, neat and petite to eat. Vegan dark chocolate with delectable coconut flakes. A blue bar, graced with Native birds from South America. A brand that redefined feel good Christmas gifts. Chocolates that gave back to the community.
£4.50 per bar, or £24 from Amazon ( for a six, customizable pack)
Tracklements The Cheese Lover’s Collection Gift Pack
In another lifetime, she was a truckle of cheddar. Aged, mature, in a wax casing. Sweet and tangy, yet creamy and aromatic. Hands ripping her open with chaotic excitement. Long fingernails ripping off slabs. Shoved into hungry mouths, crumbs dribbling down their throats. She imagined what it would be like to be eaten whole. To split the rind, and free the best. Crumbly bits and creamy strands. Melting on the tongue like winter fondue. Stories of rolling hills and cows that sleep. In grassy meadows coated in morning dew. Some would eat her as she was, splattered on a hunk of bread. Creamy butter, slightly salted, rustic fare. Others would go the whole hog. Vegan carbonara, salty with strips of plant bacon. Double cream, and egg, scattered with parmesan. A Bombay Chilli cheese toastie, griddled in the pan. Green chilli’s and potato, a touch of paneer.

Tracklement”s Chilli Jam is one of my absolute favourite condiments. It is insanely good in a cheese toastie!
But most of all? She wanted to be a cheeseboard. The kind where Tracklements Cheese Lover’s Collection would flourish. Apple & Cider Brandy Chutney, winner of the Great Taste Award. Laced with Kentish Bramley apples. A liberal measure of Somerset cider brandy for a boozy kick. Pairing beautifully with vegan ham sandwiches, a hint of spice. Tomato and lettuce, a nostalgic treat. A bite into the middle, like ASMR. Breadcrumbs cascading across the dining room table. Cats, like hoovers scooping up the remains. But the Fresh Chilli Jam was her favourite combination. Sea salt and cheddar crackers slathered in butter, a hunk of Red Leicester. A smooth rich finish, offset by the sticky-sweet chilli jam. A spicy samba in their mouths, they fell in love. The people drank deeply from their glasses of red. A local wine, made in East London. Notes of berries and spices, a feel good Christmas drink. Realizing it paired beautifully with the Caramelised Onion Marmalade. A splish of redcurrant juice for added tang, melted over vegan mini sausages. Fried gently in the pan. A cheeseboard that was a hodge-podge, no order. A bit of this, a bit of that. Apricot & Ginger Chutney last to be sampled. A hint of sea salt, and garlic. Chillis poking through. Salty, sticky and crunching, lolling in hungry mouths. She had transformed into a Camembert, the chutney oozing over her. Subtle and soft, she dared to be eaten. A feel good Christmas gift for foodies who wanted more.
Price: £15.75
Opies Fruits With Alcohol
Admittedly, she had more of a savoury tooth than a sweet tooth. Opting for cheeseboards over chocolate cake. Spicy curries over peanut butter ramens. A packet of crisps over a bag of sweets. And yet, there was something about Christmas that always made her reconsider. Gingerbread cookies, iced by delicate fingers. Minced Pies, with sweet sultanas, oranges and apples. Truffles with hazelnut ganache, a bag gone before you know it. Opies Fruit Jars were no exception. Adding next level flavour to Christmas puddings, and homemade cocktails. An affordable stocking filler gift, or an addition to a homemade hamper. Four new fruity creations with a boozy twist. Opies Peaches with Luxardo 12 Years Old Brandy, subtle yet sweet. Steeped in a light syrup, heaven at first taste. Packed into a homemade Peach Crumble, a twist on the original. Cinnamon, and star anise. A crumble top, drowned in creamy custard. When she wanted a cocktail Forest Fruits with Luxardo Mulled Gin hit the right spot. Warming, and aromatic, the perfect garnish. Mulled gin, a winter warmer. Sometimes, she would serve it hot, laced with cinnamon and nutmeg. Imagining herself at the Christmas market. Gloved hands around paper cups.

I’ve long been a fan of Opies. But their new fruit jars come with a feel good Christmas twist.
Nothing was more feel good than the Black Cherries in Kirsch, a burst of fruity liqueur flavour. Dark, sweet black cherries, soaked in festive deliciousness. A Kirsch Royale, drop in the champagne. Watch the bubbles pop, tingling on the tongue. Cherry syrup, sticky sweet, wordplay in her mouth. Her eyes lighting up, one more jar. Baby Pears, not usually a fan. But soaked in Amaretto, she changed her mind. Sweet and nutty, notes of burnt sugar. Pear and Amaretto steamed sponge pudding, a drizzle of golden syrup. Cinnamon, her favourite festive spice, a dash of ginger. Moist puddings, revolutionairy cocktails. Four fruit jars that changed the game.
Between £9.99 and £12.99
Veggie Friendly Cozy Restaurants
The sky hung low, clouds threatening to spill tears. Black-ish gray, colourless soul. Branches, almost bare, leaves littering the pavement. She walked, red star platform boots clonking on the pavement. Red tights, monochromatic delight. A-line coat, polka dot skirt and ribboned top. A pearled beret, tassel earrings. A pop of colour on a gray day. For she was all about dopamine delights. Dopamine dressing, rainbow brights. Colourful food that made her heart sing. Drinks that made her shiver, head to toe. She would combine all three, walking into DF Tacos, stomach grumbling. Relaxed interiors, trailing plant pots suspended in air. Yellow canteen style tables, and wooden booths. Hot sauces on tables, which flavour would you like? They sat, perusing the menu. Mexican favourites, with a tasty twist. Not your typical ‘festive meal’ but damn she’d buck the trend. In the heart of Shoreditch, would the tacos take their fancy?

