As the sun fades into pumpkin mist and the last stretch of summer dissipates into murky fog, the scent of autumn might be in the future, but as a car user, it’s a future that you have to prepare nevertheless. During summer drivers have to contend with wear and tear, with tyres malfunctioning in the heat, as well as roads that are quite literally melting in the heat, which is never a welcome sight for any driver. And while the heat can cause engines to malfunction and the pressure of the tyres to decrease, did you know that it is just as important to take care of your car in autumn as it is during the summer? And why is this you might ask? Well put simply as the temperature drops you can contend with battery corrosion due to the chill as well as a heater that is barely working, which is never fun when the weather is cooler. What’s more after all the road trips that you will most likely be taking during summer, don’t forget that you will need to change the oil and air filter as it will probably be filthy. From checking your brakes and tyres to see if they need replacing or repairing to refilling your cooling system, here are five practical tips to get your car ready for autumn.
Check Your Tyres and Brakes Regularly
Whether it is autumn, summer, winter or all year round, ensuring that your tyres and brakes are in good condition is a prime concern that all drivers need to take into consideration. Inclement weather and associated road conditions and other hazards require good stopping power, which essentially means that you need to make sure that you have good brakes and tyres. Not only does warmer weather cause tyres to deflate but when outside temperatures plummet, you need to check the tyre pressure as the colder weather causes tyre pressure to drop. You should therefore not just check your tyres when you are due for an MOT but you should check your tyres and brakes regularly to prevent against accidents and keep the pressure at levels which are recommended by experts, whether that be your local garage or perhaps even the vehicle manufacturer for security concerns.
In some cases you might even need to replace your car tyres, especially if the tyres have bars showing which experts say can be dangerous and subsequently would need to be replaced as soon as possible. For example, you might have decided to have a beautiful road trip to Basingstoke which while not the obvious choice is home to such beautiful delights like the Willis Museum which traces the towns history from the Iron Age to the present, indoor skydiving, the Basingstoke Aquadrome, The Vyne (a Tudor home with a lake and walled gardens) and Eastrop Park, an outdoor retreat with a lake and play area making it the perfect location for families to visit. So if you ever find yourself in the area, then get your car ready for autumn during your road trip and Visit Headley Tyres near Basingstoke to get car tyres fitted to your satisfaction.
Make Sure That You Change The Oil And Air Filter
After a long hot summer, experts would recommend that you check whether you need to change the oil and air filter and have tips that can enable you to change your filter without needing professional help. If the oil is dirty or you’re at your recommended oil change time, then it makes sense to change the oil. However alongside this you should also check the air filter to ensure that it is clean enough to allow for proper operation. If you can’t see light through it when you hold it up to a 60-watt bulb, then it is most definitely time to replace the air filter.
Ensure That You Refill The cooling system
It might seem odd to suggest that you refill your car’s cooling system in autumn, especially when you would presume that the car would be less heated in the colder season. What a cooling system actually refers to however is passages inside the engine block and heads , a water pump to circulate the coolant, a thermostat to control the temperature of the coolant and a radiator cap to control the pressure in the system which basically means that the colder weather needs a refilled cooling system too. Experts such as AAA recommend checking the coolant level in the overflow tank when the engine is cold. If the level is too low, add a 50/50 solution of water and coolant to allow proper antifreeze capability as it may be necessary to refill the cooling system.
Make Sure That The Heater/Defroster works.
This might seem like an obvious tip to get your car ready for autumn but nevertheless it is important to note that driving with an improperly working heater isn’t fun or safe. More to the point driving with fogged-up windows is an accident waiting to happen. Therefore you need to need to inspect the front and rear window defrosters to ensure that they are in proper working condition and if they fail the checks then it is necessary to have the heater and defroster systems repaired.
Get Your Battery Professionally Checked By A Trained Technician
A fully charged battery is necessary to start the car in cold weather and without can mean that the car is unable to run. Thus you should have the battery and charging system inspected by a trained technician who can replace it if it is required. If you see signs of corrosion on the battery terminals or cable ends or if you spot loose connections, your battery needs attention and this is not something that you should carry out yourself as it requires a great amount of professional skill and attention. While they are ensuring that your battery is fully charged they can inspect whether the car has corroded connections which can shut off your car’s electrical flow entirely and leave you thinking that your car has a dead battery. As winter or autumn driving conditions requires the frequent use of A/C for extended periods, this additional load can use up a lot of your car battery, so a car technician can also check your cars battery charging system, voltage regulator and inspect your cars alternator’s to ensure that all components are operating properly.
What Are Your Tips On Getting Your Car Ready For Autumn?
Please note this is a collaborative post but all thoughts are my own and are not affected by monetary compensation.
Grea tips! Love a good road trip 🙂