Faded Spring Ana eating vegan cauliflower and tofu tacos, with chips, nachos and Margheritas.
Take their fancy they did. A platter just for them. Gluttonous foodies at heart, mouth wide open. Vegan nachos squirted with cheese sauce. Fresh guacamole scattered. Salsa fresca, tomatoes, lime and chillis. Pickled jalapeno that made the nachos pop. And who could forget the smoky meco, and tomatillo salsas? She picked up a taco, smeared red lipstick instantly. Korean Fried Tofu Taco, crispy, and salty. Smoky BBQ sauce, sweet and tangy. Kimchi, unami kick. Heat, balanced with sweet daikon pickle. Hidden sesame, peeking through. Easily her favourite dish, sauce dripping down her chin. Her partner? The Gimme, Chimi, Cauli, bold with flavour. Oven-roasted, with a slight crunch. Fresh chimichurri, zesty and sharp. Refried carlin peas doing the ‘Jarabe’ with pink pickled onions. Washed down with a (£5) Berry & Hibiscuis frozen Margherita. Ice melting on the wooden table, mixed with sweet. But wait. There was more! Halloumi Pina, grilled achiote style. Roast pineapple salsa, not sickly. Jalapeno tomatillo, and sesame slaw. Diced onion, strong and pungent. Crinkle cut fries dipped in hot sauce that made their noses sting. Street corn, Elote style, sprinkled feta. Crema and lime, the perfect combination. One more treat to scintilliate their senses. Dirty Churros, how far would it go? Mini churros dipped in cinnamon sugar. Chocolate sauce, poured with a satisfying ‘gloop’. Coconut brittle and Dulce de leche, she had died and had gone to heaven.
Berry & Hibiscius Frozen Margherita £5
Ever since she could remember, food had been her comfort blanket. Deprived growing up, starved at times. Was it any wonder how she craved it incessantly? Rediscovering the joy of good food as an adult. How it made her tongue salivate for more. Sounds like ASMR, falling in love. Crunch, snap, pour, guzzle. Finding flavours that made her knees weak and shaky. A proud foodie, it saved her life. Nourishing her mind, body and soul. In times of depression, it got her out of bed. Tears mingling with olive oil. Trembling chin, jittering mouth. When anxious, it calmed her down. Food as mindfulness, feel-good at Christmas. Meditation, contemplation in her mouth. Through good times, and bad, it got her through. Kibele, shared the same philosophy. Food that would make you dance with joy. Drinks that filled you with happiness. Live entertainment that got your adrenaline pumping. And so, she in that infamous ‘Frida’ red floral dress sauntered into Kibele’s lounge. Lights dimmed, pitch black. Servers eager, warm smiles, open hearts.

From live entertainment, to great staff, and delcious food, Kibele is what a feel good Christmas is all about.
A platter of goodness, they could hardly believe their eyes. Creamy Asparagus and Carrot Risotto, Saffron silken bliss. A fork trussed through burrata pulling apart. Dancing in artichokes, rocket leaves too. Hands joining, tearing apart rustic bread. Muhammara and hummus, laced with candied nuts. Her purple nails clutched a Pink Lychee Mocktail, slow slurps. Her partner, with ‘The Naked Goddess’, embalmed in a red skull. Vodka, with strawberries and cinnamon. More dishes to try, their eyes lit up. Flaky boreks plunged in a sweet chilli sauce. Dolmas, with rice and pine nuts. Cinnamon, that festive ingredient, a touch of sultana, yoghurt too. And who could forget the Oven Baked Artichokes, with griddled corn? But wait. This wasn’t any ordinairy Turkish-Mediterrenean restaurant. The show was about to start. Different to the usual Christmas entertainment. A belly dancer, moving in ripples. In sequins blue, woven from midnight dreams. A cloak emblazoned with rainbow lights. Hips, slow, melodic, in time to the beat. A cabaret performer with rich feathered plumes. Into a split, a leg kick, a spin. Part burlesque, part immersive theatre. The fire-eater, queen of the flames. A plume erupting down her leg. A dragon’s roar, a fiery cloud. A live band, crooning sounds from Turkey, Italy and England. A mix of cultures, they fell in love with Kibele that day.
£6 Mediterranean Olives (Vegan)
£9 Dolma (Veggie)
£14 Artichoke Burrata Salad (Veggie)
£11 Borek (Veggie)
£24 Assortment of Cold Mezze for 2 (modified) (veggie, can be served separately)
£3 Bread
£21 Asparagus Risotto (vegan, modified)
£21 Oven Baked Artichokes ( vegan)
£7.95 Pink Lychee Mocktail
£7.95 Virgin Mojito
£14.95 Naked Goddess
Fun Drinks To Enjoy At Christmas
Brewdog Cocktail Cans
She was often asked what her favourite cocktail was, stuck between two. The Mojito, a muddle of mint, splash of soda. Sugar dissolving, white rum flowing. Lime’s sharp tang, ice clinking, effervescent magic. Reminding her of warm summer nights, dreaming of sandy sea shores. Grains of sand between her toes, a breeze in her hair. Walking towards the water, lapping at her ankles. Seaweed entwined, fish swimming by. Diving in, letting the warmth take over. Aperol Spritz another, liquid orange joy. Bitter base, citrus kissed. Proseccos bubbles, brigght and light. Soda drenched, served on ice. A large glass, a slice of orange, an ode to summer. Even at Christmas, she loved a cocktail. Was it any surprise that Brewdog’s 12 days of Xmas caught her eye? Known for their beers, but cocktails just as magical too. Canned cocktails to ring in the Christmas spirit, 6 samples sent her way.

Like me, you might have known Brewdog for their beers. But did you know they do feel good Christmas cocktails too?
Wonderland Classic Mojito, no surprise it was her favourite. Can chilled, fresh flavours of bright mint. Juicy limes doing the tango with Duo white rum. Coconut and vanilla, a surprise on the palette. Even in winter, a crowd pleaser, a thumbs up from her partner. His favourite? Take a wild guess. Wonderland Margarita, with Casa Rayos Blanco-style tequila. Sharp, but harmonious, triple sec and salt. Zesty limes, sweet and sour. A Passionfruit Martini, not sure what she’d think. Preferring less sweet cocktails. But what a surprise. Not too sweet, sunshine yellow, decanted. Rich in the mouth, juicy tropical flavours that reminded her of a Solero. The Cosmo was up next, striking a pose. On the 4th day of Christmas, the party drink was in town. Topped with Cointreau, a squeeze of lime juice. Tart cranberry lashings, shaken not stirred. One more drink, shared between them. Slurps of Strawberry Daquiri, aromatic white rum. Reminding her of fresh strawberries at Wimbledon, silky in the mouth. Luscious and ripe, a frozen kiss on a cold night. Feel good cocktails, while they played board games. The rain lashing at the window, the wind striking out.
£40 for 12 Days of Christmas box ( I got 6, but only wrote about 5 as I am allergic to coffee)
£3.90 per can
Clean Co
She was the kind of person to drink one or 2 drinks, sometimes none at all. Someone who liked being in control. Who enjoyed a drink, but knew her limits. Triggered by drunk people, a story for another time. Liking to remember the night, Christmas or not. Switching to mocktails after a festive tipple. No foggy nights, the morning serene. No hangovers, no lingering guilt. Saying no to peer pressure, sticking to an amount that suited her. Sure, she was seen as strange. Not liking to get drunk, thriving on the buzz instead. But mocktails were just as fun, despite the rap they’d get. Making her own mocktails, twists on cult favourites. Pina Colada’s and Rum Punch. Cranberry Gin Fizz, and Watermelon Gin Slushies. No shame in drinking, she liked it too. Knowing her limits, knowing what made her happy. Her favourite non-alcoholic brand Clean Co, kindred spirits. Founded by Spencer Matthews, championing a sober lifestyle. Award-winning and sugar-free. Low in calories, a range of alcohol-free Gin, Rum, Whisky and Tequila, what would she choose?

Clean Co, is my favourite non-alcoholic spirit brand. Why? Because they are vegan, taste delicious and are hangover free. I couldn’t think of anything better for a feel good Christmas.
A new packaging design unveiled in partnership with KnockOut. Iconix hexagonal shape, made lighter. Half the energy to make, more sustainable. Saving over 100 trees worth of wood every year. Eager to support sustainable living the sober way. Choosing Clean R, and Clean G, winners of the Great Taste Awards, 2023, and 2024. Clean R, notes of caramel apple, dancing with star anise. Delectable apricot, surprising ginger, orange and pimento. Rum-ish, without the alcohol, conjuring festive mocktails up in her head. Sorrel and Forest Berries Hot Toddy, a winter warmer. Dancing in lemon juice, slithers of dried citrus. Served steaming hot, in a glass mug. Watching her favourite show RuPaul’s Drag Race, feet up on the sofa. Her partner burrowed on her legs fast asleep. Snoring cats curled up beside her. And who could forget the blood orange Negroni, a dash of orange bitters. Blood orange slice, a dash of CleanR, an alcohol-free aperitif. Clean G, just as spellbinding. Hot or warm, she loved them all. Juniper berries, lemongrass coming through. English cucumber, refreshing, Sweet Basil, fragrant. But what would she make? A Bramble Mocktail, laced with fresh blackberry juice. Lemon juice freshly squeezed. A classic French 75, the sober version. Non-alcoholic sparkling wine with Clean G.
£16 per bottle
£19 for bundles
Festive Entertainment That Makes You Smile
A Very Naughty Christmas Play
No stockings were hung, no cookies in sight. Just mischief and mayhem, all through the night. The Elves drinking boozy hot cocoa, the reindeers prancing. Rudolph whispering into Santa’s ear, a sly grin. Santa saying ‘let’s make this Christmas a bit of a sin’. And a sin it would be. The young couple dancing around the wonky Christmas tree that had seen better days. The cats throwing tinsel on the floor. An orange cat batting at oranments, a black cat in the decorations box causing havoc. Carolers on the TV, a parody, with absurd lyrics that were NSFW. A tabby begging for creamy eggnog, pawing at the glass. Christmas chaos was here, she found it overwhelming at first. How could a feel good Christmas thrive on such mess? But then she remembered. The novelty gifts, that made each other smile. Terrible Netflix Christmas films that somehow made everything better. The mess, learning to get comfortable with it. Saying yes to a Christmas that was naughty and wild. A yuletide romp, their names added to the naughty list. Giggles and winks, stomachs that hurt from laughter. Was it any wonder that ‘A Very Naughty Christmas‘ appealed to them? A play that had been a hit in Australia for the last seven years?

I can’t wait to watch A Very Naughty Christmas on the 3rd December!
The day, would be in the future. 3rd December, a press preview night. Where snow kissed the ground, mixed with icy rain. Dressed on theme, festive as always. Her in red, him in Green. Sure that this would be a feel good Christmas play, that would turn all their worries upside down. She imagined how it would go. A Christmas Cabaret like they hadn’t seen before. Stand up comedy, burlesque and musical theatre all rolled into one. At Southwark Playhouse, from 28th November. A festive crowd pleaser, would it remind her of SIX the Musical, Magic Mike Live or The Play That Goes Wrong? It would be raunchy, seeing Santa in a new light. Sexy, and spectacular. As some critics would call ‘side splitting’. High energy, would their faces ache from laughing so much? She imagined them in the audience. Crying with laughter at the stand up skits. Mouth wide open at the parodied songs. Clapping along at the silliness, their humour down to a T. They’d hum along, a live band getting them up and moving. A cast of incredible actors, including Australia’s original ‘Bad Santa’ (Stephen Hirst). And yet, they were here. Patiently waiting for the future to arrive.
On from 28th November-11th Jan 2025
Ticket Prices:
Standard from £24
Concessions from £19
Cabaret Table (4 tickets) from £180 |
Pioneers’ Preview (28 Nov) £10
All previews £16
The Spirit of Christmas
A red gingham dress, with Mary Janes, ran across cobbled pavements. Escaping dusky twilight, on a gray-hued day. The air tinged with bitter frost, the wind whipping at her hair. She paused, Eltham Palace, the place of dreams. A marriage between Tudor and Medieval England, the moat lying still. A river, gushing, tinged with brown. Trees stripped of leaves, winter’s curse. She wondered what it would be like to be here in the past. From the 15th Century, Henry VIII running round The Great Hall as a child. Dining, in the palace’s stately gleam. Stuffed lark, and congor eels. Washed down with ale, sometimes a glass of wine. Going further back, Edward III, receiving John II of France in 1364. Great dancing and caroling, medieval walls, where nobles once dined. Centuries of decline, turned into a 1930’s millionaire mansion. The Courtaulds leaving their mark. A ‘Wrenaissance style’ partly inspired by Hampton Court. Art deco brilliance, modern and stark. A pet lemur, who once had its own heated residence. She wondered how any of them felt about Christmas. Did they understand the true meaning of the festive season? That behind the money, status, and standing, Christmas was about joy? Spending time with loved ones. Giving back to others. Embracing the inner child, feeling free at last.

The Spirit of Christmas was one of the most joyful, funny and feel good Christmas experiences I have seen. Highly reccomend.
In present day Eltham, ‘The Spirit of Christmas” was well and truly alive. An immersive, feel-good celebration of the festive season, a treat for all ages. She thought that her and her partner would be too old to come. That it would be an experience catered to younger children. How wrong they were. For this magical theatre show, had whimsical characters that modified their act ‘based on its audience’. For them, they were bawdy, high-energy, the couple crying with laughter. For children, they were playful, interactive, getting them involved in the Christmas spirit. It would be a one hour journey through the stunning former royal residence. Eccentric, just like the characters, a tale of how the true meaning of Christmas had been lost. Despite the laughs ( and there were plenty of them), it was also heartwarmingly poignant. Seeing herself reflected in many of the characters. The thoughtfulness of Stanley, who wanted nothing more than to give his sister Suzy, the present of her dreams. Hawthorne, the guide, who tried to capture the joy of a ‘meaningful’ festive season. Even in the characters who were priortizing the ‘wrong things’, the message was simple. Suzy, obsessed with presents, and materialistic things. Just a child yes, but reminding us there was so much more to life. Frederick, the eccentric traveller. Fixating on ‘material experiences’, but still he looked for joy. The maid and the dame, at the Great Feast, gossiping. But in the end, they saved Christmas. An audience with Santa, who rewarded them with an ethically sourced gift. Just as funny as the other characters, a rewarding end, to a gorgeous production. Both kids at heart, they left smiling, hope in their hearts.
The latest project from experiential event specialists Sneaky Experience is affordable.
- Child ticket (2-15 years) from £30 + booking fee
- Adult tickets (16+ years) from £25 + booking fee
- Under 1s free
- Meet Father Christmas – includes sustainable gift worth £8 RRP with child ticket
Dopamine Boosting Books For Xmas
The Vegan Lifestyle Journal
She believed in compassion. No matter whether it was at Christmas, or all year round, all living beings deserved to be treated with respect. But when it came to animals, she was especially passionate. A staunch vegetarian, vegan in all but diet. Who didn’t wear any animal materials, or use products that tested on animals. Vegetarian since she was 17, cruelty-free since she was 24. She remembered what kickstarted her cruelty-free lifestyle. Aged 10, in Madeira, watching a pig get slaughtered in the most inhumane way. Stabbed with a spear, over and over. Crying, squealing in pain, she never got that image out of her head. As soon as she left her foster mum, she changed her diet and lifestyle. Advocating for a brighter future for animals. She had no problem with people who ate meat. After all her own partner was a meat-eater. But it didn’t sit right with her, to eat meat or fish again. But it wasn’t just her diet that she overhauled. Realizing that cruelty-free was beyond diet, but also fashion, skincare, beauty, and even home. She couldn’t bear the thought of buying into an industry that tested on animals for the sake of human enjoyment. Opting for brands who cared about animal welfare. Who weren’t tokenistic, but genuinely cared about saving animals lives.

Ever been interested in veganism? Sadie Jade’s journal is easy to read and accessible. The perfect feel good Christmas book!
She wished she had read The Vegan Lifestyle Journal sooner. Bitesize information on how to embrace ethical veganism across all areas of your life. Easy to digest chapters, journalling along. Discovering how veganism affected clothes, food, social events, cleaning and more. Written by renowned eco-vegan advocate Sadie Jade, whose deep love of Mother Nature, shone on every page. Though she already knew a lot about what was covered in the journal, she found the meal planning, food swaps and hidden ingredients section particularly helpful. Someone, who in the past was once overwhelmed by her diet change. Eating nutrition deficient food, empty calories. Transformed into the rich plant-based food that she had today. Vietanemese Tofu Noodle Salad, laced with chilis, cabbage and carrot batons. Butter bean, potato, and kale soup with star anise. Falafel, with homemade hummus. A plate of Ful Medames, drenched in olive oil. Berry smoothies, and ginger and lemon teas. From discussions on how to talk to people about veganism, to being a sustainable vegan, there would be something for everyone. Her favourite section? A break down of cosmetics ingredients, stating what carmine, squalene, and ambergris was really made from.
£12.99 on Amazon
Ghosting Academy
She loved the way books helped her escape her own life. A reminder that she could be free in a make-believe world. When the tears would stream down her face, sobs racking her chest. Panic attacks engulfing her hungrily like demons in the dark. The universe feeling too heavy, too much to bear. The anxious whispers that would fill the air. She’d pick up a book, and retreat into bubbled waters. Perfumed with soap, steam rising. Skin, reddened from heat. Eyes fixated on the words on the page. Where each chapter would hum with a soothing tone. A novel’s arc, a hero’s quest. Sometimes she’d read comedies. The kind that were soapy, guilty pleasures. Two people falling in love when they least expected it. Passion, romance and everything in between. At others, historical romances stole her heart. Historical fiction, a bridge to the past. Anna Boleyn, the beheaded Queen. Whispering tales of Reformation in Henry VIII’s ear. Intelligent, people were intimidated. Whispering, slurring her name with envy. Dystopian romances dancing in the paranormal. Set in oppressive, often futuristic societies. Themes of hope, and clinging onto humanity.

I first discovered L.S Delorme through Bright Midnights, and it was incredible. I have devoured every book of hers since, and this is no exception. A feel good Christmas read for lovers of ghost fiction.
The Ghosting Academy, by Lexy Delorme was one of those rare books that helped her escape. Dark yes, often exploring triggering topics like toxic love, childhood trauma, and coersive control. Book 4 in The Limerent Series, 10 years after Amelie abadoned her home to become an elite agent of the Academy. Finding the stability she didn’t have growing up. Support, like she never knew before. But there was a price. The Academy forcing her to use her gifts for destruction. Choosing not to question the chaos, until now. Graduating, becoming strategic operatives. Left on an isolated island. A labyrinth of deception and lies, more sinster tahan they had imagined. A fusion of technology, including Verite, a new VR game. Where time had no meaning. Their blood holding the keys to their soul. A living death, their consciousness acting like money. A follow up to her favourite ‘Bright Midnights’. The other two Caio, and Fanning Fireflies introducing characters, that appeared in Ghosting Academy. Dark horror, dealing with demons that transcended time and space. A cliff-hanger she didn’t expect, wishing that she could binge read the next book in the series. Harrowingly thought-provoking, behind the guise of the paranormal, there was reality. Death, and sexual assault. A relationship between a teacher and student that chilled her blood. Some might argue that the ‘overly sexual tropes’ were off-putting from the narrative. Yet, for someone who had encountered abuse of power growing up, she thought Amelie’s story needed to be shared.
Price: £11.45 (Paperback via Amazon)
Children Of The Volcano
A wise person once told her that travel was food for the soul. As cliche as it sounded, when she left her home, her horizons broadened. She explored new cultures, and respected different choices. She tried new foods, revelling in vegetarian versions of national dishes. Most of all, she found herself. Learning to let go, and live more spontaneously. In the moment, watching sunrise in Trincomalee. Dolphins squeaking, leaping out of the water. Jackfruit drenched in spices, her tongue burning hot. Aperol Spritzes in Tuscany, a private villa won in a giveaway. April showers, tasting wine in Chianti vineyards. Deep red, poured into a jacuzzi. Window shopping in Sienna, cobbled streets, boutique stores. Eating gelato in Rome, 30 degrees. An orange gingham dress, sunglasses coated with sweat. The sky cradling The Colloseum in a ray of sunshine. Then, there were the winter hotspots. That would personify feel good Christmas trips. The cake of the Three Kings in Madeira, celebrating the new year. A glass of Poncha, laced with sugarcane and honey. Christmas lights, on a tiny island with a big heart. A ferry to Porto Santo. Dinners with a family friend. It made sense then why ‘Children of The Volcano’ stood out to her.

Hautingly poignant, this uplifting memoir, needs to be on your feel good Christmas books list.
An uplifting, humorous memoir of a mum building a new life on a beautiful Sicilian island. Sad, yet feel-good, a reeling from a broken relationship. Ros Belford the author moving to Italy with her daughters. Embarking on a powerful journey of healing, in search of compassionate humanity. A false start, leads to a beautiful small island called Salina. Her words jumping across the page. Juno and Izzy, growing up playing on the beach. Slow living, swimming over volcanic bubbles. Tales of Aeolian witches, watching Strombuli erupt on the near horizon. Sure, it wasn’t your typical Christmas read. There was no Santa here, not even snow. Yet, it shared the same message of what Christmas stood for. Coming together as a community, embracing each other for their differences. An eclectic community of islanders taking the trio in as their own. Navigating an atrocious school and power cuts. An earthquake and property speculators threatening the island’s fragile beauty. Though she was not a mother, there was so much she could relate to. Unwilling to give up dreams of adventure and excitement, even when there was a lack of money. Having the courage to start over, even when the outcome wasn’t guaranteed.
£10.99 ( Paperback)
£8.79 ( Hardcover)
Cozy Lifestyle & Home Gifts
Hokan Bowls
There was something so comforting about a bowl. Ceramic glaze, bamboo daydream. Wooden, knock-knock, glass, fragile, be careful not to drop it. Round, or square, teals, and sunshine yellows. She remembered a night under the mistletoe, just before Christmas. Stolen kisses drenched in honey, under the mistletoe. Two lovers sharing spiced Parsnip soup. Creamy, blended, poured into a beige bowl. Hands cupped, warming aromas filling their hearts with love. Feel-good, the last supper before the festive season. Blankets cradling their knees, an inquisitive black cat with the greenest eyes. They smiled, his nose sniffing at the bowl. Eyes widening, trying to paw at it. The tongue, raspy like sandpaper, threatening to lick. Sure, a bowl might be simple. Something you took for granted. In your kitchen cupboard without thinking. But to the couple, it held memories. Black dal, creamy, steaming hot, sandwiched between rice. A bowl of Frosties mixed with Cheerios and Krave, oat milk swirling. A vegan tofu bowl with homemade peri peri sauce.

Hokan’s eye catching bowls are sustainable, and save you loads of storage!
Hokan Bowls were no exception. Beautiful, in sea green, high fired stoneware. Deep-glazed, keeping food fresh. Safe from pollutants found in plastic containers. Robust and durable, she imagined it would last for years to come. But it was more than just any ordinairy bowl. Multi-purpose usage, from freezer and fridge to oven or microwave. Designed to stack, preserving precious space. A must have at Christmas time, Christmas leftovers to be reused once more. Bubble & Squeak, just like her foster mum used to make. Cabbage and potatoes, a dash of broccoli. Homemade Yorkshire Puddings, waiting to be devoured. Vegan chicken stuffed with thyme and garlic butter. One set, 5 uses, prepare, cook, store, serve and save food. Maximizing her kitchen tools during the festive rush. The sounds of Whoville from The Grinch coming from the TV. Cindy-Lou, changing The Grinch’s heart. His heart growing three times that day. They sat down to eat, butternut and sage risotto, melt in their mouths. Rosemary and nutmeg, a knob of salted butter. The pan de-glazed with white wine, garlic sizzling. Two glasses on the table. Spiced red wine, hints of blackcurrant. Bellies pooched, they could eat no more. Placing the sea-green lid on the bowl. Placing it in the fridge. Feel-good kitchen tools that made them smile.
£24 (Small)
Earth & Incense Holder Gift Set
Finding the stillness within was a challenge. Lying awake at night ravaged by panic attacks. Sucking in hollowed breaths, pushing air into her lungs. Fists clenched, toes curled. A stomach cramping, a chest palpitating. Wondering why she still didn’t feel any better when she tried her best to get help. Meditating, 1,2,3. Listening to a hynopsis instructor on Youtube, trying to retain his words. Imaging a band of rope, letting go of anxiety. An out of body experience, watching fear take over her soul. A shell of who she once was, if only people knew. How much it cost to smile, how drained she felt to even breathe. Triggered by the smallest things. A loud sound, grating like walls closing in. A touch, triggering trauma. Sure, this was a feel good Christmas gift guide. But to feel joy, she had to feel pain too. The good, the bad, and the ugly. The eyes, puffy from crying all day. The chin jutting out, trembling, struggling to keep it together. The sense of loss that she’d never get her freedom back. That she would feel emptier, and emptier as the years went on.

Temple of Incense has really helped me when I have been anxious and needed to stay grounded.
But no matter what happened, she wouldn’t give up. Trying to teach her body that self-care rituals were good. That they weren’t harmful, that they would help her heal. She lit incense sticks, breathe in, breathe out. From Temple of Incense, with a 7-Chakra incense holder. The raw smell of ‘Earth’ for grounding and renewal. Wondering if it would help her stay balanced. If it would waft away some of the demons that plagued her mind. She went through the motions. Letting the scent of amber woods and earthy musk wash over her. Tonka bean and Mitti reaching into her heart. It was comforting, even if the feeling was temporary. Habituated already to the ‘need to take care of herself’, her body resisting. And yet, she persevered. Too early to tell, what the effect would be on her mental health. But the scent was warming, capturing the ease of a feel good Christmas. Not the Christmas that was defined by presents, over-exertion and incessant activity. But the kind that was relaxing. Sitting, feet up on the sofa, meditating. Imagining she was inside a protective bubble, one that expanded when she needed to breathe. Thirty, forty minutes passing, connecting with the natural world. Wishing she was out in the snow, the brisk air cutting at her nose. Rosy cheeks, and wild hair, making snow angels under The Northern Lights.
Price: £40
Cruelty-Free Beauty
Face Junkie PM Bundle & Hero Collection
She couldn’t remember the last time she had a good night’s sleep. Tossing and turning, anxiety clawing at her heart. Tension coursing through her veins. Adrenaline pumping, agitated limbs. She peered into the mirror, almost didn’t recognize the face that stood before her. Dark circles, puffy skin. Breakouts, spots, and scarring. Lines she had never seen before, invisible imprints. Cheeks coarse, red with rosecea. Skin that was once oily, becoming drier with age. Still young looking, but tired inside and out. Bloodshot eyes, from lack of sleep. Skin once firm, ravaged with the passages of time. She w0ndered if she could revitalize her skin overnight. Would there be a saviour to soothe her skin? Face Junkie, a name she’d become familar with over the rest of the year. Whose PM Bundle with Oil Cleander, Serum and Night Cream, promised to turn back time. Feel good products to powerful clean her skin. Full of antioxidants, hydration, and peptides to soothe redness. Pollution defence and nightime renewal. Her skin left feeling revitalized, even if she herself was tired.

Face Junkie is perfect for feel good Christmas skincare gifts.
She massaged the Pro Collagen Night Cream into her skin, melting away the toil and grime. Expert fingers kneading tension in the face, trying to find the stillness within. She lay her head down on floral embossed pillows. Letting the Dargosine, cacao and hyaluronic acid work its magic. Her skin glowing in the morning, looking healthier each time she used it. But her favourite? The Super Hydrating Serum, a miracle worker. Like water for the skin, her fine lines decreased. Replenishing lost moisture, hard skin smoothing out. An antioxidant cleansing oil swiped by her partner. Red grape seeed and vitamin E, soothing his redness and inflammation. Perfect for sensitive skin. The Hero Collection Skincare Bundle another favourite. Six steps to feel good Christmas gifts that made her shine. A Brightening Cleanser removing excess oil and dead skin. Neroli oil gliding across weather-worn cheeks. Skin that looked dewy, paired beautifully with the Triple Antioxidant Serum. Preventing signs of premature ageing, for a radiant complexion. Neroli Day Cream + SPF20, just as potent, brightening her skin. A top up of Antioxidant Cleansing Oil, Super Hydrating Serum too. Extra Pro Collagen Night Cream, she felt like she was living the dream. A clever hashtag system to achieve glowing skin.
Hero Collection Skincare Bundle £152 (on deal for £76)
PM Bundle with Oil Cleanser, Serum and Night Cream £36 instead of £72
Efamol Pure Evening Primrose Oil Dropper
Just over a month before Christmas, the days were getting shorter. Endless long nights, the silver moon yawning. The sun, clocking out, hidden behind murky gray clouds. Skies swelling with fat droplets, hands tinged with frost. She was a summer girl at heart. Yearning for the days where the sun squeezed warmth into her skin. Her tan deepening, her mood boosting. Feel good endorphins that drenched her in joy. And yet, in Winter, it was hard not to feel down in the dumps. Even with a Merry Christmas on the horizon, she felt petulant. Makeup sitting on her skin, like cracked egg-shells. Harder to cover the eye-bags like charcoal smudges. She wanted to try something new, something natural. Efamol’s new Primrose Oil Dropper, rich in Omega-6 essential fatty acid, GLA. With up to 33% more GLA than other standard evening primrose oils, she felt the difference. Beautifully smooth and nourished looking skin. Promoting not only better skin, but better skin health too.

Efamol’s pure primrose oil is a feel good Christmas gift you will swear by all year round.
Some days, she would add a few drops before she applied make-up. Warming the oil between thumb and fingers, lubricating the skin. Foundation gliding on, without drying out the skin. Seperating less, her skin looking dewy. She sat in the moment, watched the primrose trickle down her cheeks. A seed that had been grown and harvested in perfect growing conditions in the Netherlands and New Zealand. The same growers for over 40 years, carefully extracting. Every bottle traced back to the farm. Vegan and cruelty-free, backed by Science. Efamol with over 40 years of published researcg proving product efficacy. And work it did. Adding a drop or two in her morning smoothie bowl. Oats drenched with forest berries, a splash of festive cinnamon. Primrose oil, gurgling down her throat. She noticed the affects over time. Skin, glowing and nourished. Fingertips once cracked, no longer painful. Hair that was dry and frizzy, more hydrated.
Price: £16.99
Noughty Haircare Collection
She traced the lines of silver scattered across her dark brown hair. Her scalp, more gray than brown, a testament to suffering. An ode to all the traumas and anxieties she shared. Her once richly vibrant hair, losing lustre. Brittle, thick at the bottom, dry split ends. At the top, prone to grease, thinning, age creeping in. Hair, halfway between curly and wavy. Not ringlet curls that she admired growing up. Wavy at the top, textured, coarse. Frizz, baby hairs sprouting wildly. Curls cascading in a half-wave, voluminous in size. In need of hydration, sensitive too. Too many hair woes, she didn’t want to add another notch on her belt. She twisted one of the strands absentmindedly. Knotted hair, that had seen better days. In need of a makeover, would Christmas be the perfect time? Slowing down, well beyond the Christmas rush. Brushing through silkier, smoother hair. Could she find some much needed TLC? Noughty, the haircare brand of her dreams. A brand she had used over the years, who often managed to tame her hair with its vegan magic. She would use a mix of products from its ‘curly hair’ and ‘wavy hair collection’, both designed to tackle frizz. Running the bath, watching water pour into its basin. Slipping in, plunging her head into steaming water. Tendrils of hair fanning out like a mermaid.

Noughty is my go to haircare brand for my curly/wavy/ frizzy hair. So grab yourself a product for a feel good Christmas.
Noughty Wave Hello Shampoo And Conditioner Duo on her bath shelf. Squeezing out the shampoo into the palm of her hand. Gently cleansing her hair, without damaging her curls. Vitamin rich sea kelp extract and avocado oil. Keeping her curls defined, and super-conditioned. Conditioner on the ends, teasing her knots. Naturally sulphate free, without stripping her hair. Visibly smoother, hair that was easier to manage. Luxuriating in the water, closing her eyes as time drifted on by. Sea fennel, and Irish moss, potent moisturising plant oils. But the goodness was not over just yet. Hello Curls Primer, applied to freshly washed hair. Holding the bottle slightly away from the head, moving in an arc. Misting in sections, for even coverage. Hair drying in even curls, perfectly shaped. Even acting as a re-styler between washes. Reshaping dry hair, scrunching to reinvigorate hair, leaving to dry naturally. One last hair saviour, how would it compare? Hey Curl Scrunching Jelly, lightweight and flake-free. Without the crunch, for a natural, healthy feel. Shiny, less frizzy waves. Medium hold, with flexibility. The perfect addition to her haircare routine.
Noughty Wave Hello Shampoo And Conditioner Duo £16.25 instead of £17.98
Noughty Hello Curls Curls Primer £6.49 instead of £9.99
Noughty Hey Curl Scrunching Jelly £5.84 instead of £8.99
Ted Baker Polly Gift Set
It was all in the scent. A spritz on her neck, intoxicatingly potent. Betwitching spell, fall in love instantly. A mirage of spray, waltzing in the air. Droplets dancing on her skin. A whisper wrapped in happiness, she caught fleeting memories. Dancing in Jardim Botanico, Strelitza towering in honeyed yellows and greens. A wrapped bouquet of flowers on the plane for someone special. Watching her Aunty make carrot cake, frosted with cream. Moist banana bread dunked into decaf oat lattes. The musk of old books, time-riddled pages. The spray of sea-salt on the sea shore. Collecting pebbles, weathered edges. Fossils found on the beach, collecting history. Was it any wonder that she was someone who felt deeply through scent? A row of perfumes on her white shelf. For every ocasion, dopamine boosting. Feel good Christmas gift ideas, that would make her smile. Ted Baker‘s Polly Gift Set was the perfect winter warmer. Fabulously fruity, top notes of Mandarin seducing red berries. Peach, but the heart belongs to white jasmine. Honeysuckle with floral peony. A dreamy blend of amber and vanilla, drenched in white musk. A scent that conveyed hopeless romanticism. The perfume of the girl next door.

Ted Baker beauty never fails when it comes to feel good Christmas gifts that are affordable.
An Eau de Toilette Spray, sweet just like her. Not your typical Christmas scent, but one she would go for. On the cusp of summer, in a pink giftset box. Fruity yet floral, a fragranced body lotion, double the fun. Shea butter to soothe and nourish the skin. Laced with sweet almond oil, the scent of orange and peach conversing. She slathered her skin, the cream sinking in. A soft powdery allure, that was somehow delicate. Capturing the light airy essence of peony petals, with a touch of warmth. She couldn’t stop running her hands over her skin, silky smooth. A fun and affordable Christmas gift that put the joy back into scents. And this time? The memories were different. Cats racing down the living room, playfighting with impish flair. Shoes lined up in a row, spritzed with perfume. Drag race on the TV, a cinnamon mocktail. Gingerbread characters on the side waiting to be iced. Hot water rising, a bubble bath flowing. Nail polishes waiting to be used. Lilacs and sages, burgundy and navy blue.
Earthy Nail Polish
And then, there was the Nail Polish. In The Zen, inspired by the need for a slower pace, and finding inner peace. About being centered at her core, mentally within her soul. Four calm hues, redefining Christmas cheer. Muted pastels,purples, and greens, yellows too. Ip, dip, doo, i’ve got you. Big nails first, centrepiece of the thumb. With careful strokes, she’d paint her nails, like a canvas delighted. Barely There, a sheer pink, on days she’d work events, and couldn’t have bold covers. Lilac Tide, a fresh powdery pale purple hue, her current favourite. Purple, the flavour of the month. Wearing deep aubergine hues, and burgundy. A touch of summer purple, and indigo too. Hint of Mint, pistachio green, her version a neutral, that was more fun. Lemon zest, buttery nails. Calm in one hue, a delicate shade of yellow. Natural origin, vegan and cruelty-free. Painted fingernails and toenails, 1,2,3. High shine, and long-lasting. Not so easily chipped. Eco-friendly, and sustainable, the best of both worlds. She wriggled her hands and feet. Smoother, brighter, a pop of colour. Dancing in muted pastels, like Swan Lake.
Earthy Lemon Peel Cuticle Balm £9.99
Earthy Nail Polish Summer Collection – In The Zen £24.95
Colourful Fashion Gift Ideas
Barekind Bamboo Socks
A distinct memory of her in Madeira came to mind. Walking across roads, seeing stray dogs and cats roam. Leaning down to stroke their matted fur. Tender hugs, looking into their baleful eyes. Wishing she could rescue them all, begging people to take them in. A family friend, whose house was made of dreams. Open plan, cats in the garage, dogs in the living room. Cats on the balcony, dogs in the garden. She walked in a dizzy haze, the sun enveloping the peach house in warm yellows. Daushaunds rolling around on the grass, tongues lolling. Cats with fur as dark as midnight skies, green panther eyes. A ragdoll, with fur as pure as winter snow. From a young age, she had fallen in love with animals, becoming her best friend. She didn’t understand humans, but animals? Well, they understood each other. Mum to three beautiful cats, her emotional support animals. Loki, the black cat, with piercing green eyes. Who followed her around, everywhere she went. Luna who purred, making biscuits on her stomach. Nala, the angry one, with a soft spot. Who rolled around on her back, waiting for cuddles. An animal lover through and through, feel good Christmas gifts meant giving back to animal charities, and brands.

I discovered Barekind a few years ago and instantly fell in love. Their feel good Christmas socks help save animals!
Was it any wonder that she fell in love with Barekind? A B-Corp, family run business, whose bamboo socks raised money for charity? Sustainable, cruelty-free and animal loving, their colourful socks made her heart melt. Two socks standing out, ‘The Orangutans’ and ‘The Puffins’. Made using non-toxic dyes in a factory in Istanbul. Whose socks not only supported animals, but ensured workers were paid fairly too. Fully BSCI, and SEDEX audited, all workers over 18. Save The Puffins Bamboo Socks up first, icy blue. Puffins and their soulmates, art imitating real life. 10% of profits donated to the Scottish Seabird Centre. Rescuing injured puffins, restoring them to the sea. Cozy, breathable and odour resistant, it was worth investing in socks that made a difference. Save The Orangutans up next, neon-orange, khaki green. Paying homage to the heaviest tree-dwelling animals on Earth. Donating to the Orangutan Foundation. One acre of forest land conserved for a year, with every 4 pairs purchased. A brand that was all three of her favourite things. Colourful, feel-good, and making a difference. In the past helping save 887 acres of tropical rainforest, adopt 12 giraffes, and fund 209 boxes of fish for penguins.

Price: £9.99 per socks
Rain cascaded down her face, smeared mascara under her eyes. Blue lipstick nibbled at corners, blue and pink eyeshadow smeared. Light rain forecasted, heavy rain given. A colourblock puffa jacket in fuschia, neon yellow and apple green. She laughed, what did she expect. London, the eternal gray city. More cloudy than sunny days. Not cold, nor particularly windy, rain squeezing onto her clothes. A turtleneck blochy with water. Fuschia trousers dribbled in rain. Cobalt boots that had seen better days. Hands slightly numb from the cold. Wishing she had remembered her umbrella, but embracing the moment. Dancing in the rain, envisioning what would wait for her. Picturing the glow of a fireplace she didn’t own, three cats cradled in her lap. Her face kissed by sandpapery tongues. The purr of a tabby rubbing her head on her lap. Feet in the coziest unicorn slippers. A steaming hot chocolate, handed by her loving partner. Channel switching, a classic Christmas film she pretended to hate. ELF, cinnamon popcorn at the ready. Sofa turned into a bed, tartan blankets plumped. Watching the rain lash out the window in vengeance.

MissPomPom’s colourful scarves are the perfect pick me up for a feel good Christmas.
But now? She was soaked to the bone. Clothes clinging tight. Water leaking in her shoes, shivering fright. Despite the rain, she laughed. Blue lips stretching wide, a large colourful scarf swaying in the wind. Miss Pompom was their name. Purveyer of all things magical and colourful. Colourful Scarves crafted from rainbow dreams. Whose imagination trumped even the dreariest of days. Her, running through the rain, compliments shouted. Smiling in spite of herself, feel good christmas gifts that kept her cozy and warm. The first, the Dawn Scarf. A soft red sun casting a warm glow over a pink background. Accented by island shapes, mustards, lilacs, teals, and blues too. Crafted from 100% recycled Acrylic, colour, print, and sustainability at the heart of everything they did. The perfect blend of style, and eco-consciousness. Feel good, look good, do good, that was her motto. The Rainbow Scarf x Tatty Devine just as magical. Cocooning herself in happiness, burrowing tight. Five vertical stripes running into graphic clouds. Cheerful, draped around the neck. Rainbow dopamine dressing this feel good Christmas, come rain or shine. Vegan and hypoallergenic, it bathed her skin in softness. The rain subsiding, twilight drifting across the skies. Bluish purple skies, bare trees in silhouette.
Both scarves are £45 instead of £65 at the moment.
Trend Tonic Earrings
She couldn’t remember the last time she wasn’t in pain. Hiding it well, behind a veil of smiles and laughter. Colourful clothes and statement accessories. Channeling the hurt, trauma and negativity into something positive. Chronic pain that was getting worse with the ravages of time. Throwing arrows at her weakened back. Her shoulders crying, her neck, shooting pain. A stomach that didn’t work too well, bowels that tried to give up. Mental health, up and down. Panic attacks that fed hungrily at her like leeches. Depression that robbed her soul, blankened her mind. Some days better than others, pushing on, not letting others see. How much it cost to put a brave face on, winter a harder time than most. Christmas, putting a strain on her body. Feeling like a skeleton collapsing, all limbs, no muscle. A high-pain tolerance, but sensitive to pain, an oxymoron, make it make sense. She flung the trauma leeches from her body, unravelled the depression from her eyes. Breathe in breathe out. Finding feel good Christmas gifts that brought joy, a dose of coloruful magic. Trend Tonic, whose custom earrings made her ears happy. Whose own chronic pain and illness journey, touched her heart.
Kerry Clayton born with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Constantly uncomfortable, creating earrings in mood boosting bright colours and patterns. Lightweight, not tugging on the ears like some she owned. Functional, dopamine goodness made from plant-based materials. Five gorgeous earrings to bring in the Christmas spirit, a surprise in the post. Leopard print paper-envelopes, a treat lurking within. Red glitter heart hoops, made with eco-friendly glitter. Handmade, hand-packed. Gold hoops, easy to wear. A statement with a gingham print dress. Red fluffy faux fur coat, emblazoned in pink love hearts. Red Mary Janes, 60’s style, sheer nude tights. A pearl beret, lips swathed in red. White and gold glitter snowflake earrings, that made her dream of a white Christmas. Made from sustainable cork, paired with her recyled sequin white dress. Rhinestoned tights, and lace up snow boots. A white beret, and a snowflake purse. White eco-glitter on her eyes. But her personal favourite? The Pink Plant Paper Leaf Earrings, with Gold Hooks. A flattering shape, Barbie pink vibes. Turning heads, a plush cobalt blue fluffy coat with pink flowers. A pink suit, and indigo turtleneck. Large fluffy hat, and cobalt boots. A feast for the senses. Blue Plant Paper Leaf Earrings just as beautiful. Indigo, almost purple. Crafted from washable paper, lightweight, and durable. One last pair, a showstopper. Neon Pink and Gold Green Tassel Earrings, an ethical Christmas purchase. Pink love hearts, with emerald green fringing.
Red Glitter Heart Hoops £20.95
White And Gold Glitter Snowflake Earrings £20.95
Pink Plant Paper Leaf Earrings £15.95
Blue Plant Paper Leaf Earrings £18.80
Neon Pink And Gold Green Tassel Earrings £25.95

Trend Tonic has a range of colourful and sustainable earrings for feel good Christmas gifts.
Jayley Collection Maxi Eco Bamboo Faux Fur Coat
Under skies of gray, she walked alone. The promise of thunder rumbling in the distance. A red heart shaped umbrella over her head, light rain spitting. Through puddled streets, she cut through the gloom. A forlorn figure, parting crowds. Dressed all in red, Christmassy colours. Bemused glances, the world dressed in neutrals. A colourful advocate even in winter, red one of her favourite colours. Cheery, unlike the storms threatening to brew. A gust of wind, ruffling her hair, tucked into a pearl beret. Red tassel earrings trailing down her neck. A red and white pinstriped blazer, a polka dot bow top peeking out. Pinstriped shorts over red semi-opaque tights. Red platform boots, David Bowie esque. Sunset eyeshadow, yellow-gold fading into pinkish red. Highlighter dotted on the nose and cheeks, a flushing red blush. Lips painted in her signature red hue. The rain was getting heavier, but still she lingered. Walking down the streets of Hackney, marvelling at the street art. A dose of colour in the coldest winter months. But she was missing the star of the attraction. A red faux fur bamboo coat, with pink love hearts. A vegan coat that wouldn’t look out of place on Valentine’s Day, from Jayley Collection.
Oversized lapel, forgoing the belt. Hands diving into pockets, oversized lapel. A belt cast aside. Their signature leopard print in the inside of the coat. She felt like a star, dressed in monochromatic red. Heading into a pub to meet a friend, a few minutes more to kill. Fingers tracing graffited walls, greens and blues. A phone capturing sky-high murals, towering high. Construction, painted with laughing Christmas trees and dancing Santa’s. She smiled, the coat that was her most complimented. Heads turning and staring. Strangers coming up and complimenting her, a boost of confidence. For she was a huge fan of Jayley. A fun, colour-loving brand, who used sustainble materials to bring joy. Bamboo, like her coat, cardigans made out of banana peel. Bags made with vegan grape leather. Dresses made out of biodegradable rose petals. She marvelled at their creativity. Clothes that were good quality. Feel good Christmas gifts that were worth every penny. And so, her dopamine boosting Christmas guide had come to an end. The skies growing restless, navy blue wind. Street lights, glaring white. Rain-splattered pavements, cars racing by. Watching from the window, burning incense, calm the mind. Until next year, when Christmas came once more. The most festive time of the year, the only way she knew. Gifts that made you smile. Gifts that were one of a kind. Sustainable often, colourful always. Brands that gave Christmas joy to others.
And joy, she had.

Jayley has a range of fluffy faux fur coats to keep you warm this feel good Christmas season.
Price: £476 (use the code ANA25 to get 25% off at checkout!)
What Are Your Favourite Feel Good Christmas Gifts?
Please note, I was gifted these products in exchange for this festive blog post but all thoughts are my own. I would love to know which feel good Christmas gift had you smiling the most!
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